Durov is an Internet Freedom Fighter
Israel is Seeking to Destroy Pavel Durov in France as If He is a Proxy for Hamas.
The French government’s arrest on 25 Aug. of Telegram’s founder, builder and operating manager, Pavel Durov, is a telling sign of these tumultuous times. It is alleged that France’s problematic President, Emmanuel Macron, lured Durov to Paris with a mafia-style dinner invitation. Durov became a citizen of France six years ago after Macron tried unsuccessfully to woo Telegram and its founder to set up business in France.
Durov’s is native of Russia, the world’s largest country in which the criminalized Big Tech martyr continues to have citizenship. Durov’s first Internet triumph was VK which became Russia’s equivalent to Facebook. Rather than accept censorship as the Putin government demanded, Durov sold the company to find greener pastures.
Durov also is a citizen of United Arab Emirates where he lives and manages Telegram with his genius brother in Dubai. France sells much military hardware to UEA as part of a military alliance whose showpiece is the French naval base at Abu Dhabi.
The governments of both Russia and UAE have both intervened sternly, indicating they are paying close attention to to the Durov case. Both governments are making it clear that they will be vigilant in this matter in the name of safeguarding the integrity of their own national sovereignties. Both governments say they will not countenance any maltreatment by France’s of one of their most luminary citizens. Macron himself has been a regular user of Telegram because of its encryption capacities for private communications.
The importance of Telegram’s solid and hackproof encryption is a big part of the reason for pressing the vexatious case brought against Durov. All signs point to the finding that France is one of several players in a case developed at the highest levels by the most aggressive enemies of privacy and free speech on the Internet.
The sturdiness of Telegram’s encryption system is reflected by the fact that the Armed Forces of both Russia and NATO’s puppet Ukraine, regularly do their secret messaging through Durov’s company. Durov and his brother have built up Telegram’s ramparts against all sorts of spy wear, but especially the invasions on data bases facilitated by so-called backdoors, the digital nuke of Internet integrity.
One of Durov’s supposed crimes is to have stood up to the security state’s most aggressive thugs in denying them backdoor access to Telegram. All the other major platforms, including that of the Israeli government’s servile puppet, Elon Musk, have by now handed over the security keys to the likes of Mossad-CIA-MI6, the FBI, the US Department of Justice and a host of other Internet predators, public and private. Durov, however, is the main holdout. He hasn’t complied in the past. What will he do now?
The prolific development and placement of many types of backdoors throughout the Internet is a story in itself. The story begins with Inslaw Corp’s development throughout the late 1970s and 1980s of the PROMIS software. The PROMIS system added many tools to the arsenal of weapons enabling Internet surveillance even in the era before home computers and the widespread public embrace of the new communications technology. This revolutionary technology emerged from US military research and development at DARPA.
The digital suite of the PROMIS software could read secret computer data bases running on a variety of computer languages. There were many computer languages in that era. The homogenized data could be integrated to make it readily comprehensible especially for those engaged in police investigations and spying.
Israeli security forces stole the PROMIS software and then added features that resulted in their ability to construct full-fledged digital backdoors. Then they proceeded to sell the revised PROMIS software to spying agencies. Without realizing what they were doing, the purchasers inadvertently opened up their own digital operations to covert surveillance through invisible forms of backdoor penetration.
With the involvement of the notorious Mossad agent and media mogul, Robert Maxwell, PROMIS spyware was sold to dozens of countries and corporations. As Mike Ruppert discovered, the Canadian government’s spy divisions were a particularly avid yet naive customers of the Israeli-revised PROMIS system
The many purchasers were not informed that their jazzy new spyware included backdoors that covertly unlocked access to their own data bases’ to secret inspection and downloading. The spreading of this backdoor system created many strategic advantages for the security state in Israel and also in China, which was early into this saga of rigging software to spy on the spies.
As epitomized by the activities of Jonathan Pollard, the United States has long been a major target of Israeli spying. Of course the US security state has long since developed its own collection of backdoor capacities. This proliferation of digital backdoors has dramatically altered the nature of the Internet.
The rise of large-scale Internet spying has created huge gaps between those with the capacities to install and read the digital output of backdoors and those who are the objects and victim of digital spying. In this Internet culture, the heroic and enlightened refusal of Durov to allow the secret insertion of backdoors on Telegram is a very big deal.
