Can't We Do Better Than Net-Zero?
Should Rainbow Flags and Drag Queen Story Hour Become Primary Emblems of Our Schools?
It may be a cliché but I think it is a wise one: Think Globally, Act Locally.
In this essay I’m going to touch both bases. I’ll present a global analysis to give context and background to a local controversy in which I’m involved. The text culminates with an Open Letter I sent to the Alberta Minister of Education. I live in the Canadian province of Alberta on the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.
The subject of the letter is the surprising push to integrate into schools the kind of energies stimulated by Drag Queen Story Hour. Alarms should be raised by the concerted effort throughout North America and the Western world to sexualize children and to arouse their curiosity about trying to change their gender. What is going on, to make this spectacle so prominent and so widespread?
Is there any connection between this phenomenon and the horrific growth of various forms of child abuse including the meteoric rise in child trafficking? One factor in the pattern may have something to do with the desire by some very rich and powerful people— Jeffrey Epstein for instance—-to normalize pedophilia? The new movie, the Sound of Freedom, conveys much of the horror of child trafficking from a variety of perspectives. Much details on the dark side of transgenderism is featured in Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman?
Why were children targeted so hard by the promoters of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” injections that are not vaccines at all but rather devices for harmful genetic manipulation? Why are children being made to bear the most severe brunt of the hostile, even military operations aimed at imposing harm on humanity at large?
From my perspective looking out at the world from Canada, Pride Month might as well have been Transgender Month. The emphasis was not so much on achieving better integration of lesbian and gay people into society. Instead the main message highlighted the overlap between transgenderism and children as the new preoccupation of queer activism. In my home town of Lethbridge I watched on as Drag Queen Story Time was performed primarily for parents and their kids at our two main public libraries.
I am introducing my Open Letter to the Alberta Education Minister with a background essay going through some of the more telling aspects of what billions of people throughout the world have been experiencing during the last two-and-a half years. This period of time was initiated by the manufactured COVID crisis. This crisis, one that continues, helped generate the conditions for the intensification of old calamities plus the addition of new ones. This sequence of events has landed us in a convergence of danger zones that might as well be called the Everything Crisis.
The COVID crisis has morphed into the Everything Crisis. In my opinion this Everything Crisis now includes the explosive responses to the initiative aimed at integrating the practise of transgender transformation into the business of public schooling.
The lockdowns of the global economy with the supposed goal of preventing the spread of COVID-19 have devastated worldwide many millions of small business as well as hundreds of millions workers not declared “essential.” The middle class has been pillaged and locked down as companies went broke and disappeared. Then trillions in market share were transferred to all the corporate versions of Big Box stores like Walmart and Costco.
In my research and publication I have tried to connect many dots so that I can explain the experience of the last two-an-a-half years as coherent sequence of intertwined events rather than a disjointed series of self-contained episodes. I tried to keep an eye on the bigger picture, including during the summer of 2020 when the toppling of many statues occurred.
This attack was made to dramatize the deplatforming of numerous historical figures, some of them quite prominent. People suddenly identified as “woke” activists, deemed these figures to be unworthy of public esteem because they were declared to be racists. Such militance found its ground zero in the response to the death of George Floyd, a death that sparked the burning of many urban districts.
The perpetrators were rarely charged, let alone convicted. This phenomenon, we learned, could be traced back to the election of prosecutors funded by George Soros. With large donations, Soros became a founder of Black Lives Matter.
At every stage of the thickening plot I tried to resist writing about each new phenomenon as a unique and stand-alone phenomenon. Instead I tried to explain unfolding events as aspects of the same continuum of events that started with the mandates to mask and to “lock down.” From these early days I became increasingly aware that a key to understanding what was really going involves following the money. Pay attention to the financial aspects of the unfolding crisis
On the way to the Everything Crisis we have been seeing engineered food shortages intensified by attempts to lock down fertilizer production. All in the name of eradicating climate change, the oil and gas industry is being undermined without a viable plan B for generating cheap and abundant energy. Once again, the poor and the middle class are suffering the most.
Then finance was in the news beginning with the bailout to the clients of the failed Silicon Valley Bank. This failure began something of a domino effect as we were warned we might be swept away in a devastating economic tsunami. That warning continues.
As if this convergence of dangers was not enough, the prospect of wars between the world’s most heavily weaponized polities was wheeled into geopolitical prominence. On the pretext of defending Ukraine, a notorious centre of child trafficking and the sale of children’s organs, the US-led NATO continued its moves aimed at the breakup and destruction of Russia. Concurrently the sword rattling between China and the USA became unmistakable.
Running throughout many of these dramas was the same bunch of Zionist neocons who bear much responsibility for what happened on 9/11 and for the subsequent US invasions of Iraq and several other Muslim-majority countries. This same neocon clique engineered the coup in 2014 that created the basis of of the alliance between Jewish power brokers and Bandera-style National Socialists. This alliance was well calculated to point Ukraine towards a military collision with Russia. Now it is here.
The experience of those most responsible for 9/11 fiasco must certainly have been useful in planning and implementing the COVID debacle. As this debacle unfolded, both Anthony Fauci and Pfizer President, Albert Bourla, received 1million$ awards from agencies based in Israel.
The lack so far of criminal accountability for those most responsible for the 9/11 and COVID false flags, demonstrates a common pattern. Highly-placed saboteurs of existing laws and institutions can get away with practically anything. The main rule is to keep the media on message, no matter how outrageously contrived that message might be. These and other diversionary cover stories form the basis of much reportage on the big media venues that are mostly Zionist-owned and/or controlled.
The kind of wealth it takes to run such a monopolistic media apparatus is obviously connected to the attributes of the banking system based especially in the Rothschild stronghold in the City of London, in the New York Federal Reserve with its BlackRock proxy, as well as at the Bank of International Settlements. On the surface at least, it is made to seem that the future of this banking system is very much hanging in the balance of NATO’s show down with Russia and its BRICS allies.
As I see the transgender agenda goes far beyond bringing to our schools the study of transgenderism. Rather, policies are being adopted for schools in order to make them become places where the genders of young people are actually decided and then carried out.
I see the developing divide over transgenderism in our schools as yet another example of the viciousness of the efforts to weaken and destroy our civilizational heritage as we have known it up until now. I see this initiative as a bid by the state to take over parenting responsibilities from biological families. This power grab is meant to destroy traditional family structures often rooted in faithful adherence to organized religion.
I see the possible seduction of students into the process of attempted gender modification as the possible basis of threats to the safety and security of young people during the most impressionable years of their lives. I see the sudden focus on transgender issues as a facet of the transhumanist project also being heavily promoted these days.
To me the adoption of this project without public discussion and popular approval is an abomination. Our supposed democracies are becoming so authoritarian that people no longer get a say in what happens to our own bodies.
The attempt to push transhumanism into implementation without even a modicum of informed public discourse is an act of conquest that reeks of the hubris. It is an extension of the Luciferian propsensities permeating the Everything Crisis. Its perpetrators seek to transcend any decent limits in altering even the most sacred facets of God’s creation. We the people spring from God’s infinite creativity.
Mandated Enslavement Through Experiments in Transgender and Transhuman Alteration
We have not emerged from the barrage of arbitrary dictates that began with mandated mask wearing, global lockdowns, and Warp Speed injections. Until we find the gumption to push back hard and effectively in an organized fashion, we shall continue to face ultimatums demanding we comply until we are reduced to mandated enslavement.
The new generation of mandatory commands being planned for us may be pointed at humanity in general, at specific groups, or at assorted individuals. Most individuals will have custom-made combinations of activities that are to be permitted or prohibited by our AI-enhanced masters. The directives might instruct us, for instance, about what we can or cannot purchase and sell, where and how we must travel, or who we can or cannot visit.
The next round of mandates already being designed for us, is to be added to old mandates that are made to persist in spite of the obvious harms they have been shown to inflict. In British Columbia, for instance, the gene-modifying injection procedures are still being mandated.
