Another Truth Teller Downed in the Line of Duty
Gonzalo Lira Killed, Victoria Nuland Retires, as the Waffen SS Legacy of Ukraine and Canada Continues
Before “retiring” from the US State Department, Victoria Nuland almost certainly consulted with President Volodymyr Zelensky on the decision leading to the death of Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian jail. While living in Kharkiv Ukraine, Lira was apprehended and held in prison for the supposed crime of articulating pro-Russian content in his popular videos. He almost escaped to Hungary but was returned to prison where he died on 12 January, 2024.
Nuland’s motivations for wanting Lira dead are illuminated in the content of the video below. Its telling content no doubt had a big role in helping to land Lira in a Ukrainian dungeon where he was denied the treatment he needed to survive his illegal and abusive treatment.
Although Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk did call attention to the dubious circumstances of Lira’s jailing, the media by and large ignored the circumstances of Lira’s passing. The contrast is striking when the lethal silencing of Lira is contrasted to even the media’s poor treatment of Julian Assange in Britain and the West’s exuberant coverage of the largely unexplained death in Russia of dissident Alexei Navalny.
Before his death, Lira articulated a very deep and compelling account of Nuland’s monomaniacal obsession with destroying Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. Whether one likes or dislikes the controversial Russian political figure, there is no denying Putin has been instrumental in reviving his country after its plunge into poverty and subjugation by the United States following the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Nuland wanted Lira dead because the now-deceased Chilean-American public intellectual was so adept at exposing her dark side. Lira explained Nuland’s functioning as the primary architect as well as micromanager in the US-led proxy war against Russia.
Lira’s inspired commentary has become especially timely now that Nuland was either pushed aside or she walked away from her disastrous work since 2014 as the primary string puller in the rise and fall of the Ukrainian puppet government.
As Lira describes it, Nuland’s role as one of Putin’s chief American enemies involved juggling, for instance, war profiteering, child trafficking, biolab monitoring, and assuring a constant flow of black market money from the crime dens of Ukraine into the greedy pockets of Washington DC politicians.
With the assistance of Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken, Nuland made it her business to make sure the likes of Hunter Biden got along will the likes of Ukraine’s Jewish Crime Lord, Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky worked with Nuland to put the wayward druggy son of the then-Vice-President and now-President, Joe Biden, on, for instance the Board of the Burisma Gas Company .
Together Nuland and Kolomoisky selected actor Volodymyr Zelensky to be the puppet Ukrainian President. Zelensky first played the role of Ukrainian President on television before re-enacting his role for real. One base of Kolomoisky’s far-reaching power in Ukraine was in helping to fund the Russia-hating Ukrainian militias inherited from the Hitlerian side of WWII. Under the guidance of Nuland and Kolomoisky, these units were integrated into the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
From Bolsheviks, to Trotskyites, to Neoconservatives: Revolutionary Jews on the Move
Gonzalo Lira emphasizes in his analysis the importance in Victoria Nuland’s deep psychology derived from her ancestral history as a descendant of Russian Jews. Lira highlights the ongoing significance of the animosity felt towards Russia by many Jews with family roots in Czarist Russia. The animosity between Christians and Jews in the Czarist monarchy was sometimes expressed in violent ways that, according to Lira, continue to colour the perceptions of the likes of Victoria Nuland.
The anti-Czarist animosity of many Russian Jews was funnelled in part into the Russian Revolution when the emergence of Marxism also received backing from Kuhn Loeb and other Jewish firms on Wall Street. The Cheka, the largely Jewish secret police of the Bolsheviks, exploited its position following the events of 1917. The Cheka punished with hideous deaths many millions of Russian Christians for their real or imagined indignities to Jews under Czarist rule.
In 200 Years Together, a history of Jewish-Russian relations in Russia, Alexander Solzhenitsyn explained as follows the emergence of the Jewish role in Communist governance as well as in the course and aftermath of World War II.
One of the centres of gravity of Jewish political power in the United States is sometimes referred to as the neoconservative movement. Victoria Nuland and much of the family of her famous husband, Robert Kagan, remain well ensconced in this movement. May of the Jews that would become neoconservatives sided with Leon Trotsky whose secular approach to revolutionary power was hostile to both Stalin and to Franklin Roosevelts’s New Deal.
Another source of inspiration for the neoconservatives were the seminars of Prof. Leo Strauss. Although he had escaped fascist Germany, Strauss retained his own fascist philosophy in his efforts to create his own school of secular Jews. According to Thierry Meyssan, Strauss “created his own school of thought, assuring his few disciples after the Second World War that the only way for Jews to prevent another Shoah [Holocaust] was to create their own dictatorship.” The graduates of this informal school prominent include Paul Wolfowitz and Elliot Abrams.
The mostly Jewish neoconservatives moved beyond Trotsky into the war mongering Far Right of the US Republican Party. They gained entry into some prominent positions in the government of President Ronald Reagan. In Israel they found a comfortable place in the Likud Party that drew from the fascism of Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Hitlerian fascist Yitzhak Shamir who became a Mossad agent in 1955 and Israeli Prime Minister in the 1980s.
