Did the War on Terror Become a War on Humanity?
In the Case of Whistle Blower Brook Jackson, a Judge Defends the Malfeasance of Pfizer and the FDA Because of the Need to Comply with Military Rule During a Time of "National Emergency."
From the War on Terror to the War on COVID
In Substack’s “Due Diligence and Art,” Sacha Latypova was fast off the mark to point out some of the absurdities of a court ruling on the Brook Jackson case.
The ruling involves findings on ongoing interactions between the US Armed Forces, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Pfizer Inc. as well as many of its subcontractors. One of these subcontractors, Ventavia, fired Brook Jackson after she intervened with the FDA to blow the whistle on the wrongdoing she witnessed. These alleged wrongdoings took place in the clinical trials of an injection soon to be produced and disseminated as a “safe and effective” remedy for COVID-19. The case was set in motion when Jackson sued Pfizer and Ventavia for damages she had suffered.
In many of her presentations leading up to the ruling, Latypova regularly mocked Pfizer’s initial position once the company was forced into court to answer Brook Jackson’s allegations . A former insider in the pharmaceutical industry, Latypova succinctly paraphrased Pfizer’s initial position put before the judge. The essence of this Pfizer’s position was that “ We did not defraud the government. Rather we delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”
In recent months Latypova and her colleague, Katherine Watt, have been exercising considerable influence on the movement seeking legal accountability for the lies and crimes permeating the COVID-19 Hoax. Their contributions have proven important in fleshing out how the Deep State has been quietly constructing an apparatus of administrative “pseudo laws.” The effect of the steady creep of these pseudo laws has been to override the authority of a constitutional republic meant to be governed on the basis of consent by an informed citizenry for the actions and policies of of its governors .
As readily illustrated by the hoax set in motion by the COVID-19 scam, the ship of state has become a chaotic arena dominated by the arbitrary omnipotence of unbounded executive rule. Based on the growth of a political culture dominated by constant invocations of accumulating emergency measures, there has been a centralization of unbounded executive power. This process of centralization has resulted in the rise of corporatist domination. The main thrust of this increasingly fascistic form of governance has been expressed in the ascent of police-state repression as well as extravagant military excesses. These military excesses extend even to the exercise of coercive control over the home population as epitomized by DOD’s targeting of regular Americans including members of the US Armed Forces.
In their Substack essays and in many Internet interviews, the dynamic duo of Latypova and Watt has been busily assembling a treasure trove of information showing that the US Department of Defence has been overseeing all facets in the process of designing, manufacturing and delivering the toxic injections. The duo have shown how the regulators and pharmaceutical companies have basically been paid handsomely to help fool the public into thinking the injections have emerged from standard procedures of research and development within the pharmaceutical industry.
Operating behind the scenes, the Department of Defence carried out its injection project as a sequence of military “countermeasures” not subject to the laws and regulations attending regular government procurement as well as the “private sector’s” production and distribution of new medical products.
One of the administrative arrangements facilitating this sleight of hand has been the invocation of a pseudo-law device known as the “Other Transactions Authority.” In invoking this “Authority,” the DOD has been purchasing “prototypes” and “demonstrations” from its favoured set of military contractors. At the same time the DOD has been funnelling vast sums to Pfizer and Moderna and other advertised pharmaceutical companies.
The aim is of paying off the brand name drug manufacturers has been to defraud the public by making them believe the lie that the response to the WHO-declared COVID pandemic has conformed with business as usual, albeit business at “Warp Speed;” at “the speed of science.” Latypova and Watt argue that the pharmaceutical giants are profiting enormously by becoming expert practitioners of DOD-sponsored “performance art.”
In his ruling on behalf of the US District Court for Eastern Texas, Judge Michael J. Truncal adheres to the rule that the courts have limited “competence” to intervene in matters involving a “National Emergency.” The Judge was adamant that this limitation applies especially to circumstances involving the application of “professional military judgments” to methods for combating the supposed incursions of a deadly new coronavirus contagion. Judge Truncal asserted,
“The court will not veto the DOD’s judgements concerning mission effectiveness during a National Emergency.”
Not surprisingly, Judge Truncal seemed not to notice the herd of dead and dying elephants in the metaphoric global room containing the worldwide phenomenon of a fake pandemic. The jurist backed away from facing the fact that the real emergency to be faced is the participation of many governments in the bioterror attack aimed at killing, maiming, sterilizing and enfeebling large masses of people.
9/ll in the Accelerating Blitzkreig Targeting the Rule of Law
Based on my reaction to an article by Katherine Watt in Bailiwick News, I recently wrote and published my initial Substack essay. In it I highlight the descent into a regime of mounting emergency measures as a major facilitator of the increasingly hostile treatment we face from our predatory governments and the corporatist financiers that increasingly control their policies and actions.
