Another excellent essay Prof Hall, that truly connects the dots and exposes what I see as an accelerated agenda which is nothing less than a war against humanity itself. What is the end goal of these agenda's that merge together ? In my humble opinion, a massive depopulation agenda...That is something that the majority of citizens of planet earth cannot wrap their brains around, because it causes cognitive dissonance. However one only has to study briefly the Eugenics movement in the early 1900s in the USA that predated and likely informed Hitler et al, that is still alive and well today, under such umbrellas as Planned Parenthood etc, to understand a great cull of humanity is taking place.

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You're spot-on there, commenter.

Folks would do well to look in to the writings of one Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO and infamous eugenicist and proto-transhumanist. He was also the primary author of the founding document of UNESCO, titled : UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy around 1948. (The same year, incidentally, that the state of izzreeuhl was invented.

In it, one can find such gems as this:

“It is, however, essential that eugenics should be brought entirely within the borders of science, for, as already indicated, in the not very remote future the problem of improving the average quality of human beings is likely to become urgent; and this can only be accomplished by applying the findings of a truly scientific eugenics.”



As if that tome was not enough to record his malignant thoughts toward humanity, he penned an entire book in 1952 entitled New Bottles For New Wine, which laid the theoretical groundwork for today's technocratic/transhumanist/Globalist disposition.


When you read this book, it is a lot easier to comprehend where the likes of Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab came from.

Some choice passages:


"As a result of a thousand million years of evolution, the universe is becoming conscious of itself, able to understand something of its past history and its possible future. This cosmic self-awareness is being realized in one tiny fragment of the universe — in a few of us human beings."

"The new understanding of the universe has come about through the new knowledge amassed in the last hundred years — by psychologists, biologists, and other scientists, by archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians. It has defined man's responsibility and destiny — to be an agent for the rest of the world in the job of realizing its inherent potentialities as fully as possible."

"It is as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all, the business of evolution — appointed without being asked if he wanted it, and without proper warning and preparation. What is more, he can't refuse the job. Whether he wants to or not, whether he is conscious of what he is doing or not, he is in point of fact determining the future direction of evolution on this earth. That is his inescapable destiny, and the sooner he realizes it and starts believing in it, the better for all concerned."

"The scientific and technical explorations have given the Common Man all over the world a notion of physical possibilities. Thanks to science, the under-privileged are coming to believe that no one need be underfed or chronically diseased, or deprived of the benefits of its technical and practical applications."

"The world's unrest is largely due to this new belief. People are determined not to put up with a subnormal standard of physical health and material living now that science has revealed the possibility of raising it. The unrest will produce some unpleasant consequences before it is dissipated; but it is in essence a beneficent unrest, a dynamic force which will not be stilled until it has laid the physiological foundations of human destiny."

"Once we have explored the possibilities open to consciousness and personality, and the knowledge of them has become common property, a new source of unrest will have emerged. People will realize and believe that if proper measures are taken, no one need be starved of true satisfaction, or condemned to sub-standard fulfilment. This process too will begin by being unpleasant, and end by being beneficent. It will begin by destroying the ideas and the institutions that stand in the way of our realizing our possibilities (or even deny that the possibilities are there to be realised), and will go on by at least making a start with the actual construction of true human destiny."


Any sane person would have to conclude that these writings are the product of a severely disturbed mind and a megalomaniacal, totalitarian personality. All I can say is look around you now and what do you see?

Things like this:

Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy - The White House


Anyhow, UNESCO was and is one of the major mover-and-shaker loci of the Borg Cube Project, as I like to call it.

See for instance:

International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach


and for that matter this:

Le mouvement conspirationniste au Québec (in french of course)


(best viewed in fullscreen mode)

(this is a UNESCO-funded collaborative "study" on the wildlife (err..."conspiracy theorists") community in the province of Quebec. It tries to come off as a legitimate academic study but is an absolute joke in its bald-faced attempt to function as a hit piece on political dissent in general.)

P.S.: Alex Jones was right! Ugghhh!

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Thanks for the comments and the excellent links, and I concur with their conclusions.

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Thanks for helping to elicit such a significant response from neo. And thanks for your consistently sensible and significant comments here.

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Your analysis is well conceived and informed. The links to sources fantastic. Did you notice I helped myself to the links of Sale and Caulfield to produce the essay after this one. Here's my acjnowledgement in writing neo. Thanks. The section on Transhumanism is my first glance through Huxley's 1952 book was rich, definitely a forerunner of Harari. As for the Executive dictate on "biotechnology," I paid close attention to it when it first came out. If that statement remains the policy some might say we're hooped.


