Freedom Convoy Beacon versus Law School Huckster
Olympic Gold Medalist Jamie Salé Comes Out Looking Good Compared to Trudeau Foundation Law Prof, Timothy Caulfield
I am going to connect a lot of dots in this essay. A big part of the story to be told is in the videos.
I’m looking out at the world from my part of Canada here in Alberta. What I see is a huge mass of evidence that the COVID-19 Hoax marked a huge acceleration in the quest by the rich and powerful to extend their advantages by decimating, enfeebling, and subjugating the great mass of humanity.
The decision to attempt to inject every person in the world stands as the hallmark that something new under the sun was afoot in 2020. The injections were not vaccines. Rather they were the media for an unprecedented procedure aimed at the genetic modification of the largest part of the human population. Who sought this outcome and why?
The evidence is becoming immense that the objectives of this campaign of lockdowns, injections, and ongoing deceptions are not benign. The large weight of evidence points to millions of premature deaths and injuries that have already been caused worldwide by the injections with much more murder and mayhem still to come.
The evidence also points to a major attempt to cover up over this process and thereby shield those responsible for the crimes from legal accountability.
This essay is devoted to helping expose the unprecedented level of damage purposely wrought by the injections. The essay also seeks to shed light on those attempting to disregard, discredit, deplatform, and ultimately silence those attempting to reveal the audacity of the crimes still being being committed in the name of protecting public health.
The scope of the antagonisms are vast and intricate between those that trusted and those who distrusted the supposed pandemic remedies. These antagonisms are a source of tension creating much unease about the unfinished business of the pandemic. This sentiment is being exacerbated by the ongoing global power grab of the deeply corrupt folks running the UN’s World Health Organization
Society was purposely turned upside down and those that profited from making it happen or from exploiting what happened should be held accountable. They should be made to answer for their crimes. But how is that to happen when the agencies of government, the police, the judges, the military, the media, the corporations, the unions, and the professional organizations are deeply implicated in the very crimes that they don’t want to address for obvious reasons.
Neil Oliver has confronted these issues in a video I published in my Substack Post, “The Legitimate Rage Growing Within Us.” Those who have not seen Oliver’s commentary may find it worthwhile to sample.
Pandering to Those That Want Fast and Simple Answers. They Want Supposed Experts Who Will Do Their Thinking for Them
To make these large themes more personal in nature I am introducing this essay by highlighting a clash between a a Canadian Olympic gold medalist in figure skating and a Law Professor at the University of Alberta. The champion skater is Jamie Salé who, with her partner, won The Gold at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002.
After 2020 Jamie Salé teamed up with Theo Fleury, another bright light on the ice. Fleury was a Canadian NHL hockey star who became a whistle blower exposing some of the COVID lies. In presenting his perspectives, Fleury draws on his experiences as a young player when he was repeatedly raped by his hockey coach.
On the other side of the equation is University of Alberta Law Professor, Timothy Caulfield, a well rewarded former Fellow of Canada’s dynastic Trudeau Foundation. Caulfield is on a role, starring in a Netflix series on how to cheat death.
Salé and Fleury were invited to speak together at a major event put together in February of 2024 in Washington DC by Senator Ron Johnson. The event was described as follows:
WASHINGTON – On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will lead a roundtable discussion titled,“Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts will expose the truth about how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.
Timothy Caulfield sneered at the entire event hosted by a US Senator, Ron Johnson. Nothing has happened in the Canadian Parliament like Johnson’s several events in the US Congress to give the top critiques of government COVID policies an opportunity to tell their sides of the story.
Many of the experts called upon by Senator Johnson are much more famous and well published in their academic fields than Professor Caulfield. Nevertheless, Caulfield dismissed all of them as participants in an “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory love-in.”
[For those who enjoy figure skating I suggested devoting a few minutes to watching the legendary performance of Jamie Salé and her partner at Salt Lake City in 2002.]
Here is Caulfield playing the role of TV professor where he trashes Salé and anyone else who became distrustful of the authorities during the manufactured COVID crisis.
Caulfield was especially devoted to persuading young people to get the COVID jab even without the permission of their parents. Starting in 2019, he began promoting the legal concept of “mature minors,” a status that could be invoked over the signature of a doctor.
This concept of “mature minors” is coming to the forefront across a wide array of issues involving the empowerment of government-sanctioned officials and the disempowerment of parents. This legal slight of hand has implications when it comes to granting permission for transgender procedures, the assisted suicide program in Canada known as MAID, and issues concerning sexual interaction between adults and children.
