Public disavowal of the official 9/11 narrative is the true litmus test for credibility for any journalist, politician, or public official. You must play the game…repeat the manifesto of lies to succeed. The Noam Chomskys, Naomi Kleins, Tulsi Gabbords, ad infinitum—have all pushed for the “official narrative” in their writings. Countless others have carried the “umbrella of lies” if they wish to be willing players in the ongoing deceit and to maintain and pursue their upward mobility and stature in the system.

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Absolutely the litmus test. I think of Matt Taibbi who gets a lot of press these days. He has been a regular in Rolling Stone. I think back to the vicious put down Taibbi wrote about "truthers" in a chapter of one of his books. Chris Hedges won't touch 9/11. No one who gets mainstream coverage, say Pilger or even Assange, will deal with 9/11. How can one interpret with credibility any aspect of the global geopolitics in the twenty-first century, if you stick to the "Muslim jihadists did it" nonsense.

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Also to the point is the categorization of “truthers” as being some kind of egregious instigators who foment “truth” and whose antithesis are, of course—liars!

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Its an honour, alright, to join the truthers in exposing the liars.

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My account recorded by an Iranian journalist in Lebanon of the University of Lethbridge's attack on me for my 9/11 Studies.


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When 9/11 took place, I thought to myself that someone from the countries that we had been terrorizing for so many years decided to punch the bully in the face the best way they could. Then only 3 months later a friend said you have to see this...a site put up by Thierry Meyssan called "Find the Boeing" that centered around the "attack" on the Pentagon. Where was the Boeing? Well that led me to the twin towers and the ignored 3rd tower...my critical thinking skills came up with IT'S ALL BULLSHIT! The LIARS are LYING again. SURPRISE!!! They lie about EVERYTHING. We need to call them out for what they are...PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES. As for the Scamdemic? Well I already had major questions floating around in my gray matter about the Medical Mafia. Starting in the late 80's with Eustic Mullins Murder By Injection, the story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America. End result? Let's try REAL anarchy for 10 years. Could it possibly be any worse? And I said REAL anarchy, not the current made up definition to hide the truth. https://www.garydbarnett.com/it-is-time-to-put-to-bed-the-lies-and-misconceptions-associated-with-the-term-anarchy/

Congrats for getting posted at Lew Rockwell. You can wear that as a badge of honor.

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Its time we went to worker harder exposing the fake science behind "global warming and "net-zero." Carbon is our friend, not our enemy.

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We are, human, animals, etc. , carbon based lifeforms after all.

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Each plane carried about 10,000 gallons of jet fuel. A backyard swimming pool amount. The twin tower had 110 concrete covered floors. Each one had about 12% less floor area than a football field. Exploding a swimming pool of fuel on the 20 yard line, the approximate equivalent location of the hollow planes impact would not have sufficient energy to bring a building down.

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Another hoax was the downing of TWA flight 800 near Long Island, NY wiping out a bunch of Egypt's top military brass. Multiple eyewitness accounts of some sort of missile heading up towards the craft before the explosion. An almost ridiculous re-piecing together of the plane and a "commission" to come up with a narrative that experts even said was unlikely, oh and of course, downplay the eyewitness accounts IF they even mention them.

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Here's an article I wrote back in 2013 on Flight 800 and 9/11


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Another parallel between the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission: both were dominated by members of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has controlled US policy and the media since WW2. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

The Warren Commission included ex-CIA director Allen Dulles and banker John McCloy. Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. McCloy was then the CFR chairman.

The 9/11 Commission included CFR members Zelikow, Kean, Hamilton, Gorelick, Kerrey and Lehman. Most of the PNAC "neocons" of the period were also CFR members, including former CFR director Dick Cheney, Wolfowitz, Bolton, etc.

Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc. including Biden's former "covid czar" Jeffrey Zients, now his chief-of-staff.

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Excellent review and focus on the sequence of criminal events designed to destroy everything in their path to reorganizing the world to their liking. The THEY is something I'd like to discuss but that will depend on what this newsletter will or will not allow.


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Thank you very much for your post. It's really a mind-blowing materials. God bless human friend.

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Thank you for dropping by SLK. I'm glad you found something of worth to you.

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A core identity of the "they" that made 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up happen, is Israel First neoconservatives including the Shabbagoys enlisted in this cause.

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Watch "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon". It will help you realize that none of this is new and it is relentlessly progressing to the end goal which is for the 0.01% to have your stuff and you gone. Once you realize and truly believe where this is going, you do not have to pay any attention to 9/11 because you will begin to build the better world that you want or you will fall in line. There is no in between, so start developing with like minded and motivated people. Everything else is a distraction and a dead end.

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Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

...However, during the Weimar Republic nearly 50% of German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, a greater percentage enrollment than for any other profession at the time, topping even lawyers and businessmen (Hayse, 2003). Doctors were represented in the SS seven times more often than the average employed German male (Annas & Grodin, 1992).

...Possible reasons for the behavior of these German physicians are often difficult to comprehend in today's medical and legal environment, where explicit consent from patients and subjects is mandatory, and where any intentional, even accidental, harm inflicted by physicians is publicly condemned and brought before the law.

One theory for Nazi doctors' abandonment of the ancient and most basic tenets of ethical medicine is that medical doctors tend to have an authoritarian personality, characterized by a strong adherence to rules and a weak ability to control more primitive, “id-driven,” impulses (Drobniewski, 1993)... Other possible explanations have been rooted in theories of practitioner narcissism. They include an inflated sense of self-importance in shaping the future of the nation and a desire for career advancement and public praise (Annas & Grodin, 1992)...

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Thanks, Anthony J. Hall, for making these significant connections I had no idea David Ray Griffin had written multiple books on this. I followed him as a process philosopher following A.N. Whitehead.

Your sentence, ‘This approach of taking action first and leaving investigations to later, is apparently becoming an essential aspect of the new normal.’ did suggest the American Wild West of ‘shoot first; ask questions later’. In addition to the example of 9/11 and JFK assassination, would you consider the Samuel Darlington Butler case as another example?

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Smedley Butler at least had the character to realize how he had been used to help build an empire, and railed against it in his later years. You won’t get a mea culpa from Fauci or Cheney, neither of whom are man enough to me a Marine.

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All I know is the Butler Ancient Elitist Totalitarian line of enobled gangsters.

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