The Prosecutors of Dr. Charles Hoffe Back Off
Dr. Charles Hoffe Epitomizes the Enlightened Resistance Against The Lethal Lie That the COVID Clot Shots Are Safe and Effective
Dr. Charles Hoffe, who had a family medical practice in small-town British Columbia, made a large impact in publicizing the lethal dangers of the COVID jab. He was so effective in making the case that the jabs were anything but safe and effective, that Dr. Hoffe was made the the subject of a Stalin-style show trial in Canada where he was prosecuted for medical malpractice.
Powerful interests sought to make a spectacle of this doctor for doing due diligence; for conscientiously warning the public the COVID-19 shots were in fact a high-order medical hazard. Now the media-medical-government-and-Big Pharma establishment has little choice but to start reckon with the fact that Dr. Hoffe was on right side of history and those who opposed him are not. Dr. Hoffe is a hero and the Jab Obsessive Justin Trudeau is less than a zero.
The controversies raised by the Hoffe case run so deep, that the bedrock issue is being brought to the surface. By whom and how are medical “facts” to be determined when it comes to treating patients and when it come to deciding contentions in court.
Then in February of 2025 the legs came off of the kangaroo court where Dr. Hoffe was being tried. The prosecutors of Hoffe in the show trial chose to back down in the face of a formidable body of evidence formulated in Dr. Hoffe’s defence. The BC College of Physicians and Surgeons simply dropped the case implicitly vindicating Dr. Hoffe. The outcome also constitutes a very significant victory for his defence team including lead lawyer, Lee Turner, and the eight expert witnesses he assembled.
A retinue of famed and highly accomplished scientists had created such a formidable evidentiary record indicating that Dr. Hoffe was justified in raising the alarm about the extreme dangers of the COVID-19 clot shots. The danger was not the boogyman of “vaccine hesitancy.” Rather the real menace to public health was the injection content. The COVID vaccine (which is not a vaccine) has been consistently misrepresented, with nothing short of murderous consequences, as a benign public good.
This outcome should have pivotal consequences. I see it as a shift sending a strong indicator that the evidence is finally beginning to catch up with the perpetrators of the COVID crimes. These crimes have unfolded, and continue to unfold, not only in Canada but globally as well.
The videoed commentaries of Dr. Hoffe are many. One particular video, however, stands out. The speech below expresses so much erudition, verbal precision, and courageous vivacity that it is small wonder that the doctor from Lytton aroused such a vicious response from his detractors.
Dr. Hoffe energized the corrupt officials intent on protecting themselves and their overlords by going into high gear with their crusade to destroy the reputation and career of an opponent who declared,
“What we have seen in the last 18 months since the start of the vaccine rollout is the biggest disaster in medical history. Never before in medical history has any medical treatment killed and maimed so many people…. It is an absolute crime against humanity. They are just lying to us… How many more people need to die and be permanently disabled and injured before the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons as well as Health Canada acknowledge that this is a disastrously failed experiment.
Dr. Charles Hoffe,
22 August 2022
As has now become clear, the Covid debacle is far worse than a medical experiment gone terribly wrong. The COVID jabs were disguised as medical remedies meant to prevent the global spread of a lethal contagion said to attack the respiratory systems of people. We now know, however, that the jabs were no such thing.
The clot shots are gene-modifying military bioweapons meant to reduce the size and health of the global population. Moreover, the bioweapons developed as “countermeasures” by military contractors, were meant to introduce the technology of biodigital transhumanism into the bodies of the survivors. But that is a long story that I have already addressed in many other publications. The main story here is that the Covidian predators have backed down in British Columbia in a case with global implications.
In August of 2022, Dr. Charles Hoffe was speaking to a live audience and to a video audience as part of a provocative demonstration at the front doorstep of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Vancouver. Like many similar agencies in many jurisdictions, this professional “College” bears the responsibility of licensing, disciplining and delicensing medical doctors.
During the COVID debacle, these disciplinary Colleges almost uniformly pushed the same fraudulent narrative as part of the same worldwide process causing many countries to implement to same set of wrong and disastrous policies. In fact the decision not to go forward with the Hoffe case is one of the most solid indicators so far of a leak in the dam holding back the large body of lies and obfuscations supporting “the biggest disaster in medical history.”
Distinguishing “Facts” from Non-Facts and Lies
In spite of small breaks here and there in the elaborate structures of lies and deceptions, the pandemic of fraud has continued to prevail as a part of the cover up of the full extent of the Covidian Crimes Against Humanity. The perpetrators of these intentional assaults on humanity continue for the most part to enjoy immunity from prosecution for their role in the Covidian power grab.
Instead, most endangered are the conscientious professional people who have tried to expose the murder and mayhem being done in the name of fighting COVID-19. It is the truth tellers who have been most likely to be persecuted and prosecuted for doing due diligence.
Most of the expert witnesses in the defence of Dr. Hoffe have felt the sting of the wrath of those engaged in the continuing misrepresentation of the vaccine that’s not really a vaccine and the pandemic that wasn’t really a pandemic.