One of the outcomes is that the BC system of health care, like many other similar medical regimes, is continuing to sputter and break down. The continuing requirement that all medical practitioners must receive the clots shots, constitutes the primary mandated madness of preventing hospitals, clinics and emergency response teams from being resuscitated back to health.
In BC many discontinued nurses, doctors, and EMS workers would gladly return to their old jobs to help the severely injured health care system get back on its feet. The discontinued health professionals, however, choose in most cases to refrain from re-enlisting because they cannot get their old jobs back unless they agree to take the injurious and sometimes deadly jabs. David E. Martin argues below that the injection mandates persist primarily because government officials as well as their academic, business and military cronies are deriving rich flows of payola from the continuing flows of toxic jabs.
Video at
The COVID mandates and restrictions brought forward prior patterns of criminal fraud integral to the 9/11 debacle and the global warming scam. “Global warming” was rebranded as “climate change” around 2004.
For some it will come as no surprise that the Rockefeller consortium remains instrumental in planning and funding the movements to speciously fight with false remedies the manufactured threats of global warming and coronavirus infection. Such fake cures for trumped up ailments continue to cause multiple harms, some of them lethal.
Like the wars fought under the pretext of conquering jihadist extremism, the fight to triumph over COVID and climate change are proving useless for their stated purpose but very effective instrumental in producing the chaos required to push forward the monstrosity of globalist tyranny.
Useful idiots such as the the vain and perverse Justin Trudeau are happy to join the globalist plan to sterilize, enfeeble, and impoverish the survivors of the depopulation scheme that is now well underway. An important element of this plan is to re-engineer the surviving natural humans into genetically and bio-digitally altered humanoids, designed to integrate well with the new political economy of Artificial Intelligence and ubiquitous robots.
This push to transform humans into hybrid humanoids is often referred to as transhumanism. Closely-related to transhumanist experiments are efforts to change the genders especially of young people. Indeed, transgenderism marks an entry point for even more ambitious schemes of transhumanism. How are we to explain the sudden pressures to make our schools major platforms for transgender experimentation? What kind of mandates are being created to block even parents from standing in the way of the hormonal and surgical alterations of their children.
Net-Zero and This Darkening Age of Woke Anti-Enlightenment
The backers of the powerful cult of climate change seek the imagined nirvana invoked by the much-hyped promise of net-zero environments. The net-zero illusion is, in the words of Julian Rose, “a quasi scientific fiction, completely devoid of reason or rational thought.”
The mass adoption of net-zero is whimsically pictured as the attainment of some mystical equilibrium between the emission and capture of carbon. Carbon is one of the main required ingredients integral to all life forms. So to be anti-carbon is to be anti-life.
The instalment of net-zero as the highest aim of conscientious citizens, corporations and countries is a marker of the fast decay of rationality and common sense in a darkening age of woke anti-enlightenment.
With this decay and decline comes the ascent of woke ideology adopted for various nefarious reasons even by Big Business, Big Finance, Big Media, Big Government and Big Military.
NET-Zero. Mindless PR Hiding Devastating Consequences. The Advertising of Net-Zero Offers a a Feel-Good Diversion from the Very Real Catastrophes Facing Us.
All these big cartels and their main beneficiaries have so much to hide that their embrace of the demonology of human-induced climate change provides a virtue signalling diversion away from the litanies of lies and crimes that have become the foundations for the biggest concentrations of wealth and power. These lies often cover over monumental crimes committed especially by the corporatist military-industrial-banking complex that regularly plunders natural environments in stunningly rapacious ways.
More on Mandates
At the global level, the world’s population is presently falling prey to a supranational mandate invoked to remove key facets of national sovereignty from all countries. The agency that is presently breaking new ground in implementing this process of denationalization is the deeply corrupt and unaccountable World Health Organization.
After using false data to declare the fake COVID pandemic, the WHO is seeking to take over more power through the disempowerment of national governments. The WHO’s globalist proprietors seek to exercise worldwide authority over declaring and handling future pandemics. Generally speaking, the whole UN structure that contains the WHO’s operations is a debased den of depravity.
The United Nations is platform where the representatives of rich lobbies can purchase the cover up of inconvenient truths. Knowledge of actual global conditions is thereby suppressed so that the coercive force of might can persistently be made to predominate over reason and right.
The forthcoming slew of mandates in the economic realm is calculated to have especially dire consequences. Financial rat traps are being busily baited and set for the general population. If we allow ourselves to get caught, the resulting lose of our remaining financial autonomy will pretty much eliminate what remains of our capacity for self-defence against our assailants. These assailants exclaim in their infamous World Economic Forum slogan, that they want us to be happy when we own nothing.
The plan is to bring about sharp restrictions on our financial autonomy build on the precedent set by the injection mandates that violated our bodily autonomy. The bankers and financiers in and around the Swiss-based Bank of International Settlements seek to perfect their means of centralized control over all individuals, corporations and countries. One of their key tactics in pursuit of this outcome is the imposition of a cashless monopoly invested in a universal regime of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
The CBDC agenda is closely aligned with new forms of tyrannical control that would flow from the forced imposition of a single universalized system of standardized digital ID. A former Pfizer Vice-President, Dr. Mike Yeadon, was one of the first to raise the SOS on the imminence of these methods for disempowering average people.
Upon coming to realize that the problems with the jabs ran much deeper than the incompetence of their makers and regulators, Dr. Yeadon was one of the first scientists to dramatically shift ground and come up with an alternative explanation of what was really going on. He did so after arriving at the the well-considered conclusion that the whole COVID Scam had nothing to do with combatting a viral disease whose character and origins remain contested to this day.
In my view, Dr. Yeadon was instrumental in shedding light on some of the darkest secrets previously kept concealed in the pandora’s box of deadly COVID deceptions. In Dr. Yeadon’s estimation, the real purpose of the coronavirus con job was to usher in totalitarian control over the assembly and organization of the personal data covering the entire global population.
“Vaccine passports” were to have been the pretext for advancing this still-unfolding agenda, one that would pay massive dividends to those that can exercise heavily-centralized power over the worldwide flow of information torrents. In today’s world the route to more power and wealth lies in the achievement of ever more centralized control over the flow of all kinds of data, including the bits and bytes that form the basis of digital money.
A starting point in identifying the COVID-19 false flag operation is to reckon with the fact the mRNA injections were not concocted to stop the infection and spread of a supposedly new coronavirus. If the injections were not meant to stop the spread of COVID, what were they designed to do? Why were we so completely misled? What were the real goals for the obsessive instigation of a worldwide panic directed so quickly and decisively at the goal of injecting Earth’s entire population with a concoction of substances that, for the most part, still remain secret from the public?
The injection materials that are still being pumped into human and humanoid bodies, vary dramatically from batch to batch. There is no consistency in the contents of the injections nor in how they were and are produced. We have yet to be informed on how all the different substances and technologies in the injections are distributed among the different batches. We are still being left mostly in the dark about how the wide variety of harmful ingredients in the injections are related to the many thousands of different types of illnesses and injuries being generated.
We have yet to find out the nature and number of smaller experiments that are probably being conducted within the larger experiment entailed in jabbing many billions of people with such sketchy and poorly-manufactured combinations of chemical cocktails. Investigators have even identified shaved metal particles showing up in slides of materials taken from some vials. The question marks proliferate even as the answers we have been given prove frequently to be wrong or totally inadequate.
With all the uncertainty, however, there is one very clear consequence of the illegal experiment or experiments underway on human subjects. This consequence flows from unmistakable and widely-publicized evidence of wholesale harm being done to human cardiovascular systems.
The mRNA/lipid nanoparticle procedures have been shown to induce in recipients over long periods of time, genetic alterations causing bodies to produce masses of spike proteins. These spike proteins impose multitudes of harm, including attacks on our Immune Systems. Recipients thereby become more vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses including those that can be lethal.
