Trump's Zionist Sabotage of America First
Instead of Bringing About an New Departure for the USA, Trump Wants to Win a Zionist Medal for Bolstering Israel.
Donald Trump has attached his presidential wagon to that of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is currently overwhelmed in dealing with his multiple domestic criminal charges. The most recent charge is based on his ongoing efforts not to release the hostages, several of whom have damning insider information on what really happened in the lead up to October 7, 2023.
Moreover, Netanyahu is now facing a precedent-setting arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (the ICC) for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. This process is unfolding concurrently with that of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which has embarked on an elaborate prosecution of Israel’s Netanyahu government for violating the Genocide Convention.
Is Donald Trump putting together a presidential agenda that will result in his following Netanyahu into a high-stakes realm of litigiousness on steroids? Will Donald Trump go down in history for outdoing even the Zionist psychopaths in the Biden administration who made themselves partners in the Netanyahu government’s genocidal enterprise?
Will Trump make the touchstone of his presidency an all-out campaign to help Netanyahu “finish off” the Jewish state’s bloody-minded mass murder spree that has astounded much of humanity for its rabid viciousness? Does finishing off the job mean expanding the war into a US-led invasion of Iran?
In recent months the ICC Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn, has embarked on rounds of public education to underline the necessity of putting an end to an unspoken rule. Up until now, international law has been enforced in ways that discriminate dramatically between different classes of people.
Kahn has faced harsh criticisms as well as serious recriminations for pushing forward charges against the Israeli leadership. One way of viewing Netanyahu’s arrest warrant is as an indicator of a move towards the achievement of more universalist principles of equality before the law in the arena of international criminal and humanitarian law. There are broad implications if it can be shown that even a brutal war criminal as powerful as Netanyahu, is no longer above the law.
Up until now, some officials especially in Africa have been subject to the enforcement of international laws. At the same time others, but especially the Armed Forces of Israel and the United States, have for all intents and purposes been exempted from facing charges from the judicial instruments of international law enforcement.
The ICC’s issuing of arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and a Hamas leader, Mohammad Dief, who may or may not be dead, demonstrates that officials in the United States and Israel can no longer count on enjoying immunity from the courts administrating international criminal and humanitarian law.
In spite of this development, it seems that the upper echelons of the ruling class in Israel and the United States will do their best to demean the ICC and to ignore the arrest warrants it has issued. In fact Trump seems obsessed with outdoing Joe Biden with his “ironclad” support of Netanyahu who has made himself the spearhead of the savage war crimes that continue to spread from Gaza to the West Bank to Lebanon where the ceasefire may or may not take hold.
Lowkey has exposed Netanyahu’s debt to Zionist donors, many of them based primarily in Israel.
Trump’s integration onto into the Deep Politics of Zionist power makes it unlikely that he will do the obvious when it comes to realizing the America First agenda he promised in order to win the vote of tens of millions of average Americans.
The Ascent of Zionism and Christian Zionism
By constructing a war cabinet of Iran-hating and Muslim-hating Zionists, Donald Trump is signalling very clearly what his top priority will be in taking office. All signs point to his intention to fulfill Benjamin Netanyahu’s longstanding plan to put the full strength of the US Armed Forces at the forefront of an invasion of Iran. The aim of such an invasion would be to subordinate Iran by integrating it into the Zion-American empire in the process of further expanding “Greater Israel.”
The genocidal elimination of the Palestinians by extermination or forced relocation of the survivors, is one aspect of this larger project aimed at eliminating Iran as it has been since 1979. This conquest of Iran seems to be what Trump means when he states his intention to work with Netanyahu in “finishing off the job.” The best proof of the nature of his plan is demonstrated in the attributes and attitudes of the neoconservative group of Muslim-hating war mongers he is putting into key positions in his war cabinet.
Nick Fuentes is entirely correct is predicting that by upping the ante in the longstanding pattern of US subordination to the Israel First agenda of international Zionism, Trump is flagrantly betraying his promise to put America First, to Make America Great Again.
What is it about this totalitarian obsession inside America and its dwindling empire that makes the Israel First politics of Zionism so seductive and domineering? What is the attraction, the alchemy and the coercion that has caused America’s ruling class to conclude that Chosenite Zionism must be embedded ever more deeply as the chief theocratic cornerstone of the American way of life?
How did it come to be that this little stream of ideology and activism that started with the goal of establishing in Palestine a Jewish home and then a Jewish state, grew into such a ruthless, pervasive and parasitic power grab?
