Yesterday I came across this one uncensored 10 second loop of a tree burning from the central core, spewing flames out, while its leaves were unburned and a truck drove by, again and again and again... This is from a local person. All private-citizen local videos were immediately removed from social media, but this one was picked up by a local news station and looped, sort of like the WTC collapse videos that are burned into our memories. Watch the flames shoot from the core of the tree, while unburned leaves blow in the breeze.


How would the core of a tree burn out while the bark and leaves are not burned? It's like a microwave oven heating my coffee, but not the mug, isn't it? Microwave energy is like radar. The wavelengths excite polar molecules and may be completely absorbed by electrically conductive metals. I can remember putting old China in a microwave, the kind with that tiny metallic edge accent, which got really hot and burned me when I picked up the bowl. I didn't do that again. Polar molecules, like water, but not only water, absorb microwave energy, and it is converted to heat in the material which contains them. Would that include automotive windshields and windows? There are so many images of melted windshields draped over dashboards like a melted cheese slice on a hamburger patty... I googled it below, and below that is a video posted by Dora in the comments at The Automatic Earth, of Canadian trees, mobile-homes, houses and cars burned in unusual ways. It is a video interview of a Forensic Arborist who studied a lot of forest fires around human towns and suburbs in Canada. Water-loving trees like willows burned from the core, sometimes only the core burned, leaving a charred bowl in the center, or a charred cave in the middle of a large tree with unburned bark. Willows along a river, with roots in the water, all burned, while dry pines going up the mountainside next to them did not burn. A mobile home is completely burned out, while the trees around it and the dry wooden landing steps up to where the front door was are unburned.

The materials required to make a windshield

The key ingredients to make windshield glass are soda ash, silica sand, limestone, dolomite and cullet. There are little quantities and traces of aluminum oxide and potassium oxide also included most of the time.

Silica is the major ingredient and around 65-70% of the windshield glass is just silica. This is what makes glass. After silica, soda ash is added to the mixture when silica is being heated. It decreases the melting point of the mix. Dolomite makes the mixture easier to work with, whereas limestone increases the efficiency of the glass and gives it a good finish. Limestone is also a key ingredient for making the glass more durable.

Then some water is poured into the mixture and heated at a specific temperature. All these chemicals and materials being blended and heated together give birth to glass.




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Interesting stuff. But I jumped through the item skipping some bits and never saw a thing about the Canadian fires, just probable extrapolations with the assumption of same same same. Anyway, thanks Dr. Day for contributing to the discussion. What's going on in your neck of the the sudden transgender preoccupations of the schools?

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The children's minds are a battlefield again in Texas schools. My wife is an elementary school librarian. Teachers and librarians are caught in a 4 way crossfire beteen both flavors of activist-parents , the Austin Independent School District and the Texas Legislature. The teachers and librarians get conflicting unpaid mandates with punishments threatened. Court cases are getting started, for instance between some book-sellers and the legislature, for requirements which place exceptional liability and cost upon booksellers to comply with political agendas. These can be argued to impair freedom of speech, and may constitute an extralegal form of taxation. I'm no lawyer.

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It is important to know the genesis of teacher corruption.

Up until the 1960s, teachers were trained in dedicated training colleges but the UN lobbied to transfer this role to universities, whch dumped teaching skills and ehtics in favour of indoctrination to "sever the intergenerational transfer of values", Basically, to rubbish parents in the eyes of children. Today, it is LBGTQ and trannies to replace parents and grandparents. Answer: replace all teachers.

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i think it's called "drag pedagogy". It's a system of thought developed in the 70's and heavily promoted. another sad part of this pathetic picture is the fact that queers, lesbians, gays are being attacked more than ever because of the trans movement attack on children. supposedly about sex but actually a desexualization, sterilization nullification.

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The irony is that in the 1960s, the most common reason for me being involved in street fights was defending gays ('camps' back then) from being bashed. i have no toleration of bullying. Today, it is the LBGTQ/tranny whatever who are bullying heteros and families. I will never stop queer-bashing again. They brought it on themselves.

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so did you bring covid mandates upon yourself because you trusted your doctor. i think you are being mean minded. don't be so cynical. they brought it on themselves is a poor argument for becoming unkind and dehumanizing others.

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There are no good bullies and bad bullies. There are just bullies. There is something wrong with your transition to adulthood and the capacity for gauging reality.

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do you have any idea what it is?

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Seeing you ask, go to Australia Fights Back (oziz4oziz.com/), Substack oziz4oziz, and the historical novel "The Lost Track".

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My wife and I thought about handing the parents of our last remaining grandchild still in school a printout of this article. But it would only cause another rift between ourselves and them with the girl caught in the middle.

We have already gotten into an altercation about the girl aged 11 being given assignments and videos about WW2 by her teacher. I watched two of these and this is not for 11 year minds olds to digest, most of it consisting of lies, the only purpose here is to install fear and guilt into their undeveloped minds. Does this rate as education. The main topic in these videos is the Holocaust of course, and you have to ask yourself what kind of people would subject children to this horror. Kids that age do not have the ability to question or separate fact from fiction. Most adults by the way are overwhelmed emotionally on watching these expertly designed hit pieces.

The LBTQ craze blitzing the nation are no less a threat to child welfare and protection than the commie teachers who force feed our children the garbage and social disintegration propaganda leading to our downfall and dissolution.

Get these teachers out and under no circumstances will they teach again. Sure... they will say this is the program handed down from the top I had no choice. You did have a choice, the choice that nature gave you as a human being, you innately knew right from wrong. Especially where trust and children are concerned. You don't have to be a devout Christian to know that. Your Union bosses didn't care a lick about truth honesty and the welfare of children either. Controlled by the Zionist atheists the whole lot of you fell at the feet of Baal who demands your children to feed his lust for the blood of the innocent.

There is nothing more important to a society and a nation than healthy children to keep the energies, progress and vitality flowing to exist and flourish into the future. Without this flow of replenishment of human stock, there is no hope, the end is certain and people existing in such a place will pray for it.


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With you all the way, Joe.

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