Great post! We need more articles about this topic! Climate change, environmental issues have been hijacked by MSM, politics, and big companies.

I myself am just breaking out of this indoctrination so write ups like these are very well received! Thank you

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Keep on keeping on with the breakout. I went through a time of having to overcome guilt as I started to realize the impoverishment of the climate change hype in Canada coming in bull shit tsunamis from the simpleton liar Trudeau.

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Check this out Darius Ihsan

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Hi Lucia. Will you come over tonight?

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Love the pic depicting “clouds as a child”

My DIL had to call me one day to share that whilst out with her 4 & 6 years olds at the park, the younger exclaimed while looking and pointing at the sky, “Look Momma!!!! God clouds!”

Yep, ‘‘twas yours truly who has made a conscious effort to teach the little ones in my midst the differences...When the rare occasion presents.

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I agree that chemtrails are dangerous. I also see that many people are still oblivious to what is happening. Over the years, I have grown great disdain for what is pushed as environmentalism. The more research and learning I have done, the more disgusted I have become. I see the dangers net-zero, Agenda 2021 and Agenda 3030. C40, green energy initiatives and other similar policies are causing on many levels. People are divided, yet their facts for their reasoning is hidden. Stop this insanity and have real solutions to real problems.

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A very timely article in light of the announcement RFK jr made recently claiming he would put a stop to chemtrail/geoengineering as part of Trump's team ! I cannot recall the last time I even heard a politician speak about chemtrails, let alone a claim of ending them. I have observed the poisoning of our skies here in Kelowna since at least 1995 almost on a daily basis. I pray the promise of RFK jr comes true, as I am aware of 1 US state that has already banned them over their skies. Nothing is more important than stopping the predators trying to poison all of humanity !

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Interesting points

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