Premier Smith, Dr. Makis and the Genetic Manipulation of Humans
More on the State of Public Healthcare in Alberta and the World.
In the last two years much of my attention on the local situation here in Alberta has drawn me to follow closely two individuals. One is the Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith. The other is a very outspoken oncologist in Alberta, Dr. William Makis. These two individuals have been on a collision course for several months.
This essay will introduce the dynamics of that tense interaction between Smith and Makis in ways that I hope will illuminate a core dilemma important in Alberta and in much of the rest of the world. This dilemma is emerging at a strange moment when multiple disasters are converging all around us.
The other side of this phenomenon involves the opportunities that sometimes arise in times of crisis. Maybe some of the tumultuous changes underway can be made to work for the advantage of average people.
The main dilemma being addressed here flows from extensions of the monumental crimes entailed in the the bizarre attempt to jab an extremely harmful concoction into the arms of literally every person in earth. We have been told that well over half of the global population received what was widely promoted as an emergency injection. To this day many aspects of this catastrophic emergency injection remains shrouded in the mists of deception, mystery, illusion, lies, and diabolical chicanery.
In my previous essay, which appeared on this site on Dec. 4, I offered an explanation of Premier Smith’s shift in tactics from when she was seeking high office to her present strategy for holding onto power. I highlighted especially Smith’s recent adoption of Big Pharma’s newest means of cutting costs and increasing profits by treating people as objects of yet more rounds of experimentation in genetic modification.
Genetic modification does not resemble the Bernaysian PR term, “gene therapy.” There is nothing therapeutic about any of it. Contrary to the opinion of Dr. Malone, its all helter skelter. We should leave our mRNA and our DNA alone. Some might see our blueprints for life, our genetic matrix, as a sacred trust we inherit from God to pass onto our descendants, our posterity.
In our legislatures, our universities and our major media venues, no significant space in society has yet been systematically created for a broad-ranging debate on the fast-expanding role of genetic modification in humans. Our public institutions, including the government of Alberta, owe citizens the opportunity to organize public education and vigorous debate on the implications of transforming people into genetically modified organisms.
We should get a decisive say about what the “health care system” can or cannot do with our own bodies. To leave the general public out of the discussion implies that those making the decisions about our genetic makeup are already looking at us as their slaves and private property.
For years there have been public controversies concerning the effects on our heath and on the environment of genetically modified seeds and foods. How has it been determined that the manufacturing of genetically altered human organisms is less worthy of careful consideration than the genetic modification of plants and animals?
When it comes to the genetic modification of our own persons, most of humanity has purposely been left in the dark. This silence of public institutions on such a monumental subject is no longer to be tolerated.
Most governments are in the same camp as Danielle Smith’s Alberta in that officials simply neglect to explain that we are subjected without our informed consent to a revolutionary shift in the delivery of medical manipulation.
A major aspect of the COVID hoax is that the phantom enemy of a new viral infection was fabricated with the goal of causing people to accept jabs whose real purpose is being effectively concealed to this day. The real object of the original COVIDIAN deception was to usher in an era when human beings can be treated as test tube rats subject to all manner of genetic experimentation.
In effect, the public has been left out of the process wherein our governments have given green lights to all manner of mad scientists who have been encouraged to believe they now have licenses to play Russian roulette in altering the genetic constitution of humans. This genetic rejigging is being done in irreversible ways that will be perpetuated from one generation to the next.
It is time to let the public into the necessary processes of decision making that must start with the announcement that the genetic alteration of humans should be stopped as soon as possible. We simply do not possess anyway near sufficient understanding to conduct genetic experiments on ourselves with any certainty about what will be the immediate and longterm consequences.
Implicit in this call for a genuine emergency measure is the imperative of withdrawing from circulation all mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections as well as all other technologies of genetic modification.
