I haven't quite digested this article and I will definitely get back to it for a second read... However I do have a comment about the schools and so called sex education gone wild for young children courtesy of the politicians doing the dark sides bidding. This is an emotional and psychic terror that no child should ever be subjected to, it is up to every citizen whether or not you have a child to protect all children. It is robbing them of everything that childhood is, happiness, playing, laughter, secure in feeling loved and cared for. That one time in their lives that they can express themselves freely, spend their time having fun doing whatever they please with few constraints because they ARE children as their little brains and bodies develop towards adulthood.

Where is the indignation and help from those with degrees in child psychology, who also through experience have to know how harmed children will become from this assault on their little minds. Parents it seems are on their own. Those in Universities Business or Government are all tied to the establishments apron.

Can't recall the source: It's hard to get a man/woman to tell the truth when their incomes are dependant on not telling the truth

Herodotus. He who owes must of necessity lie.

Napoleon on Bankers: The hand that gives is above the hand that receives.

It would be interesting to see how many of these politico/Bureaucrats promoting this criminal evil send their own children to private schools. I'll bet a lot. I am also of the belief that many of these self important VIPs did not get themselves or their children jabbed with the non vaccination Russian Roulette jabs.

There will be plenty of rules for thee but not for me impediments to negate enquiries of the sort I have just suggested.

No matter, for I know that the good Red & White Machine that the people of this land put together long ago called Canada performed superbly, they chose good capable responsible leaders and it ran smoothly on all cylinders. Then a disease from on high struck and big Red & White started to miss fire.

Strangely our Neighbour to the south Old Glory got infected at the same time.

Red&White got sicker as time passed, those given the job to fix or renew the sick parts of the Machine did nothing and lied to the citizens. As more time passed big R&W started to smoke and overheat and had trouble breathing.. again the new leaders did nothing and told more lies to the citizens.

Then came the day when our elected politicians gave themselves the power to dictate and rule by terror. They announced that big R&W was now too sick to function properly and that they had a new machine just plain RED that would operate on policy and rules for the time and sometimes by decree as dictated by themselves.

The people where frightened they now realized that they were tied to the big RED machine just to pay their bills, get new toys , and without big RED they would be on the street.

It's the same story all over the western world. The infection has spread far and wide Its carriers are the disciples of Bathumet, Mephisto, Baal or just plain the Devil. But the devil and evil only reside in the minds of men. Some more than others. This is not a religion it's only real in the sense that those enthralled by the idea make it real by acting out their psychosis. So they bring evil to the world. Those currently enthralled by this mental disease are the most virulent of the lot. They were a murderous bunch before they found the book and saw themselves through its horrid pages.

Yes, through their money and our love of it they rule over this planets human inhabitants, but not in all the minds and hearts. I know their plan and unlike Orwells boot on a face in the mud scenario before the people resist, the true revelation and feed back with massive energy will come when the people know that they cannot live here on earth in any meaningful way.. there is no such thing as life under such tyranny.

The terror will be defeated and a new era will rise.

Then sometime in the future a man with a portable stone & metal vaporizer will demolish a building corner stone and find a box inside.. in it will be a book, or tape, or disk, or chip and it won't be good.


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This message could be the basis of a Substack item in your "Way's Newsletter." Somehow this means of doing murder and mayhem seems even more insidious than the genetic kill shots pretending to be COVID cures. Thanks for demonstrating your literary techniques worthy of the Everything Crisis we are facing.

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Good Morning.

Regarding your comment: This message could be the basis of a sub stack item in your "Way's Newsletter.

I haven't done anything to activate my Substack account for writing. I basically got this Way,s Newsletter because I wanted to comment on something. Likely I failed to communicate properly.

I am barely functional operating a computer, a cell phone is even worse, I refuse to touch one. I actually start to tremble when I touch it. Thats why I also have a land line my wife uses the cell phone but only rarely.

Truthfully, I think the time to protest or ruminate about what's wrong on the planet by writing about it has had its day. Those tuned in, as usual the small minority, are aware of the expanding and recurring at ever greater frequency plots to turn 90% of humanity into fertilizer.

If that seems too far out to some, then they are obviously not aware of past horrid crimes committed by this group in past millennia's

I do not have much hope for the future that was once thought to be the salvation of mankind through his developing technologies, plenty of everything especially food. No need to go to war. Peace on Earth.

This Technology has been taken over in its purpose by evil greedy minds. It now serves only the interest of a group that pretended to be Human in nature but are the exact opposite. They are pulling off their masks now to reveal themselves to the world that cannot pay attention as it no longer lives in the real world.