In my initial Substack essay I mapped out the road from the 9/11 false flag to the COVID-19 Hoax. I see this trajectory as an autobahn crucial to enabling a blitzkreig aimed at blasting apart the remnants of the rule of law, a very flawed apparatus that nevertheless has provided some limited protections for the rights and freedoms of citizens. I developed these reflections further in an article I published in the venerable Montreal-based Global Research.ca. For a link to this recent article plus several dozen of my earlier essays including many providing a Canadian perspective on the manufactured COVID crisis, click the following:
In the Global Research essay I featured an interview by Sean Morgan of Watt and Latypova on the American Media Periscope channel. In that discussion Katherine Watt underlines the importance in our current dilemma of the concepts developed to give justification to a specious Global War on Terror. The foundations of this war was Public Law 107-40 passed by Congress one week after 9/11. This law, which is still in effect notwithstanding Senator Rand Paul’s failed Congressional motion to have it repealed, “authorized the use of Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks against the United States.”
Video link at
Watt explained the importance of Public Law 107-40 as the opening enactment in the continuing saga of the Global War on Terror. The jurisprudence developed in the mounting of this Terror War created a new legal category dubbed as “enemy combatants.” These enemy combatants were otherwise labelled as “terrorists” in the weaponized language popularized by the War on Terror’s protagonists whose founding member was Orientalist Bernard Lewis. Those labelled as “enemy combatants” were placed outside the framework of the Geneva Conventions and their additional Additional Protocols. This body of jurisprudence, which was meant to limit the barbarity of warfare, is often described as the core legal instruments of international humanitarian law.
In Watt’s view the language and core concepts of the War on Terror supposedly authorizing the intervention of the US Armed Forces across “all the geographic terrain and against all the people of the world” helped provide the framework of for the DOD’s recent conduct. The war justified by the pretext of combating a viral infection was in fact a war directed at “presumptive enemy combatants” perceived by military strategists as encompassing the bulk of humanity.
Sean Morgan asked his guests if the US military has been captured by some higher authority in its conduct of its “countermeasures” aimed at reducing the size and health of humanity. Morgan proposed the government of China as a possible candidate for this dominant role. Both Watt and Latypova declared that this scenario was unlikely. They both agreed, however, that although China and the United States may seem to be antagonistic, factions in both countries seem to have collaborated in Operation COVID-19. Watt indicated that the direction of the DOD more likely emanated from the leadership of the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the WHO along with the array of “philanthropies” like GAVI funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The international bankers have a long history of inciting and funding warfare on both sides. This scheme regularly produces vast monetary rewards along with the growing subordination of even nation states as indebted servants of high finance. The transformation of the COVID-19 crisis into the Everything Crisis seems well in line with the history of the world’s most influential money merchants. It seems that, nowadays those that own, control and lend the greatest concentrations of capital resources, are ruthlessly deploying their immense comparative advantage . This advantage will become more astronomical if the survivors of depopulation are to be entrapped in bio-digital cybercages. Part of this entrapment would involve cutting off survivors from the capacity to conduct independent transactions in cash money.
Privatizing the Treasury, Killing Small Business
The destruction of domestic and international supply chains in the lockdowns have a big part in compounding the current financial debacle overtaking Western countries. It seems that, just as the lockdowns destroyed many smaller enterprises, the extension of the manufactured COVID crisis into a manufactured banking crisis is being re-enacted. The days of smaller community-based financial institutions may be numbered even though such institutions are just what the honest doctor ordered to throw off the weight of our oppressors.
The other side of this process is the prospect a rapid merger of the world’s biggest banks in the global centralization of authority. This process is preparing the way for a global system of so-called Central Bank Digital Currency which in fact is being designed to bring about an end to the freedom and independence bred of a healthy measure of cash transactions.
The sense that the fix is in, is seemingly been substantiated by news that the big US-based banks are absorbing the US Treasury. The Treasury, it was declared, will back up the savings of the big banks’ depositors as well as the big banks’ own viability as private-sector anchors of the financial system. According to economist Michael Hudson, this development constitutes the very opposite of nationalization. Instead, the big banks are privatizing unto themselves a core instrument of the public’s capacity to undertake collective enterprises based on the sovereign authority of what used to be our own governments.
This development can be interpreted as a suggestion that the DOD may have indeed been taking its orders for its war on humanity from the upper echelons of the big banking cartels. One of the prerequisites for escaping and reversing the tyranny imposed from above,
is the need to enact in theory and action robust protections against the abuse of emergency measures deployed with the goal of culling and enslaving us.
Glad to see you here Dr. Day. This new beehive of digitalized literary activity is bringing something possible to the Internet during a terrible period in its brief history.
This is Great, Professor Hall. I am glad to see that you have a Substack blog now, where I can readily find your work. There is a lot of flow throughGlobal Research, and it's easy to miss thngs.