9/11, the COVID Hoax, the Climate Change Fraud, and TWA Flight 800, 1997-2023
Punishing the Truthers to Protect the Liars
Introductory Remarks
I was pleased to welcome a number of new subscribers who have recently joined “Looking out at the World from Canada.” Many of them signed up on the basis of an excerpt from my first Substack post entitled, “9/11 and the COVID Hoax.” Clearly there’s a growing array of people out there who recognize that some knowledge of the lies and crimes of 9/11 are important in developing understand of most of the big things that have happened since Sept. 11 of 2001. True knowledge of 9/11 helps to explain the making of the death cult of mass illusion that is currently engulfing us.
I regard the 9/11 episode as the basis for one of the classic case studies available to those seeking insight into vital interactions between theory and conspiracy. 9/11 forms an ideal topic especially for thinking people who embrace the importance of honesty and integrity in the pursuit of knowledge.
Such people often eschew the quest for fame and fortune as culture producers in order to investigate forbidden truths about how power is actually transacted at the highest levels. Such truth seeking is often targeted for attack by those who have emerged triumphant in the struggle for wealth and power. The maintenance of wealth and power often depends on keeping secret the realities of how these most coveted of attainments were seized and augmented.
I fail to see how the likes of, say, Matt Taibbi, Chris Hedges or Naomi Wolf can be taken as credible when their analysis of the geopolitics of the twenty-first century evades issues swirling around what really happened on 9/11. Who did it? Who benefited and why? We require understanding of the true nature of the villainy behind the 9/11 PSYOP if we are to understand the genesis of the bioweapon kill off disguised as a means of stopping the spread of COVID-19.
The study of the 9/11 and COVID hoaxes are necessary building blocks on the way to assessing the high-level crimes being committed in the name of wrestling climate change to the matt. The fraudsters pulling off this scam are preaching a false doctrine. They would have us believe the diversionary claim that all the world’s enormous problems can be transcended by conducting a war on carbon emissions. We shouldn’t comply with the billionaires’ plan to impose a vow of poverty on the rest of us. Don’t believe their climate change hocus pocus that our compliance will materialize the mirage of a permanent state of net zero nirvana.
The 9/11 crime should be understood in terms of its antecedents and well as its outgrowths. As I argue in the essay featured here, the 9/11 crimes and their ongoing cover up were anticipated by manoeuvres to hide the real circumstances that led to the crash in 1997 of TWA Flight 800. Many eye witnesses on the NY coast line saw a missile emerge from the waters of the Atlantic to strike down the loaded passenger plane. A tremendous body of evidence was subsequently compiled by investigative journalists that demonstrated the US Navy was the number one suspect in this crime.
One of those investigators is Kristina Borjesson. She began looking into the matter in 1997 as a producer of CBS’s hit public affairs show, 60 Minutes. Her insistence at getting to the bottom of the story led her to part company with 60 Minutes. One thing led to another and Kristina ended up making a major documentary film. Her film forms the basis of “TWA Flight 800 and 9/11,” the lengthy review I authored in 2013.
I wrote this essay at a point in my career when I had attained the rank of Full Professor. I was tenured at the University of Lethbridge in 2003. As I look back now at the contents of this essay, the text encapsulates the sense of liberation I felt at the time. I had jumped through all the professional academic hoops of tenure and promotion. I was at a moment when I felt fully empowered to write freely in whatever publishing venues that captured my fancy. I would henceforth expound on whatever topic I might choose. I would do so in ways I determined would have the best chance of bringing me closest to the truth.
Those who open the link below will find a number of funny and incisive cartoons created especially for this essay by my very talented friend, Catherine Abel. The opening illustration in this commentary reproduces one if these cartoons. It appears over the caption, “Arresting Truthers to Protect the Liars in Power.” As indicated in the art work glancing backwards and forwards from its publication 2013, the militaristic response to the specious interpretation of 9/11 was certainly well exploited by the terms, “terror,” “terrorism” and “terrorist.”
The War on Terror set in motion a dubious trajectory of heavily-politicized language that quickly found its way from media propaganda into law books and government policies. The mere invocation of the term, terrorist, by some random official can freeze habeus corpus. The designated terrorist can be apprehended, jailed, tortured and killed without a trial. Innocent people are still being killed frequently because they happen to be in an area that someone in authority has decided might contain a person deemed deserving of drone attack.