Very soon.... The real hell on earth.


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Dr. Hall I never got into the no doubt intentional avalanche of endless details about this Covid psyop scam bs or the transgenderism idea for the simple reason that I've been focusing on getting people educated about "false flags" at all, people being blown up on live TV in buildings here in America, then saying planes did that and being blamed on people that didn't do it, ensuing wars, and the WEAPONIZED ANTHRAX and VACCINE SCAM soon after, and the root causes of how all that was even possible in America so far. So I appreciate the insights here you relay in this article on both this Covid psyop scam bs and this transgenderism idea. I just know that years ago I developed the view when I was young that people who are LGBT or whatever have to follow common sense and respect too just like everyone else. And I've wondered if "mad scientist" types have figured out how to increase gay people being born long ago or what, with drugs randomly hidden in vaccine vials or syringes. On that same note I've wondered if people are randomly given.. whatever.. with randomly hidden drugs in random vaccine vials or syringes that look no different from the rest of them in a box of them. But for LGBT if any of them expect to be able to disrespect the rest of the world just because they are LGBT then that's too bad for them. All of that does seem like biological and/or mental issues in the end. Hormonal issues for sure. Altering our genes and/or playing God (nature), or not, is pretty important too.

With some of my free time I've had since around 2007 I've assembled the research you see in my Substack. Here I point out some of what the people in these man-made religions that I know locally have stood up for, have not stood up for, what they tell me about any of this psyop scam bs, what they do about any of it, and what they don't do, what some of them say about other people, etc. for the last 22 years. That all speaks for itself of course. As a matter of fact I think I will make a detailed outline of this asap from the last 22 years. Then relate it to what has been, and still is, going on, best I can like I've done in my Substack. I'd really appreciate getting some feedback from anyone and have always been open to help me improve my research if you can. Like I told someone the other day, brainstorming and our natural instincts as truth advocates who care about reality and humanity at all is almost all we've ever had, especially today in 2023. I mean just think about it. We're going to educate and save ourselves while almost no one wants to even communicate honestly? We know that will never work. I'll say it again, it's sad there are people (subversive people) who play dumb about this, or dumb about that, then try to tell us and our families what to think, and steer us away from basic truths we already need to deal with. Truth advocates that basically just relay what these corrupt ass psyop scammer people are doing, year in and year out, with no real plan, or almost no looking at what is already out in the open in these first 25 or so years of the internet, seems, well, kinda pointless and just what subversive scammer trolls are paid to do, online or off. This Jason Bermas guy who's been around for a long time pretty much does that only, like many others, and just like many of these newer "truth advocates" who popped up in the last 3 years.

I'm pretty sure you've learned that this "Nuremberg trials" was a huge political psyop scam as well and had nothing to do with imparting justice to the so-called "Nazi's" (a made-up word in the early 1920's by some "journalist" who was actually a propagandist, who claimed he was a Jew anyway, named Konrad Heiden) and that this "The Holocaust" bs is a huge private banker scammer psyop scam as well. I appreciate very much the short video I have with you in it on one of my Bitchute research channels basically saying the obvious that all non-scammer people already agree with and that is that people have a right to say and educate themselves on anything they want to, past or present, for obvious reasons. We're all born in America thinking this is already in effect. (very sad indeed) This applies to people who were born in these first 25 or so years of the internet too unless they've somehow learned the truth. The only bad thing about freedom of speech I've learned about so far can be experienced easily by dealing with these "trolls", online or offline, paid or not paid. That right there is these scammers' biggest weapon for narrative and psyop scam control and mind manipulation. Using free speech to do psyops on people, wig people out, and spread lies, spin, fear and omissions of important truths. These psyop scammer people intentionally use what can best be described as "psyop speech" in order to mislead and scam people. Information warfare in the flesh, soon after we're born, molding (stealing actually) our minds to this bs psyop scam, or to that bs psyop scam, since the day we're born still for way too many people today.

Please see and share my Substack, which is linked to my Link tree, and vice versa, and help me improve any of my research if you can. This research is for the world as much as it is for America and "the west".