The plan of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in British Columbia was to make an example of Dr. Hoffe of the consequences for medical practitioners who fail to go along with the characterization of the COVID shots as safe and effective. Almost immediately after the injections came on stream in the spring of 2021, Dr. Hoffe started to study, document and publicly explain the evidence that the shots were not safe and effective.
Following closely behind Dr. Hoffe the College and its media extensions began a campaign to discredit Dr. Hoffe. Very soon this criticism took the form of recriminations against aspects of Dr. Hoffe’s kit of professional capacities. Taking away his hospital work did not stop the physician from continuing his family practice in the tiny hamlet of Lytton British Columbia.
In the early days of the manufactured COVID crisis I recall seeing many videos depicting Dr. Hoffe’s medical commentaries emanating from his picturesque setting in the Canadian Rockies. I believe these videos were viewed widely throughout the world amidst the social media coverage of the handful of doctors who refused to regurgitate officialdom’s characterization of the injections as “safe and effective.”
The injections, it turned out, were very unsafe but quite effective at advancing the green objectives of large-scale depopulation. More and more green policies are becoming covers for blood-red lethal policies.
Dr. Hoffe explained in the videos his ongoing research highlighting the experiences of his patients, many of whom he identified as Aboriginal. Several of his patients suffered severe injuries from taking the shots. One died early on. I believe Dr. Hoffe made medical history when he arranged for D-dimer tests. These tests revealed that many of those vaccinated in Lytton had high rates of blood clots in their tiny blood vessels known as capillaries.
This finding was part of a larger process of discovery among those studying the effects of the jabs. Many of those engaged in this study came to the conclusion that among the most common adverse effects from taking the jabs, were high rates of blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis and all manner of blood-related fertility ailments in both women and men.
In April of 2021 Dr. Hoffe explained his disturbing findings in a letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer as well as to the Ministry of Health. After recounting the many adverse effects he had seen, Dr. Hoffe asked the provincial Health Officer,
“Is it medically ethical to continue this vaccine rollout, in view of the severity of these life altering side-effects, after just the first shot? In Lytton, BC, we have an incidence of 1 in 225 of severe life altering side-effects, from this experimental gene modification therapy.
Dr. also wrote an open letter to the members of his Church Congregation in Lytton.
Officialdom’s harassment of Dr. Hoffe for trying to do his job in a conscientious fashion began shortly after his letter to Bonnie Henry. The smear campaign continued to gain momentum until that College dropped its case just days ago as I write this sentence. Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the expert witnesses, explained the treatment afforded Dr. Hoffe when he refused to follow the instructions from on high that he should not to say a critical word about the injections.
Dr. Kory explains,
“He instead rightly began speaking out publicly and the three mainstream media outlets in Canada (there are only 3) have in turn, viciously and repeatedly done hit jobs on him, making him appear as the least credible doctor in the country (which my readers know well is a censoring tactic, i.e. make truth tellers appear as un-credible as possible so no-one will listen to or believe them).”
Here is a good example of a CBC smear piece on Dr. Hoffe written by Bethany Lindsay.
One of the tactics used by the those pressing the case against Dr. Hoffe was an effort to sideline the treasure trove of material in the expert witness affidavits produced by Dr. Cory, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Peter McCullough, Kevin McKearnan, Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. Clare Craig, Dr. Stephen Pelech, Dr. James Thorpe, and Shawn Buckley.
The College attempted to block a wider consideration of the body of evidence brought forward by the expert witnesses. In the spring of 2024 the College claimed to the disciplinary panel brought into the case, that its submissions were based on “Judicial Notice.” The recognition of Judicial Notice in a legal proceeding allows one side to put forward informations without offering proof of its accuracy.
When Judicial Notice is accepted, it narrows the array of topics to be argued in establishing what is a legal “fact.” In this case, the College assumed that the COVID injections are enwrapped in so much well proven and widely acknowledge scientific authority that there was no need go into the nitty gritty of proving that many of Dr. Hoffe’s assertions ill-founded.
The Judicial Notice, if accepted, would have prevented Dr. Hoffe from explaining why he said what he said.
The College hoped they would be exempted from having to counter Dr. Hoffe’s assertions with genuine evidence-based arguments. These assertions that Dr. Hoffe would have made on the hearing, have now been given the added backing embodied in the experts’ reports. Rather than provide the platform for this damning articulation, the prosecutors chose instead to end the process and take home their ball of now-discredited justifications for their own integral role in the attacks on public health.
The disciplinary panel refused to accept the assertion of Judicial Notice in many of the core assertions that the College was depending upon in seeking the adhesion of the disciplinary panel to fulfill the charge that Dr. Hoffe is guilty of medical malpractice. The disciplinary panel refused to accept the assertion of Judicial Notice on a significant portion points put forward by the College.
In response the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons has opted to back off from its overall accusations against Dr. Hoffe. This development has major implications. The dropping of the case against Dr. Hoffe opens the way to the prosecution of the prosecutors. The prosecutors have been working hard trying to defend the lies and crimes of those that planned and implemented the Covidian predations. The tables are starting to turn.
They were so scared of him right from thebeginning that they burned down his town. You know…”wildfires” and all. Best way to get rid of evidence against them.
But he prevailed. Good on him!
Thank you.
Great news for Dr Hoffe.