Terror talk has been endless coopted throughout the spectrum between trash talk and high-end academic tomes.
The terror words have been weaponized for political advantage by many governments. This weaponization has been deployed especially shamelessly by the Israeli government and by Israel First partisans that dominate many branches of the US government.
The irony of it all is stupendous. The world’s most pathological liars are heavily protected while the truth tellers face threats and recriminations at every turn. Similarly the world’s most ruthless terrorists run rapacious orgies of gross ruination while the many victims of their terror suffer and die needlessly.
At my request this essay recently was retrieved from the archives of the venerable Veterans Today, now VT. Thanks to VT’s owner and manager, Johnny Punish. The text below has been excerpted from the full essay.
Link to the full essay
Some of the psychological manipulations that constitute a central dynamic of the so-called Global War on Terror involve variations on a much larger scale of the same tactics of misrepresentation deployed in officialdom’s specious and self-serving explanation of TWA Flight 800’s demise.
The holding back from the public of the real story of what happened to make Flight 800 fall from the sky, provides a telling case study. It illustrates graphically how the sacrifice of truth to political expediency is becoming more the norm, a trend that accelerated dramatically after 9/11.
The engineers of mass deception are often shielded behind the carefully-constructed imagery of the so-called Public Relations industry. Edward Bernays came up with the name, Public Relations, after the term, “propaganda,” was tarnished by its open use to identify a ministry in Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist government. Bernays’ 1928 book, Propaganda, was well known to Hitler and other world leaders.
The media/intelligence agency complex have become especially adept at using propaganda and PR techniques to keep the general public as deluded as possible. The payoff is that they remain unaware of the Frankenstein-like attributes of an increasingly deregulated and privatized military-industrial complex.
Especially since 9/11, the directors and main beneficiaries of America’s permanent war economy have become more and more adept at developing elaborate media strategies aimed at extracting enlarged profit streams from war, from preparations for war, and from reconstruction following the war.
At every stage in this militarized cycle, the all-important site of manipulative enterprise is the mind of the masses.
The successful manufacturing of the necessary imagery to animate broad public consent for the totalitarian claims of a never-ending war after 9/11 might have been disrupted if the true causes of Flight 800’s crash had been allowed to come to light at the time of the aviation disaster…..
There can be no mistaking that some of the most unrelenting and accomplished whistleblowers of our times have been blacklisted and ruthlessly smeared by the big media cartels. Among the many examples of malevolent maltreatment that immediately come to mind are the mainstream media’s abuses of Jim Sanders and Jack Cashill with their pioneering investigative work on Flight 800, and of Professor David Ray Griffin with his ten scholarly books on 9/11. The outcome of such smear campaigns is that civil public discourse on many taboo subjects, but especially 9/11, ceases to be possible.
The truth-tellers are blocked from access to those supposedly democratic arenas where the big decisions of life and death, war and peace, are made. The entry points to these closely guarded venues of amplified public discussion are controlled by gatekeepers whose exclusion of, for instance, “9/11 Truthers,” effectively constrains free speech. At worst the persecuted and excluded truth tellers are destroyed. At best “conspiracy theorists,” “truthers” and other demonized whistleblowers are permitted to engage in some sort of new-fangled virtual free speech in digital enclaves reserved for monitoring their thoughts and activities.
This special category of dissident is considered high up the scale of national security risks. Those so categorized are placed only one step below being labeled as terrorists. The closer a particular truthteller comes to exposing the content and location of the national security state’s most coveted secrets, the more endangered he or she becomes. After more than a decade of sustained cover-up, there can be no question that 9/11 is the pandora’s box of the national security state.
Those public intellectuals who know what’s good for their careers, their reputations, social mobility, and continued access to grants, consultant contracts, and influential venues of mass communications have learned to avoid any mention of 9/11 that strays beyond permissible frames of reference. Better yet for the careerists is to avoid the forbidden 9/11 subject altogether. Commentators of the left and the right are encouraged to divide world history into pre-9/11 and post-9/11 periods without delving too deeply into the substance of what actually happened during those hours when the geopolitics of global relations were transformed. The term, 9/11, is repeated as if there is some consensus about what it means, when, in reality, almost every aspect of this history-altering event is subject to contestation.