Best regards,

Michael 🦕

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Earler today, Michael, I went through your 9/11 piece on your Substack page. It was quite comprehensive and interesting the way you looked at the Mother of All False Flags. The 9/11 fiasco is indeed one of the most classical cases deserving a central place in Conspiracy Studies. I published my first 9/11 essay in 2008 in Global Research.ca. It became an important publishing platform in recent years. Now I'm trying to make something happen here at Substack. Please check out


In 2014 I was a guest in Iran of the New Horizon conference. There I met some of the 9/11 investigative maestros, including Thierry Meyssan. His 9/11 book, The Big Lie, came out in 2002. One of the great orators on the subject at the Tehran gathering, was Ken O'Keefe, a vet. (marine?) who spent time in an Israeli prison. In 2010 he struggled with IDF members who dropped from helicopters into the deck of the Mavi Marmara in the Gaza flotilla. He inspired me not to chicken out. He seemed to get swallowed up by Max Igan at some point.

What are you working on now?

I got a fairly big rush of Subscribers in the last couple of days after Lew Rockwell published my essay on "9/11 and the COVID Hoax." Now we have the rush to juxtapose transgenderism, kids, and schooling, a convergence which I suspect has an explosive potential comparable to televising live the demotion of the Twins.

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Thank you for checking it out Dr. Hall. Yes that's where I saw your Substack article on the last Lew Rockwell email update. I wrote to Lew many years ago and thanked him for supporting Ron Paul for President. I of course then went on to learn that this is all like some pay-off and/or corrupted masonic and/or blackmail and/or fear game of info warfare where our own Congress people play dumb about lots of things. Growing up we're not educated on that in our "public education" either. Psyop scams of any kind, financial or not, on anyone anywhere anytime is obviously not good. I finally got to speak briefly a time or two with Ken O'Keefe and am aware of most of what you mentioned. All I know is you just research here and there when you can in your life and you get back what you get back. It's always been against the law, not to mention a horrid thing to do, to knowingly subvert people in times of crisis right in their faces with subversion tactics of all kinds.

But I just live my life Dr. Hall, among a few friends and family that unfortunately seem like they're too good to give any of their time to these scams on us and others. I learn and share the best practical truth I can whenever I get a good chance to anyone else who cares. Lately I sort of feel similar to John Conner, the futuristic figure in the Terminator franchise movie storyline who is against an empire of robotic Terminators amassed by the rogue military AI Skynet. I do bring these things up with people and hand out my contact cards with my Substack address on it when I can. I had two successful truth booth events so far. One in 2019 and one in 2022. I think the actual power of the corrupted US, BBC and other legacy mainstream media is way more powerful than too many people still don't realize unfortunately. For the most part I gave up on any of the people that's been on any of that a few years ago. I will check out your global research page. Thank you,

Michael 🦋

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Modern Technology has gotten to the point where it diminishes the distinctive element of the individual human more and more, and like any drug its disarming charm lies in the ease of escape from the very reality that it imposes on the user. This technology created by the hands of the unseen and operated as an end in itself for the purpose of agitating the baser instincts in the majority, seeks only to insure a commonality of behaviour ( not thinking but acting on the stimuli ) and manipulation of tastes for profit and consumer control.

Its important for me remember that the majority of folks around me ( I'm in my mid 80s ) are different from my generation in their behaviour depending on their exposure to these technological advances.

There have been times when an embarrassing gulf of silence has ensued during conversations between myself and our children and grand children. I have learned not to tell stories or riddles. A blank stare of incomprehension is what ensues on the faces of the kids. They actually have no REAL IMAGINATION or ability to create using mind power. Talking about our own childhood is also taboo. Talking to the kids about what they like about school and what they are learning is also on the short list.

Discovering that one of our grandchildren aged 11 had been given videos by her teacher about WW2 to watch at home and then write about the experience, I borrowed one of them and watched it, sure enough the Hollercuss ( Holocaust ) figured mucho grande in the video. Since the girl had been to an LBTQ intro session at school and had the rainbow colours all over her bedroom I knew to just let it go. My wife and I had a major row over the LBTQ thing earlier with the parents, it took a month to thaw the ice. A bit less than discovering that all the grandkids got the full 4 clot shots after saying that they wouldn't. The excuse was a classic: We didn't want her to get in trouble in school to stand out and be made fun off.

These are NOT the kids that we raised I don't know who they are.

The poor kid never had a chance! You used to hear that quite often, in the movies too.

Today it should be: Hubba Hubba ding ding baby you got everything... boy have you ever and you don't even know it........... Yet.

Beam me up Scotty...I'm done


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talk about phoney intellectuals!!! now i see some of your pain. I knew that someone so mean had to be sitting on some serious pain. if you want your kids to listen to you, you have to chill out! speaking as one grandparent to another...