This ongoing declarations of victories achieved through disseminating the COVID injections are not justified. For instance in the publication, “mRNA Vaccines in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases,” Gu Yangzhuo, Duan Jiangyo et. al. have no solid basis for announcing “the mRNA vaccines made their successful public debut in the effort against the COVID‐19 outbreak starting in late 2019.”
The mRNA/lipid nano particle injections for COVID are a disaster that killed and maimed many millions with the all-cause morbidity rate still rapidly rising.
The gene-modifying injections are not vaccines, although like so many aspects of the COVIDIAN fraud, senior WHO officials simply altered the definitions of many well-established medical terms to cover over the extent of their lies and misrepresentations.
The misrepresentations of gene-modifying injections as supposed remedies for a respiratory ailment named COVID-19, are now being extended. Based on absolutely fraudulent claims that the clot shot injections wrestled to a stop the supposedly deadly global plague dubbed COVID-19, the pharmaceutical/medical mafia keeps trying to push its damaging drugs into us one way or another. There’s good money to be made in treating those made sick by self-replicating pharmaceutical malfeasance.
Government-subsidized drug emporiums are being fed more varieties of mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections aimed at widening the Covidian procedures to treat turbo cancers, influenza, diabetes and many more ailments.
This scenario is part of a massive project in the medical-industrial system to abandon the familiar and sometimes dubious technology of vaccines in order to put in their place a totally unproven approach to treating human ailments through genetic modification. All the genetic modification being done on humans is necessarily experimental.
This jump in procedures has many drivers, consequences and objectives including the goal of reconstituting the survivors of depopulation.
These survivors are to be altered to conform with the emerging political economy of pervasive robotization, AI integration and the thoroughgoing transhumanism sometimes labelled “synthetic design.” Please see
How to Deal Proactively with the Weaponization of Our Core Institutions
Return to Hall’s Current Text: In my previous essay published on Dec. 4, I explained the embrace by the Danielle Smith government of the globalist narrative of COVID-19 and the gene-modifying injections that were supposed to be its remedy. The narrative adopted by the Premier runs closely along the lines of the discredited interpretations developed by the likes of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and Klaus Schwab.
The local enforcers of the Covidian dictates being handed down from supranational organizations, include Justin Trudeau, Theresa Tam, and “leftist” members in the New Democratic Party (NDP). NDP officials continue to keep in office Trudeau’s Liberal Party of Canada, a political organization that lacks a majority of seats in the Parliament of Canada.
In my view the Premier owes Albertans an explanation of why she adopted so many of the policies developed by the NDP in partnership with the Liberal Party of Canada and Alberta Health Services. These policies include the continuing promotion of a regular program of COVID injections meant to start when babies are six months old.
One of the factors at play here is the reality that NDP’s former provincial leader, Rachel Notley, threatened in the 2022 provincial election to go door-to-door in Alberta with police or military personnel in order to force-inject citizens who opt not to take the jabs. This threat has created justifiable fears in many Albertans that the radical NDP, whose members tend to be true believers in the imagined omnipotence of the almighty State, must be kept out of power no matter what.
The well-merited aversion to the authoritarian and intolerant NDP helped put Danielle Smith in the position where she was able to get elected with a majority status in the Alberta Legislature, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media was almost uniformly against her. Her popular support by voters well aware of the lies and crimes of the big media venues, was significant enough to put her over the top in the election’s outcome.
Smith’s resulting debt to average Albertans that put her in power in spite of the media’s hostility should create cause for the premier to explain for us her navigation of the politics of injections and mandates. We still look to Danielle Smith for this kind of consideration. We look to her to do better than simply join with the mass of conventional politicians who would rather obfuscate than carefully elaborate their positions on the crucial issues of our times.
The outlines of this political landscape have created considerable latitude for Premier Smith to ignore a principal constituency that brought her to power. The reality is that those who share my views have nowhere else to go given the two-party structure of political decision-making in Alberta.