These pathogenic spike proteins have caused epidemics of blood clots and heart ailments even in children. The targeting of children and the frequency of attacks on the reproductive systems of both men and women adds to the growing body of evidence that the goal of depopulation is prominent among the objectives of the manufactured COVID crisis. Killing, it seems, is no longer forbidden as long as its for a “good cause” like achieving net-zero in the emission and capture of carbon.
Pseudo Laws in the Classification of Injections Procedures as Military Countermeasures
As has already been exposed in the stunning evidence underlying the Brook Jackson case, the process of manufacturing the clot shots was not subjected to quality controls. Nor were standards imposed to assure uniformity across vaccine vials and vaccine batches. The story emerging from the background of the Brook Jackson case is that the COVID injections were, from their inception, classified as military bioweapons. The injections were not and are not considered medical products.
On first sight this explanation might appear somewhat phantasmagorical. Among the attentive, however, this impression is fading away in light of the ongoing research and explanations being developed by many, but especially by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. They are presently engaged in a blockbuster display of heavy lifting to expose many foundational elements of a monumental crime still unfolding in our midst.
The COVID Deception depends on an elaborate complex of pseudo-laws outlined and analyzed in detail by Ms. Watt.
According to these these pseudo-laws, the injections, regularly misrepresented as a remedies for a viral infection, are in fact named as “military counter-measures,” “prototypes” and “demonstrations.” The result of this deadly word game that sidelines the US Constitution, is that the injections have not been subject to the laws and procedures which medical products must go through.
As chronicled by Watt and Latypova, the US Department of Defence (DOD) assigned the invention and production of these “military counter-measures” to military contractors. In order to fool the public, however, those directing the big pharmaceutical companies and their captive regulators played along with the deception. The pharmaceutical cartels and their main beneficiaries were generously rewarded for their “play acting” and “performance art” in helping to maintain the lethal fiction, that the COVID injections emerged from adherence to the regular rules of drug production.
Even though the lead role of the US DOD has been well establish as a root instigator of the COVID fraud, many questions still remain about who was and is giving the US national security apparatus its orders in its ongoing war on human beings. This war on humanity all over the world clearly expands and extends what began with the Global War on Terror initiated on the basis of a fake interpretation of what transpired on 9/11.
Apparently us humans should consider ourselves similar to terrorists because we hold back the achievement of net-zero by causing fossil fuels to be burned, food to be produced, and habitations to be heated. Sometimes we even breath too hard? By making life unliveable for many humans, our carbon footprints as well as our actual footprints are being eliminated? Who intends to benefit from this strategy of depopulation and transforming the survivors into radically altered humanoids?
Who Should Make and Enforce the Rules of Transhumanism?
As the COVID Scam went from the ridiculous to the absurd, some of its perpetrators in and around the World Economic Forum made it perfectly clear that one of the aims of the so-called Great Reset was to increase the pace and scale of transhumanist experimentation. This preoccupation with was made especially clear after Klaus Schwab afforded the outspoken theorist of transhumanism, Prof. Yuval Noah Harari, a starring role on the main stage of the WEF.
One of the experiments conducted in the mass jabbing of more than half of humanity involved the insertion of digital nanotechnology into genetically modified human beings. This embrace of unprecedented experiments in transhumanism pushed to the forefront extremely profound questions about what it means to be human. Do people deserve retribution if and when they choose to play God in the process of altering our own species? Who should make and enforce the rules for playing God? Who should be chosen to do so?
We now have enough distance to see that the official narrative that helped to kick start the COVID Hoax has quickly moved beyond attacks on our rights, our freedoms, our fertility and the even the sanctity of our very lives. We are facing novel forms of corporatist invasion assaulting the most fundamental attributes of our human anatomy, our God-given genetic configurations, our very consciousness as well as our understanding of how we are meant to relate to one another and the rest of nature. Our very persons are to being rendered as objects of technological transformation to take place with little regulation and lots of nonconsensual experimentation on human subjects.
The injection of most of the world’s population with a gene-modifying product jabbed into billions of arms one or more times, marked a dramatic piercing of many laws and taboos. Longstanding prohibitions such as those formalized in the Nuremberg Code have been violated on a monumental scale setting menacing precedents. The long list of COVID precedents is making mincemeat of some of the most basic structures that have heretofore provided at least a veneer for the protection of human safety and security.
A US Executive Order signed in September of 2022 gave an emergent industrial lobby a green light for further experiments on human subjects without their informed consent. Those that write the script of Joe Biden’s enactments proclaimed that “Biotechnology” and “Biomanufacturing” are to become the basis of a “Secure American Bioeconomy.”
While all varieties of life were declared to be fair game for genetic modification in biomanufacturing, it was made clear that there would henceforth be no need to obtain informed consent for biodigital experimentation on human subjects. In the eyes of the authors of the Executive Order, some humans are to become the consumers of a different order of re-engineered humans. Will the altered humanoids be assigned a role even beneath those people formerly defined in law as slaves?
In the name of the US president, the authors proclaim
“For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.”
Acting Locally to Save Our Schools From the Divisive Embrace of Transgender Politics
One aspect of the transhumanist project declared essential to the “secure American bioeconomy,” is the rapid development of a transgender industry whose growing importance was made the centrepiece of Pride Month 2023. Experiments in changing the gender of human beings are becoming the basis of a burgeoning transgender industry involving, for instance, Big Pharma, medical practitioners, psychologists, lawyers, and PR spin doctors hired by the powerful groups pushing this agenda.
The effort to engage the schools in procedures of attempted gender change of students would add a major new dimension to the growth of the transgender industry. It would give practitioners of transhumanism and transgenderism new streams of subjects on which to experiment and practise.
Efforts to shift the expression of gender through the means of hormonal treatments and genital surgery might be seen by practitioners as part of an expanding tool kit that might be made to include, for instance, genetic alteration and the insertion under the skin of biodigital nanotechnology. While some might be excited by the possibilities of transforming humans in such fundamental ways, others will have just cause to see such procedures as shameful travesties, as demonic desecrations of life’s sanctity.
The introduction of the transgender processes in schools can begin with a simple name change negotiated in classroom discussions. Once let’s say, Frank, announces he wants to be addressed as say Valerie— or when Jane decides she wants henceforth to be known as Tom— the basis is established for what might become major transformative procedures.
The big debate being allowed to unfold in the media right now is whether or not school authorities can exclude parents from the process of exploring various forms of gender alteration. Can school authorities intervene to hold information back from those moms and dads that might forbid their children from going down the path of transgender explorations
Of course transgenderism is a work-in-process with many professional detractors as well as proponents. As well illustrated in Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman?, detractors are quick to point out that transgender people consistently have high rates of suicide once they start to discover the deeper implications of what they have done. The suicide rates tend to be higher than those of lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
It has only been in recent weeks that our activist group began addressing how the transgender issue has been unfolding in the school system of Lethbridge. People have come and gone in this group since some of us began to take on organizational tasks in August of 2020 when COVID masking and lockdowns dominated the discourse.
Some of us could see that the COVID Scam had so much momentum behind it that we could anticipate we were at the beginning the of some long and elaborate processes that would stretch out far into the future. That prediction has proven to be true so far. Our groups meets regularly, summer and winter. We meet in a park by a busy thoroughfare to talk about the changing circumstances and to give witness to the fact that we do not consent to all the illegal manipulations imposed on our communities.
Our group was deeply involved in the local Alberta version of the Freedom Convoy movement. The Truckers’ protest against the injection mandates and the overall handling of the plandemic coalesced on the border with Montana at Coutts. On the very day that Trudeau declared the Canadian version of martial law, four Coutts protesters were arrested and charged with the crime of conspiring to commit the murder of RCMP Officers.
Those four individuals were denied bail and have been kept in jail now for a year and a half without being convicted of anything. The Coutts Four have therefore become, in essence, Canadian political prisoners. Some of us have watched the legal proceedings attending preparations for their show trial sometime in 2024.

I have written about this subject in several essays including the following
In recent weeks we have been seeking explanations from the people engaged in the overturning of schooling as we have known it. Of course we are well aware we are addressing the local manifestations of a much larger operation well-funded and well-organized by the same billionaires whose importance in launching the COVID Hoax is now well known.