When Likud candidate Benjamin Netanyahu was first elected in 1996 as Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu’s supporters came up with a new strategic agenda. They called their plan The Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. The Study Group leader was Richard Perle, US Assistant Secretary of Defence.
Other contributors included David Wurmser and Douglas Feith. The new policies included a get-tough approach towards Israel’s Arab neighbours. Israel should favour relations with Palestinians that eschewed Yasser Arafat’s leadership. The Israeli government should establish yet closer ties with the US military establishment.
Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, together with Irving Kistol co-founded the neoconserative entity, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC). In 2000 PNAC issued as US version of the Israeli Clean Break document. It was entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century.
The report called for a major build up of US military power and a reduction of obstructions for the deployment of these resources to advance Israeli strategic objectives. The authors predicted the objectives would be hard to reach. The “process of transformation … is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor”
According to one observer
“Before the year was out on 11 September 2001, “a new Pearl Harbor” did indeed occur. Its occurrence has played a part in getting the PNAC’s ambitions adopted as US policy. The new US National Security Strategy published in September 2002, bears a striking resemblance to the PNAC vision, calling, as it does, for the permanent maintenance of US hegemony.
There is a large and aggressively repressed body of literature that insist that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda did not simply oblige the PNAC authors by providing them with exactly what they required to realize their neoconservative objectives.
Among many others, Laurent Guyénot is one of those scholars who have come to the conclusion that the PNAC and its neoconservative networks of Zionist operatives had major roles in implementing many of the deceptions introduced on the very day of September 11, 2001.
The complex of deceptions and cover ups persists to this day with the goal of maintaining the fiction that independent Islamic jihadists highjacked planes and piloted them into Manhattan skyscrapers as well as into the Pentagon. One of the objects of their actions was supposed to be to launch an Islamic crusade aimed at creating a worldwide Muslim caliphate.
What happened instead was that the minds of large masses of people worldwide were successfully poisoned to hate and fear Muslims. Such toxified mentalities were meant to clear aside many of the obstacles of public opinion that otherwise might have stood in the way of US-led wars for Israel against Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia and other majority-Muslim populations.
My best guess is that Bernard Lewis, a leading Anglo-American operative seeking to combine his Orientalism with his imperial Zionism, came up with the fantasy of Muslims hiding in caves seeking to act on their profound hatred of the West’s freedoms.
The ongoing embrace of the lies and crimes of 9/11 by many deeply corrupt institutions have opened the way for a plethora of hostile power grabs. This seizure of arbitrary authority continues to pre-empt the rule of law as well as the remnants of democratic procedures for an ever-increasing spiral of dictatorial governance through ever-increasing adoptions of emergency measure provisions.
The events of 9/11 help mark the period when Victoria Nuland began to gain traction in her career in the executive branch of the US government. She was recruited into the office of Dick Cheney, an insider in Operation 9/11 who was at the President’s military control panel in the basement of the White House on the morning of September 11. Concurrently on the morning of 9/11 President George W. Bush was assigned to read (scape)goat stories to children in a public school and fly around in Air Force One.
Cheney continued as the White Houses primary hands-on operative in the days, weeks and months following 9/11. In his new capacity Cheney held frequent meetings with Bernard Lewis. Lewis served as the chief dramatist in the Looming Towers true-life fiction that would be further ornamented by Phillip Zelikow. Zelikow was the behind-the-scenes author of the fraudulent 9/11 Commission Report.
Amidst all of this, Victoria Nuland became Deputy National Security Adviser to Richard Cheney. From there she went to serve the State Department first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq. She became close to Hilary Clinton back when Ms. Clinton was President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State. The Obama administration essentially put Nuland in charge of bringing about regime change in Ukraine to establish that polity as a base for provoking Russia into a confrontation with NATO.
In 2014 Nuland was clearly in charge of bringing about the Maidan regime change. The change began with the effort to leave behind the elected government of Viktor Yanukovitch. In describing Nuland’s tactics, Gonzalo Lira devoted sustained attention to his unproven thesis that Nuland hired an Israeli unit of snipers to shoot at all kinds of parties, including police, in Maidan square. The aim was to generate chaos in order to clear the way to establishing Ukraine as America’s primary base for anti-Russian aggression.
Farce and Fearlessness as Expressed in Observations of History in the Making
Gonzalo Lira found a fairly large and attentive audience open to his interpretation of the US-led puppet government in Ukraine. Lira reasoned that even with NATO’s backing, Ukraine was in no position to challenge the vastly superior forces of Russia under the formidable leadership of Vladimir Putin. Similar interpretations have been offered by both Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor, both with great emphasis on military assessments.
All three men came to similar conclusions about the futility of any attempt make Ukraine into a platform for the overthrow of Russia. As I see it, Lira was the most creative communicator of the three. I find his intimate form of story telling extremely informative as he opens up windows on a surprisingly wide array of inter-related topics.