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Holy Crap! It's going to take me all day to get thru this amazing post. As far as I've read, you've really nailed it but then i know you as someone working hard for a long time to connect the dots, always a most worthy pursuit. Elsewhere, Ryan Christian is doing a great job with his concise reports and detailed coverage on the trans horrors. I don't always agree with his opinions but at least he is outside the 2 party illusion which still enthralls many people. Look for him at <https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/>

I've been reading a book called "our Own Master Race: Eugenics in Canada 1885-1945" This is the part of history that gets left out of current "histories" on public health like Toronto's whitewash on its web pages. My recent "Digging for the Roots in Toronto" also on substack is just one piece of a story seldom told much less discussed in a thoughtful and compassionate way. Now back to work...

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Based on what I learned in Our Own Master Race I wrote and op ed in the Edmonton Journal about Native wome, many of whom were operated on in Edmonton's Charles Camsell Hospital run I believe by Canada's Dept. of Indian Affairs. I recall learning from that book that Alberta had an involuntary sterilization law (a eugenics law) into the early 1970s and that in the final years, most of the involuntarily sterilized people were young Native women.

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i figured you might have read it. I'll be pulling some threads together in a piece shortly. Eugenics and Indian policy.

Yes, alberta had an official sterilization policy put fwd by Clarence Hincks with support from his buddy Clarence Farrar in T.O. The Ontario legislature just didn't go for sterilization laws but of course, there is an ongoing informal policy closely tied to Children's Aid Services (now a different name) who take Native women's babies from them right in hospital after birth, often on very spurious grounds. And Planned Parenthood ongoing policies and interference too. People need to know the history, deal with it and then move on. In our zeal for reconciliation we cannot skip the truth part.

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What would be the purpose of the need to know about the Eugenics and Indian ( Aboriginal ) policy. Wouldn't that just lead into another payola scam against the majority of people in the country. The Genocide lie against Catholic Residential schools started by some Quebec trouble maker announcing a genocide and promoted by a woman University elite type is absolute BS. But the beat goes on... we can't find the graves in some reserve they cry. The Genocide plot kinda fell to the wayside no corpses were ever found. Yea.. well I doubt if anyone on that reserve really cares or they would have taken care of the plots. When my wife & I depart this mortal coil there will be no graves to forget so the city won't eventually have to remove what's left to god knows where to make room. But Natives (White Lawyers) do care now that there is more money to extort from the working taxpayers. Eugenics ( sterilization ) along with artificial insemination were simply innovations, more good than bad if you take the objective of looking at the entirety of what these technology can do.

The idea that whites are responsible for all that afflicts Natives across this country past and present is ludicrous. At the time of European peoples arrival on the shores of this continent the Native culture was Neothilic. For those who do not know Neolithic try googling it. For most of their existence as different tribes they where busy liquidating each other, so the white man didn't teach them to be warlike, they were good at it.

Two of our Grandchildren graduated from the University of Lethbridge and we attended the grad ceremonies. At the commencement the illuminaty of the UoL commenced a preamble on the institution being on aboriginal land, at which point I got up and left. When the next young grandson graduated I simply waited until

that particular idiotic event had passed before going in to enjoy the presentations.

Both of these young graduates had to study native cultures about skinning buffaloes, erecting teepees and so on. The oldest boy said to me Gramps what's what I'm studying to become have to do with Buffalo's and Teepees. I did note that all aboriginal graduates were business related diplomas, not engineering or technology degrees. Somebody has to count the cash and keep the books the delivered second sets from Schlomo & Schlomoe of NY.

Aren't we all Canadians and in this together... guess not. These are special rights and privileged people within Canada's geographic boundary who bear no responsibility to its maintenance or stability.

Is this fair to both the aboriginals and the rest of the human inhabitants of this country. The set up has been and I understand it at the beginning, to protect the native population from the worst part of advancing changes. But as long as it continues so does the dependency of the Natives on Government support at the expense of the rest of the non native peoples.

The demographics are against this caretaker by taxpayer lunacy continuing forever. White Europeans the original founders of this nation are about to become a minority when all the other racially diverse new Canadians in aggregate will outnumber them. Meanwhile Native populations are on the rise. I have a suspicion that these non white citizens are not going to be as willing to support this Native premium of subsidy as they gain more political power.

Their view likely would be.. why are you so special, It's my country too, you go and take care of yourself like I do. You know the kind of thinking that most whitees are incapable of these days.

Continuous Dependency has a way of eroding the character of the dependent and it begins to bite the hand that feeds it. What little pride is left rebels.