The embrace of transgenderism as an option for students will significantly alter the meaning and purpose of educational enterprise. Schools will cater to a heavily politicized minority in ways that will not afford equal treatment to the majority. Calling on young people to choose between a supposed multiplicity of genders is bound to cause unnecessary confusion and eat up time that could be better spent on more traditional forms of teaching and learning. The lack of critical thinking skills even among most teachers and academics, let alone among younger people, became very evident when so many accepted the kill jabs without doing any independent research whatsoever.
In light of this understanding, please see below my Open Letter to Dr. Demetrios Nicolaides, Alberta Minister of Education. Dr. Nicolaides was appointed by Premier Danielle Smith who in late May won her first popular mandate to lead an Alberta government. Shortly after she was elected Premier Smith made world headlines, by calling the so-called unvaccinated the objects of the worst discrimination she had witnessed in her lifetime.
This bold and thoughtful statement is indicative of why it is that many of us here in Alberta are looking to our new United Conservative Party government, including its Education Ministry, to deliver something different and better than woke Net-Zero policies. These dogmatic policies have been pushed on us by the likes of Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Chrystia Freeland, and Rachel Notley. They are all zealous missionaries of the World Economic Forum.
An Open Letter from Prof. Tony Hall to the Honourable Demetrios Nicolaides, PhD,
Minister of Education
Provincial Government of Alberta Canada
Dear Minister Nicolaides;
I am an Alberta citizen and resident in the riding of Lethbridge West. I am also a retired educator with the lifelong title of Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge.
I am writing to you with a respectful request that you set in motion an investigation within your ministry. The investigation I have in mind would begin with an assessment of a new “guidelines” document presently being pushed into policy by education authorities in public school systems in Alberta. I believe Alberta deserves a proper explanation of the background, genesis, and internal processes that led to the publication of a Guidelines document that I interpret as suspect.
The same core text of the Guidelines document appears in at least two different publications. One was released under the imprimatur of Lethbridge School Division 51. The other was released with a distinct title by the Calgary Board of Education. When I say, “core text,” I am referring to the core content of both publications. Although the core text was identical in both publications, each version included its own distinct passages, imagery, and appendixes.
The Calgary document is entitled Creating the Conditions to Survive.
The subtitle of the Calgary document repeats the title of the Lethbridge document, namely
Guidelines Attending to Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation of Our Schools.
The reference in both titles to “Our Schools” begs a number of obvious questions. To what schools do the authors of these documents refer? Are the policy statements limited in their applicability to Lethbridge and Calgary schools? Or do the authors that came up with the title imply that all schools subject to the jurisdiction of the Alberta Ministry of Education are to be governed by the same Guidelines? What can you tell us, Dr. Nicolaides, about what schools are covered or not covered by these policy statements?
Do you as the responsible Minister in the Alberta government already bear responsibility for the policies, definitions, commitments and explanations detailed in these guidelines? The Lethbridge document indicates the core text was imported from the Calgary document. The Calgary document includes the following identification of resource people and technical experts. Five of the named people are said to have positions involving “school improvement.”
Superintendent |
Joanne Pitman, Superintendent of School Improvement
Andrea Holowka, Superintendent of School Improvement
Contributors |
Kelly Ann Fenney, General Counsel, Office of General Counsel
Cyndi McNiven, Director, School Improvement
Sonia Fines, Manager Psychological Services, School Improvement
Anne Daniel, Specialist (former role), School Improvement
The term “Contributors” may or may not include authorship of the core text. Moreover there is no discussion of research methods, consultative procedures, funding sources, sharing of materials and such. This paucity of background explanation is especially unmistakable in the case of the Lethbridge version.
It simply offers the following statement: “Lethbridge School Division would like to thank the Calgary Board of Education for allowing us to use their work from their Guidelines for Attending to Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation in our Schools as a foundation for this document.”
This mention of a few names as “Contributors” certainly does not go very far in giving the public a solid handle on the genesis and purpose of this document except that it is somehow connected to “school improvement.” Some might not agree. Some would view the adoption of transgenderism as not only a subject of study but also as a process to be promoted in the delivery of education, as a formula for school ruination.
Surely there is a special onus on professional educators to be especially conscientious about issues like literary sources, authorship, attribution, methodology, funding and such especially when it comes to our own publications. Why are all these issues basically ignored here? Why? What kind of educational example is being set?
What if the reference to “Our Schools” was not meant to be restricted to educational institutions based in Lethbridge, Calgary or Alberta? What if variations of this document are being instituted in many jurisdictions throughout both Canada and the United States? What if—and I underline if-- George Soros’ Open Society Foundation or related agencies are involved in the genesis of this initiative?
My suspicion is that there may be many untold backstories in the genesis of these “Guidelines” document, guidelines that suddenly put the lion’s share of attention on the transgender aspect (with a capital T) of the LGBTQ2S+ movement.
A useful essay that may help suggest some of the outlines of possible backstories is Jennifer Bilek’s essay in First Things on “The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement.” She writes that “The LGBT rights agenda—note the addition of “T”—has become a powerful, aggressive force in American society. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy.
Bilek gives chapter and verse on the funding structures promoting an agenda basically identical to the guidelines published by Lethbridge School District 51 and the Calgary Board of Education. She explains, for instance,
In 2013 Adrian Coman, a veteran of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (a driver of transgender ideology that has begun initiatives to normalize transgender children), was named director of the international human rights program at the Arcus Foundation, to drive gender identity ideology globally. Previously, Coman served as program director of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. And in 2015, Arcus worked closely with and funded NoVo Foundation programs for transgenderism. NoVo was founded by Peter Buffett, son of billionaire Warren Buffett.
These programs and initiatives advance gender identity ideology by supporting various faith organizations, sports and cultural associations, police department training and educational programs in grade schools, high schools (GLSEN, whose founder was brought to Arcus in 2012, has influenced many K-12 school curricula), and universities and medical institutions—including the American Psychological Foundation (APF).
This brief commentary makes it clear there are vast sums of “philanthropy money” and very powerful political lobbies pushing the process leading to the publications like the Guidelines document highlighted here. Where is all the money of the billionaire philanthropists going? Are some education officials receiving significant sums to facilitate procedures such as those proceeding rapidly under your watch in the Alberta education system?
As I read it, the master text I have been referring to may have been created by a team of professionals expert in the process of smuggling political agendas into public policies put forward with grand flourishes of heavy-duty PR spin doctoring. The text in question here runs in clear alignment with the current emphasis on transgenderism as a new priority for the new kind of schooling being proposed.
This revision of schooling can be conceived as the most recently-added feature of the “Great Reset.” This Reset process was formally initiated by, for instance, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization at the onset of the manufactured COVID crisis. This crisis was largely set in motion by the lockstep media’s unrelenting instigation of hysteria and panic.
The media’s now-notorious censorship of alternative perspectives is being exposed as a deeply corrupt process of deploying bribes, incentives, threats, punishments and such to demand compliance from governments, doctors, academics, school boards, judges, corporate executives, university administrations, professional associations, unions and so on.
The current process being addressed here can easily be perceived as a variation on the tactics and methodologies of the COVID Hoax. The manufactured transgender crisis is enacting new frontiers of social and biological sabotage. Once again children and young people are being commandeered as the equivalent of guinea pigs for many new kinds of experiments on human subjects. The new assault extends to attacks beyond individuals to attacks on traditional family structures and organized religions.
What is to be said of an initiative done in the name of education that will go far to overturning civilizational traditions that have been the mainstay of human reproduction for thousands of years? The emphasis on transgenderism as a primary focus of “school improvement” has enormous implications for the replication of humanity in the spheres of biology, culture, economics and intellectual pursuits.