Power and Wealth as an Unsound Basis for Controlling the Operation of the World Wide Web
The arrest of Durov is rightly being interpreted by the attentive as yet another act of war against the freedom and wellbeing of average people. People throughout the world have good cause to embrace voluntary Internet sharing while seeking to outlaw Internet spying.
We have ample cause to resist the culture of mass surveillance executed and exploited by our predatory governors. Some of them are connected to well-documented initiatives devoted to trying to kill us, control us, enfeeble us, impoverish us, enslave us and to transform us by altering the character of our genetic constitutions.
This power grab through the ongoing omniwar against the largest part of humanity, is giving rise to new orders of organized crime well integrated into the activities of many so-called intelligence and police agencies. Some of the battles in the omniwar are being waged by the predators through lawfare. The injustices of lawfare will probably be on ample display in the Durov case.
The citizens of the globe have cause to push for a return to the ideal of the Internet as a neutral platform, not a weapon of censorship and propaganda that adds to the repressive clout of the world’s most powerful cartels and individuals. Until quite recently, there was a broad consensus that the Internet should be equally available to competing advocates and antagonists.
Some content regulation is necessary, but this oversight should not be conducted as it is now. It should not be conducted by agents of interested parties with agendas to push in the service of increasing the wealth and power of authoritarian clients. It should not be conducted to systematically, monolithically and across-the-board favour one side and demean the other side in warfare and political contests.
The old system of propaganda between place-based enemies does not mix well with the global, transnational character of the Internet.
The regulatory conditions should reflect and protect the principle that people have a fundamental human right to freely express themselves without censorship. The implementation of something close to this ideal would make available on the net something approaching the expression of a full array of human perspectives.
The state of the Internet currently does not come anywhere near the ideal of a level playing field.
The Internet should be adding to the quality and scope of our discourse. Unfortunately, however, the opposite is happening. We are being force fed, often surreptitiously, massive doses of toxic mind candy designed to induce thought control and indoctrination in order to tighten the political grip of our corrupt and self-centred governors.
Part of the censorship of the Internet is to cover up the fact that many governments, corporations, cartels and religious front organizations are engaged in various forms of terrorism, drug dealing, kiddie porn, child trafficking and many other forms of profitable but illegal activities. These crimes are prominent among the all-purpose justifications cited for the application of large-scale censorship. Don’t do what I do! Do what I say you must do!
Criminality at the top continues to grow because those who sink to the bottom levels of depravity in order to get ahead, are most prone to rise to the top. Those who rise to the top tend to exploit their positions to benefit in various ways, including by skimming off some of the proceeds of illegal activities.
While Durov and Telegram may stand on the edge of such activities, some of the officials in the intelligence agencies are participants in, and major beneficiaries of, such crimes. They stand at the pinnacle of today’s most sophisticated forms of organized crime. Durov is being set up as their fall guy.
Durov has faced this kind of abuse when his VK web site in Russia was publishing material created by activists who were critical of the Putin government. Durov has related the story of the photoshopped image placed in his Russian passport and his struggle to replace it with an unaltered rendition of himself.
“Net neutrality” is the term originally coined to identify the Internet principle of equal treatment of all content providers and recipients of information. Until 2017, the year when US President Donald Trump converted to Judaism, the principle of net neutrality was embedded into the public policy in the USA.
See Klint Finley, “The Wired Guide to Net Neutrality, Wired,” May 2020
Trump’s Federal Communication’s Commission abruptly shut down the USA’s net neutrality policy, thereby overturning the principle of the Internet as a shared public utility that should be equally accessible to all its users. (click on the underlined word to view link)
The attack on the Internet as a public utility has been fast and furious. The outcome has proven to be devastating in terms of the ongoing assault on the principles of supposedly free and democratic societies.
This effort to undermine Durov and outlaw Telegram in its present form takes one step further the vandalism against a core public resource belonging to “we the people.” It is nothing but a kleptocratic abomination deployed by power junkies to assert that they can join together to declare the Internet the proprietary object of their own private ownership. This theft of a global public resource must be condemned and resisted at every turn.
The Internet is the shared domain of all people that use it and own parts of the infrastructure, however small, of the most formidable communications tool ever invented.