How could the goal of creating a fixed national address primarily for European Jews give rise to such a huge torrent of military, economic, cultural and political instability pulsating unrelentingly at the core of most high-level transactions throughout all the Western countries? How far does Zionist influence extend into Russia, China and the BRICS countries?
Even in the big and lucrative business of Christian evangelism in America, Israel First promoters have pushed Zionism to the forefront. This development is rooted in Zionist manipulations that preceded by almost by four decades the formal founding in 1947 of the Jewish state of Israel.
Zionist operatives who played a significant role in subjecting President Woodrow Wilson to bribery and blackmail, paid off conman Cyrus Scofield. The New York lawyer Samuel Untermyer and his Zionist associates handsomely rewarded Scofield as well as Oxford University Press to collaborate in the publication of the prestigious-looking Scofield Bible.
Scofield’s role was to annotate the Bible text with interpretations encouraging readers to avoid the damnations of hell by praising Israel and challenging any critics of the Jewish state in-the-making.
In a review of a book about Cyrus Scofield, Dr. Don Benson writes,
The evangelical church was railroaded into adopting false doctrines regarding the end of this age. The global banking empire in league with secret societies hired and groomed a crooked lawyer and politician [Scofield] to deceive and disarm the church so as not to resist the rise of the end-time Antichrist regime. As Nazi propagandist Goebbels said, a lie repeated once is still a lie, but repeated thousands or millions of times it is accepted as truth. For more than a century, controlled religious institutions and mass media have promoted this fraud while suppressing all biblical studies to the contrary.
The rise of Christian Zionism is recognized by many devout Christians as a blaspheme that frontally assaults the convictions of many adherents to the religion of Jesus. Christian Zionists constitute a huge constituency in the populist multitudes that consider themselves to be adherents of the MAGA movement.
How many MAGA people are becoming aware that Trump is betraying his original promise to the American people in order to serve the Jewish supremacist agenda of the Zionist movement. Trump is clearly putting Israel First, not America First. Trump’s core commitment is to shape the fate of the Israeli government irrespective of the impact of his actions on the US government?
By casting himself as the primary American stooge of the pathological war monger, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump is doing the opposite to Making America Great Again. There is no chance that Trump’s backing and even spearheading of the extension into Iran of IDF’s genocidal project, has any chance of ending well for the United States.
The capacities of Iran to go head-to-head in a war with the United States and its Israeli partner is being significantly underestimated, especially given Iran’s strengthening military alliances with Russia and China. For decades Iran has been threatened with a thoroughgoing US invasion compelling it to replicate the strategy of the Viet Cong, the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah by building massive underground instillations to survive and oppose attempts of foreign occupation.
Moreover, it would be naive to think that Iran by now does not possess nuclear weapons. Is there is any government in the world with a more serious need for high-level of deterrence?
This assessment of what we might expect from Trump flies in the face of ill-informed expectations of tens of millions of US citizens. These indoctrinated American Christian Zionists, a major anchor in the Israeli geopolitical hold on the United States, are happily anticipating an apocalyptic annihilation of much of the world’s population. They foresee a global war where many of the antagonistic forces converge and clash by doing battle in Israel.
This preoccupation with the imagined inevitability of holy warfare in the Middle East has many sources including in the Book of Revelations in the New Testament. The interpretations derived from Biblical text are often rendered more extreme by directives aimed at readers in the notations of the Scofield Bible.
Some of the notational additions in the Scofield Bible can be traced back to the Dispensationalist theory introduced by the Anglo-Irish Christian theologian, John Nelson Darby. Darby is one of a number of Christian figures who contributed significantly to the work of Theodore Herzl, the author in 1893 of The Jewish State, Zionism’s founding text.
The elaborate structures of prophesies flowing from Christian Zionism have become increasingly elaborate in recent decades. The evangelists of Christian Zionism have become especially prone to draw from the most fanatical of the religious Jews awaiting the arrival of their own Jewish messiah.
An excellent example of this phenomenon is the identification by some Christian Zionists with the Jewish settlers who regularly collaborate with the IDF in murdering native Palestinians in the West Bank. Along with Gaza, the West Bank was reserved by the UN in 1947 for an Arab state. This reserved territory was illegally conquered and occupied by the Israeli Armed Forces in 1967.
The murderous extremists building up the illegal settlements in the West Bank are the core constituency of the political alliance forming the basis of the Israeli government of Netanyahu and his notorious partners, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.