Lira takes verbal detours along the way but then comes back to his main themes now contextualized within larger meanings. Lira’s very observant evaluation of how Victoria Nuland fits into the imperial operations of the Zio-American empire, helps explain much about the nature of that empire in the post-9/11 era.
From the zeal to eliminate his voice and his person, Lira’s interpretations clearly went against the grain of the co-ordinated disinformation system that grew in its power and intensity during the manufactured COVID crisis. Especially after the events of early 2022, the same propaganda system used to elevate COVID alarmism lined up behind peepee-piano-player Volodymyr Zelensky.
Zelensky’s militaristic brand was sold throughout the West as if his crime-infested puppet regime was the site of miraculous martial achievement. Zelensky was marketed as a reincarnation of the version of Winston Churchill we were all taught in school.
Interestingly the anti-Russian views of Victoria Nuland coincided very well with the similar views of Chrystia Freeland. Freeland continues as the Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada in the Justin Trudeau government. Freeland organized an event at the Canadian Parliament in late September of 2023 that ended up shining a telling spotlight on the importance of the National Socialist heritage in Hitler’s Waffen SS in both Zelensky’s Ukraine and in Freeland’s own ethnic community in Canada.
It is fairly well known in Canada that Freeland’s grandfather was Hitler’s top propagandist in Galacia, a region that in WWII included parts of Poland and Ukraine. Many emigrants who left Ukraine for Canada after World War II were, like Yaroslav Hunka, supportive of the Hitlerian side in conflict. Hunka, a veteran soldier of the Waffen SS, is now a resident of North Bay.
With Freeland watching over the plan to try to smooth over the National Socialist orientation of the Zelensky government in Ukraine, Hunka was the surprise guest in the parliamentary event. Freeland meant for Hunka’s presence to put a favourable local light on Canada’s NATO-decreed hostility to Russia as well as Canada’s NATO-imposed alliance with Ukraine.
Freeland’s PR twist seemed at first to have been well received. Hunka became the subject of two standing ovations where all parliamentarians in all parties rose as if they constituted one entity. The result will be that for years to come, the reputation of Canada’s Parliament will rightfully be diminished because of the ignorance displayed by those charged to represent the Canadian people in the core ritual of parliamentary debate.
Reality had intervened. News spread around the world that the Parliament of Canada had hosted a Nazi soldier from WWII, a conflict where Canada was the ally of the Soviet Union. Hence the sense of elation was soon replaced by the infamy of farce. I wondered what my veteran father would have thought about the macabre spectacle. My father was badly wounded during WWII in a fight in Italy with German soldiers.
The sense of Canada as the subject of ridicule popped up frequently and unrelentingly in the media.
Days later, the events of October 7, 2023 opened up a whole new theatre of intense conflict in Gaza, Israel and Western Asia. This heavily-highlighted controversy helped to keep in obscurity the incarceration and death in a Ukrainian dungeon of Gonzalo Lira. We the people have inherited his oeuvre including novels, movie scripts and short films. Lira’s videos made extemporaneously near the end of his life, however, form an extremely important record of the reflections by a skilled observer of history in the making.
Before he left us, Lira gave a very high rating to the documentary film of movie maker Oliver Stone. Stone’s film covers many of the episodes in which Victoria Nuland was the main protagonist on the ground in the proxy war discussed above. Unfortunately there is still great potential to transform a conflict between Ukraine and the United States into a World War.
Many of the most audacious Zionist neoconservatives seem to think they can win such a conflict in the process of treating the largest portion of humanity as collateral damage. What a menace the neocons are, to even the possibility of peace with prosperity on a replenished planet Earth.
More history & cogent analysis than you will ever find in the lamestream media. Which can’t investigate its own navel
This was just such an excellent wealth of information Anthony Hall! Gonzalo Lira provided a wealth of insights and information of the history of everything to do with Russia Ukraine US proxy war including a wealth of information about Victoria Nuland and her ilk. I’m so sad what they did to him and what a great tragic loss of this exceptional brave truth teller as you call him. Remembering him will be honouring his memory and his bravery in posting the truth.
Thank you so very much for your posting of all of this information, I learned so much, it is a complete history lesson and explains well this inter generational absolute hatred for another nation and their people which I find so difficult to wrap my head around as it’s a completely foreign concept to me. Guess I’m lucky!!!
My father was British and my mother was German so enemies and on opposing sides during the war yet their marriage to each other after despite all the horror that had occurred on both sides signified peace between them and their two countries is how they saw it. My poor Oma my German maternal grandmother lived thru the Great War as a young girl and then the Second World War as a married woman with two children! Can you even imagine? I can’t. She was a very gracious and kind woman despite it all so it’s a choice to carry hatred in your heart and not a healthy choice at that, especially when it didn’t affect you DIRECTLY like it did her not once but twice!