Prof. Bryson Bridle has looked at Timothy Caulfield as a example of the large number of what he calls “experts in misinformation” that proliferated throughout the Legacy media during the manufactured COVID crisis. The role of Caulfield the TV Professor, was developed by the often-unskeptical Michael Shermer. Shermer was able to pass himself off as a self-appointed expert on many topics until my graduate student and I exposed him in 2010 as a fraud pretending to be Adjunct Professor of Economics at Claremont Graduate University.
Timothy Caulfield is an actual Law Professor at the University of Alberta. Like Shermer, Caulfield often lets fly the phrase “conspiracy theorist.” In fact Caulfield uses this term like a rapid-fire Gatling Gun. The TV Professor deploys the term with the intent to discredit any idea or ant messenger of ideas that he dislikes.
Caulfield never stops to think that maybe he should define what he means by “conspiracy theory.” That’s negligent. After all, Caulfield works at a University where theories are necessary to organize thought and lift conceptualization above the level of mere fact collecting. One of the big activities in the social sciences is to study how power is acquired and exercised. Sometimes that involved conspiracies among powerful people.
By and large Caulfield skates along on the surface, lauding those in power and knocking down on their behalf those who dare question the orthodoxy of the status quo. He’s a talking head who personifies the widespread complacency of going along to get along.
Caulfield fails to define his most weaponized terms even as he rarely provides evidence for his claims as he runs off his mouth like a wood shredder. His language is full of declarative sentences stating, for instance, that the clot shots don’t cause infertility. Many obstetricians and gynecologists with front-line experience in the field would disagree. One of them is research scientist, Dr. James Thorp.
Often Timothy Caulfield simply dismisses without explanation the findings of research scientists that have expert qualifications and major publications in their scientific fields. As a Law Prof Caulfield lacks any substantial scientific credentials. Nor does he even have a Ph.D. in Law. It is rare for senior academics in institutions of higher learning to not have doctorate degrees in their main disciplines. Caulfield gets by as a teacher at the University of Alberta with a Masters degree.
At a conference sponsored by the European Union, Professor Byram W. Bridle used the shoddy work of Caulfield to illustrate crude methods deployed by a broad spectrum of experts in putting across misinformation. Prof. Bridle pointed out that the powerful people and institutions behind such supposed experts in defending the indefensible, can often grant major awards and large amounts of money to build up the mystique that the recipients are paragons of scholarly virtue.
The Fluff Pieces on Timothy Caulfield abound, including in The Globe and Mail.
U of A’s pop culture icon even has a new series on Netflix entitled “A User’s Guild to Cheating Death.” I would say Caulfield cheated by defending the worst Covidian predators who have handsomely rewarded him. Their predations cheated many people who would have been far better off if they had not been tricked into taking the dangerous gene-modifying mRNA/lipid nanoparticle concoctions.
The TV Professor adds considerably to the confusion of the what he calls the “chaotic information environment.” Caulfield provides a crash course in dumbing down society by pandering to folks who want fast and simple answers from people who they invite to do their thinking for them.
Protecting Pedophilia While Condemning the Efforts of Doctors to Avoid Harming Their Patients
I took special note of the Caulfield’s suggestion that the College of Physicians and Surgeons should become more aggressive in regulating the medical profession. The Colleges have disgraced their reputations by penalizing principled medical practitioners who have done due diligence in informing themselves and their patients when it comes to the dangers of injections that are anything but safe and effective.
Among the conscientious doctors subjected to the malicious professional abuses by College officials are Drs. Mark Trozzi, Roger Hodkinson, William Makis, Charles Hoffe and several others. In researching the Alberta College and its relationship with Alberta Health Services (AHS), Dr. William Makis discovered clear and definitive evidence of a pedophilia/ child trafficking ring operating with protections at the highest levels of AHS and its allied agencies in British Columbia.
Dr. Makis has formulated very explicit findings on the protection of the crime of pedophilia, including by the Alberta and BC Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Makis names names and gets very explicit about who signed off on what. The College/AHS/NDP Party lenience when it comes to the sexual abuse of children is very different that the ruthless treatment of doctors who take their Hippocratic Oath to do no harm seriously.
Is Prof. Caulfield at all interested in the failure of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons to regulate rampant pedophilia in the main health care institutions of Alberta and BC? In explaining his experiences with the thuggish ruthlessness of the health care mafia running AHS, Dr. Makis explains how his very successful cancer clinic was stolen from him under the auspices of the Trudeau-Notley Axis that came into power in 2015.
Drawing on his background, Dr. Makis is very expert on the epidemic of turbo cancers set in motion by the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections now creating health havoc throughout the global population. The position of Prof Caulfield on all the corruption and purposely-caused ill-health swirling around him seems to be to hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil when it comes to identifying the culprits committing the COVID crimes.