The illegality of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank is the subject of a major ruling at the International Court of Justice completed in July of 2024. The effort to ignore and demean the status and findings of the core judicial organizations charged to arbitrate specific disputes in the administration of international law, has become a prominent attribute of the Zionist regime that dominates both Israel and the United States.
The governing authorities in the US and Israel have come to see themselves in the matter of the ongoing genocide aimed at eliminating native Palestinians, as separate and apart from the rules of conduct expected of others in the international system. The Zionist-sanctioned overseers of governing authority see themselves as the sole arbiters of legitimacy when it comes to the question of who can or cannot be killed with impunity.
A key aim of the current Netanyahu government in Israel is to displace Muslim people from the site of the al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem where the Dome of the Rock is located. The Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest and most venerated religious sites in all of Islam.
The ongoing drive by the Netanyahu government to subordinate and then eliminate the Muslim holy site is a major trigger of the al Aqsa Flood campaign organized by Hamas and other Islamic groups of Palestinians. This campaign was a factor in the mounting of the ruthless genocidal response implemented by the “ironclad” partnership of Israel and the United States. The goal of many messianic Jews is to replace the al Aqsa mosque with the envisaged Third Jewish Temple.
This Jewish settler hostility to the major Islamic platform in Jerusalem, is part of a more general sentiment of lethal hostility harboured by many Jews when it comes to the treatment and fate of Muslim people. This hostility is often an element in the well-cultivated Zionist animosity towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. The hostility towards Iran is often emphasized by Christian Zionists as well as by the Jewish-dominated media especially in the West. This hostility tends to extend beyond Iran towards the entire ummah, the worldwide community of Muslim people.
The second Jewish Temple of David and Solomon was destroyed by the Roman Empire shortly following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The urge of messianic Jews to eject Muslims from the Dome of the Rock and to build in its place a Third Temple, is connected to a plan to make Jerusalem the imperial capital of a global empire. The plan is to include in the Third Temple complex a place for a renewed Sanhedrin as some kind of Jewish-dominated world court.
The wayward Christians won over by the evangelical missionaries of Israel First Zionism are encouraged to embrace all manner of cataclysmic predictions presented as if they constitute certainties flowing from the unbendable will of God. A new era of promise and catastrophe will open up, it is believed, with the second coming of Jesus Christ along with the arrival on earth of the Mark of the Beast anti-Christ.
The resulting Armageddon is pictured as a necessary prelude and condition of the Rapture when those beloved by God and by his Chosen people will rise into Heaven. Many of those engulfed in anticipating the destruction, consider it as their divine duty to do what they can to hasten the End of Times.
It is indeed a menacing development for all life on earth when Donald Trump puts Christian Zionists in powerful positions in his US war cabinet. In such positions Trump’s leading warriors can indeed identify and accelerate the journey to Armageddon on their way to their envisaged destination of everlasting life through the journey of the Rapture.
Christian Zionists are meant to believe that Israel comes First. The government and people of Israel badly need Christian Zionism to Keep Israel First.
Right now Benjamin Netanyahu is at the pinnacle of public notoriety. One of his roles is as something like the chief rabbi of the Jewish nation. Netanyahu metaphorically donned a rabbinical hat to formally declare native Palestinians to be today’s equivalents of the sacrificial Amaleks.
The important role in the Trump administration of Christian Zionist war mongers cannot be overstated. Many of these war mongers seem to be lusting to join in the mass murder to help open the gates of Heaven to those of their own self-righteous ilk. The war mongers include Elise Stefanik, Michael Walz, Stephen Miller, Pete Hegseth, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Kristi Noem, and Steven C. Witkoff.
Mavericks and Conformists in Trump’s New War Cabinet
Pete Hegseth is one of the main standard bearers of the Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist administration of Acting US President Donald Trump. Trump’s highest motivation, it seems, is to go down in history as one of the greatest and most lauded Zionists of all times.
In realizing this goal, how might Trump navigate the reality that his main partner in the bridged Zionist governance of Israel and the United States, is now tagged with an arrest warrant as an international war criminal?
Pete Hegseth is Trump’s first choice for his Defence Secretary. Hegseth is a decorated veteran of the Minnesota National Guards, having served in Afghanistan and Iraq including at Guantanamo Bay prison. Guantanamo is well known as the notorious site of much gratuitous torture often inflicted in the name of the War on Terror.