A Kafkaesque Saga
Durov spent two days in a Parisian jail before he and his lawyers negotiated bail terms. The government of France is holding him captive in Paris while he faces a trial that will probably exceed the ornate absurdity of any litigation dreamt up by the Czech novelist, Kafka. Obviously the leadership of UAE is not pleased that one of its prize entrepreneurial citizens is being held hostage elsewhere.
The basis of the Kafkaesque charges against Durov is that the Telegram site has hosted criminal transactions. Durov, it is alleged, has therefore made himself complicit in the crimes of drug dealers, sex traffickers, pornographers, money launderers and terrorists who transact illegal business by taking advantage of Telegram’s secure encryption capacities.
Such allegations beg many questions about the role of the Western intelligence agencies that are most likely behind the government of France’s decisions to press criminal charges. Why have the FBI-DOJ, Mossad-CIA and their counterparts in France decided to single out Durov for special attention.
Why have the behind-the-scenes accusers decided to make a show trial of Durov’s case, when the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow Big Tech executives are, for the present at least, exempt from the same kind of charge. Of course Facebook and Google have been developed and deployed as security state assets from their conception.
The new formula seems to be that those running Big Tech platforms whose managers accept massive censorship— whose managers allow copious backdoor leaks— get a pass from law enforcement. They are elevated to the realm of those above the law for helping to facilitate the criminality running rife in, for instance, the FBI that has made itself a Zionist servant of the Israel First Democratic Party
Once the public service principles of Internet usage were formally sabotaged, the takeover of the Internet quickly transformed it into a device devoted primarily to thought control in the service of power. Its main purpose seems to have made it a tool to facilitate the massive power grabs underway by some of world’s richest and most powerful cartels.
Is Telegram Becoming “a Terrifying Weapon in the Israel-Hamas War”?
The Internet has become a key site of conflict in most propaganda contests involving competition to dominate the hearts and minds of people throughout the world. The so-called war unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank and the wider east Asia region is a classic case that puts the battle for control of the Internet at the heart of the psychological warfare waged by protagonists on either side of the conflict. In my view this battle for dominance in the Middle East forms the primary setting enlivening the central tensions in the Durov case.
Clearly the close collaboration between the governments of Israel and the United States, especially since the events of Oct. 7, 2023, has added to the evidence demonstrating the importance of this Israel-US partnership in the unfolding of global geopolitics. The genocide in Gaza and now increasingly in the West Bank, is clearly exposing the role of US and Israeli partners in very dirty work.
These partners have displayed their pinnacle of authority in the global community by getting away so far with an ongoing mass-murder of unparalleled savagery. The government of Israel seems to have demonstrated that in its direction of the genocide, it has the upper hand. The US is the backup player supplying the money, the weaponry, the diplomatic cover empowering Israel to continue with its vicious ethnic cleansing.
Imagine if the government of New Zealand decided to go on a killing spree to eliminate all its Maori people. Or imagine if the Canadian government decided that for some strange reason the fulfilment of our national destiny required the wiping out all Blackfoot, Haida and Cree people.
If the governments of Canada or New Zealand pursued this genocidal goal, I don’t think the global community would stop at making verbal pronouncements backed by litigious procedures alone. I expect that troops would be sent in by some coalition of the willing to stop the genocide. Apparently that’s not the case, however, when the United States and Israel team up to eliminate Occupied Palestine of its native inhabitants.
Starting in the days after October 7 the Israeli government was hard at work trying the put impediments in the way of Telegram’s early treatment of the Israeli assault on Hamas and on the civilian population Hamas represents in Gaza. The importance of Telegram as a recipient of both sides of the conflict is outlined in some detail in an essay dated 23 October, 2023 in Wired Magazine.
The essay by Darren Loucides is entitled, “How Telegram Became a Terrifying Weapon in the Israel-Hamas War.” The subtitle asserted, “Hamas posted gruesome images and videos that were designed to go viral. Sources argue that Telegram’s lax moderation ensured were seen throughout the world.
The tone of this story exposes Wired Magazine as a component of the vast media arsenal amassed by Israel First partisans over many years. This arsenal has been instrumental in the success of a thought control operations that have created a monopoly for Zionist interpretations of the Israel-Palestine conflict from its inception in 1948.