This squeeze often denies suitable political homes for advocates of public health care systems worthy of the name. The problems here in Alberta are hardly unique to this jurisdiction. Generally speaking the entrenched bureaucrats that stay put in their jobs, watch elected officials come and go. These embedded administrators tend to embody a vile combination of self-serving leftist rhetoric together with abject subordination to corporatist rule.
There are many implications that flow from the disenfranchisement of constituencies seeking some reckoning, not only with the coronavirus debacle but also with the contemporary implications of strategic lies and crimes like the 9/11 false flag and even the very visible genocidal annihilation of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.
The biases of the current status quo, including the integration of much of the media and judiciary into the criminal cabal waging war on us, is placing major obstacles blocking our capacity to deal proactively with the weaponization of our core institutions.
The entrenched bureaucracies in government tend to call the shots in most governments. These bureaucracies have cynically exploited the COVID scare to amplify their own authorities. With their added authority, these most privileged officials have no intention of giving ground to their critics. They have no intention of facing their own complicity in unleashing the attack of bioweapons that were misrepresented as medical remedies during the WHO-declared pandemic.
A Courageous and Erudite Whistle Blower Emerges, Calling Attention to the Corruption Running Rampant in the Alberta Health Services (AHS)
Dr. Makis combines a wealth of insight as a medical scholar and practitioner, as a lively journalist and as a student of the human condition at a time when humanity is exceptionally imperilled. Dr. Makis usually starts his narratives as a frequent guest on many prominent webcasts with some lessons he has learned from his own ruff n tuff interactions with imperial health officials.
Dr. Makis has an astonishing memory of the precise details of his own legal battles to defend his own very successful cancer clinic. He can speak with legal erudition on the details of the efforts by the AHS to destroy him through very elaborate forms of lawfare.
Dr. Makis often continues his narrative by drawing from his own experiences engaging with the nonsensical directives emanating from on-high since 2020 on how the WHO-declared COVID-19 “pandemic” should be managed.
I first saw Dr. Makis when he gave two live presentations to several dozen people in the small town of Nobleford about 20 miles north of Letbridge. By then the deplatformed oncologist was already starting to report on dozens of healthy young doctors in Canada as they died suddenly, one after the other, after receiving the jabs that were mandatory for them. This dramatic account of a medical system in crisis was well received by many social media outlets.
Dr. Makis realized the importance of telling compelling stories to illustrate his clear understanding with actual examples that something was going terribly wrong with the way people were being compelled to take dubious injections supposedly to prevent them from succumbing to the COVID-19 plague.
By driving home the message in his own unique fashion, Dr. Makis grew a significant audience who he helped educate with solid medical analysis delivered in straightforward language.
Dr. Makis developed this style of presentation while sticking to his publication of professional essays for scholarly journals in his field of radiology and cancer. One of his new specialities is what he calls “turbo cancer.” He sees the sudden proliferation of fast-moving turbo cancer as a very pervasive “adverse effect” from the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections administered in the name of vanquishing COVID-19.
Many web sites took up the habit of publishing the prolific flow of items from Dr. Makis on a regular basis. One of these sites is the venerable Global which is well known by quite a sophisticated audience of professional people throughout the world.
Global Research was founded in 2001 by University of Ottawa Professor Michel Chossudovsky. Dr. Chossudovsky is still the director of this important source of news and analysis on a wide array of subjects, but in recent years especially on the WHO-declared pandemic.
I developed the habit too of regularly contributing my essays to the site overseen by Prof. Chossudovsky.
For a time I was particularly preoccupied in my Global essays with tracing the political, legal and cultural controversies permeating the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy that aroused an international constituency to take similar actions in a number of countries.
It is telling that the governments of so many countries used the same varieties of flawed research to come up with similar sets of faulty analysis in responding to the WHO-declared pandemic. The worst decision of many terrible decisions was the determination to force on people, often coercively, the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle clot shots.