Having attained the rank of Major, Hesgeth resigned from the US Armed Forces in 2021 because he was singled out by some of his superiors in the National Guard as an “extremist.” His tatoos were used against him to remove him from soldiering to protect the inauguration ceremonies of Joe Biden in 2021.
Hegseth is a Princeton-educated individual who writes books and has been given wide latitude on Fox News to express himself and interview guests of his own choosing. Donald Trump came to admire him after he watched Hegseth on television.
Trump’s pick for Defence Secretary is a major champion of the deployment of the US Armed Forces to fight wars wars that serve the agendas of Israel. Hegseth characterizes himself as a “recovering neocon.” He apparently continues to see no limit in how far the US government should go in fighting wars for Israel. He has asserted
“Zionism and Americanism are the front lines of Western civilization today and the freedom of our world today.”
If Hegseth is stating in this comment the underlying philosophy of the incoming Trump administration, then the people are owed some kind of explanation about the justification for this assertion.
I do not remember anything like such an affirmation in the Trump campaign to win the presidency. Certainly the human devastation on full display in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, where Hegseth will soon be playing a major role, doesn’t seem to me anything like a proud display of Western civilization.
The genocidal devastation we have witnessed so far will be seen as small compared to what is coming if Netanyahu succeeds in getting Trump to order the US Armed Forces to lead an invasion of Iran.
In 2008 Hegseth was taken under the wing of the leading Zionist neocon proponents of a continuing Israel First military role for the United States. Here is Hegseth in 2008 in a presidential rally highlighting the Republican candidate, Senator John McCain. Hegseth was introduced by Lindsay Graham and subsequently praised by Bill Kristol and Senator Joe Lieberman. The “Vets for Freedom” initiative was extravagantly funded by Sheldon Adelson.
Hegseth no longer supports the US invasion of Iraq. He became a major voice against the inundation of the US Armed Forces of woke policies including DEI— Diversity, Equity and Inclusion— and the disastrous mandated bioweapons coercively jabbed into all kinds of people in the name of stopping a viral infection. Trump’s appointee has condemned the abuse of “diverse recruits— pumped full of of vaccines and even more poisonous ideologies.” He does not think women in the military should be assigned to combat missions.
Hegseth is regularly condemned as a fascist and a white nationalist for embracing the heritage of Christian crusaders. He proudly displays how he sees his own historical heritage in the tatoos that became a decisive symbol in the process that led to Hegseth becoming a vet.
At Princeton one of his professors, Robbie George, coached him on how to adapt his Roman Catholic heritage to Christian Zionist doctrine. He seems to move easily into End of Times preoccupations including sharing in the messianic visions of the most fanatic branch of religious Jews who draw a connection between the cult of the Red Heifer and the building of the Third Temple.
Mike Huckabee is Trump’s first pick for US Ambassador to Israel. Huckabee is emblematic of the importance of Christian Zionism in the Trump administration. He seems totally uninterested in the legal complexities of the plight of Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank. Huckabee thinks its rude to even refer to the West Bank.
Like Hegseth, Huckabee describes the West Bank as Judea and Samaria. In fact he questions, as do many Jewish Israelis, whether or not Palestinians are even a distinct people. Huckabee observes, there is “plenty of land for them in Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt and Syria.”
Even the Jewish publication, Forward, observed that Huckabee’s “old-school Christian Zionism is bad news for anyone who wants Middle East peace.”
In my view one of the most telling and deeply troubling of the Trump appointees is Elsie Stefanik, a Congresswoman from New York. Trump has put Stefanik forward as his first choice for US Ambassador to the United Nations.
Stefanik is a Jewish Zionist well connected to important circles of Israel First operatives. One of her recent claims to fame is the role she played in the US House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee. Her questioning in Congress of Ivy League University presidents was integral to the corrosive process that will continue to hollow out the effectiveness and credibility of Higher Education in the United States.
In her performance on the Committee, Stefanik extended the outlandish commentary of Benjamin Netanyahu who intervened in the spring of 2024 to condemn the campus demonstrations against the genocidal annihilation of native Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
With the Zionist media protecting their backs, both Netanyahu and Stefanik sought to alter the focus of the controversy as if the real threat to be addressed was the prospect of a genocide being pointed at Jewish faculty and students on college campuses. The extent of the resort to a saga of Jewish victimhood is quite astounding. Stefanik highlights Jews, not Palestinians, as the primary victims of genocidal assaults. Its a big and lucrative business for her.