This new feature of the Reset is once again being imposed from supranational centres of power as we transition from the manufactured COVID crisis to the Everything Crisis presently being made to engulf us. As a leading figure in the genesis of the new Alberta government of Premier Danielle Smith, you, Dr. Nicolaides, are in a good position to understand skeptical responses by many Albertans to the abuses of power they saw and experienced between 2015 and 2022. What of 2023?
Arousing Transgressive Sexual Desires in Children?
In my reading of both variations of the Guidelines document, I was drawn to look carefully at the large identical sections devoted to introducing new terms and definitions to facilitate the discourse and practice of transgenderism. As I went through the section, I pictured the probable importance of lawyers in the process of planning the text, writing it, and vetting it. I felt reinforced in this view when I saw the lead “Contributor” of Calgary’s Creating the Conditions to Thrive document is “General Counsel Kelly Ann Fenney.”
It seems to me one of the major goals of the master text in question is to introduce a new lexicon in anticipation of the many legal cases that are bound to arise. Are schools being set up as primary sites for the promotion and precedent-setting litigation in the burgeoning transgender industry benefiting many interests including Big Pharma as well certain parts of the medical and psychiatric profession?
Are ministries and boards of education being set up as deep-pocket litigants for lawsuits setting schools against some parents who are bound to object to surrendering their children to what some already see as “Drag Pedagogy”?
There is probably very little that is accidental in the convergence of events and activist movements we are presently seeing in Lethbridge and many other places. New policies on transgenderism are being put in place concurrently with the targeting of kids in schools and libraries as audiences for Drag Queen Story Hour.
As Christopher F. Rufo explains, “aimed at children, Drag Queen Story Hour is far more subversive than its defenders claim.” In his account of how the current controversies emerge from developments going back to the 1970s, Rufo writes,
“This is an intellectual and political project that requires drag queens and activists to work toward undermining traditional notions of sexuality, replacing the biological family with the ideological family, and arousing transgressive sexual desires in children.”
Since you have moved in your present position from your prior assignment as Minister of Advanced Education, it seems appropriate to share with you some news on the academic arm of transgender movement that is so much in the news these days. A frequently-cited example of the themes and methods permeating this academic field, is a peer-reviewed essay entitled “Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice of Queer Imagination in Early Childhood.”
Published in Curriculum Inquiry, the co-authors are UBC Curriculum and Pedagogy Assistant Professor, Harper Benjamin Keenan and a pioneer of Drag Queen performance and queer educator for children, Lil Miss Hot Mess. (aka Harris Kornstein).
As witnessed by a web site entitled Gays Against Groomers, there are signs of ideological splits within the political and academic branches of the LGBT2S+ movement. For instance contributor Eva Kurilova interrogates the “Drag Pedagogy” essay of Keenan and Kornstein finding evidence of “grooming by any other name.” Grooming means preparing young people to engage in sex with adults.
The Lobby That Shouldn’t Be Noticed, Let Alone Criticized
Allow me please to stay on the theme of academic learning and teaching before concluding this Open Letter. This conclusion will provide testimony on the attempt by the leadership of Lethbridge Education District 51 to discourage, stifle and trivialize an upsurge of hostile responses to its new positions.
These positions, which in my opinion the School District is effectively trying to sneak into the status of established policies, are well aligned with the push to install transgenderism as a central feature of schooling in public education systems throughout the West.
In your former position as Minister of Advanced Education you have made some bold pronouncements and policy statements that apply well to the current situation being addressed here. You have made it clear that education authorities should not be in the business of stifling public discussion and open debate on any topic, let alone on the advancement of their own pet projects.
In 2019 you and the UCP government gave, Dr. Nicolaides, important lip service to defending the principles of free, open and collegial exchanges as a necessary condition for sound and fruitful educational interactions. You made these remarks in the process of introducing and explaining your introduction of the Chicago Principles to protect free speech in the post-secondary education systems of Alberta.
I recall listening very carefully as you and then-radio show host, Danielle Smith, when she called on you to explain the Chicago Principles on air. The notion was raised that Alberta had no need for the codification of any such principles, because Alberta institutions of higher learning and teaching are already bastions of protected free speech and academic freedom.
As I recall, you disagreed with that premise. In justifying your position you made quick mention of a case at the University of Lethbridge showing that free speech and academic freedom were indeed subject to attack in Alberta.
Not surprisingly, both you and Danielle Smith steered away from going into any detail about what had transpired at the University of Lethbridge. You made no mention of the University administration’s decision in 2016 to bend to the dictates of a powerful lobby that engaged in Internet fraud and a ruthless defamatory smear campaign with the goal of having me abruptly removed without due process from the system of higher education in Alberta.
You and the future Premier of Alberta chose to avoid mention of the court ruling in 2017 that indicated the U of L administration had violated all the rules of the collective agreement in dragging this tenured and senior full professor away from his students in mid-term without any due process whatsoever. You failed to mention the outcome of the case that included a judge’s ruling that I be reinstated to my academic position.
You failed to mention that Premier Rachel Notley responded to my reinstatement almost immediately with a defamatory political intervention that basically obliterated the juridical integrity of a still-unfolding process of arbitration within the University. How can objective and unbiased academic arbitration take place when the top political person in a jurisdiction unequivocally declares what the verdict should be?
Dr. Chuck Millar tried to set Premier Notley straight on the ill-informed disinformation she peddled pretending that she was familiar with what went on in my classroom. Notley waded into the controversy declaring
There is no question that the views of this individual, Prof. Tony Hall, are repulsive, offensive and not reflective of Alberta. Our classrooms are a place for freedom of speech and expression but that does not mean individuals get to stand at the head of the class and spread lies and conspiracy theories. I am terribly disappointed to learn that this individual has been reinstated, but let me be clear that legislation that our government introduced did not give him his job back.
Unlike Premier Notley, who was anxious to respond to attacks coming her way from her political masters in the Lobby being highlighted here, Dr. Millar was familiar with my academic record as he demonstrated in the text of the letter linked to above.
I wrote my own response to the servile diatribe of Premier Notley in an open letter published in Global In the letter I detail serious allegations that Alberta’s former premier repeatedly sided with the most ruthless and self-serving enemies of free speech and academic freedom.
Let me be clear, Dr. Nicolaides, that this communication is not meant to be primarily about me. But it is meant in some degree to be about you and your history as well as about the positions formerly taken by our new Premier and by Rachel Notley who presently is the Alberta Leader of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition Party. It is meant as a commentary on the health, or lack thereof, of the system of schooling in place at all levels in Alberta.
Why, might I ask, did you and then-radio host Danielle Smith both veer away in your radio exchange from the University of Lethbridge case without going into even the basic details about what happened and its significance in the educational history of our province?
Am I correct that any public elaboration of what transpired in the U of L case was and is to be avoided because it deals with the pervasive power of a transnational Lobby of enormous clout and influence? The power of this Lobby permeates the political, cultural and educational life of Alberta as well as of most jurisdictions throughout the so-called West.
This Lobby likes to work behind-the-scenes. Most public personalities, including media figures and politicians, choose to go along with this agenda by avoiding even mention, let alone criticism, of the exceptionally well-financed and well-connected power brokers.
This Lobby specializes particularly in trying to block conferences and publications that disseminate discussion and information on areas of governance its members want to dominate and control. This Lobby regularly identifies individuals they want to highlight, demonize, defame and deplatform for having the audacity to press important questions it does not want to acknowledge let alone answer.
This effort to destroy reputations, crash careers, block livelihoods, or worse often falls on educators. In the process this Lobby shows its extreme hostility towards free speech and academic freedom. How can you present yourself as a champion of these principles, Dr. Nicolaides, while conveniently not noticing the machinations of the Lobby that often uses the cover of “hate speech” as specious justification for suppressing free speech.
Members of this Lobby dominate and often own controlling interest in most of the big media outlets. These oligarchs let Premier Smith know in late 2022 that she was way out of line in making a perfectly reasonable observation in a social media interview that those who went along with the dictates and mandates of COVID officialdom displayed similar traits to those that joined and supported the fascistic policies and actions of National Socialist Germany.
