The UN Invents Climate Change and COVID-19. What Now?
The gloves are off and the truth is out in the age-old battle for survival.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Davos took up the task of acting in 2020 as the PR spin doctor to the pandemic merchants in the health branch of the United Nations. As a result, both the WEF and the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) have deserved reputations as key promoters of a catastrophic event in world history that continues to kill and maim at least tens of millions of people worldwide.
This outcome was not the result of a some kind of horrific mistake. It was rather the outgrowth of a very well-documented and unmistakable plan, developed to reduce the global population as well as diminish the wellbeing and living standards of the survivors.
As shall be demonstrated below, the UN and WEF partners both form key parts of the platform where the depopulation scheme developed along with preparations for the robotic transhumanism of survivors. The ongoing scheme aims to alter dramatically the political economy of the world in order to add to the entitlements of humanity’s most outlandishly privileged minority.
Three weeks before taking Office, Acting US President Donald Trump as well as much of his team decided to withdraw the United States from membership in, and support of, the World Health Organization (WHO).
Trump’s own motivations for leaving the UN’s health department seem not to be based on any genuine reckoning with the horrors of the WHO’s multi-faceted role in providing the cover for the injection attack directed at all branches of humanity.
Trump was the Commander-In-Chief in charge of the US Armed Forces’ preparation of the “Warp Speed” injected bioweapons. As Sasha Latypova and many others have explained it, the jabs were initially developed under the auspices of the Department of Defence. The bioweapons were legally identified as military “countermeasures” in order to evade medical regulations.
The jabs are really gene-altering concoctions disguised as a medical remedy that, we were told, was supposed to stop the spread of a respiratory contagion. Nothing of the sort happened.
There was and is nothing remedial at all in the many billions of clot shots that, according to the COVID score keepers at Johns Hopkins University, have already been injected into the arms of more than half of the world’s population.
For whatever reason Trump remains very far from coming to grips with the scale and utter ruthlessness of the war on humanity initiated by the US Armed Forces. A large body of documentation makes it clear that “all decisions concerning the Covid-19 vaccine research, materials acquisition, distribution, and information sharing were tightly controlled by the Department of Defence.”
There has been much informal debate among the well informed concerning how such an unprecedented approach to warfare came about. What possible justification could there be for an injected bioweapon attack on all branches of the human population?
Many believe that those truly behind the assault, with Trump being nothing more than a manipulated figure head, are seeking to reduce, enfeeble, and enslave the human population with the aim of achieving total control over the survivors.
As shall be addressed here, green environmentalism has reached extreme levels of hysteria especially in some closed circles of elitist power. In these closed communities whose members have the wealth and contacts to exercise unbounded influence, average working people are sometimes viewed as cancers uselessly feeding on the deteriorating health of the natural world.
Carbon emissions from all industrial activities that employ and service the masses have been so demonized, that the secret elimination of people for the sake of the environmental rehabilitation is made to seem justifiable.
Trump’s decision to pull the USA out of the WHO is a step in the right direction. The Acting President, however, doesn’t indicate that he fully grasps the implications of what he is about to do. Even with Robert F. Kennedy at his side, Trumps seems blind to the full extent of the onslaught of the lies and crimes in which he remains deeply implicated.
Trump has yet to come to terms with lethal plagues of human devastation enabled by the disinformation given the veneer of legitimacy by well-rewarded shills at the WHO and WEF. Trump continues to delude himself by retaining the illusion that he is the Vaccine Hero of America who saved millions of people who would otherwise have succumbed to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Trump’s decision to remove the USA from the WHO is certainly in line with his promise to Make America Great Again. The decision is certainly in line with preserving and enhancing the apparatus of national sovereignty in order to counter the expansionary agendas of globalist institutions.
Trump’s commitments to put America First, however, are imperilled by his commitment to join with the messianic settlers of Israel in their globalist crusade. The objectives of this ultra-Zionist crusade include the elimination of the Palestinians and the building of the Third Temple on the site of the al Aqsa mosque.