Bear in mind the fact that a disproportionate number of those who organize to stop the indiscriminate slaughter in Gaza, are Jewish. As Netanyahu and Stefanik saw it, only a rise in antisemitism and worse, could explain this surge of activism aimed at stopping the slaughter of Palestinians.
A full court press was led by Netanyahu, Trump and Stefanik. With the backing of this political crew as backed up by the media as well as the billionaire Zionist donors, the universities surrendered to the takeover by the upper echelons of organized Jewry. Several university presidents resigned to be replaced by administrators willing to hand over to Zionist operatives control of the curriculum and staffing in Higher Education. Then came the thought police of the Israel First movement.
Trump is making much of his zeal to deny federal funding and certification to universities that refuse to go along with shutting down freedom of speech as well as the incorporation of conflicting narratives in accounts of Israel-Palestine interactions.
In the entire history of US academia, there has never been a more disastrous and crippling assault on academic freedom. Academic freedom is a marker providing the some backing and facilitation of free speech for everyone. In the long run, the consequences will be abysmal if this addition of yet another huge brick in the wall is allowed to further block unfettered investigation at universities on all kinds of issues. The precedent will have been set for much worse to come.
Universities have been civilizational bastions essential to the process of inventiveness and problem solving when it comes to advancements in science and the formulation of public policy. By forcing institutions of higher learning to take the side of power over justice in societal contentions, the fascist forces in charge of expanding their tyrannical authoritarianism are screwing in more constraints to secure the sinecures of the richest and most domineering branches of society.
What statement will Donald Trump be making by highlighting the Zionists power broker, Elsie Stefanik, as the new US Ambassador to the United Nations? Some might interpret this move as an indication that the new US President is almost boasting to the world that he is continuing the process of making the once mighty United States into a slave colony of Israel.
Elsie Stefanik can be seen as a symbol that some of the most important educational institutions of a once strong and vibrant USA, are being handed over to Israel First activists. Trump’s appointment of this Zionist shill speaks of his devotion to the ethos of Jewish supremacy that has long dominated Congress, the White House and the media.
The priorities shared by Stefanik, Trump and Netanyahu give telling evidence about the extent of the betrayal of a genuine America First agenda. Where does subordination of the America First slogan leave Pete Hegseth when he asserts that Zionism and Americanism represent the two intertwined touchstones of Western Civilization?
Zionism is hostile to the more compelling ideals that have their source in Western Civilization. In the final analysis, Zionism is antagonistic to free speech. Zionism is especially hostile to the crucial ideal of academic freedom in institutions of Higher Learning.
Without academic freedom, universities can be little more than places of glorified baby sitting for infantilized adults. Without academic freedom, universities inevitably became sites of patronage exchange where academic appointments are apportioned among like-minded cronies. The necessary requirement for such appointments is to look the other way and shut up when it comes to facing sensitive issues that invariably arise in healthy academic environments.
Proponents of Israel First policies like those of Trump and Stefanik inevitably move more deeply into muskegs where fellow swamp creatures reside. Those who inhabit such dank environments inevitably attempt to exercise thought control to cast hypnotic spells over those they seek to dominate and manipulate.
The demise of universities as places where the merit principle is meant to prevail over mere compliance with the imperatives of power, is evident in the enactment of The Anti-Semitic Awareness Act. One of its stated purposes is the goal of making Jewish students and faculty feel more safe on campus.
According to Mike Whitney, however, the Bill is actually “a wrecking ball to pulverize the US First Amendment.” The real purpose is a “to put an end to the anti-genocide demonstrations that have broken out across the country and to prevent the criticism of Israel.”
The Bill has already been passed by the the House of Representatives and it has been praised by Donald Trump. The Acting President seems more than anxious to get personally involved in setting the rules for the funding and certification of universities as well as deciding what they can or cannot teach.
The Anti-Semitic Awareness Act employs the widely discredited definition of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). This organization treats criticism of Israel as Anti-Semitic. Moreover it equates criticism of Zionism with Anti-Semitism.
The faulty definition of Anti-Semitism outlined by the IHRA was struck down and deemed to be a contributing cause in the miscarriage of justice in the case of wrongful dismissal of Professor David Miller at an important British university.
This case notwithstanding, the Trump government-in-waiting is getting ready to join Netanyahu and Elsie Stefanik in trying to stifle the widespread horror in response to the US-Israel partnership in the unrelenting genocide campaign accelerated by Netanyahu and Biden in Gaza.