Premier Smith did what she had to do if she was to have any chance of somewhat pacifying a hostile media hungry for her political blood. She fell on her sword and apologized profusely. Hence, in spite of the Big media venues being overwhelming on the side of Rachel Notley, the Danielle Smith Team managed to get a popular mandate to govern Alberta on the legislative platform of a majority government.
Winning a majority government against media hostility of the concerted type that Premier Smith faced is an enormous achievement. I venture this outcome is being carefully studied by many interests to see that the phenomenon is not repeated in Alberta or in any other jurisdictions.
Also in the autumn of 2022 the same organization that defamed me in the media, initially on the basis of a hacked Facebook scam, condemned Premier Smith for going to web sites not sanctioned by the Lobby. How self-confident or even imperious does one have to be, to lecture a top government official about how he or she is allowed to use the Internet without incurring the wrath of the Lobby?
A crippling effect is resulting from the willingness of the political class to put up with this kind of bullying and repression throughout the supposedly democratic West. We are losing any real grip on the activities of our governments that respond to intelligence agencies, media cartels, and supranational banking agencies rather than to average people. In Canada the depth of Liberal-NDP contempt for average people is epitomized by efforts to smear the citizens who felt well represented by the Freedom Convoy and the experts the Truckers brought with them to Ottawa.
In spite of positive change in worldwide public opinion that the Canadian Truckers' movement sparked, by and large the response of most elected officials to the plandemic has been, with very few exceptions, almost uniformly pathetic.
Citizens basically got zero protection from their elected representatives when it came to the damage done from the mandating of obsessive masking, disastrous lockdowns and insidious injections that seem to have nothing to do with stopping the spread of a new coronavirus. The deaths and injuries from the jabs keep mounting even as they are criminally denied and covered up in a conspiracy of silence announcing the perverse nature of the holocaust we are living through right now.
This is the context from which Danielle Smith emerged with the promise that she had broken free from the mind prisons of mass media propaganda that continue to entrap and infect the remaining ill-informed COVID lemmings. Premier Smith began building her new political base especially by appealing to the skeptical class of Albertans who could quickly see that she had done her homework. Premier Smith demonstrated she well understood what was really at stake in standing up to the bullies pushing the COVID scam even within the UCP.
Quite suddenly, however, the members of the Lobby and its media extensions pretty much succeeded in shutting down Premier Smith’s public discussion of the issues that had attracted us to support her and the UCP in the first place. Premier Smith’s silence, plus her complicity with the “net zero” nonsense of the fakesters who keep assuring us they are “following the science,” is making some of us anxious.
Are we to be let down once again by a false prophet that promised much but will deliver little? It is way too early to say. But let's hold back on the negativity in order to give Premier Smith the backing and latitude she needs to live up to the tremendous responsibilities presently being placed on her shoulders.
Now suddenly the COVID crisis, the engineered climate change crisis, the engineered food supply crisis, the supply chain crisis, the economic crisis, the CBDC crisis, the surveillance state crisis, the Internet censorship crisis, the Charter cancellation crisis, the corrupt judiciary crisis, the imminent nuclear war crisis, and the crisis generated by the disproportionate power put in the hands of irrational wokesters, is now being extended into the crisis attending the elevation of transgenderism into a prominent role in the business of schooling.
Has governance worldwide ever been anywhere close to being so reckless and bad? Much of the Everything Crisis is being engineered by governments and the moneylenders that tell them what they can and cannot do. The very same governments doing much of the damage like to reassure us they have solutions for the problems they are manufactured and intensifying.
The World Is Watching Alberta's New Government
In the recent provincial election in the riding where I live, West Lethbridge, we took part in the election ritual that produced the only successful NDP candidate outside Edmonton and Calgary. The winner in Lethbridge West is Shannon Phillips. The original UCP candidate was Torry Tanner.
As Ms. Tanner explained to UCP members who elected her as our candidate, Torry was apparently pressured by someone within the UCP to step aside and resign just as the election campaign was starting. Worries had apparently been raised by her social media activities concerning pornography for kids allegedly found in our schools.
Are we ever going to regain the ground we have lost from the aggressive ongoing censorship of free speech? Will the Danielle Smith Team create conditions where we can regain our right to express ourselves honestly without fear of drastic recriminations? The world is watching Alberta’s new government for signs of hope and the return to decency as well as truth in governance.
Who are the Main "Stakeholders" When It Comes to the Health and Well Being of Our Children?
I was plunged into this local version of these large themes of educational transformation on 12 June when I attended the Lethbridge School Division Council meeting, with about 100 other community members skeptical of the SOGI policies being proposed. SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
I prepared ahead by looking at the agenda. Item number 8 of that agenda was to be presented by the Superintendent of the School Division 51, Dr. Cheryl Gilmore.
The agenda item appeared as follows:
8. Superintendent’s Report
8.1 Gender Identify, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation in Our Schools. SOGI Document. Information Session
Dr. Gilmore announced at the beginning of her presentation that she is retiring and will be replaced in September by Mike Nightingale who was sitting across from her. She also reiterated the assertion by other officials at the meeting that there was to be no opening for questions and answers. She did so even though many dozens of community members, who were sitting on the floor and on the stairways and standing behind railings, made it clear they wanted some exchange of ideas, not a monologue.
But a monologue is what we got with some uninvited comments from the skeptics including me. It seems that, from what I’ve seen so far at Lethbridge School District headquarters, We Talk, You Listen is the prevailing ethos.
The retiring Dr. Gilmore used the title of the Guidelines document as the title of her whole presentation. The School District Superintendent, however, did not make even a single reference in her talk to that important policy statement titled Guidelines Attending to Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation in Our Schools.
Rather than discuss the contents of the new guideline document Dr. Gilmore used all her time to explain the historical genesis of something called Procedure 502.2.
From what I recall of Dr. Gilmore’s talk, Procedure 502.2 began in 2015. The Procedure is meant to address issues that not long ago came up in the context of so-called Sex Education. My guess is that the purpose of devoting all her time to describing Procedure 502.2’s history was to let disgruntled parents and other interested parties know that issues of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation issues have figured prominently in the School District’s business for almost a decade. Dr. Gilmore seemed to be saying that nothing new and revolutionary is in the works.
Procedure 502.2 began in 2015, the very year the provincial NDP came into power with Rachel Notley as Premier. In laying out the story of Procedure 502.2 Dr. Gilmore mentioned the story of a petition containing 3,000 signatures of people disgruntled with the SOGI impositions. Moreover an open meeting took place that attracted 1,000 people feeling angry enough to show up.
In recounting this history Dr. Gilmore implied the process of community negotiations had sometimes been rough but somehow all the wrinkles and problems have already been worked through.
If that was her intent in emphasizing Procedure 502.2, I think Dr. Gilmore failed. All throughout the West-- the whole West including the Canadian West-- the transgender issue is being emphasized as the new frontier of the Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Equity project, the DIE movement.
I am writing this document the day before the Lethbridge School District Board of Trustees meeting will take place in the same venue as the 12 June meeting. In a web message the District 51 leadership informs the community that 15 minutes is being set aside for public comment on 27 June. Authorities indicate that public attendance at the meeting will be limited to 60 people, three of whom might have the opportunity of speaking to the Board for 5 minutes each.
This ridiculous time limit imposed on the public to discuss what some see as a radical remaking of the whole education system does not sit well. It amounts to a stifling constraint on free and open debate and it makes a mockery of the spirit and intent animating the Chicago Principles.
The authors of the rules for the 27 June meeting persist in insisting that the current process simply continues Procedure 502.2. They write, “In recognizing there is considerable interest in expressing perspectives surrounding Policy 502.2, please note this is not a new policy that has come forward.” They then go on to present a summary of the byzantine rules of 502.2 procedures.
These rules parrot some of the polemics of the World Economic Forum by referring, for instance, to parents as one group of many groups of so-called “stakeholders.” The “stake” that parents have in these proceedings is nothing less than the future of their own children.