What's the "IRS" that commands much of your attention?

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Hi Anthony,

I'm afraid I do not understand that last question - "What's the "IRS" that commands much of your attention?". Do you mean "IRL" that I referenced in my other comment?

As for your helping yourself to the links - excellent - you did the story justice in your inimitable style. If only more eyes could see it!

I honestly think that the craziness we're experiencing now is the culmination of over a century (at very least) of aspirations and plans that the eugenicists, globalists, technocrats and transhumanists have been strategizing. Crazy, I know...until it isn't.

What's the "IRS" that commands much of your attention?. (Duh!?!)

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I thought I saw in one of your comments making some mention of you having to return to your duties at IR.......???? something???. I tried to find it in the comments but.... no luck. Maybe I was hallucinating. Don't worry about if nothing comes to mind. Its probably my bad.

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No no, not at all. You were not hallucinating. I'll jump over to that respective post and my comment and answer there. Hopefully the little prompt notification bell at the top of the page will signal to you that I have given "feedback". Don't you feel you are in one giant Skinner Box sometimes with all this digital technology and the social media "platforms"?

Maybe I'm just a hopelessly regressive curmudgeon?

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Yes to depopulation. But what of the survivors. I keep fall back on the concept that a goal seems to be the enfeeble the survivors ie render them sick and poor and ill-educated. Enslavement?

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With respect to Caulfield, it all seems rather simple to me. How can we arbitrate the scientist from the non-scientist? The scientist will invite critique and expect their hypotheses/theories to be debated, tested and be refined or refuted. The non-scientist will abhor even the idea of so doing. The latter is a wishful thinker who simply plays in language pretending to be what they are not. Best not to pay attention to what scientists (or pretend scientists) say; pay attention to what they do. Because Caulfield knows he’s a fake, he won’t engage in a science dialogue. All he can do is confuse, deflect and destroy the scientific enterprise. Why? Because he’s both paid and promoted to do so.

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As for Caulfield,....the idea of going off on a Netflix mission on the premise of looking for ways to help people "cheat death" resonates negatively with me. By encouraging folks to be jabbed with gene-modifying concoctions that cause inflated rates of sickness, injury and death, Caulfield is helping to cheat life. Does he do any skeptical research at all?

This essay seems to have sparked a quick flurry of lively and thoughtful comments, yours prominent among them. We've been journeying together for a while now. I'm appreciative all you bring to this shared pilgrimage of sorts.

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The appreciation is mutual. You certainly have expanded my horizons. For example, I had no idea that David Ray Griffen was involved in 9/11. He’s a Whiteheadian who collaborâtes with John Cobb in process theology. I’ve always liked Whitehead esp. his definition of Philosophy: Philosophy is the critique of our present scheme of abstractions.

Another example is the video lecture of Dr. Bridle where he discusses ‘judicial notice’ which I think is the lynchpin issue in this debacle.

Finally, hats off to your graduate student. And to you as his thesis supervisor. Good to see he learned a lot, especially the courage.

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Thank you.

You cover a lot here.

Bang on!!

Where are the POLICE or MILITARY??

They know but still won't do their jobs.


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The rank and file police men/women are chosen based on tests affirming their worship of power embodied within their superiors, to which level they themselves aspire. Brown Nosers with a desire to physically assault ordinary citizens under a badge of authority aided by their fellow Brown Nosers like a pack of wild dogs. Power for powers sake not earned by demonstration of fidelity and a desire to protect the citizen from harm. I suspect that police recruits have an intelligence quotient below the national average by design, an attitude of submission and servility to POWER being the main prerequisite for joining the PO-Lice. Having been trained and thus culled by Israeli trainers and methods its a sure bet that they are enforcers on behalf of the organization and their manipulators to a degree that John Q public finds in the naked fist, tasers, and 9mm bullets of top dog POWER.

Occasionally I run across one of these brainless porcine endowed creatures that I dealt with during the height of the Scamdemic. The urge is still there the need to BTLS out of them as soon as the tables turn and they stand there.. no badge, no wheels, no power, no taser and no gun.

Yeah.. forget about the cops they need to be replaced too.


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An organized system of "citizens' arrests" to apprehend credibly accused folks and put them before a citizens' court?