The injections were no where near being safe. It could be argued, however, that the the shots were very effective in killing, maiming, and enfeebling a disproportionate number of the recipients of the gene-modifying concoction. As some see it, a Malthusian system of depopulation was initiated as part of a larger power grab by the assault’s protagonists.
More recently Dr. Makis’ Substack has gained hundreds of thousands of subscribers. His X account is well followed also. As a result people in many countries are becoming familiar with the tempest brewing over the role of the notorious Alberta Health Services in the dealings of the Danielle Smith government.
The Injection of Truth, Part 1
Dr. Makis has had his medical license removed for pushing back against the machinations of the AHS when it was under the authority of New Democratic Party Leader, Rachel Notley. Intense and widespread has been the effort to destroy the careers of doctors in Canada who have tried like Dr. Makis to live up to their Hippocratic Oaths by not doing harm to their patients.
The list below describes the penalties imposed on doctors who were well enough informed to prescribe the benign, versatile and very effective remedy, Ivermectin, as an effective alternative to the injurious and sometime lethal jabs whose full contents have not been revealed to the public to this day.
Ontario – Dr. Crystal Luchkiw – license suspended Jan.27, 2024, $28370 penalty
Ontario – Dr. Mark Trozzi – license revoked Jan.25, 2024, $94960 penalty
Ontario – Dr. Ira Bernstein – license suspended Aug.26, 2023, re-education ordered
Ontario – Dr. Patrick Phillips – license revoked Jun.6, 2023, $6000 penalty
Ontario – Dr. Miklos Matyas – Feb.27, 2023 re-education ordered for this surgeon
Ontario – Dr. Mary O’Connor – resigned Feb.4, 2023, was under investigation
MB – Dr. Christopher Hilton Hassell – Nov.15, 2022 – $6000 penalty, resigned
MB – Dr. Wilhelmus Grobler, Jul.16, 2022, $6165 fine, censured, re-education
BC – Dr. Stephen Malthouse – license suspended Mar.28, 2022
Ontario – Dr. Rochagne Killian – license suspended Oct.27, 2021
Ontario – Dr. Chris Shoemaker – suspended Jan.6, 2023, complaint ongoing, Hearing in July 2024
BC – Dr. Charles Hoffe – complaint ongoing May 31, 2024, hearing delayed
BC – Dr. Daniel Nagase – complaint ongoing (hearing delayed)
AB – Dr.Roger Hodkinson – complaint ongoing, Hearing delayed in May 2024
AB – Dr. Eric Payne – complaints ongoing
Ontario – Dr. Kulviner Kaur Gill – Feb.3, 2021 complaint ongoing
Several of these persecuted and prosecuted doctors were invited to join Dr. Makis at the podium in a UCP-sponsored event that took place on June 17, 2024. It was organized by the Constituency Association of Calgary-Lougheed electoral district.
The event, known as An Injection of Truth, was advertised and broadly web casted at about 200 gatherings organized by UCP groups. The six presenters were all well-known Canadian doctors and academics who have faced various forms of harassment and adversity for trying to do their jobs conscientiously.
Dr. Makis included in his wide-ranging presentation a brief segment that flowed from his own style of research. Dr. Makis has wrangled along with other conscientious doctors with the notorious Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons. The ACPS is part of large network of such agencies in many countries where these regulatory agencies have been the primary vehicles for threatening doctors to go along with the predatory agenda.
The disciplinary agencies sometimes set examples with extravagant punishments for doctors who refuse to bend to the dictates that have contributed to the fact that the injections for COVID-19 have caused millions of deaths and injuries. Even calling attention to this lethal reality is cause for disciplinary punishment in the eyes of those overseeing the ongoing debacle initiated in 2020 with the manufactured COVID crisis.
Dr. Makis has conducted his own study of the Alberta enforcers of the AHS-centred assault on the public. Dr. Makis zeroed in on how the members of the so-called “College” have responded to other disciplinary matters during the period when they were busy deplatforming doctors for doing their jobs properly.