Not only has the original narrative of 9/11 been retained but the myths to which it has given rise have been reinforced with a whole series of new national security concoctions, mixing some elements of truth with ample portions of deception in officialdom’s accounts of terrorism on the rise. First, the imagery of the falling Twin Towers gave way to warnings of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Then came, to mention only a few, the train bombings in Spain in 2004, the 7/7 tube bombings in London in 2005, the Mumbai attacks of 2008, the seizure of the underwear bomber in 2009, the Benghazi attacks of 2012, and the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013.
As the Global War on Terror gathered momentum we were presented with a deluge of hateful imagery depicting Arab and Islamic bad guys, bearded devils in elaborate headgear sporting high-tech weaponry. In this freak show on a global stage Osama bin Laden, who was initially depicted as the civilized world’s most dangerous enemy, magically morphed through a quick sleight-of-hand into Saddam Hussein. Somehow Hussein was made to replace bin Laden as the most deserving target of flag-waving Americans seeking revenge for the martyrdom of the innocent 9/11 victims.
After putting aside bin Laden and executing Saddam, the national security state then dragged Khalid Shaikh Mohammed from the dank confines of US torture chambers. Khalid was introduced to the American people as “the mastermind of 9/11.” The 9/11

Commission had bestowed this title on him based on information obtained through multiple rounds of torture at Guantanamo Bay. “Intelligence” gained through torture is notoriously unreliable. Most people subjected to torture will admit to anything when presented with a promise that harsh inflictions of pain and humiliation will stop.
Moreover, torture has quite rightly been included in the big leagues of domestic and international crime. Those who inflict torture and those who order its infliction are subject to a very high order of legal punishment reserved for culprits that commit such terrible acts of barbarity.
The plan was set aside of holding a show trial in New York in 2011 for Khalid and for several of his supposed underlings. Instead, the Obama administration marked the tenth anniversary of 9/11 by announcing the assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, supposedly by US Navy SEALs.
News of this macabre victory sparked many ghoulish celebrations in the United States. In the days that followed we learned how the ultimate mastermind of all Islamic terrorists had apparently been shot dead in an Abbottabad compound, apparently without any attempt to take this supposed keeper of many secrets into custody for careful interrogation.
If the government’s explanation of 9/11 and the Global War on Terror was founded in fact, it would have made far more sense for the US Armed Forces to have spared Osama bin Laden’s life as the most important source of information in the world on the subject of Islamic jihad. If bin Laden was in fact who he was described to be by the procession of the national security experts put in front of the camera in the media feeding frenzy immediately following the 9/11 attacks, then capturing al-Qaeda’s leader alive would have amounted to the biggest score ever in the history of US military intelligence.
The decision to murder such a person rather than to apprehend him for questioning could be condemned as one of the most conspicuous errors of judgment in the history of intelligence gathering. Public credulity was stretched further yet with the announcement that the overlords of the national security state had opted to get rid of bin Laden’s body through burial at sea. This ritual was enacted we were told to respect Islamic “procedures”.
With the imagined corpse of bin Laden now secreted away in the depths of the Indian Ocean, the opportunity was opened for the Obama administration to put its own Democratic Party brand on the national security state’s continuation of George Bush’s Global War on Terror. In the autumn of 2011, the US Armed Forces and its NATO allies targeted the regime of Libya’s longstanding president, Muammar Gadaffi.
Gadaffi’s local assassins were showered with US and French weaponry as Libya’s oil wealth was reapportioned to an A-list of oilmen well integrated into the national security state. The regime of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad was then targeted for demolition. In the effort to break up Syria through civil war, some reports began to depict al-Qaeda in much the same light as when the alleged culprits of 9/11 were founded, funded and armed by the CIA to advance US objectives in Afghanistan.
Zionist Liars Seek to Defame the Truthers
The psychological operations of the Global War on Terror present a picture of “the West” as a cultural inheritance rooted exclusively in the Judeo-Christian heritage. The Judeo-Christian West is portrayed as an endangered entity menaced by the infiltration and attacks of aberrant Islamic extremists. The communist enemy was thus replaced with the “Islamist” enemy.
The term, “Islamacist,” is a new propaganda meme deployed by Daniel Pipes and others to indicate that Muslims have produced an in ideology similar to that of former fascist, communist, or anarchist enemies. It is no accident that the term “Islamist” resembles “conspiracist,” another made-to-order term introduced as part of the national security state’s psychological operations on the home front of the 9/11 Wars.