Am I wrong to see in the leadership of the Lethbridge School District a pronounced example of the We Talk, You Listen genre of educational procedure. I wonder, for instance, how this tendency is reflected in the classroom. If a student argues in class that he or she perceived gender in a binary rather than non-binary way, would he or she be corrected and told there is only one correct answer to get good marks on a test?
What would be the result if some so-called “cisgender” students indicated they did not want to be called that?
If such individuals asked to be named as, say, “straight” or maybe or even as “normal” or as “heterosexuals,” would this kind of change be allowed? I for one learned of this strange new term, "cisgender," just days ago in reading through the new lexicon of terms and definition included in the Guidelines document.
For some reason the leadership of the 51 District does not want to acknowledge even the existence of its Guidelines document let alone to discuss and debate its very controversial contents. Instead the naysayers are instructed that we must accept that we are just the latest travellers to pass through the needle of Procedure 502.2. In this Procedure we are to accept that the Big Issues before us have already been addressed and solved.
That thesis is simply untrue. Accommodating the sweeping claims and assertions of the promoters of transgenderism would involve a radical remaking not only of schooling but of civilization as we have known it up until now. This understanding, however, is obviously elusive to those that have enwrapped themselves in the false certainties of Procedure 502.2
As long as Lethbridge community members are deprived of the opportunity to express our views on the new policies, many of us will continue to regard them as illegitimate additions imposed from above without due process. Such an outcome is not a good formula for stable and healthy community life in and around our educational institutions. Ergo we need an evaluation by the Education Ministry of the background and status of the Guidelines document published with some local variations by, at the very least, the Lethbridge School District and the Calgary Board of Education.
I contend that the public should have access to the results of such an investigation by the Education Ministry well before school resumes next September of 2023. Or is it already cast in stone that the transgender agenda will continue to be pushed ahead notwithstanding the weight and quality of public opinion in the community?.
More Local Impacts from the Invocation of the Chicago Principles
Much of this controversy has been unfolding during Pride Month in Canada and beyond. From what I have seen so far, Pride Month might more accurately have been described as Transgender Month. Here in Lethbridge my wife and I participated in three events. Two of them were the Drag Queen Story Hour theatrics that took place in our public libraries. In both cases the Pride Flag contingent were aggressive in trying to block our signs from being seen.
The third event was of special interest to me having devoted two of my almost four decades as a professional academic in what used to be known at the University of Lethbridge as Native American Studies. This third event took place at City Hall. It was part of a “Trans March.” Our little group of three people heard a few speakers including two Native people who spoke very well about their own experiences and hopes from a two-spirited perspective.
Amidst all the discussion of inclusiveness and the need for mutual respect, an audience member took it upon himself to come close to my ear in order to loudly whisper the accusation, “bigot.” Clearly his goal was to anger me in order to provoke me into creating some kind of unpleasant episode. I resisted the temptation to respond.
The intervener withdrew for a time while he seemed to engage in busy interactions with his cell phone. As the three of us left the gathering at Lethbridge City Hall, my detractor ran up behind us, showed me his middle finger, looked me in the eye and declared me to be an “anti-Semite" and a "Nazi.”
This experience has caused me to think back to the times when you and Danielle Smith made a passing reference without going into any details of the University of Lethbridge case. Even this passing reference to your introduction in 2019 of the Chicago Principles had several snowball effects here in Lethbridge.
One of them involved Shannon Phillips, a longtime MLA for Lethbridge West and former Environment Minister in the Notley government. She responded aggressively to your radio exchange with Danielle Smith by posting a Facebook video which has now been removed. Shannon’s statement, however, was transcribed by my friend and colleague, U of L Philosophy Professor, Dr. Paul Viminitz.
This transcript was published and is available still on the web site dealing with my case. It was put together by free speech educator, Dr. Andrew Blair. This transcript was apparently included in a 2019 communication to you, Dr. Nicolaides. In Shannon’s version of events, Danielle Smith asked you on the air,
“What kind of problem are you trying to solve with this? What’s an example of the speech that’s protected under these so-called Chicago Principles? And the Minister’s answer was to bring up the case of Tony Hall… Let me tell you the kinds of things Tony Hall wanted to teach his students. He spread Holocaust denial. He claimed 9/11 was a “Zionist” job. He argued the leader of the KKK had some good ideas.”
As he reported to you, Dr. Nicolaides, Prof. Viminitz responded in a comment below Shannon’s Facebook post. Dr. Viminitz is a Jewish educator raised in Regina. He has spoke up often to defend my teaching, publication and Internet talks. He tried often to correct the record when I was being targeted in a well-coordinated media smear campaign conducted concurrently with my illegal suspension. This suspension was later lifted on the basis of a court ruling stating that I should be reinstated professionally. Paul wrote,
“Shannon I love you, but you have been misled by the B’nai Brith, the Calgary Jewish Federation, and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. How do you know Tony Hall is a racist and hateful? Can you point to anything he said? Are you aware that the Human Rights Commission rejected the complaint against Tony that the university sent it?
When Tony was suspended from the University of Lethbridge he tried to correct your misimpressions of him, but your Office sent him away. I myself was turned away from the office of another MLA. Perhaps the NDP preferred to make political use of a scapegoat, rather than try to get at the truth of the matter.
I have known Tony for three years now, and I have had many conversations with him. I have never heard him say anything racist or hateful. I can see how others view him that way because he is an impassioned critic of injustice. He is a historian of the oppression of native American peoples, and sees a similar pattern of oppression going on in the Middle East. By accusing him of things like “Holocaust denial” we are deflected from considering the role of our institutions in the murder of millions.”
What am I to think, Dr. Nicolaides, of the propensity of politicians to make sweeping statements of principle and then stand aside to avoid the political nitty gritty that arises from how those statements are used or abused? When my case was discussed in the Alberta Legislature, NDP Marlin Schmidt and UCP MLA Richard Gottfried tried to outdo each other as well as Premier Notley in simply repeating the condemnation of the Lobby that began the attack with a now-notorious case of Internet fraud.
U of L founder Prof. Owen Holmes explained in Feb. of 2018 to the Speaker of the Legislature, Robert Wanner, there are legislative rules to guard against the “defaming or deriding of someone who is not in the House as an elected member and who thus lacks the ability to defend himself or herself.” When it comes to the will of the Lobby, however, it seems the prevailing rules often do not apply. (Holmes to Wanner, 6 Feb 2018, Hall Archives)
Prof. Viminitz points to the partisan character of educational politics in Lethbridge. This partisanship certainly permeates the factors involved in the partisan divides over the policies of schools at every level.
I would be hard pressed to think that any of the people that turned out supportively at the Drag Queen Story events in our public libraries did not vote NDP. And it seems equally obvious to me that a significant majority of those that turned up on 12 June to seek answers from the leadership of the Lethbridge School District voted for the UCP.
Real or not, the perception that the Lethbridge School District and the University of Lethbridge are anything other than partisan bastions for the NDP is not healthy for the credibility and reputation of either educational institution.
The University of Lethbridge was exposed as a stronghold of antagonism to the principles of free speech in February of 2023 when U of L Dr. Mike Mahon reversed his initial position welcoming of Dr. Frances Widdowson to present a public talk.
Dr. Widdowson was invited to the U of L by Prof. Paul Viminitz to speak on a subject of her specialized research and publication. Then some within the University balked at welcoming the academic guest because she was accused of being a “residential school denier.”
Responding affirmatively to this political pressure, President Mahon then renounced his original position. Dr. Mahon decided to block free speech, betray academic freedom and disregard the Chicago Principles governing Alberta Universities.
Dr. Widdowson continued her plan of coming to Lethbridge with the determination to give her lecture anyway in the public space of the University Atrium. I was present to witness the disturbing spectacle of well organized Native drumming and chanting taking place with the specific goal of purposely drowning out Dr. Widdowson's attempts to deliver her academic talk.