By making Stefanik the Israel First Ambassador who will represent the United States to the member nations of the UN, Trump is following Netanyahu’s lead in making the Israeli PM’s over-the-top explanation of Jewish victimhood an American trademark. The counterfactual demonization of justice-minded citizens seeking an end to the US-Israeli genocide in the Middle East, has become a possible jump off point for what may become President Donald Trump’s military invasion of Iran.
Will Netanyahu’s declaration of war on pro-Palestinian university students be seen in retrospect as a nudge to Donald Trump to start organizing an American invasion of Iran on Israel’s behalf?
The perils of instituting yet another special perk for the coddled class of Jewish Americans will create added instability within the citizenry. It would give the Zionist contingent in the ADL and related law enforcement agencies a new means of criminalizing critics of Israel, extending even to declaring part of the New Testament as hate speech.
Zionism and the Legacy of 9/11
Donald Trump is depending on transition teams to do much of the logistical work in getting his presidency ready to assume power on 20 January, 2025. Brian Hook is doing the transition work at the State Department where Israel First zealot Marco Rubio is preparing to become Trump’s Secretary of State.
The co-chairs of the all-purpose transition team are Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick. McMahon is a billionaire donor to Trump whose major claim to fame is her role in running with her husband the World Wrestling Entertainment empire.
Donald Trump is a lifelong fan of dramatized wrestling, performances done in the style of reality TV shows that are actually faked. Trump famously starred in a TV series based on faking reality. The nature of the bond linking the Acting President with Linda McMahon is obvious.
Trump has appointed the wrestling entrepreneur as Education Secretary with the assignment of moving all jurisdiction over school teaching and school curricula to the state governments. The federal government is to vacate the field where the Biden administration promoted Critical Race Theory to millions of students.
Trump has appointed McMahon’s transition team co-chair, Howard Lutnick, as Commerce Secretary. Lutnick is a Jewish billionaire and Wall Street huckster who repeatedly condemns the “jihad” which he sees as the animating scourge of Muslim terrorism. “We have to get rid of jihad on this earth,” Lutnick regularly proclaims.
Lutnick associates his business dealings and his political promotion of Donald Trump with his personal involvement in the events of September 11, 2001. Recall that the world was introduced on 9/11 to a deluge of false news wrongfully attributing the hijacking of airplanes to “Muslim jihadists.” With no investigation whatsoever, the media and the Bush/Cheney administration blamed “Islamic terrorists” for the damage done in Manhattan, at the Pentagon, and in a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania.
The following clip indicates just how freely Lutnick interjects references to 9/11 into his explanation of who he, what he does and what he wants to stand for.
As he moves towards the beginning of his second term of serving as President of the United States, Trump is already far down the road in making his preoccupation with Zionism the dominant theme of his administration. This preoccupation is coming after US citizens had a choice between three front running presidential candidates, all committed to different versions of Israel First Zionism.
The wraps disguising the Zionist monopoly dominating the most high-level facets of political, military, economic and cultural interactions in the United States, has now been placed on full public display. Under these conditions, a growing constituency is beginning to wonder why it is that America is never put first even by the president that invented the slogan.
The blessings afforded the United States include abundant and diversified natural resources as well as the once-spectacular ingenuity of so many of its people. Why is it, then, that the ailing superpower can’t transcend the swampy quagmire of Zionism? Why cannot the United States engage in peaceful policies domestically and abroad so as to enable a concerted focus on bringing about healthy and effective national reconstruction?
For the first time the predominance of the Zionist role in the governance of the United States is on the verge of breaking through the invisible barrier that prevents the topic from ever being the subject of widespread public debate. No matter how many laws are passed with the goal of keeping this explosive matter on the sidelines, the core contentions of our time are breaking into the light of day.
The centrality of the US-Israeli partnership in the genocidal debacle underway in the Middle East is mitigating against any continuation of sweeping blood-stained Zionist laundry under the rug.
The lies and crimes of 9/11 are deeply intertwined with the Zionist manipulations characteristic of Israel First machinations. When Alex Jones and others called 9/11 an “inside job,” they often failed to explain… Inside what? Leading agents of Israel First Zionism were in charge of the planning, implementing and covering-up 9/11. By now the evidence is overwhelming as well as widely understood by millions.