This radical departure is meant to make Jerusalem the imperial capital of a New World Order whose core institution would be a Jewish-dominated World Court. This Court would be a revised Sanhedrin council from the era before the Second Temple was destroyed by Roman Legions in 70 AD.
This globalist vision encompasses the more extreme branches of Israel-First Zionism. This vision is especially well-represented in the anti-Iran war cabinet presently taking shape in the nascent Trump administration. It remains to be seen how recent developments will affect the United Nations with its developing split between different factions.
One faction sees the US-Israeli genocide underway in Gaza and the West Bank as the stuff of major crimes against all of humanity whose perpetrators should face trials and possible punishment to be arbitrated by the judicial branches of the United Nations.
The other faction seeks a continuation of old practices that since 1948 have essentially put Israel and US officials above the law when it comes to the enforcement of international criminal and humanitarian laws. So far Trump has made it very clear he most identifies with those in the second camp who hold devotedly to the conviction that Israel can do no wrong.
Donald Trump’s rejection of the WHO’s globalist incursions into the realm of US sovereignty finds reflection and parallels in many jurisdictions including the Canadian Province of Alberta. In October of 2022 Alberta Premier Danielle Smith declared she was no longer prepared to collaborate with the World Economic Forum under the leadership of Justin Trudeau’s mentor, Klaus Schwab.
Premier Smith made the break in the context of her announcement that she would withdraw from an information-sharing agreement negotiated under the auspices of the WEF. The agreement was between Alberta Health Services and health researchers at Harvard University and at the the Mayo Clinic.
Premier Smith added that, as Alberta’s United Conservative Party’s Leader, “she is in lockstep with federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who has stated he and his caucus will having nothing to do with the World Economic Forum.” Premier Smith declared,
"I find it distasteful when billionaires brag about how much control they have over political leaders. That is offensive…the people who should be directing government are the people who vote for them. I think it makes sense to make health decisions based on health experts. As for the group [WEF] and the person at the helm of it [Klaus Schwab] — I don't think he's a medical doctor. I don't think he's a nurse, and I don't think he's a paramedic and I don't think he's a health professional. I am going to be taking advice from our front-line nurses, doctors, paramedics and health professionals to fix the local problems that we have."
I have addressed in previous essays how Premier Danielle Smith handled one facet of these discussions with health professionals after she berated the WEF. Dr. William Makis is by far the most outspoken and most high-profile member of this professional class that Premier Smith promised to consult.
As Dr. Makis tells it, he may become the first medical doctor to be jailed in North America for his efforts to explain for Premier Smith, for all Albertans, and for his global audience of Substack subscribers, the systemic and deep-rooted forms of corruption he sees in Alberta Health Service.
It is one thing to make a symbolic break with a powerful organization like the WEF. It is quite another thing to leave behind the powerful cultural, commercial and political centres of gravity that such an organization represents. Certainly the Alberta Health Services as presently constituted is a professional proxy of the WEF and of the WHO and of the criminal propensities of the powerful interests directing the actions of both institutions.
This same pattern applies to Donald Trump and his renewed hostility towards the World Health Organization. The WEF has long been wedded not only to the WHO but to the many branches of the United Nations. The WEF is a primary agency at the nexus between the various corporate lobbies that have enormous political and economic clout both inside and outside the United Nations.
This essay will look into the basis of that nexus and the role of corporate moguls, financiers, and public intellectuals that depend heavily on the United Nations and the WEF to push their globalist agendas. Much of the focus of what follows describes how agents of the UN, but especially a Canadian operative working for the Rockefeller dynasty, fixed on the the constructs of “sustainable development” and “environmentalism” as major themes in the advancement of globalist objectives. The individual in question is Maurice Strong.
The Ongoing Cover Up of Crimes Against Humanity
Maurice Strong’s focus on the boundless realm of “the environment” gave rise to an emphasis on the invented boogyman of global warming and climate change. In creating the supposed means to stop this supposed boogyman said to be responsible for expelling so much supposedly toxic CO2 into the atmosphere, Maurice Strong happened on a powerful formula.
