Ghadi Struck!

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Listen to me. This is the fundamental truth. The world needs to grasp that the Israelis are not Semites; have no Semitic DNA; are not Jewish. They are frauds... criminal colonial frauds. An aggressive military occupation. This is the reason DNA tests are illegal in Israel. DNA proved beyond all shadow of doubt, that Zionism is a massive and murderous fraud. Every Zionist and every Israeli must stand trial for genocide. The only people entitled by indigenous right, are: Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Palestinians, and Beth Israel. Also welcome in Palestine are Beduin, Tuareg, and Druze. Ashkenazim are not Semites... are not Jews... and must leave Palestine. All Zionists are criminal frauds. AS for Ghadi? She is magnificant. A real woman. If more women were like her the world would live in peace.

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Agree about Ghadi. She's so excellent. A natural public educator. Bravo. She deserves a place at the table.

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I am averse to tribal thinking, even though that's the unfortunate base state of most of humanity.


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Nobody gives a shit what you think. If people are tribal that is their status and culture and not for you to approve or disapprove. As it happens, I live within a tribal culture and essentially this only means the first value applied is always family. The world needs to get back to this and rid itself is parasites, especialy the medical mafia.

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It is interesting to know that there are many Jewish sects. I'm guessing there must be just as many Arab sects. For interest sake, would you entitle the Zionists Ashkenazim, who are attempting to claim the entire region of Palestine as rightfully theirs?

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Thay have no claim. Their DNA marks tham as stemming from what is today, Ukraine, then the Khazarian Empire. Yiddish, for example, is a German/Khazari hybrid. There is no connection between them and Palestine other than the royally decreed adoption of the Jewish religion in the seventh century. As Gandhi put it, no religion entitles one to invade another's country. The Zionist claim to be Jewish succceeded only until the Genome Project exploded their fraud.

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I agree that the Zionists who claim to have legitimate occupation in Palestine are very likely pseudo-Jews masquerading as the ethnic Jews of biblical times. There may be evidence that a significant number of Jews who exist today are of Ashkenazi descent, many of whom are converts to Judaism and Jews of mixed descent as a result of inbreeding amongst Ashkenazim. There may also be evidence that there are few Jews of ethnic origin in the world, however much this fact is hidden by them.

Although I was aware of the conflicts between the Zionists and Arabs in the Middle East some time ago, since Oct 7, 2023 I have given more attention to the carnage and genocide Zionists have committed and continue to commit against Palestinians.

Your mention of the Genome Project is valuable information as I conduct research on Jews dating back to biblical times. I did some research on the DNA of a Jewish community in the 14th century who had a burial site in a town called Erfurt, Germany, where excavations were undertaken and archaeologists found that the DNA from the bones of the deceased, teeth to be precise, proved that the Jewish community buried there were of Ashkenazi descent. This could be evidence that when the borders of Khazaria ceased to exist, the Ashkenazi Jews who migrated from there to regions in Western Europe and elswhere were of mixed nationality.

The apostle John wrote in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 that there were some who for nefarious reasons claimed to be Jews, and were not, but were of the synagogue of Satan. How appropriate to find that the charletons who administer the illegitimate state of Israel should likely bear that title John the apostle gave to false Jews of satanic origin.

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Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovitch

Quote: The new world order will see integration of Eurasia as a single polity as the centrepiece of what will be a Judaic imperium and its world Soviet Unquote:

Yes I copied this from Henry Makows website, because regrettably for non Jews it is so damn true. The Khazar Zionist cabal will rule all

from their throne of Satan in their newly established Kingdom located in what was formerly the slavic possession of Kiev.

The Eurasian Land mass from the Arctic to the tip of Africa, the Atlantic to the sea of Japan is by far the largest land mass on earth, its population and resources dwarfing all other continents.

The Kingdom of Satan will be sitting squarely right in the midst of this huge area of wealth and commerce controlling all.

Have yo'all got the message now... about what is really happening right under your noses. .

Israel will not be important to the Khazars as they will leave that place for their new gentile blood soaked land of the Ukraine, formerly the home of the recently slaughtered by the sons of Zion Khazars and also ethnically cleansed Slavs. Those semitic origin Jews remaining in Israel will not be allowed to live in new Khazaria, no right of return nonsense... Race is all to the Zionists and the semites are not of their stock.

First the shadow of the Eurasian growing giant will slowly cover the US growing darker over time until finally the imminent collapse is at hand. Nations under Khazar control for an extended period of time always wind up this way. Israel will have dried up long before then. There will be no Armageddon just a long overdue transition of evil from one place to another.

And so the struggle continues between good and evil among humanity on Planet Earth.


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Unravelling the Human Genome and the signature of DNA for both race and individual identity are indeed enormously significant far beyond blood type and physical features used to basically only identify the major human racial groups on earth.

The fact that this technology has indicated that not all so called Jews are Semitic and are not descendants of a peoples living in that part of the middle east is a significant development as it lays bare the false claim by those who claim to be Jews, but are not, that they have a right of return to Palestine.

They the Khazar Zionists are well aware of this lie with which they have bamboozled the world for centuries.

Most all migration and conquest throughout human history have been as a result of competition for land food water etc: brought on considerably by changes in the environment bringing on fiercer competition among tribes for these resources. Most times there occurs mingling of of the warring tribes which will then co exist.

Not so for the tribe of Zion all must be slain, driven out or put to slavery.

Ask yourself.. are the Zionists and other Jews in general desperate for everything necessary to maintain tribal health and well being and thus by the rule of nature conquered that area we know as the holy land. Where they a desperate tribe looking for new plains to graze their dwindling stocks.

No they did not, they are not interested in land to work, water to haul, food to grow and harvest. They never have been capable in their entire history of anything other than being parasites. Old Russian saying: If a Jew wants milk he will buy a cow, then hire someone to milk it feed it and clean the stable. He.. from the seed of Abel won't get his hands dirty, thats a Goy job the seed of Cain.

The reality is that DNA as exciting as it may be cannot give anyone a right of return to a presently populated territory whose members are of another DNA, just because you'r ancestors where driven out of there 2000 years ago.

In fact DNA is totally irrelevant so therefore even those Jews who are of semitic origin and whose ancestors came from that place two thousand years ago have no right of return either.

Right of return when talking about Jews, two thousand years ago in the middle east is insane beyond belief.


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Excellent! We need more of this. It counters the lies of the Lamestream Media

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