These skeptical doctors, of course, were well regarded by many in the public for their well informed criticisms of lockdowns, mandatory masking, injection attributes, mandatory injections, school closures and numerous other COVID restrictions that in almost every instance made matters worse than changing doing nothing at all.
Dr. Makis discovered a number of cases involving the sexual abuse of children by prominent doctors and AHS administrators. To his surprise, Dr. Makis found that the disciplinary “College” went easy on pedophiles who had been charged by the RCMP and who had even gone to jail.
He named names of individuals who after suffering some penalties for being convicted and even jailed as pedophiles had their medical licenses returned. Their licenses were restored in ways that prevented the public from knowing about their involvement in child trafficking, child pornography and child abuse.
The contrast was stark between the College’s treatment of known pedophiles in the AHS-dominated system, and its treatment of conscientious doctors who faced punishments for doing their jobs in the interests of their patients.
The revelations arose in the context of the presentation by six Canadian medical practitioners who provided the core content of the Injection of Truth event. All six invited medical practitioners have been persecuted and prosecuted for doing their jobs well.
Much to my surprise and to the surprise of many others, neither Premier Smith nor her ministers made any public comment in the days following the Injection of Truth. They decided not to say anything on the UCP’s role in putting vital data before the public and the media.
While the UCP Executive branch had nothing to say, many NDP officials, including NDP provincial Leader Rachel Notley, heaped criticism on the event and on Dr Makis in particular. Notley and her colleagues misrepresented what had been said, pretending that Dr. Makis had indiscriminately smeared all doctors in the province as pedophiles.
The reality is that Dr. Makis had carefully chosen cases that involved RCMP investigations and charges, all well reported in the MSM. He stuck to cases where the information he presented was widely-available in the public record.
My impression is that Dr. Makis expected that the UCP government starting with Premier Smith, would run with the revelations. Why did the UCP officials not take the information and use it with the goal of helping children avoid further abuses? Why did the Smith government not demand accountability from their political opponents including the provincial NDP which is closely allied with the federal Liberal Party led by PM Justin Trudeau.
In the following video, which is an important element of my essay here, Dr. Makis reflects with dismay at the willingness of many officials to join together in the apparent defence of pedophiles in the Alberta health care establishment. He gets very specific in explaining the political and legal implications of inattentiveness when it comes to such blatant sexual abuse of children. Please see
Early in October of 2024 Dr. Makis sent the following letter to Premier Smith detailing many accusations against AHS
NEWS - Danielle Smith celebrates two years as Alberta Premier - my letter to Premier Smith about her failures in the past 2 years
OCT 06, 2024
Alberta Health Services & the Colleges have murdered 10,000s of vulnerable Albertans and not one person has been held accountable by your govt.
“AHS murdered over 2500 Cancer patients in Edmonton at Cross Cancer Institute and continues to do so daily, like 41 year old Steven Wong who was murdered by AHS on July 19, 2024 and was denied Cancer Care (and so many others whom I can name to the Police).
AHS murdered over 5818 COVID-19 patients, almost all of which were preventable deaths, AHS is still using Remdesivir (which was recalled in the US) and lethal hospital protocols & continues to kill vulnerable Albertans in the hospitals. Doctors who killed COVID patients like Edmonton ICU doctor Dr. Darren Markland, continue to do so with impunity and with no accountability.
No one in the AHS COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group, led by AHS bureaucrats Lynora Saxinger, Braden Manns and your Public Health Chief Mark Joffe, which blocked all early treatments including Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, etc, that lead to 5818 COVID-19 deaths, was held accountable. Not one person was arrested or even criminally investigated. Not one person was fired. Dr.Saxinger continues to push mRNA jabs.
NDP MLA Dr.Luanne Metz murdered over 1600 COVID-19 patients by blocking Alberta's largest Hydroxychloroquine Trial (on the basis of the Lancetgate fraudulent HCQ paper) and not only was she not held accountable, she laughs about it at the Alberta Legislature while calling for doctors who raise concerns about mRNA jabs to be CENSORED.