Strong realized the effectiveness of manipulating public fears of environmental disaster to impose with minimal resistance social controls targeting especially the then-fairly-prosperous middle class people in the West.
Something of a repeat performance took place when a supposedly “new” coronavirus was publicized by the WHO as a stealthy killer germ. The demonic germ, soon dubbed COVID-19, could only be countered, we were told, through the mobilization of a worldwide campaign to inoculate the entire global population.
On the way to the espoused goal of universal injections, humanity was subjected to absolutely nonsensical lockdowns at the local, national and global levels. The spread of this commercial madness crashed the world’s economy in ways that were planned. All the main elements of this preconceived devastation were totally unprecedented in global history.
We have yet to be presented with a credible explanation by the authorities responsible for what was and what is really going on. Why did all the measures that were supposed to help us, end up so severely harming us or even killing many victims? Why are the numerous deaths and injuries from the injections still being covered up? Who bears responsibility for the devastation caused?
The incarceration of Reiner Fuellmich symbolizes the intensity of the effort to prevent the truth of the whole matter from coming out.
The necessary international investigation should start with much-needed probs into the WHO. This UN agency is deeply implicated in what Reiner Fuellmich, the now-jailed and tortured German jurist, clearly described even during the early phases of the COVID debacle, as an elaborate complex of Crimes Against Humanity.
Anyone who has conscientiously followed the Covidian debacle from its inception will be aware of the hundreds of televised fact-finding interviews conducted by Fuellmich and his colleagues. He consulted hundreds of professionals with vital expertise that put them in a position to expose various aspects of the ongoing plague of disinformation coming from officialdom and their media spin doctors.
Already by September of 2021, the legendary lawyer made the following interim report of his findings. At that point Feullmich and his colleagues in the Corona Investigative Committee were just warming up in their intensive and extensive evidence-gathering initiative.
Before Fuellmich was able to initiate his well-conceived plan for an international legal procedure to address the well-orchestrated character of the COVID crimes, the legendary German jurist was kidnapped in Mexico and taken to Germany to be isolated in prison to face trumped up charges.
The WHO bears a huge responsibility for forcing on humanity a litany of lies and actions, all of which created major harms without any genuine remedial effects whatsoever. The WHO and its associated agencies should be investigated by an objective international body of arbiters possessing subpoena powers.
The COVID crisis built on the experience gained in floating the invented environmental crisis of climate change. Like “the environment,” “public health” is being used to create a boundless jurisdictional realm for globalist grifters who use the UN and the WEF for their own personal and corporate advantage.
In this scenario Bill Gates played a role at the United Nations and in the WEF rather similar to that Maurice Strong in the final decades of the 20th Century. Gates’ back up crew especially in Geneva and Davos was helped along by the Rockefeller Dynasty with their old and deep heritage of collaboration with China especially in the medical field.
The supposed wonder drug remedy for COVID-19 had nothing to do with the quest to put a stop to the spread of a respiratory virus. Rather the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections were disseminated in the context of many experiments within the framework of a single all-encompassing experiment directed at the entire global population.
The object of this process is to alter the genetic character—- the genomes— of the human species as well as of individual human beings. The news is very clear that the modification of humans to coordinate with AI and robotization is expected to be one of the most lucrative and active areas of industrial activity in the remainder of the twenty-first century.
Unless this travesty is identified, explained and halted, humanity can expect continuing experiments in methods of depopulation and digitalized enslavement to continue.
How the Corrupt Shape Shifters Promote and Exploit Environmentalism
The origins and many extensions of the UN’s “sustainable development” policies have a checkered history. This history was largely shaped by the power of bankers combined with the oil company leviathans that emerged from the monopolistic cartel initially fashioned by John D. Rockefeller.