I was among the several hundred students, faculty members, staff and community visitors who moved around the Atrium area as Dr. Widdowson was repeatedly prevented from being heard. Many of those in attendance were absolutely confused about what was going on.
So much for the image that you have tried to advance, Dr. Nicolaides, of Alberta universities and colleges as places of civil discourse where the principles of free speech, open debate and academic freedom are respected and consistently exercised.
To conclude, please direct one or more staff in your Ministry to initiate an investigation with the goal of helping our community work proactively with the leadership of the Lethbridge School District. We need to develop more transparent and robust means for conducting public consultation processes to meet the large and significant educational challenges before us.
Please do your part to create the conditions of trust and reciprocal respect for those engaged in the quest for decent schooling. Such schooling must favour unmasking of even awkward truths rather than resorting wholesale to vacuous virtue signaling.
Yours Sincerely,
Anthony James Hall
Professor Emeritus
University of Lethbridge
403 360-2810
Dr. Hall I never got into the no doubt intentional avalanche of endless details about this Covid psyop scam bs or the transgenderism idea for the simple reason that I've been focusing on getting people educated about "false flags" at all, people being blown up on live TV in buildings here in America, then saying planes did that and being blamed on people that didn't do it, ensuing wars, and the WEAPONIZED ANTHRAX and VACCINE SCAM soon after, and the root causes of how all that was even possible in America so far. So I appreciate the insights here you relay in this article on both this Covid psyop scam bs and this transgenderism idea. I just know that years ago I developed the view when I was young that people who are LGBT or whatever have to follow common sense and respect too just like everyone else. And I've wondered if "mad scientist" types have figured out how to increase gay people being born long ago or what, with drugs randomly hidden in vaccine vials or syringes. On that same note I've wondered if people are randomly given.. whatever.. with randomly hidden drugs in random vaccine vials or syringes that look no different from the rest of them in a box of them. But for LGBT if any of them expect to be able to disrespect the rest of the world just because they are LGBT then that's too bad for them. All of that does seem like biological and/or mental issues in the end. Hormonal issues for sure. Altering our genes and/or playing God (nature), or not, is pretty important too.
With some of my free time I've had since around 2007 I've assembled the research you see in my Substack. Here I point out some of what the people in these man-made religions that I know locally have stood up for, have not stood up for, what they tell me about any of this psyop scam bs, what they do about any of it, and what they don't do, what some of them say about other people, etc. for the last 22 years. That all speaks for itself of course. As a matter of fact I think I will make a detailed outline of this asap from the last 22 years. Then relate it to what has been, and still is, going on, best I can like I've done in my Substack. I'd really appreciate getting some feedback from anyone and have always been open to help me improve my research if you can. Like I told someone the other day, brainstorming and our natural instincts as truth advocates who care about reality and humanity at all is almost all we've ever had, especially today in 2023. I mean just think about it. We're going to educate and save ourselves while almost no one wants to even communicate honestly? We know that will never work. I'll say it again, it's sad there are people (subversive people) who play dumb about this, or dumb about that, then try to tell us and our families what to think, and steer us away from basic truths we already need to deal with. Truth advocates that basically just relay what these corrupt ass psyop scammer people are doing, year in and year out, with no real plan, or almost no looking at what is already out in the open in these first 25 or so years of the internet, seems, well, kinda pointless and just what subversive scammer trolls are paid to do, online or off. This Jason Bermas guy who's been around for a long time pretty much does that only, like many others, and just like many of these newer "truth advocates" who popped up in the last 3 years.
I'm pretty sure you've learned that this "Nuremberg trials" was a huge political psyop scam as well and had nothing to do with imparting justice to the so-called "Nazi's" (a made-up word in the early 1920's by some "journalist" who was actually a propagandist, who claimed he was a Jew anyway, named Konrad Heiden) and that this "The Holocaust" bs is a huge private banker scammer psyop scam as well. I appreciate very much the short video I have with you in it on one of my Bitchute research channels basically saying the obvious that all non-scammer people already agree with and that is that people have a right to say and educate themselves on anything they want to, past or present, for obvious reasons. We're all born in America thinking this is already in effect. (very sad indeed) This applies to people who were born in these first 25 or so years of the internet too unless they've somehow learned the truth. The only bad thing about freedom of speech I've learned about so far can be experienced easily by dealing with these "trolls", online or offline, paid or not paid. That right there is these scammers' biggest weapon for narrative and psyop scam control and mind manipulation. Using free speech to do psyops on people, wig people out, and spread lies, spin, fear and omissions of important truths. These psyop scammer people intentionally use what can best be described as "psyop speech" in order to mislead and scam people. Information warfare in the flesh, soon after we're born, molding (stealing actually) our minds to this bs psyop scam, or to that bs psyop scam, since the day we're born still for way too many people today.
Please see and share my Substack, which is linked to my Link tree, and vice versa, and help me improve any of my research if you can. This research is for the world as much as it is for America and "the west".
Best regards,
Michael 🦕
I haven't quite digested this article and I will definitely get back to it for a second read... However I do have a comment about the schools and so called sex education gone wild for young children courtesy of the politicians doing the dark sides bidding. This is an emotional and psychic terror that no child should ever be subjected to, it is up to every citizen whether or not you have a child to protect all children. It is robbing them of everything that childhood is, happiness, playing, laughter, secure in feeling loved and cared for. That one time in their lives that they can express themselves freely, spend their time having fun doing whatever they please with few constraints because they ARE children as their little brains and bodies develop towards adulthood.
Where is the indignation and help from those with degrees in child psychology, who also through experience have to know how harmed children will become from this assault on their little minds. Parents it seems are on their own. Those in Universities Business or Government are all tied to the establishments apron.
Can't recall the source: It's hard to get a man/woman to tell the truth when their incomes are dependant on not telling the truth
Herodotus. He who owes must of necessity lie.
Napoleon on Bankers: The hand that gives is above the hand that receives.
It would be interesting to see how many of these politico/Bureaucrats promoting this criminal evil send their own children to private schools. I'll bet a lot. I am also of the belief that many of these self important VIPs did not get themselves or their children jabbed with the non vaccination Russian Roulette jabs.
There will be plenty of rules for thee but not for me impediments to negate enquiries of the sort I have just suggested.
No matter, for I know that the good Red & White Machine that the people of this land put together long ago called Canada performed superbly, they chose good capable responsible leaders and it ran smoothly on all cylinders. Then a disease from on high struck and big Red & White started to miss fire.
Strangely our Neighbour to the south Old Glory got infected at the same time.
Red&White got sicker as time passed, those given the job to fix or renew the sick parts of the Machine did nothing and lied to the citizens. As more time passed big R&W started to smoke and overheat and had trouble breathing.. again the new leaders did nothing and told more lies to the citizens.
Then came the day when our elected politicians gave themselves the power to dictate and rule by terror. They announced that big R&W was now too sick to function properly and that they had a new machine just plain RED that would operate on policy and rules for the time and sometimes by decree as dictated by themselves.
The people where frightened they now realized that they were tied to the big RED machine just to pay their bills, get new toys , and without big RED they would be on the street.
It's the same story all over the western world. The infection has spread far and wide Its carriers are the disciples of Bathumet, Mephisto, Baal or just plain the Devil. But the devil and evil only reside in the minds of men. Some more than others. This is not a religion it's only real in the sense that those enthralled by the idea make it real by acting out their psychosis. So they bring evil to the world. Those currently enthralled by this mental disease are the most virulent of the lot. They were a murderous bunch before they found the book and saw themselves through its horrid pages.
Yes, through their money and our love of it they rule over this planets human inhabitants, but not in all the minds and hearts. I know their plan and unlike Orwells boot on a face in the mud scenario before the people resist, the true revelation and feed back with massive energy will come when the people know that they cannot live here on earth in any meaningful way.. there is no such thing as life under such tyranny.
The terror will be defeated and a new era will rise.
Then sometime in the future a man with a portable stone & metal vaporizer will demolish a building corner stone and find a box inside.. in it will be a book, or tape, or disk, or chip and it won't be good.