Explaining Hezbollah from an Insider's Perspective
Ghadi Francis Helps Us Draw the Connections between Palestinians, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, the United States, Colonization and Empire
Hezbollah has become integral to the regional military resistance against the United Sates and Israel. These Zionist partners in genocide continue to push forward their many-faceted mass murder against native Palestinians. Hezbollah is an unusual polity that is well integrated into the government, culture and military apparatus of Lebanon, the polity on the eastern Mediterranean coast just north of Israel.
For those who want to deepen their understanding of Hezbollah, I highly recommend spending some time exploring the commentaries of Ghadi Francis. She is a lively and articulate commentator, well rooted in the same matrix of intergenerational influences from which the Hezbollah organization has emerged.
I have chosen from among several possible videos. I selected Danny Haiphong’s interview with Ghadi. When I was Editor-In-Chief of American Herald Tribune, (AHT) I collaborated with Danny on some of the thoughtful essays he submitted. The AHT was deplatformed altogether from the Internet by the FBI. The intervention was based on the ridiculous allegation that our little publication was a propaganda vehicle serving the Islamic Revolutionary Guards in Iran.
Danny has entitled his video showcasing Ms. Francis’s interpretations, Israel Will Pay the Price. Clearly Danny has in mind the price Israel will pay for its two recent assassinations.
The first murder took place in southern Beirut where an Israeli missile took the life of a founding Commander of Hezbollah, Fuad Sukr. The other attack killed in the Iranian capital of Tehran a leader in the political wing of Hamas. Both assaults killed and wounded other individuals caught in the violence.

For decades now Benjamin Netanyahu has frequently raised his voice along with many other leading Zionists with goal of persuading the US government to back a war of conquest aimed at destroying Iran as an Islamic republic. Iran’s response has been to back the rise of an Axis of Resistance including Hamas, the Houthis’ Ansarullah, and Hezbollah.
Ghadi Francis well personifies the disciplined and determined spirit of resistance that has made Hezbollah such a formidable opponent of Israeli expansionism. In the video’s illustration she is pictured beside Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah. A devout cleric, Hassan Nasrallah took charge of Hezbollah in 1992. Since that time he has earned the recognition from friend and foe alike that he possesses one of the most astute military minds in the world today.
In listening to her wide-ranging discussion of the convergence of historical developments that have brought Hezbollah to its present high level of preparedness for the apparent military escalation underway, she weaves together many important themes and topics.
Among them are the following: the role of the Ottoman Empire, Greater Syria, the imperial division of much of the Levant between Britain and France, Lebanon and the Palestinian struggle, Palestinians as Indigenous peoples, the importance of Hezbollah in the independence and viability of Lebanon, Israel-US relations, Iran as a rising world power, the lies and crimes of the Western media.
Ghadi Struck!
Listen to me. This is the fundamental truth. The world needs to grasp that the Israelis are not Semites; have no Semitic DNA; are not Jewish. They are frauds... criminal colonial frauds. An aggressive military occupation. This is the reason DNA tests are illegal in Israel. DNA proved beyond all shadow of doubt, that Zionism is a massive and murderous fraud. Every Zionist and every Israeli must stand trial for genocide. The only people entitled by indigenous right, are: Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Palestinians, and Beth Israel. Also welcome in Palestine are Beduin, Tuareg, and Druze. Ashkenazim are not Semites... are not Jews... and must leave Palestine. All Zionists are criminal frauds. AS for Ghadi? She is magnificant. A real woman. If more women were like her the world would live in peace.