Like other plutocrats, the Rockefellers became masters of combining “philanthropy” with the enhancement of their business endeavours. Bill Gates replicated and adeptly exploited this same kind of merger of charity and wealth accumulation.
The agents of the enterprises that sought to mould the concept of “sustainable development” have engaged in considerable shape shifting. They have tried to maintain the profit margins of large transnational corporations while adapting to upsurges of genuine public concern about the deteriorating health of the natural world.
The shape shifters have deployed many forms of deception aimed at manipulating environmental concerns while serving the interests of the domineering class of ruling kleptocrats. The World Economic Forum can be seen as an important site for plutocratic corporatist wolves to disguise themselves in sheeps’ clothing.
The manipulation of the concept of “sustainable development” reached a high stage of development in the so-called “Earth Charter.” This Charter is said to have emerged from theUN’s Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. One of the co-authors of the Earth Charter was Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet President.
The Rio Summit is sometimes referred to as the Earth Summit that is credited as a source of the Earth Charter. Much of the PR packaging of the most well-funded branches of the environmental movement can be traced back to the behind-the-scene politics of this event.
The Rio Summit proved to be a pivotal episode providing the initial impetus for the lofty-sounding environmental rhetoric replicated at the WEF by the ton-load. Always, however, the environmental laws are interspersed with provisos that subtly call for the transformations in property law.
The promoted alterations are well calculated to increase the concentration of wealth under the control of the predominant few. Their large fortunes are to be increased by the further dispossession and enfeeblement of the many.
The phrase, “You will own nothing and you will be happy” epitomizes the strategy of dispossession through environmentalist sleights-of-hand embodying strategies that stretch from David Rockefeller to Maurice Strong to Al Gore to Justin Trudeau.
One of those who made a big splash at the Rio Summit was Severn Cullis-Suzuki, daughter of David Suzuki, a leading evangelist of what has now become the climate change religion. Severn is now Executive Director of the Vancouver-based environmentalist conglomerate, the Suzuki Foundation.
The Rio Conference gave rise to Agenda 21, a kind of environmental manifesto published by the United Nations in anticipation of the twenty-first century. This manifesto was instrumental in raising the alarm that climate change was caused by humans and that the warming of the atmosphere was cataclysmic. Agenda 21 began with the proposition that
“current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.”
According to Agenda 21 and to the UN’s Agenda 2030, what is not sustainable must be decreased in scale and ultimately brought to an end.
The assertions introduced in Agenda 21 are part of the long list of sacrifices that continue to be put before the public in the name of achieving a more harmonious equilibrium with the rest of nature.
The major figure behind the Rio conference in 1992 was Maurice Strong. The 1992 conference represented an extension on a much more ambitious scale of Strong’s organization of the UN’s first conference promoting “environmentalism.” This pioneering event that took place in Stockholm in 1972.
Feeling his oats at Rio, Strong followed up the gathering in Brazil with assertive pronouncements including those in Agenda 21. Strong’s assertions put people on a journey that has delivered us Westerners to the place we inhabit now. In Canada and other countries people are being pushed to adopt electric cars and put aside cars with internal combustion engines.
People are being asked by the likes of Bill Gates and his friend Justin Trudeau, to put aside meat and become self-abnegating cricket eaters.
Like Henry Kissinger, Strong was a hand-picked operative advancing the globalist agenda of David Rockefeller. For more than half a century, David Rockeller was the world’s most high-profile and influential banker.
For a time Rockefeller was front and centre in organizing the finances of the UN. Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank was also in a strategic position to provide financial services to many of the UN’s new member countries. Most of the nation states recognized in the UN’s General Assembly emerged from the decolonization of European Empires following the Second World War.
David Rockefeller’s central role in building the doomed World Trade Centre in Manhattan is a fitting symbol of the magnitude of his many projects that most prominently included his key role in opening up China to the selective exercise of American capitalism.
The UN Headquarters in Manhattan is situated on land contributed to the international organization by the Rockefellers, the dynastic family that became the closest approximation in America to something like European Royalty.