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I agree but since the criminals we are dealing with here are the descendants of the Khazar Zionist Bolshevik kill squads who simply made up the lists of those to be executed (no trial) in Russia, and then hands still dripping blood headed for Palestine to continue another reign of murder and terror I see no need for courts and trials. We simply with due care and restraint put only the guilty without racial bias on the list and carry out the sentence quickly.

The crime of which we speak is already monstrous in the pain and death it has caused millions of humans around the globe... and it still has the potential to become the mother of all horrors globally, orchestrated by a small highly identifiable group of historical career criminals and murderers.

Due to the lack of will to combat our increasing willingness to march into servitude for the past one hundred and twenty five years we have only one card left to play for freedom. It's a trump card called >VIOLENCE< ask yourself what have we got to loose.

Nothing, Nothing, Nothing....

In comparison to what awaits us if we do not strike back in kind


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I do like this Cop.. though.

SledgeHammer... TV Show / Season One

Comrade Hammer, starring David Rasche.

U-Tube S01E20


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Thanks for this Nicholas Wind. I've been following Christine Massey for some time time now. Truth be told, I'm a no planer as well as a no virus(er). I notice that Regina Watteel in her important new book, "Fisman's Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science," did report U of T Medical School Prof., David Fisman, to the OPP after other agencies including the Canadian Medical Association refused to discipline the highly-credentialed liar. Fisman and Caulfield form a pair of corrupt profs serving the Trudeau/Tam executioners.

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"Mature minors" = "Fair game" , same as trusting pregnant women are "fair game"...


They have not injected everybody, and many of the injected products "didn't take".

Resist by living.

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“Carrie Sakamoto, a perfectly healthy 45-year-old, raised her three children with her husband on a farm just outside Lethbridge, Alberta. When the pandemic struck, Carrie, like many others, rolled up her sleeve and got vaccinated. What she didn't realize is that this decision would change her life forever.” For more see https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/watch-a-young-alberta-woman-who-suffered

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Wow. That's really important Andrew. My first thought was to send that to Lethbridge Herald and to say, way to go guys. You certainly are expert at keeping the community ignorant and in the dark. We should meet to debrief. I was trying to meet with Paul but he blew me off.

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Further to the issue of the role of mainstream media in throwing the wool over the eyes of the public, see https://liamsturgess.substack.com/p/cbc-news-overhauling-standards-fact. The article focuses on the CBC and its relationship with the Government of Canada. As part of his final summary Sturgess says:

“In other words, the Government of Canada decided not to accurately inform Canadians of the true nature and rate of serious adverse events associated with the novel COVID-19 vaccine products, because it could risk turning people off of being injected. The result is that the general public has no sense of the scale of injury and death associated with the mass rollout of these products, even if they have opted not to take further boosters.”

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I drew attention to the Sakamoto case previously on your stack, in August of last year, https://anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/trudeaus-and-freelands-fear-and-loathing, and I think it’s worth repeating the comment here because it highlights the failure of mainstream media to uphold its responsibility to properly inform the public. Democracy depends on an informed public. Votes are meaningless, or worse, when the public is misinformed.

Here’s the comment:

'There is a somewhat related case also taking place in Lethbridge (which I've seen nothing about in our local paper): https://www.trishwoodpodcast.com/podcast/episode-173-sakamoto-chupiuk-buckley:

”First case of its kind — a vaccine injured woman includes the CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] in her lawsuit against public health and the government. Carrie Sakamoto and her lawyer Eva Chipiuk are staring down some of the most powerful forces in the country to get justice, and perhaps set a precedent.”

The statement of claim may be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Eohi6U-x5n0cx9zBOwy35PmoZ-VotnlN/view. Of particular interest to me are items 51 and 70:

51: “In the fall of 2021 and into early 2022, Carrie reached out to many Canadian mainstream media networks, including the CBC, to tell them her story so they could share the impacts of adverse events from the Covid Vaccines with the public and medical doctors. She was advised that they could not report on information that negatively reported on the Covid Vaccines.”

70: “CBC as the public broadcaster abdicated its responsibility to hold the governmental agencies and employees to account by being a mouthpiece of the Minister of Health and the various provincial health authorities in Canada.”'

As you say, in reply to this comment: “Its good to see that the CBC facing litigation for joining the other murderers by withholding information that might cause people to avoid the attacks of the military bioweapon disguised as a medical cures. …”'

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Did those psycho vaxxers ever get the Jab they demanded others receive?

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What's your guess? It seems maybe the Royal Family, including Kate, did take the real thing.

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Analysis of drone & missile attack by Iran against Israhell.

By WBJ... based on currently available 99% false propaganda.