How can this pop culture law prof fail to notice the altered health conditions of the people of Canada, and of the people of the world for that matter, since a bioweapon disguised as a medical cure was unleashed on the global population?
Dr Makis reserves many words for Prof. Caulfield. Dr. Makis points out that the Trudeau Foundation Fellow recently won “the Order of Canada for attacking doctors like me, like Byram Bridle, Charles Hoffe, Patrick Phillips, Stephen Malthouse, and Chris Shoemaker.” He pointed out that the Trudeau government has granted Caulfield’s “Science Up First” many millions of dollars.
Dr. Makis reserves some of his most grave comments for the role of Prof. Caulfield in pushing the empowerment of doctors to designate children as “mature minors.” This concept is being turned against parents to give the state more control over children when it comes to a variety of issues including sex crimes directed against them, or the discretion to authorize changes in gender, or to commit suicide with the help of the state.
Tanya Gaw pointed to the predictable sequence of events when the effort to alter one’s genders leads to confusion and loneliness and rejection and then to Canada’s MAID program of state-operated euthanasia.
“The Audacity of the Crime”
In the effort to apply the law to real-life situations, one of the main requirements is to determine “the facts” that can be objectively gathered together, apart from the background noise of gossip, opinion, and hosts of other irrelevant factors. In the following video David E. Martin, a patent lawyer with a wealth of other relevant career experience, emphasizes the need to distinguish “the facts” from what he describes as “media hype.”
Law Professor Caulfield has clearly allowed himself to be ensnared in the media hype. It seems he takes his information from the media and simply adds his own spin to the official narrative.
From what I can see Caulfield shows no interest in, or awareness of, the kind of sophisticated legal interpretations that have developed across the juridical landscape juxtaposed with the Covidian terrain. Instead the law prof simply toys with monumental issues that this important public official should be taking much more seriously.
From the Covid Hoax to Climate Change Fraud to Freedom Convoy Liberation
In the video David E. Martin points repeatedly to the “audacity of the crimes” which are continuing to take place partly because of the ease with which the Professor Caulfields throughout the world can be bought off. One of the moving frontiers of the “war on humanity” involves the capture and continuing exploitation of so-called “climate change” in order to further the imposition of centralized control over all manner of social, economic, political and cultural interactions.
This global coup that began in the name of a contrived public health crisis is continuing in the form of a contrived climate crisis. This contrived climate crisis has reached tyrannical extremes. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has become a massive lobby dominating the actions of governments, the financial sector, universities, media, a cultural life.
As effectively covered in Climate: The Movie, this network of power and influence is built on quick sand. The whole mythology of net zero is ridiculous. CO2 is not the enemy of humanity as well as of all life on the planet. CO2 does not represent the control knob of the world’s climate system. The effect of the variability in the actions of the sun has much more effect on “climate” than the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
The Movies’ comprehensive history of global temperature changes makes it clear that life on Earth, including human life, has thrived during periods when it has been much more hot. The consistencies in average temperature become especially clear when the emphasis changes to tracking rural temperatures and ocean temperatures rather than urban temperatures over the last two centuries.
The film makers end with with some excerpts from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. The clear message is that many working people resent being impoverished to meet some elitist views of ecological harmony. Such working people are beginning to get organized to make their views known.
From a working class family in Red Deer, one of the main communities from which the inspiration of the Freedom Convoy draws upon, Jamie Salé belongs very much to the movement of people that presented to Justin Trudeau his most significant opposition during his time as PM.
Jamie Salé’s contribution to Canada is probably more in front of her than behind her. The same cannot be said of Timothy Caulfield and his handler, Justin Trudeau.
Another excellent essay Prof Hall, that truly connects the dots and exposes what I see as an accelerated agenda which is nothing less than a war against humanity itself. What is the end goal of these agenda's that merge together ? In my humble opinion, a massive depopulation agenda...That is something that the majority of citizens of planet earth cannot wrap their brains around, because it causes cognitive dissonance. However one only has to study briefly the Eugenics movement in the early 1900s in the USA that predated and likely informed Hitler et al, that is still alive and well today, under such umbrellas as Planned Parenthood etc, to understand a great cull of humanity is taking place.
With respect to Caulfield, it all seems rather simple to me. How can we arbitrate the scientist from the non-scientist? The scientist will invite critique and expect their hypotheses/theories to be debated, tested and be refined or refuted. The non-scientist will abhor even the idea of so doing. The latter is a wishful thinker who simply plays in language pretending to be what they are not. Best not to pay attention to what scientists (or pretend scientists) say; pay attention to what they do. Because Caulfield knows he’s a fake, he won’t engage in a science dialogue. All he can do is confuse, deflect and destroy the scientific enterprise. Why? Because he’s both paid and promoted to do so.