Strong was a Canadian who died in China in 2015. Strong operated on the borders of many “public-private partnerships.” These phantom relationships provide the cover to disguise the genre of kleptocracy promoted by the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. While Strong worked with some of the most famous capitalists in his time, he considered himself a socialist in spirit.
His Aunt, Anna Louise Strong, was a dedicated socialist who obtained a Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and wrote 30 books. She interviewed Mao Zedong in Beijing and became his good friend. Leon Trotsky asked her to teach him English and wrote a Forward for one of her books. Ms. Strong spent many years in both the Soviet Union and China.
When the Soviet Union and China became acrimonious, Ms. Strong sided with China where she lived the last years of her life as did her nephew, Maurice. Anna Louise Strong became one of a small group of US interpreters who pictured the Communist world with empathy rather than with Cold War hysteria.
Her career was comparable in the scale of her influence to that of her nephew. Maurice Strong kept in touch with his aunt who may have exercised far more influence on him that is generally appreciated.
Strong grew up poor in small-town Manitoba. In 1947 he connected through a mutual acquaintance with the banker, David Rockefeller. Rockefeller saw qualities in the young Canadian that he thought he could shape, direct and exploit. In the 1950s Strong developed with Rockefeller involvement successful enterprises in Canada’s fledgling oil province.
Strong’s commercial feats during the early days of the Alberta Oil Patch brought him to the attention of the Power Corporation in Montreal. Power Corporation has been a very politicized commercial entity that helped put Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin and Brian Mulroney into the job of Canadian Prime Minister.
Strong briefly became President of Power Corporation where he hired a young Paul Martin. Then Strong left in 1966 to join the upper echelons of the United Nations where he gave precedence to developing environmental agencies. He mixed his role at the UN with the founding and leading of the Canadian government’s International Development Agency.
In the 1970s and 80s Strong became a founder and then director of the World Economic Forum. In the early days of the WEF, Strong developed the organization’s capacity to reflect and advance the vision of many billionaires concerning what the most well-funded part of the environmental movement should look like.
Klaus Schwab has acknowledged that Maurice Strong was one of his mentors.
Schwab’s other main mentor was Henry Kissinger who, like Strong, owed most of his prominence in government to David Rockefeller.
Among the roles assigned to Strong were CEO of Petro-Canada and of Ontario Hydro. Other appointments made him senior advisor to the World Bank, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, the World Conservation Union, and the World Wildlife Fund. The long list of his business, environmentalist and globalist involvements is truly vast.
Strong’s forte was spinning and exploiting the ultruistic intentions of many genuine activists seeking ecological rejuvenation.
On behalf of his sponsors, Strong helped to redirect the creative energies of many millions of well-intentioned folks to serve the objectives entrusted to him by his powerful backers.
The key to this redirection of ultruism was to funnel public attention from the complexity of genuine ecological menaces into a singular irrational fixation on the industrial role of carbon in the climate change boondoggle.
The climate change hoax provided Strong with a necessary scapegoat to funnel some semblance of popular will into the project of building up the power and pretensions of the United Nations. Then as now, the UN was being pushed into prominence as the site of ascendant global governance, a project pushed forward at the expense of the limitations imposed on the sovereign jurisdictions of the world’s almost 200 countries.
Strong advanced the agenda of his backers through membership in the UN-sponsored Brundtland Commission that helped make the term “sustainable development” a household phrase. The Commission produced in 1987 the report, Our Common Future. This initiative built on earlier initiatives emerging from the Club of Rome founded in the 1968.
This Club brought together some of the world’s most powerful people. They included David Rockefeller and Maurice Strong. The goal was to establish “limits to growth,” in other words to put some breaks on the genuine excesses and to create fear and alarm making the public more easily subject to manipulation.
Some suspect that the real agenda was for the ruling class to put the onus on average people to save the day by cutting back and living on less. Alternatively the perks and privileges of great wealth would continue with less of a chance that dominant oligarchs would have to face the revolutionary wrath of popular uprisings.