Why are so many young native boys and girls on the streets and on drugs in many cities. The quantity of better living on the reserves is real, big new trucks, lots of toys, new homes community centres and outdoor pavilions for rodeos. Are the band councils too greedy and not sharing the wealth properly. I'll ask it again... why are so many native youths on the way to wasting their lives. Charity and compassion begin in the home.

WBJ..... I have no Gurus

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your views are poison and part of the problem. what makes you think i want to read your long rant. so you are a bones denier!!

there are always opportunists in any crisis but to deny the real and ongoing suffering of Indigenous people of this land is cowardly and morally weak on your part. Don't you have the guts to face the facts??? You are living on stolen land.

for many years, long before the current spectacle began, i was made aware of many many people who survived or didn't survive the stinking rotten residential school system that has many well paid apologists. how can you collect your dead children's bones when you don't know where they are?

Lucky for you and all the other mean spirited canadian patriots, Indigenous people are magnanimous and will let you stay. It's too bad you don't want to behave!

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It must rain a lot in your life.. huh.

My my.. we really are having a shit fit aren't we. Maybe thats because your'e just plumb full of it. I don't care whether or not you read my comment, others can read too. Whatever I am I'm not a sicko whiner like you. What you have said in your reply is the biggest slop of drivel Iv'e read in a long time. None of it has any reality or experience to go with it, phoney words and phoney emotional put on to give your miserable little life something to do. Well... your'e on the wrong road.


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you are what is known as a bully and a trouble maker. Otherwise known as a troll. You don't really have any facts to present, all you do is level verbal abuse at someone you don't even know, or do you know exactly who i am?

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And a long discussion in your comments. My brain may explode. Here's a link to Helen MacMurchy's "the Almosts: A Study of the Feeble Minded" published 1920. Helen was then moving from Ontario to federal bureaucracy where she promoted her ideas which can only be described as "eugenics". A rose by any other name is still a rose so what we have today is still the same elite experts making health decisions for the rest of us ignorant peons. This sh*t has been unfolding for quite some time. I maintain that Toronto is a key node in the unfolding power struggle.


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How does a powerful person redirect a society, or the societies of the world?

The old patterns must not only be broken, but new patterns enforced, and some group(s) within a society need to be paid as enthusiastic allies. Paid how?

Classically, financial stress and the stress of war, as before the Bolshevik Revolution, and preceding Weimar Germany, make people desperate to find a way that will work. When their livelihoods are broken, their other patterns of cohesion and morality are weakened and questioned.

Breaking moral restraints towards sexual pleasure breaks moral restraints in general, such as the restraints against robbing and murdering other people. It is also cheap and available as "pay".

Children may be stolen from their parents and used as a "currency", which is deeply and profoundly evil, and very much established in circles of power, as we see.

The new "allies", the former "misfits" of a society, align against the working and productive core of families that carry the society forward. Quasi-religious moral-systems may replace the stabilizing influence of established religious and moral systems.

Locking-people up, isolating them from their religious and social groups, then changing their social inputs to smartphone socializing, mediated by AI filtering and meme-pumping comes to fill the void in their hearts.

We can see this unfolding. I believe that the answer is to be more human and to seek Divine guidance every day, not to fllow the path to being unwilling slaves controlled by interfaces in our brains.

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It seems Dr. Day that you have been looking deep into some of these issues with an unflinching yet compassionate gaze. Thanks for contributing.

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Thank You, Professor Hall.


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Just completed reading your informative and clear-headed article; I deemed it worthy of reading aloud to wife, and she took time to listen to large parts of it, and more than once exclaimed "well written; well said". Among many outstanding passages, the following paragraph especially caught my attention, though it is not even near a complete "crisis" list (an etc. at the end of your list would be committing vagueness, but at least indicative of additional crisis we face).

"Now suddenly the COVID crisis, the engineered climate change crisis, the engineered food supply crisis, the supply chain crisis, the economic crisis, the CBDC crisis, the surveillance state crisis, the Internet censorship crisis, the Charter cancellation crisis, the corrupt judiciary crisis, the imminent nuclear war crisis, and the crisis generated by the disproportionate power put in the hands of irrational wokesters, is now being extended into the crisis attending the elevation of transgenderism into a prominent role in the business of schooling."

While it is easy to feel overwhelmed by this complex of difficulties, and I'm not in the least suggesting that our collective circumstance is anything but crazy dangerous and painful and confusing, it is also the case that integral to some subset of humanity is the 'when the going gets tough the tough get going' vintage. And a lot of good people have since 2020 been ejected from complacency and innocence into focused attention as, hopefully, precursor to determined action. Is the attention given and response to the movie Sound of Freedom indicative?

