Since Operation COVID captured world news in early 2020, we have been living through a rapid dissolution of the world as we have know it. The evidence keeps growing that this rapid dissolution builds on preparatory initiatives that have been set in place over decades to prepare us for the end of humanity as we have known it. Laura Aboli provides a succinct explanation of the transition underway as we shift from our human past to what she describes as a post-human future.
Aboli’s observations provide a fitting introduction to this reflection on the unprecedented array of life-and-death matters engulfing all of humanity. The unprecedented nature of the everything crisis engulfing us, necessitates some new approaches to describing and explaining the fast-changing human condition. The accelerating rush of unfamiliar situations coming at us requires a more creative approach to connecting dots as new configurations of reality move in around us. ‘
One of the major markers of a radical alteration in the nature of our society is the onslaught of new types of disease. The rapid deterioration in the quality of human health has many sources beginning with the large-scale poisoning of our food, air, and water. The contamination of public supplies of public drinking water with hyper-toxic fluoridation exemplifies deep contempt for public health by those charged to protect it.
All-cause-mortality grew by leaps and bounds in late 2021 as the effects of the injected bioweapons started to kick in. Looking back now at the Pfizer’s list of about 1300 ailments that the FDA intended to hide from the public for 75 years, offered just a hint of the horrific health disaster now upon us.
Officialdom’s criminal enablers are still working overtime to hide the scale of the public health disaster they helped create. Nevertheless the broader outlines of the damage wrought by the bioweapons on the global population, are becoming fairly evident for those who care to look.
This initial list of bioweapon effects exposed by court order is just the beginning of a much larger story that Laura Aboli relates with such minimalist grace.
One of the most prominent among the new types of ailments attacking people who took the clot shots are the turbo cancers which produce huge tumours that kill their human prey really fast.
As Ted Kuntz wrote of the preoccupation of those pushing the vaccine onslaught onto humanity way back in 2016,
Vaccines are the battleground for the domination and submission of citizens to a national or international power. It is about subservience. It is about compliance. It is about undermining free will, free choice, and the security of the person.
This agenda becomes evident when we witness the amount of financial and other resources dedicated to tracking vaccine compliance, rather than tracking vaccine safety and effectiveness….Vaccination is not a medical issue. Rather, vaccination is a political issue disguised as a medical issue.
In the language of Laura Aboli, the bioweapon injections delivered on more than half of the human population can be seen as the part of the “biological tampering” delivered on humanity in recent times. This tampering with our genetic character as well as the “psychological conditioning, the cultural grooming and the education prepping” delivered on us, is part of the conditioning to “agree to our own extinction.”
Reality isn’t Teal anymore. Timely post
“Reality” is not accessible to us because we have no mind-independent access to it. We as individuals can’t compare our understanding of reality with some other imagined Reality that we think is somewhere out there.
We are stuck with this conundrum. All we have is competing stories of our understanding. We are in the midst of a contest of stories. The story that’s winning is the transhumanist story simply because it is better funded and better funded with our own money.
The only way I see out of the conundrum is to grapple with the issue through an understanding of how we construct reality without realizing our very participation in that process.
While many have likely heard of the social contraction of reality, not many are aware of the radical construction of reality.
If you are interested, do a preliminary search. If after your search you’re interested, I can suggest more.
Yes, these conversations are much needed.
Thank you Anthony.