Maurice Strong” The Creator, Fabricator and Proponent of Global Warming”
Ronda Wilson has dubbed Strong as “the man who invented climate change.”
Another historian described Strong as the “primary creator, fabricator, and proponent” of the “Global Warming Hoax.”
In his essay, ‘Myths, Lies, and Oil Wars,” William Engdahl made a similar observation, indicating
“Canadian Maurice Strong was one of the key early propagators of the scientifically unfounded theory that man-made emissions from transportation vehicles, coal plants and agriculture caused a dramatic and accelerating global temperature rise which threatens civilization, so-called Global Warming.”
Strong adeptly used his multi-faceted influence to build up Operation Climate Change. With this strategic initiative he helped enlarge and empower the unaccountable imperial bureaucracy of the United Nations. Strong himself was a primary example of an unelected UN official who exercised much more power than most of the top elected officials in the world.
In 1988 the chief founder and spin doctor of the UN’s environmental agencies appointed himself to create the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In future years the IPCC was often put forward as if it constituted an unimpeachable authority backing the veracity of the Strong’s climate change narrative.
Strong authored the IPCC’s original mission statement. The UN’s top environment official made sure to limit the IPCC’s frame of reference so it excluded any study of the natural processes affecting changes to atmospheric temperatures. The IPCC’s terms of reference thus limited study to human-caused “anthropogenic” influences on climate, only one of many aspects of how atmospheric change occurs.
The whole field of supposed scientific research on global warming and climate change was thereby rigged from the beginning. Under Strong’s direction the whole enterprise was designed to produce a powerful lobby of privileged office holders who together held a large vested interest in opposing any challenges to predetermined positions.
Strong arranged it so the ICPP came equipped with a big and growing budget as well as the administrative capacity of supervisors to direct commissioned studies towards preconceived objectives.
At the national and international levels, the administrators of the ICPP were afforded unlimited discretion to select researchers so as to make sure the panel supported and advanced the predetermined conclusions. There is ample evidence of the machinations which erupted when ICPP contributors did not go along with the official narratives.
The demonization of carbon and especially of CO2 as the main menace to nature is a lie that in the long run is unsustainable. The notion of the monstrous impact of so-called greenhouse gases is also unsustainable. Water vapour in clouds is by far the main greenhouse gas.
The irony of characterizing plant food as the tip of the spear in the industrial assault on Mother Nature, must have appealed to Strong’s sense of humour.
To classify carbon, a main ingredient of all life on earth, as a enemy of life is strange to say the least. Yet somehow the theory of global warming took hold and there has been ample funding to maintain this wonkey theory as holy gospel ever since. Ironically the nascent climate change lobby within the UN was purposely structured to attract and serve a large and growing array of commercial interests engaged in “public-private partnerships.”
In spite of all the constraints contrived to block critical examination, independent researchers have popped up here and there to question the orthodoxy causing Dr. Tim Ball to explain “Why and How the IPCC Demonized CO2 with Manufactured Information.”
See also
The simplistic and badly distorted picture of the nature of the earth’s atmospheric environment was manipulated by Maurice Strong and others to make carbon removal through sequestration the driving force in the creation of a new type of currency.
This currency can facilitate a new form of commercial transaction that builds on the notion of “carbon offsets.” In these markets of plus and negative carbon, those engaged in industrial processes that emit carbon can purchase the “right” to continue emitting carbon without being fined. They can buy this “right” from those that have made a business of removing carbon from the atmosphere.
In the end, the supposed polluters pay fiat dollars for credits from carbon eliminators. The carbon eliminators earn CERs, “Certified Emission Reductions,” that they can sell to those seeking to avoid being penalized for the supposed environmental crime of releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.
This whole structure of economic relations has given rise to the notion of a tax even on average people deemed to be polluters for, say, heating their homes in a Canadian winter, or driving to the store to buy food and medicine, or running computers to work at home.