It's another self staged Israehell event like Oct/07. Just read and hear the nonsense 200 to 300 missiles ( inc: Ballistic ) and drones. 95% of these shot down by Iron dome. No word of damage to Israheli infrastructure or casualties. Apparently that storm is now over and Israhell can get back to doing what it does best, murder Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Iran is not as over the top rabid as Israhell, a half dozen Iranians dead two of them high up in the RG does not justify or make sense for an all out attack on this tiny rotten little shit hole. Unless it was done by Iran for the purpose of demonstration as in " We can hit you any time we want" where it really hurts in which case Israhell is lying about the 95% shot out of the sky story.

Yes.. the US and Israhell have broken all the rules in war and out, but that has been going on for a long time and again this is no reason to widen the war as Israhell would like.

Israhell is desperate and needs Uncle Sam to come and sacrifice its son's once more for for the cabal of Zion. Well.. Uncle Sam is now an old man of far less vigour than he once had fighting for the Jooos this vigour having been eroded by being robbed and spat on by the same Cabal it fought for.

Look for the non semitic converts to Talmudism Khazar Zionists to leave Israhell when the smoke clears and then resurface in the Ukraine. They never considered the real semitic origin Jews ( Hebrews ) of Palestine or the Shepardic Jews as worthy as themselves, they simply used them and anti semitism to advance their own agendas. The south of Ukraine was once part of the Khazar Empire it was destroyed by the Kievan Rus and the Byzantines around the tenth century. A kind of well deserved diaspora if you care to study up on it. Today with their money, power and grip over many nations they want their former homeland back, a thousand years later.

Zelensky The Groomed and Chosen ( wink wink ) ex Russian Jew has said that the Ukraine could be a new Israhell.

Every Ukrainian combat death and injury has been to advance the Khazar will to get the Ukraine for themselves. The same goes for the millions of Ukrainians who have emigrated out of the country.

The worlds true centre of gravity insofar as human demographics of population trade and other parameters is concerned is now shifting to Eurasia, a continuous land mass and populations far greater than the Americas and other continents. The Ukraine will sit right smack dab in the middle of this gargantuan trade hub and benefit from the fruits of wealth that will flow therefrom.

You don't suppose the Khazars and their bankers have figured this out.. do you.

Thats the way I see it.. this is why I don't worry about a full on nuclear war. This would be the end for the chosenites for sure and being creatures without faith or belief in anything spiritual instead seeking only to dominate all on our earth losing it would be just awful.

There are only a handful of Nations possessing Nuclear weapons and I am certain that some if not all control of these weapons has been achieved by the tribe.

North Korea and Russia are the only maybes on that point.


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Explain this google message. I am not all that savvy on a lot of this internet stuff.


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Here's another link to click on. Its to a Substack article that presents the Iranian missile barrage of Israel in a completely different light than in MSM. I hope this great big link works for you. Let me know.


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Ok, thanks Tony.

I am a subscriber to Simplicius Substack. it looks like I wasn't too far off in my post regarding this attack by Iran. Either it was a false flag with lots of bells and whistles which the Israelis are so good at, or it was real with Iran giving notice that they can break through their vaunted defences at any time, which I believe they certainly did. Iran has suffered a lot of hardship over many years on many levels at the hands of Israhell. Assassinations, sanctions and attacks inside Iran. The eight year war on Iran with Iraq totally arranged by the US and Israhell. The killing of Mossadegh the first democratically elected prime minister of Iran by the CIA in 1953. It's an awful story of exploitation by the western Powers. But Iran, home to the ancient Aryans will rise again to its rightful place among the peoples and Nations of the world.


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I visited Iran as a guest of a government-related group about 5 times between 2014 and 2019. The last times I was invited to an Iranian-backed conference in Beirut.

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Being Blunt, cause sometimes you have to be.

How does a healthy young man get raped 150 times ( did he count each episode ) by a male perp while not incapacitated as to freedom of movement... playing Hockey & living at home and out among the public.

We do not live in a country of extreme poverty or corruption ( not yet ) like the Ukraine or some other backward places where even mentioning a transgression by a notable figure is likely going to lead to severe punishment.

What we do live in writ large here in the west where it is no longer the best

and fuck the rest is a hedonistic mindset that permeates all aspects of functional living within society.

"If you come in second you are the first loser" is an attitude originated and expressed best by the Opus Magna of the hedonist credo the United Snakes of America. The epitome of demonstration regarding this was the American deception of having gone to the moon... beat that Ivan.. wer'e still number one.

