My gAWD!!! I listened to that Polievre speech in its entirety, and I have got to say it has to go down in history as the most puke-worthy effluent of grovelling and pandering to the Jewish political power matrix as I have ever witnessed. He seems to have done everything short of getting on his knees and fellating the entirety of the male audience. Every single statement was a mutilation and distortion of reality.

Does he really think that the impetus for protesting indiscriminate genocide rests solely on Iranian propaganda and political influence? That maybe people don't have what is called a moral conscience? I'm getting sicker by the minute of these Israel apologists: they seem to think that anyone who is against unspeakable slaughter, aided and abetted by pretty much all Western governments, is somehow illegitimate or misguided or duped by shadowy forces. Who then, is actually legitimate in their outrage? The fucking Raging Grannies? Nobody?

When I say "Israeli apologists", see Naomi Wolf's recent article for example, among many others I could cite.

US Campus Chaos: A New Oct 7 on the Way? Are American Students Walking into A Terrifying Trap?


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Hi Neo. When I saw that video of Poilievre addressing the Jewish congregation in Toronto I was dumbfounded. That's what we in Canada have to look forward to after Trudeau? When I discovered the video I saw it as a big scoop. That video was the first seed that caused me to compose the rest of the essay to create a context. The content deserves a wide discussion in Canada.

On Naomi Wolf, I'm perplexed. The way she throws the all-purpose, dehumanizing "terrorist" word around, I found troubling. I had an encounter with her once. She was promoting The End of America in a talk at the University of Lethbridge. In the q and a I asked her why she didn't go into 9/11, such an obvious scam. She turned on me. Suddenly she was staring at me. looking me up and down as some kind of patriot Christian Deplorable White Supremacist. I'd never been looked at that way. It was creepy. I was experiencing a new kind of hit in the culture wars.

In all the analysis NW gives in the essay... where is the IDF that we know from Blumenthal killed so many especially at the Nova Music festival? Where are the billionaire donors like Bill Ackerman who are buying the curriculum, buying the hiring and firing of Faculty, buying the police thugs and the Iranian JDL enforcers? I can't think of when I have heard Wolf assess Zionism. She must do so, but I haven't seen it yet. I once kind of befriended the other Naomi that writes so critically of Dr. Wolf.

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Ironically, I will again vote for Jill Stein MD, who declared Israeli genocide in Palestine in early December, and was arrested protesting for Palestinian rights this April.

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🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️ 🇺🇸 💯 🇬🇧👍

It's easy to see elections are just theatre. Polievre has been selected, groomed and will be placed in next Canadian election. I saw that from the get go, his narcissistic attitude says it all.

Thanks for mentioning the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs and their influence. I just found out about them when doing some reading about Rebel News.

Also the mentioning of Stephen Bronfam and his contribution to trudope the traitor's "election".

I've been watching the destruction of Canada for a long time. It became exponentially evident when that POS mulroney signed the FTA. Read Mel Hertigs book "The Betrayal of Canada" in '93 and confirmed my suspicion of the nefarious agenda under way.

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Ah... Voting!


Just like the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab it will eventually cull you...

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Excellent, on-point analysis of the questionable American election of 2020. People still insist that anyone who asks about the non-investigation is silenced with “there WERE investigations that went nowhere “.

The current “received wisdom from people who ought to know better is that Trump rigged his own assassination attempt for political gain. And ignore the Jew Thomas Crooks who died. (Southern Gospel News, July 14) They also ignore the Keystone Kops shenanigans of the Secret Service & Zebrew Mayorkas’ men added to the detail

Certainly the Israeli Entity wants Trump elected

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