AHS & the Colleges have murdered over 10,000 Albertans who died as "excess deaths", most of them being COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths. There are 4000-6000 unexplained deaths each year.
AHS continues to illegally block proper autopsies from being done (with staining for COVID-19 vaccine spike protein). Proper autopsies would have solved the mystery of the #1 cause of death in Alberta (COVID-19 Vaccines) which is killing 4000-6000 Albertans each year since 2021. You have taken no steps to address either the deaths or AHS' cover up of these deaths.
AHS continues to push DNA contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on children and pregnant women, despite the fact that you were informed 100s of children died from the mRNA injections and the jabs were never approved for use in pregnancy (we don't know how many pregnant Alberta women have died after taking mRNA jabs, but AHS certainly does).
You had a chance to protect Alberta's children from harms of contaminated mRNA injections after the "An Injection of Truth" Event on June 17, 2024 and chose to stay silent instead and not protect children.
In fact, the Alberta Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange publicly lied about the event and came out in defense of pedophiles and child sex abusers (AHS Executives & College Presidents like Dr.Albert De Villiers & Dr.Fred Janke) who had been arrested by RCMP for sexually assaulting and trafficking children as young as 5 years old but were given their medical licenses back by the College during the pandemic. You didn't fire Adriana LaGrange for this and she didn't fire anyone on her staff for supporting sex crimes against children.
You haven't restored a single doctor who was persecuted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta during the pandemic. Doctors like Dr.Roger Hodgkinson, Dr.Daniel Nagase, Dr. Gary Davidson and myself continue to be illegally persecuted by College leaders Dr.Scott McLeod and Dr.Michael Caffaro with whom Adriana Lagrange does photo-ops.
You haven't restored a single nurse who was persecuted by AHS and the College of Nurses, 100s of whom reached out to me with horror stories of persecution that should land AHS CEOs Verna Yiu, Mauro Chies and Athana Mentzelopoulos in prison for life.
You haven't restored a single healthcare worker, 1000s of whom had to leave the medical profession after being bullied & abused by their AHS Managers.
You haven't restored INFORMED CONSENT which was illegally destroyed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta who threatened 11,000 Alberta doctors into not informing Albertans about the risks of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. You also didn't hold College leaders Scott McLeod & Michael Caffaro responsible for this act of destruction of all medical ethics in Alberta. They continue to threaten doctors with impunity.
You haven't dissolved the thoroughly corrupt and private Corporation that is the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, even though you had run on the promise to do so. In fact, now you say at Town Halls we need to have a corrupt College to continue persecuting good doctors, because who else will police them? This is unforgivable.
You haven't dissolved the top 2-3 layers of corrupt Alberta Health Services Leadership that is run by NDP millionaire bureaucrats including Dr.Jennifer Bestard, Dr.Sid Viner, Sean Chilton, Dr.Peter Jamieson, Karen Horon, Michael Lam, Ronda White, Andrea Beckwith-Ferraton, Kerry Bales, all of whom are AHS Executives hired by Rachel Notley's Government during 2015-2019 and who became millionaires pushing paper and mismanaging $26 billion AHS yearly budget.
You installed a corrupt NDP/Notley AHS Executive - Dr.Mark Joffe - as the Public Health Chief of Alberta. This is the AHS Executive who said "don't walk, run to get your booster shot" in Dec.2021, when AHS & Deena Hinshaw were aware that 1000s of Albertas were dying or had damaged immune systems after their first 2 COVID-19 Vaccines and Deena Hinshaw deleted crucial government data showing mRNA Vaccine injury.
You allowed AHS to bury 1000s of reports of COVID-19 Vaccine injuries that were reported by Alberta doctors but rejected & covered up by AHS bureaucrats. You have not pushed for those reports to be made public or for any transparency in vaccine injury reporting at AHS.