Alex Jones popularized the term, “9/11 was an Inside Job.” He did so as part of his invention of a new genre of broadcasting that attracted very wide audiences. Without a doubt Donald Trump borrowed from the style of conspiracy theorizing pioneered by Jones.
Trump brought his own appeal to his own version of the Infowars discourse. He retaliated against those that mindlessly demeaned so-called “conspiracy theories,” labelling most MSM content as “fake news.” Trump’s condemnation, it seems, becomes increasingly valid and compelling with the passage of time. How much fake news with the Trump presidency generate?
On the very day of 9/11 Trump was interviewed on the fate of the Twin Towers. He indicated that there was no way aluminum planes could have penetrated the massive, high-end steel walls of the Twin Towers. He speculated that some form of massive airplanes were substituted for passenger jets. He indicated that bombs must have been used to break through the steel walls anticipating the argument that controlled demolition rather than plane crashes and melting steel took the towers down.
Officialdom’s explanation of what happened on 9/11 was fed to the public on the very day of the debacle. This account formed the basis of a completely fraudulent explanation designed to justify a number of US invasions of Muslim-majority countries.
These invasions were meant to serve the objectives of Israel First policies. Like the official story of the assassination of both Kennedy bothers, understanding that 9/11 was a false flag event designed primarily for the benefit of Israel, is well understood by many people.
The demonization of Muslim people as a natural-born collectivity with a high propensity to be “terrorists” has been unashamedly promoted by the Israeli government. In a thinly-veiled manner Howard Lutnick plays on his Islamophobic generalization when he repeatedly implores ruling authorities to do away with jihad, an Arab word that can mean many things. “Jihad” can refer to an armed struggle but first and foremost the word is defined as a “spiritual striving against moral failings, undertaken as a religious duty by Muslims.”
Howard Lutnick’s way of condemning jihad and the event that popularized this term, suggests he has not been keeping up with changing perspectives concerning 9/11 as an elaborate Zionist job, one meant to toxify public opinion when it comes to the treatment of Islamic people. The 9/11 false flag was first and foremost an elaborate psychological operation aimed at many objectives including the replacement of the rule of law with arbitrary emergency measures that empower executive authorities and downgrade the influence of legislatures.
Pre-emptive interventions of all sorts were ushered in after 9/11, sabotaging the principle that everyone charged with a crime should be treated as innocent until guilt is proven. The way was thus opened to give over the courts and their staff for the use of rich people in a position to engage in extravagant episodes of lawfare.
Lutnick sits on the Board of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York City, a heavily Zionist institution that is attempting to create a complex of institutions modelled after Holocaust Museums. This approach to forcing on the public false explanations of history may not go down well during this Trump presidency.
One of the issues pushed to the sidelines, is the growing understanding on the part of those that are paying attention that no passenger planes hit buildings on 9/11. This position seems counterintuitive but the problem that Donald Trump identified on the very day of 9/11— the problem that light aluminum jets cannot simply cut through the massive steel beams like a hot knife through butter— has never been explained away.
Nor have the remnants of airplanes been collected at any of the four supposed crash sites. What was allegedly recovered on the ground at the site of the WTC debacle was Mohammed Atta’s passport.
The no planes position been compellingly argued by Dr. Morgan Reynolds.
Former CIA pilot John Lear, a descendant of the man who started the famous jet company, has submitted a legal affidavit detailing that no planes struck buildings on 9/11.
In 2001 the association of hijacked aircraft with Palestinian terrorism was quite well established in the popular memory. So the fictional account of hijackers using box cutters to secure control of the aircraft in question was integral to creating fear that some sort of Muslim and Arab uprising was underway.
The lies and crimes of 9/11 are the subject of much research and writing varying between good, bad and indifferent. This body of work includes some material that is very persuasive in demonstrating that the official account of 9/11 is based on outrageous configurations of lies and fabrications. All of this interpretative tumult unfolded in the early days of the widely accessible Internet, a device that enabled large networks of people to collaborate on projects in unprecedented ways.
Part of the sabotage committed in the wake of 9/11 amounts to a treason by the intellectuals who have allowed the much discredited narrative to persist to this day. Many of the public figures who have contributed to this treason will know who you [they] are. To draw connections between Israel and the origins of the Global War on Terror does not usually form the basis of a good career move.
The likes of Howard Lutnick, Donald Trump, and BiBi Netanyahu have become quite comfortable in backing and exploiting the official story of 9/11 as a precautionary lesson about the dangers of Islamic terrorism.