On a lesser level you have Lance Armstrong winning the Tour de France cycle race seven times. The problem was Lance was using performance enhancing drugs which he managed to hide for a long time. Those youngsters looking up to Lance as the ultimate athlete to emulate had their vision shattered.

Success,.. me first... all expressed through money and wealth for that they sacrifice all. A sexual predator of the kind involved here seeks his victims carefully and takes advantage of any weakness he can exploit. People today young or old are aware of the sordid side of society and the revolving door recycling criminals of all stripes back into society, especially sexual predators the bottom of that pit being child molesters.

As a youngster in Denmark about nine to ten years old ( post war forties ) I would fish up and down the Baltic coast of Jylland. With my crawl and pole in hand I'd hitch a ride miles away from home to get dropped off at a good spot on the beach or wharf. Never once did it occur to anyone that I might run afoul of a deviate of some kind. That was unheard of in those days. My grandmother would say where are you going today Alli and I would reply.. fisking Oma and tell her the general area I planned to fish. She would also say.. catch me a big Toske today and be sure to be home by supper.

Those days.. I wish.. I wish.


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I fished a lot in Honey Harbour trolling from a boat with an outboard motor. Mostly pike. They were not that good to eat and were very boney,

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OK Tony.. Im curious where the heck is Honey Harbour.

I fished for those voracious creatures in central BC on occasion. Moberly lake.. I think it was called was full of them the kids loved it, every cast another strike. I used the big thrashing frogs to get the big ones. I remember using my big red and black frog and got a hit right away but the Pike got off before I could net it. I did not like to lose that frog. On the next cast the same big greedy Pike struck and I netted it this time along with the big red & black frog still sticking out of the side of it's ugly face. I saved a video about filleting pike and deboning them, it was a humiliating in a way because I should have thought of it myself.

I plan to do some fishing here in southern Alberta again this summer and fall. When we lived north of Pincher Creek until we moved to BC in 89 I had fished all of the rivers and lakes in the extreme south western part of Alberta. I think that I must have walked the Old Man from the gap to Hwy 22 at least a dozen times. Yaa... from the chain lakes to blue lake and Waterton lake it was all great. Good memories.


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Thanks for the good memories. Good memories are precious. You seem to have a treasure trove of them.

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My paternal Hall grandfather built Hall's Cottages at Honey Harbour. I wrote to you about it before. Honey Harbour is about 100 miles north of Toronto. Its part of what is called the 30,000 Islands on Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay is a huge body of water that is part of Lake Huron. When you get on open water, you cannot see to other side. Just water water water covering the whole horizon. It was crystal clear when I was a kid. The Group of Seven painted a lot of pictures of the islands, great granite outgrowths with huge pines and all manner of of mosses. Some huge fish come out of the water, sometimes muskies included. Sometimes I accompanied my grandfather when he would guide his guests on fishing expeditions to Go Home Bay, which involved a long boat trip. In my early days of writing history about the Native peoples and newcomers I wrote about the rich record of things that had happened in the 30,000 Islands region. At the northern end is Manitoulin Island, the largest fresh water Island in the world. My first University teaching post was at Laurentian University in Sudbury, a main service town for Manitoulin, home to about 10,000 Indian people many of whom still spoke their Aboriginal language when I started my time as a Native Studies prof. Honey Harbour by water was say 20 miles north of Midland. There is a large National Park in the Honey Harbour area called Beausoleil Island. My childhood friends were Indian kids who lived with maybe 15 or so people in little tar paper sheds. It was quite idyllic for me. I was wonderful to see my grandparents in full form taking care of Hall's cottages in Honey Harbour.

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Trudeau/QueerTam EXECUTED.w


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Totally agree.

I put the link out in "hope" that maybe enough will do what is necessary.

I too was harassed constantly until we found more stores that did not follow the script and we still support only them.

I'm 68 and still pretty strong and capable but not against myself when I was in my 20s and 30s.

At the same time I won't be complying to anything since I never have

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Most of us are aware of the excellent efforts by Reiner Fuellmich and his Corona Investigation group. This INFOWARS expose just released, exposes how German intelligence services via a leaked document set Reiner Fuellmich up, because they were so threatened by what he was exposing with regards to the Covid 19 plandemic. https://rumble.com/v4ovaaf-leaked-dossier-shows-german-government-conspired-to-silence-reiner-fullmich.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Infowars%20-%20BANNED.video

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Fuellmich was and remains the main point person on invoking the international criminal law to hold the high-level culprits accountable. Was he intending to run for office?