You installed former Alberta Liberal Party leader Raj Sherman as Chair of the Health Quality Council of Alberta, who had fully expressed support for COVID-19 Vaccines and AHS' corrupt leadership.
You allowed Tyler Shandro to be installed on the Board of Covenant Health, even though he was Health Minister who stayed silent when AHS CEO Verna Yiu implemented an illegal COVID-19 Vaccine mandate on Alberta's 105,000 healthcare workers
You didn't investigate AHS CEO Verna Yiu DrYiu_Verna who signed a deal with the World Economic Forum in 2020 and implemented an illegal vaccine mandate on Alberta's 105,000 healthcare workers in Aug-Oct.2021 while violating medical privacy of AHS employees as AHS spied on their medical records to see if they were vaccinated. She was paid $700,000 at AHS, is now Vice President at UAlberta and was never investigated for her crimes.
There are now criminal charges pending against AHS CEO Athana Mentzelopoulous, AHS Board Chair Lyle Oberg, AHS CEO Mauro Chies and AHS CEO Verna Yiu for threats & extortion being inflicted on my family.
Criminal charges are also pending against College leaders Scott McLeod, Michael Caffaro and their lawyer Craig Boyer who have been repeatedly threatening me and my family at our home.
There are many more reasons than the above why you should not be proud of your last 2 years as Alberta Premier and I will continue to expose this and much more to millions of Albertans, Canadians and those around the world who are watching very closely.
The 10,000s of Alberta victims will not be silenced and everyone has to be held accountable for the crimes committed against Alberta's most vulnerable citizens.
You have much work to do, Premier Smith, and time is running out.
I can only look at your last 2 years as an abysmal failure to do the right things, on the level of failures of former Alberta Premier Jason Kenney.”
This Substack commentary is turning into a multi-part essay. I am far from done with this subject. I want to devote considerable attention to another event that took place in Red Dear on October 28, four days before the UCP annual meeting. At this UCP AGM there was a vote of the 6,000 members attending. By a wide margin most of the membership approved Premier Smith’s continuing leadership of the UCP.
In my next report I want to highlight the Oct. 28 meeting in Red Deer which was dominated by people who are not satisfied by Danielle Smith’s performance as the UCP leader and Alberta’s Premier. Dr. William Makis is the opening speaker at the dissidents’ meeting entitled “The Arrival of Accountability.”
Other presenters included Marco Van Hugenbos, Take Back Alberta’s David Parker, 1905’s Nadine Wellwood, and UCP Board Member Peter Weicher. All discussed how they assessed Danielle Smith after two-and-a-half years in the premier’s job. In my next contribution I’ll devote some attention to what I saw and heard at this important event.
Before signing off for now, I’ll conclude by relating a brief exchange I had with Premier Smith when she was recently in Lethbridge working with UCP members to get the candidate John Middleton-Hope elected in the forthcoming by-election taking place in West Lethbridge on December 18. In a short question and answer exchange with about 50 people present, I asked Premier Smith what she could tell us about her understanding of Dr. Makis’ criticisms.
I was surprised to hear the response from the Premier who indicated that the UCP Party had nothing to do with Dr. Makis. I think this characterization is inconsistent with the reality that Dr. Makis gave an invited presentation at the Injection of Truth event sponsored by the Calgary Lougheed Constituency Association on June 17. Premier Smith went further, indicating she sees Dr. Makis as a “liar.”
Smith is masonic trash. Every single premier is. They all answer to their masonic superiors. 90% of the population will continue to watch their sportsball and eat their doritos and get excited to make their voice heard at the next masonic selection.
It blows my mind how irrefutable information is covered over by the politicians. I had so much hope for Smith. Just another puppet for a shadow government. Politics is such a dirty business. Thank you for your efforts bringing more light to a very dark world. Seems like crime pays.