There are few or no penalties for industrial enterprises that release many toxic chemicals not given celebrity status like carbon. All companies have to do to get a clean bill of environmental health, is to enter the process of buying carbon emission rights from those that sell CERS.
The UN apparently cannot intervene to stop genocide in Gaza where people are murdered en masse in the midst of environmental desecration on a monumental scale. But the UN can apparently attract many businesses into its system for engaging them in useless, energy wasting procedures in the effort to balance carbon emissions with carbon capture.
The UN can create the theatrics, if not the substance, of environmental justice. Simultaneously UN officials watch on while the provisions of the UN Charter are systematically violated through unregulated war mongering that is cancelling all prospects of peace.
While the world lurches towards the prospect of nuclear oblivion, the UN is fiddling with carbon flows with the aim of achieving etherial equilibrium through some sort of “netzero” nirvana.
In 2007 in an essay entitled “Carbon Trading,” Strong lauded
“the use of market mechanisms to mobilize funding for clean energy projects, reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions on a cost-effective basis through the Clean Development Mechanism (COM), and the trading of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), provided for by the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
One of Strong’s main messages is that China, where he permanently lived in 2007, was adopting the system for purchasing and selling carbon credits. The Communist Party of China was adding its enormous weight of influence to the creation of a new form of currency initially floated at the United Nations as part of Maurice Strong’s Climate Change Empire.
The buying and selling of carbon-related chips anticipated the proliferation of many new forms of exchange unfolding in the present era. Currently many new forms of cryptocurrencies are vying for legitimacy against the weakening power of the rapidly-inflating US dollar supply.
Strong moved to China after being caught with a million dollar cheque that was said to be part of a bribe related to the Food for Oil scandal in Iraq. The scandal involved kickbacks to the government of Saddam Hussein. In 2005 the CBC reported
“In an indictment that was unsealed Friday, U.S. prosecutors said Park received millions from the Iraqi government to bribe UN officials in a scheme to undermine the oil-for-food program
Rather than face the scandal, Maurice Strong moved to China. Over the course of his life, Strong, like his patron David Rockefeller, would travel to China frequently. Strong would sometimes visit his Communist Aunt who apparently had “befriended” both Lenin and Trotsky when she was living in Russia.
Is it possible that, among his many commitments, Strong was an agent involved in the affairs of the Chinese government. Among these affairs could well have been China’s important interactions with David Rockefeller. Throughout the 1970s Strong’s mentor, the UN’s banker, often travelled to China where he is known to have travelled extensively throughout the country by train.
The Rockefellers are known to have been Sinophiles raised in a home adorned with Chinese finery. Going back to the nineteenth century, John D. Rockefeller was actively engaged in selling kerosene in China. In the early twentieth century, the Rockefellers directed their attention to running a hospital in China and in assisting with the establishment of Higher Education.
By 1973 David Rockefeller travelled to China and met Zhou Enlai as a prelude to opening up banking interactions that proved to be instrumental in radically transforming the nature of US-Chinese relations.
Whatever the motivation, Strong too was a Sinophile who opted to spend his final years in China.
Geo-Engineering, Environment, Ecology, and Bio-Weapon Attacks
There is no doubt that the natural world has and is being harmed by many forms of industrial activity, much of it focusing in and around military conflicts. A major category of atmospheric interference has been categorized as geo-engineering, much of it conducted secretly by branches of the world’s many Armed Forces. See
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For governments to ignore the effects of geo-engineering on nature, including on human settlements, is highly disingenuous. It is especially unforgivable for governments to hide abundant evidence of geo-engineering while diverting so much public attention to a very flawed account of anthropogenic [human caused] climate change.
The extremely volatile and unusual character of the Maui fires in the summer of 2023 offers one prominent example among many which indicate that military agencies are deeply engaged in dramatic alterations of atmospheric conditions with the goal of doing devastating and highly-targeted harm.