I was pleased to discover recently Simon Shack’s September Clues. This body of research and commentary adds much new information and speculation to augment our knowledge of the 9/11 false flag. One of Shack’s core interpretations is that the large US TV networks who broadcasted the spectacle on 11 of Sept. 2001, worked together to create a fabricated spectacle to misrepresent what really took place. See
This excerpt of a report in Salem New presents a summary of some of Simon Shack’s discoveries and theories. The author, Ersun Warncke, writes
“Simon Shack will tell you that nobody actually died on television. There is almost no evidence of any fatalities whatsoever. Only a few bone fragments and rumours that thousands of bodies were “vaporized.”
Simon Shack believes, sincerely and based on serious evidence, that nobody died in the events known as the “9/11 terrorist attacks.” He believes that the entire event was a hoax propagated by means of the modern mass media. The evidence that Simon Shack has compiled to support this theory rests in a documentary film series “September Clues” and at the website
The September Clues series is a compilation of evidence of lies, deceit, the use of green screens, computer generated imagery (CGI), and fake video and audio in the live network broadcasts from September 11, 2001, and in supposed amateur recordings of the events of that day.
The proofs of fakery that Simon presents include: Strong evidence of the use of a CGI plane in the “live” Fox broadcast.
The “live” Fox broadcast has been replaced, in the “official archive” on the internet, with a re-edited fake version compiled from the broadcasts from other stations.
Strong evidence that NBC replaced their “live” shot of the second airplane hitting the tower with a CGI version of the same shot, which was shown on the evening news on September 11.
Irrefutable evidence that the evening news shot on NBC of the plane hitting the tower was accompanied by a fake studio soundtrack.
Irrefutable evidence that the fake soundtrack from the NBC nightly news contained audio samples identical to the ones found in two supposedly amateur videos of planes hitting the World Trade Center Tower.
Irrefutable evidence that background scenery - such as birds, helicopters, and bridges – were inserted into “live” broadcasts using CGI, and could not possibly be real.
It is on the strength of this kind of evidence that Simon Shack makes, what appear to be, some very outlandish claims about what actually occurred in New York on September 11.
The logic is: if the live broadcasts were faked, and the amateur videos were faked, and there is conclusive evidence of the same fake material being used in both the live broadcasts and the amateur videos, then there must be a single source that produced most, if not all, of the faked media material that purports to depict planes flying into the World Trade Center towers in New York.
It goes without saying that the account of Howard Lutnick and Simon Shack of the events of 9/11 are highly inconsistent. Both accounts cannot be concurrently true. Rather than attempt here and now consider the rights and wrongs of both accounts, I think I have already made my point. The official version of what transpired on 9/11 is based on many audacious lies woven into an interpretations widely disseminated immediately without any genuine investigation.
While we know that the official conspiracy theory is wrong, there are a range of alternative explanations of what really transpired. From my perspective one of the most undeniable features of the alternatives presented is that Israel First Zionists, but especially those involved in the Project for the New American Century, were deeply involved in pulling off 9/11 as well as its instant misrepresentation.
Now that Donald Trump is making such a thoroughgoing embrace of Israel First Zionism, the core feature of his second term as US President, that main element of his policies, will definitely arouse heated scrutiny and controversy.
The importance of Howard Lutnick in Trump’s war cabinet deserves attention. Since Lutnick has fashioned himself as The Trump administration’s Mr. 9/11 and as an unrelenting critic of “jihad,” he will provide a focus of scrutiny. Lutnick has deeply associated himself with a many-faceted fraud that initiated a rapid plunge in the health and prestige of the United States.
Prior to September 11, 2001 the United States was widely viewed as the world’s sole remaining superpower. Now the USA is putting the world at risk in desperately trying to hold onto militarily to the remnants of its former status.
Another obvious flash point that may explode into prominence, is the Zionist commitment to commemorating The Holocaust with a lavish collection of Holocaust Museums. I can easily picture a movement to alter the representation of this event perhaps with demands and requests that space be afforded to represent the Palestinian Holocaust.
One spur to promote this outcome is the way the Israeli government is acting to eliminate native Palestinians as well as to obliterate them from memory. The Israeli genocidaires engaged in efforts aimed at destroying all records and monuments meant to commemorate the lives of those they are targeting. Never Forget.
It is the most shocking indictment on the reālpolitik of the world that the great America has been taken over from the inside (an inside job) by a corrupt and fascist Israel, into a genocidal protector.