Jonathan Kay, a former columnist for Canada’s National Post, wrote a truly ridiculous Zionist propaganda book to mark the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Notice his guilt-by- association approach in integrating the word “conspiracist” into his lunatic subtitle.
Compared with the severity of the international crimes committed after 9/11 in the name of the Global War on Terror, the subject of a dishonest federal investigation of the Flight 800 crash after 1997 might appear at first glance like a rather prosaic subject for a documentary film.
But first impressions can be deceiving. From 1996 until today, the Flight 800 scandal presents genuine skeptics with a very significant point of entry into the study of the inner workings of the national security state. The relationship between passenger airliners, terrorism, national security, eyewitnesses, and the media’s shaping of public perceptions would emerge as a nexus of central importance in the events of September 11, 2001, that followed.
The federal role in the Flight 800 fiasco provided the national security state with a living laboratory for its operatives. The convergence of people, interests, and institutions provided a test of how far the agents of national security could go in pushing agencies like the National Transportation Safety Board and the big media conglomerates to replace truths with pseudo-truths in service to power. The decision to call in the CIA helped signal where the activities of deep state politics were pointed. The shape of much larger misrepresentations to come was foreshadowed in the willingness of so many in positions of authority to go along with the NOT A MISSILE scenario in spite of so much hard and soft evidence to the contrary.
Spin Doctors and National Security
As Kristina Borjesson and her resolute band of whistleblowers clearly demonstrate in TWA Flight 800, the evidence is overwhelming that the priorities of “national security” won out over other considerations like passenger safety, the integrity of mainstream media, and the capacity of citizens to feel some confidence in the honesty of government. Can this hierarchy of priorities be reversed to push back the ascendant claims of national security?
If the federal government of the United States cannot come up with a credible, evidence-based explanation of the crash of TWA Flight 800, how can we expect genuine investigations on so many other matters crying out for an authoritative explanation? We live in an era where the pace of change is accelerating in ways that are unprecedented. We will need responses to many crises and challenges looming on the horizon that are nuanced and sophisticated and not held back by hostile word blocks such as “conspiracy theorist.”
Consider, for instance, the necessity of dealing with the substance of matters like the climate change fraud, the political economy of alternative energy sources, and the need to reconfigure the global economy in ways that apportion wealth more fairly. The need for authoritative investigations and proposals for action in areas such as these requires that we return to methods of inquiry that put the scientific method and adherence to the imperatives of universal truth at the forefront of the process. We need to develop a new politics of truth and transparency in a rejuvenated sphere of public policy that subdues the national security state’s core preoccupation with secrecy, deception and war.
The Global War on Terror steals attention and resources away from issues that should be at the forefront of national and international politics. We are being held hostage to a politics of acrimony and fear that prevents us from organizing to realize a more lofty agenda of health and restoration. The delusion that terror can be vanquished through high-tech violence is maintained by armies of well-funded spin doctors. These propagandists for war fill the airwaves and print media with surreal and phantasmagorical imagery of determined American warriors combatting the evil of Arab and Islamic jihadists.
This military Crusade is falsely presented as the key to a better, safer and more democratic world. The delusional character of this mythology is being brought to light by the revelations of whistleblowers like William Binney and Edward Snowden. As they have revealed by breaking free from the regime of lies and deception that employed them, something very different than a war on Islamic jihad is taking place in the inner sanctums of the national security state.
William Binney quit the National Security Agency (NSA) shortly after 9/11 when the huge surveillance facility shifted its data collecting capacities from spying on foreign populations to spying on basically everyone inside and outside the United States. A former Chair of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Analysis Reporting Group, Binney exposed the national security state’s massive program of domestic surveillance. Binney’s revelation was confirmed and expanded by Edward Snowden, who went into exile in Hong Kong and Russia after blowing the whistle on what he had learned as an employee of the NSA’s contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton.
After 9/11 we do not get credible government investigations to help us understand the full extent of the government’s infractions of its own law, infractions which include the invasion of citizens’ rights to privacy in our digital communications. Instead, we get bombarded with officialdom’s justifications for federal efforts to round up, criminalize, and punish the likes of Julian Assange, Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning, and Edward Snowden. The actions of these whistle-blowers can be interpreted as blowback for onslaughts of domestic and international crime perpetrated by government agencies and private contractors whose operatives claim to be acting in the name of national security.
Thank You again, Professor Hall, for fine investigative-journalism.
This is one of the main doors to understanding the actual workings of the structure which rules us.
Great work!