Much has changed since Maurice Strong came up with his theory of climate change that coincided so well with his agenda of building up the role and the reach of the United Nations. Strong took further the ideas introduced by the Club of Rome and the Brundtland Commission.
The essence of their findings was that public fears about environmental degradation could be effectively manipulated to scare people into compliance with directives emanating from governments, industry, and high finance.
Putting aside the phenomenon of psychological warfare through engineered fears of devastating climate change, some of the thinking generated by independent voices within the environmental movement have contributed important understandings. A large theme of the revelations has been the importance of looking deeply into the thick web of biological interactions among diverse plants and animal as emphasized in the scientific study of ecology.
This study has contributed to the crucial understanding that the health of people is intimately connected to the health of the larger community of life forms with whom we share the planet. The understanding of intertwined biological interactions of the many millions of organisms throughout nature generally, can also be pointed inwards.
We edify ourselves when we recognize the unique complexity of the many facets of our own inner selves, physically, spiritually, and intellectually. We must come to know ourselves in order to be true to ourselves. Humanity cannot thrive in collectivities or as individuals when we are all made subject to one-size-fits-all dictates as epitomized by the push to universally inject the global population with gene-modifying concoctions.
It is time to address the UN’s recruitment of the word, “environment” as an open-ended term ideal for staking out broad jurisdictional turf in a global context. There are many kinds of environments, including, for instance, mental environments, cultural environments, cosmic environments, economic environments, political environments and so on.
The destruction of natural environments is often accompanied by the destruction of mental environments in ways that make reasonable public discourse impossible. Rational public debate, on which much depends, becomes nearly impossible when the mental environment becomes toxic. Pollution of thought flows from pollution of the mental environment.
Atmospheric cycles of change sometimes referred to as “the weather,” do not conform to geopolitical boundaries. Accordingly the use of the term, “the environment,” can be seen as a word choice well calculated to accommodate the expansion of global governance centred at the UN.
Clearly Bill Gates and his backers in the Rockefeller Foundation have come to similar conclusions by highlighting “public health” as a means of transcending boundaries in the governance of people worldwide. Gates became a major funder of the UN’s World Health Organization whose leadership continues to push for new powers to negate the national sovereignty of member countries.
Because of such developments, Parliaments and Legislatures everywhere are coming to seem more and more like museums. These remnants of a bygone era remind many average people of the time when we used to have at least a chance of exercising some influence in determining the actions of our own governments.
Rather than being places of self-governance for we the people, our legislative buildings are becoming places where accumulations of rubber stamps give the appearance, without the substance, of legitimacy to many transaction. The rubber stamps contain edicts that come about through rigged elections, rigged media reports, rigged search engines, rigged court procedures combined with the rigged ascendance of proliferating globalist institutions.
The United Nations and its partner, the WEF, have become emblematic of globalist governance by, for, and of the plutocrats. As the world’s primary international organization, the UN is certainly a reflection of internationalism gone astray. Internationalism points away from national sovereignty towards a more Marxian emphasis on conflict between haves and have nots.
As a self-identifying socialist internationalist, Maurice Strong saw the world through the prism of class conflict within countries. This dynamic of material conflict over access to natural resources extended to antagonisms between rich and poor regions. Some view the climate change hoax set in motion by Maurice Strong as a scheme whose real objective was the redistribution of wealth.
The WHO’s oversight of the broad outlines of the globalist bioweapon attack done in the name of vanquishing COVID-19, drew on a hypothetical scenario provided in a report of the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. The predictive document was in the chapter, “Lock Step.” This chapter” is part of a report entitled, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.
Those behind the scheme to inject every person on the planet with injected, gene-altering bioweapons are still at large among us. The appreciation of the sanctity of human life has always been partial and problematic but now the gloves are off and the truth is out in the age-old battles for survival.
Let's crowd-source our solutions, rather than taking orders from our betters, eh?
Professor, thank you, again and again. I learn so much by reading and exploring your articles. Keep up the good and exceptional work. I wish you the best in the New Year. Stay healthy and safe.