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The Sound of Freedom painted a picture looking quite deeply into the lives of humans on the giving and receiving end of many rounds of violent sexual exploitation directed at children. The plot was, however, just a sample of a far more expansive epic tragedy. Who might now attempt a drama looking at the atrocities taking place in caves of Ukraine or in North America with masses of children coming across the southern border with Mexico and into the atrocities that no doubt are proliferating in the USA and probably in Canada as well? On watching the Sound of Freedom it struck me that I'd never seen a dramatic feature built around child trafficking themes. Why did it take until 2023 for me to see such a significant true storey portrayed theatrically?

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I didn't know about your being censored by some heavyweights. You may want to look at my recent "Some Strange and Creepy Bed Fellows at Caledonia". It's a repub from 2013. Funny how some things just remain so relevant. People at 6nations still besieged by developers. Palestine still under attack by Israeli fanatics. The darkest hour is before the dawn. We never give up!

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Meir Weinstein threatened me on the phone and on Facebook. He believed the B'nai Brith's initiation of its smear campaign against me. It all began with the posting not by me of a hacked fake item on my Facebook page. This skulduggery had serious implications for me personally and professionally. On of the first places I headed in 2016, after this tenured full professor was suspended illegally( as a court in Alberta later decided), was to Six Nations at the invitation of my friend Bill Squire. Bill had been a star lacrosse player and a high steel worker in his earlier days. I Mohawk Country he was before his premature death something of a living legend.

I met Bill when I was giving expert testimony at an Indian rights trial that went on at intervals over several months. The trial attracted visitors including some from Six Nations including Bill. Bill caught my attention. He identified himself as part of the "Mohawk Workers," a group I had read about in Brian Titley's book. In the 1920s the Mohawk Workers collected money at lacrosse events they organized to help send Deskahe get to Geneva and the League of Nations in order to exposes Canada's crimes against the Ongwehongwe. As you know the Six Nations have quite a spectacular history that has fascinated me tremendously over the years.

When I visited Six Nations circa 2006, Bill put me on the public affairs radio show on their community radio enterprise. He told me later he made hundreds of copies of the show and then distributed them widely. I believe this history may have been one of a number of factors that fired up the movement to occupy a Caledonia building project in lands reserved to the Mohawks (not the Six Nations) in the Haldimand Deed in 1784. I visited the site and attended the court case on the matter which was really unusual. A lot of speeches were delivered spontaneously, including by me if I recall.

I had a book launch of Earth into Property in 2010 at the Mohawk Workers building near the ancient Mohawk Chapel in Brantford. My reaching out to Bill and the Mohawk Workers may have figured in the evolution of the process that attracted the Jewish Defence League into Six Nations. The Jewish Defence League was founded by Meir Kahane. The League was denied representation in the Israeli Knesset because it is so extreme. Memoiries


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I just read through the exchange between Way Back Joe and Rainy.Day. I'm very happy and grateful to see both of you here. Variations of your exchange are being echoed in many venues. The questions at issue, for instance, flared up when Prof. Frances Widdowson was drummed down and silenced on the University of Lethbridge campus having been accused by the Indigenous Studies Department of being a "Residential School Denier."

Before retiring in 2018, I spent 20 of my 36 years as a university prof in Native Studies as we called it, at Laurentian University in Sudbury and then at U of Lethbridge as a Native American Studies prof. This background notwithstanding, I was struck by the wrongheadedness of the decision to cancel Prof. Widdowson's academic presentation at the U of L campus and then to silence her by other means.

Having said that, I note that the specific historical points made by Rainy.Day often bring me considerable pleasure. These contributions help me to bring forward memories on lots of topics, professional and person, that were otherwise fading. And allow me to add this addition to the prior addition, that I charmed and moved to think of Way Back Joe attending the graduation ceremony of his grandkids at the U of L. I can picture him hearing the acknowledgement of the ceremony taking place on Blackfoot Country land.

That's perfectly appropriate as I see it. All of Canada is on Indian or Inuit land. I think of Aboriginal title as inextinguishable. Much of this land also forms the basis of private property and federal-provincial-municipal jurisdictions. The challenge is to work out how we can apply simultaneously all these different kinds of title.. ..how we can share the land and resources in a fair and enlightened fashion and thereby make Canada a shiny beacon to the world capable of helping to show the the way towards peace with justice?

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