The whole tone of Wired’s essay is that Zionist media has had, and should continue to exercise, monopoly control over the dominant narrative in Western media. The other side of this coin in that Telegram should be charged with some sort of crime for allowing Hamas the capacity to disseminate its own side of the story when it comes to influencing the media coverage on the events of October 7 and afterwards.
Here is a lengthy citation to give readers a sense of the alarmism expressed in some Zionist circles. The citation is consistent with the trajectory inherited from many pro-Israel proponents that have enjoyed a long run of self-affirming media coverage.
“As with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Telegram, which is headquartered in Dubai, has once again found itself at the center of a complex geopolitical and humanitarian crisis. How this happened—not once, but twice—reveals the outsize power of one of the world's most tight-lipped technology companies. More than a dozen interviews with sources on the ground, analysts, and former Telegram employees reveal the power of the platform to quickly spread unfiltered content ahead of traditional media, as well as the true extent of Hamas’ weaponization of the app—and what seems to be an ideological aversion to interfere at the upper echelons of Telegram.
The Weaponization of Telegram
Hamas accounts have been banned from most social media platforms for years. But, when it launched its attack on Israel on October 7, Hamas had a huge presence on Telegram. The platform’s potential to rapidly disseminate easily downloadable and sharable content made it a crucial weapon. Hamas’ Telegram channels grew rapidly in the first five days of the conflict. Qassam Brigades, the channel dedicated to the organization’s military wing, tripled in size from 205,000 to nearly 620,000 subscribers, alongside a tenfold increase in the number of views per post, according to analysis by the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab). In the year prior to the attacks, the channel had only grown by 20,000 followers. Before the takedown requests from Google and Apple, the Qassam Brigades channel was nearing 800,000 subscribers. It is currently down to roughly 670,000 subscribers.
Darren Loucides’ essay in a Zionist media venue covering the changing Internet, introduces a range of commentators. One is Omer Benjakob. Benjakob is an Israeli. In my view he seems to be an even-handed Israeli spy and journalist who is a specialist on the ethics and law of Internet disinformation.
Another key source for Darren Loucides is Rita Katz, a Zionist propagandist and an expert practitioner of smear and disinformation on behalf of the Israel First movement. I have been monitoring the work of Katz and her SITE web platform for years. She often helps concoct fake media stories consistently geared to creating irrational paranoia concerning Islamic terrorism.
One of the fake stories covered by Katz affected me negatively. I have seen up close and personal the harm she does to foment with atrocious disinformation the bane of Islamophobia. Katz often does this journalistic dirty work to manipulate the image of real or pretend Muslim jihadists like the notorious Internet chameleon, Joshua Goldberg aka Australi Witness.
Here in Wired is the defamatory commentary of Rita Katz,
Hamas’ own channels still played the commanding role. Analysts at SITE Intelligence Group, a consultancy which monitors the Qassam Brigades channel, claim that Hamas’ Telegram strategy totally changed on October 7. Whereas before it was somewhat dated, now it was specifically designed for “2023 virality,” SITE says. Livestreams were accompanied by a deluge of short, branded clips that could easily be shared. “I couldn’t believe what Hamas was posting,” says Rita Katz, SITE’s executive director and founder. She believes the group’s strategy was partly inspired by the Islamic State’s playbook.
Katz alleges that Hamas’ social media activity has been effective in cultivating rare support across disparate radical Islamist groups around the world, whether Sunni or Shia. “It’s the first time anything like this has happened,” she claims.
Without Telegram, this would have been impossible, argues Katz. “What you can do on Telegram, you can’t do anywhere else. It allows for quick uploads and sharing, to utilize automated bots, to stay anonymous. No other platform comes close.” Katz points to what she claims is an alleged inconsistency in Telegram’s actions given Durov’s stated refusal to move against Hamas’ channels despite the platform removing other groups.
In her own commentary introducing the armed clash in Gaza, Katz made a sole reference to the sole mainstream tech company platform that refused to deplaform Hamas’ depiction of the day when the government and Armed Forces of Israel failed their own people on a monumental and unprecedented scale.
A behind-the-scenes look at how the October 7 spectacle happened, would reveal a saga totally inconsistent with the tales being spun by professional liars like Katz and Netanyahu. In her initial interpretation of the implications of 10/7, Katz made reference to “an Islamist Telegram channel.”
Katz was correct when she admitted the events of October 7 had “shattered conventional wisdom about Israel’s perceived strength, impenetrability, intel, and military capabilities.” Especially humiliating for Israel is the fact that its cybersecurity expertise, involving, for instance, knowledge of digital backdoors as well as the creation of the notorious Pegasus spyware, has been bested by the circle of computer nerds collected around Hamas and its backers.
Software companies, but especially cyberwarfare and cybersecurity companies, have been heretofore understood as a core asset near the heart of Israel’s globalized economy. This whole sector has been ravaged by the transfer of Tel-Aviv computer geeks in to active service in the Israeli Defence Force.
How are we to henceforth understand the now-supplanted superiority of Israel’s legendary Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program?
Katz paints a very dark picture, a picture that very well might have had an influence on those who opted to press charges on Durov as if he is a proxy of Hamas. Katz writes about 10/7 as a
“stirring precedent for terrorist groups across the world, from jihadists to the far right. As 9/11 sparked the global jihadi movement’s embrace of terrorist attacks, Hamas’ attack has provided a template for ambitious, strategically savvy offensives worldwide.”
So the “far-right” is lined up with jihadists, eh?
In her subtitle, Katz introduced this concept by exclaiming that if Israel has been proven to be “so vulnerable,” what are the implications for “less-equipped nations?”
The Secret Data Bases of Israel Are Being Hacked and Disseminated Around the World on a Scale and at a Speed Never Seen Before
In introducing the importance of Telegram in the opening stages of the Gaza crisis, author Darren Loucides built much of his narrative around the observations of Omer Benjakob. Loucides started and ended his account with personal anecdotes depicting Benjakob and his wife responding to the sudden altering of conditions in Israel on 10/7
The essay finished with an account of the Benjakobs’ activities late in the day. Loucides concludes,
“Accompanied by his wife, Omer went to their favorite café in Jaffa: “The Palestinians from Jaffa who are my neighbors made a massive effort to talk to us,” he says. “We ended up sitting for three hours with Palestinian people we’d never spoken to before.” It was a very Tel Aviv–Yafo type of statement, he says, one that declared: ‘We refuse to be enemies.’”
One of Benjakob’s specialities is doing counterintelligence aimed at Iranian targets. This orientation is quite apparent in his Haaretz essay, “After Iran Steals Sensitive Israeli Data, Israel Tries to Censor the Internet.”
This essay was published on August 21, four days before Durov was arrested. I think it is fair to speculate that Israel’s attempt to “censor the Internet” probably includes the arrest in France of Durov. Rita Katz can be easily imagined as an official in the Israeli national security state that seems to see Durov as a proxy for Hamas.
There have been numerous media accounts of the harm dome to Israel since the events of October 7 in terms of the impact on the Israeli economy, civil harmony, psychological wellbeing, retention of citizens, military personnel, as well as law and order to list just some of the big ones.
Another area of grave concern is the success of many hacking operations which, according to Benjakob is resulting in the “unprecedented looting of gigabytes upon gigabytes” of strategic data. All the many leaks combined have made this massive ongoing invasion of data banks “the most severe in Israel’s history.”
The high-end hackers are breaking open strategic digital files targeting the information not only of Israeli government entities at all levels. The hackers are also scooping up data from private companies, hospitals, the utility sector, and military contractors as well as from many other institutions and influential individuals.
Benjakob claims that the operation is causing “reputational damage to Israel and Israeli firms.” It is assumed that much of the hacking, but not all of it, is coming from Iran. Who else other than Iranians are involved? There are lots of non-Iranian people and groups not willing to look the other way from the mass-murder regime that is making itself the lead agency in the most gruesome war crime ever broadcast live to the world.
The content of much hacked material is quickly ushered into the encrypted inner sanctums of the Telegram system. Some of this digital material has been prepared for immediate downloading so that it can be shared in seconds on many sites and among many viewers throughout the world. These quick turnarounds were especially active on October 7 as the Hamas material tended to get much closer to the action and much faster than the speed and content content of the MSM slow pokes.
Israeli authorities were at first silent and dismayed at the highly effective media tactics of their foes. Then they tried to intervene in a variety of ways, a process that seems to be reaching the level of desperation with the trumped up charges being pressed on Pavel Durov.
Benjakob explains the phenomenon as follows,
“Telegram has proved a massive challenge for Israel since the start of the war. While many tech firms have streamlined mechanisms through which states can reach out to them, Telegram is considered the least cooperative of them all.
More than that, while many social media platforms have invested heavily in moderation, allowing people and organizations to help monitor content – for example, the removal of antisemitic content or posts inciting terrorism or even the removal of videos from the October 7 massacre – Telegram has not. States and users alike have a single email address to which they can send their grievances.
Telegram emerged at the start of the war as a key platform utilized by Hamas' information warfare against Israel, one Israel was unable to properly address, lacking both monitoring capabilities and an understanding of the platform.
Concerned by the wave of pro-Hamas content, which included videos from the actual attack as well as a constant stream of propaganda materials, Israelis in the high-tech industry tried late in 2023 to reach Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov.
Though they successfully contacted Durov, who lives in the UAE, he was unreceptive to these private requests to improve moderation on the platform. Though a few pages linked directly to Hamas' military wing were locally blocked at a later stage, the private initiative failed to gain any real traction with the app's founder.
Sources explain that Google or Meta will take down a page if it is shown to be directly linked to Hamas and Amazon will remove a website for hosting terrorist materials. On Telegram, content cannot be taken down with such arguments. Only clearly stolen goods will be taken down, making content claims the only effective route for Israel's legal authorities.
The data speaks for itself: According to official numbers provided by Israel, the Justice Ministry has sent Facebook over 40,000 successful requests to remove "illegal content." These are not pro-or-anti-Israel posts, but rather content that is illegal by Western standards. Even TikTok has taken down over 20,000 posts flagged by Israel. On Telegram, that number is just over 1,300.”
The Explosive Symbolic Implications of the Durov Case in Paris
The duplicitous tactics deployed in the surprise hit on Durov in Paris, reflects the sense of urgency felt by the protagonists of Zionist intrigue. These protagonists are intent on protecting their concocted narratives to misrepresent their vicious war mongering in the Middle East and Eurasia. The desperation to hold onto the force of their fake narratives is giving rise to the explosive symbolic implications of the Durov case in Paris.
The ongoing false flag event that is taking place in the battle for the minds of the world’s people began on October 7, 2023. In the ongoing false flag that continues yet, Durov’s Telegram has emerged as one of the most strategic resources in the psychological warfare accompanying the unrelenting genocide.
Macron’s shameful and duplicitous operation was likely done on behalf of Israel and its Zionist network of now-discredited operatives. Durov’s incarceration inside the Parisian jail cell and inside the prison of authoritarianism that modern-day France has become, amounts to a revenge assault on a person of reason and integrity. Durov has shown skill, nerve, and determination as the world’s most adept Internet Freedom Fighter.
The Durov case is providing a focus and a spotlight for appropriate responses. It is long overdue that we insist on a reckoning among elites with average people on how to get the best for everyone from the fast changing technology of the Internet. For about three decades the transformative Internet, including a growing proliferation of home and easily transportable devices, has been increasingly instrumental in shaping almost every facet of human life. The Internet holds the key to controlling many facets of governance over economic, military, ecological, cultural, social, and political interactions.
For the people of the world, the rise of the Internet has been far and away the primary shared development of our lifetimes. The impact of this new communication device in society is on a par with, or even greater than, the transformative effect of the printing press or electricity. In fact one way to think about the Internet is as the most significant extension of the same trajectory of innovation leading from the printing press to electricity.
The Dorov case is bound to be a major platform spurring debate about where the Internet is headed. We the people of the world demand to have our voices heard and sometimes acted upon. This determination about the Internet’s future must not be left any longer to the closed door deliberations of the billionaires’ club. Durov is a member of that club. What will he do? What will his jailers do? We need many more Internet Freedom Fighters.
Let’s rise to the challenge of doing justice to what should be such a great boon for all of humanity. We are still in the early days of the Internet and we have to reign in the way it is now being used as an instrument of tyranny.
Thank you, Professor Hall. There is a place for this in my next blog post.
Assange was freed so they need somebody else to persecute