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Hitler again ... which proves what Scotty? It proves that you have not informed yourself about the real German effort at stopping inherited genetic disposition to insanity, imbecility and other problems that some unfortunates inherit at birth. The Hitler mind bug is alive and well. Would you call that cognitive dissonance too.

So much education... so little knowledge.


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"the real German effort at stopping inherited genetic disposition to insanity, imbecility and other problems." Interesting. I hadn't looked at it quite like that. It seems like the German approach to eugenics was a little more nuanced than the current master race version, which is we don't want White people, especially White Christian people to have babies with other White people. In Alberta here there was a law in place until 1972 enabling the government to involuntarily sterilize anyone for whatever reason they wanted. Surprise... surprise... In the final years the law was applied mostly to Native women.

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Surprise .. surprise... In the final years the law was applied mostly to native women.

Have you ever thought about young native children mostly girls being adopted by white families starting in the early fifties. This is not well known but a lot of these girls went to Jewish homes especially in Calgary where I lived at the time.

I met and dated a young Indian girl originally from the Sarcee Reservation located just south of Calgary. She was living with a Jewish family on Elbow drive in a very ritzy home. A friend of mine dated an Indian girl originally from the Gleichen Reservation who was also living with a Jewish family in Calgary. Through the girls we learned that there were a lot of native girls living with white families in the city. Saturday was the only day I could take her out, but I never got to meet the foster parents she was always waiting on the sidewalk in front of the house. I was about 19 years old then and never gave it much thought at the time. It was later that a seed in the back of my mind started to grow and grow and them shouted in my ear"WAKE UP DUDE"and smell the coffee.


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Often this fostering out process is described as "The 60s Scoop." It came after the federal government negotiated deals with the provincial governments. Feds would pay provinces to provide social services to registered Indians. Social workers intervened. The law was changed in the 1960s so that registered Indians could drink alcohol legally. That right came with the right to vote. So lots of Indian families got broken up and White foster families picked up the slack. Its the first I've heard that Jewish families seem to have been disproportionately overrepresented. I wonder why?

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I see, Tony

By the way I am off on the time of that experience it was more like the late fifties. My wife by the way who hails from Kelowna/Vernon area of BC has recalled similar situations in that region around the early sixties where she went to school when native youngsters were there as well.

I don't know ifJewish families where disproportionately overrepresented back then at all.

Alcohol was a humiliating disgrace for the natives back in the fifties. The east end of the downtown area in Calgary was quite a scene of drunk Indians as they where referred to back then both men and women young and old, six days a week hanging out near the hotel beer parlours and liquor stores. It killed a lot of them I'm certain. Perhaps they have built up a tolerance for alcohol now, but the drug problem among younger natives seems pretty bad in spite of all the help available to get them off the drugs. But that dependency is a tough nut to crack once they are hardwired in, and that goes for non native youngsters as well.

I have on occasion thought about the Eskimos of Greenland that I saw in Denmark as a youngster. We lived not too far from a TB Sanitarium on the Baltic coast and there where lots of Eskimos around the area, of course those being treated for TB where confined until cured. I never saw a drunken Eskimo anywhere.


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Now, now WBJ. Let's not be nasty. Everyone is on a "journey" you see. Eventually the cosmic onion of shitfuckery will be delaminated and the cartoon version of history will be exposed for what it is - a Big Fat deception, or so one hopes.

Now carry on everyone! 2 Legs Good. 4 Legs bad.

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4 Legs Good.... 2 Legs Bad.

I speak from experience.


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In total agreement...also from experience.

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Spoken like a true eugenicist you appear to be. So do you hypothesize the covid jab was an effort to stop stupid humans from reproducing, or was or it more targeted than that ? Enlighten us oh wise one, what is the goal of eugenics?

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Those four words of yours "You appear to be" kinda encapsulate the thought processes of your mind. I'm not what you think I appear to be and I don't hypothesize anything about the jab. Like Peter Sellers in the movie The Party where playing a Hindu named Verundi de Bachie who when accosted by a nitwit with the insolent words of "Who do you think you are, replies "Sir, In India we do not THINK who we are, we KNOW who we are". I know who I am too and I will not accept or pass on any likely twisted or unproven interpretations of past events well known to inculcate peoples minds. I must get the facts as deep as possible before I will give an opinion. Hitler/Eugenics certainly fits that category.


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Got you right in the pantaloons that time!!

One of my favourite movies of all time. RIP Sellers. (Apparently he could be an asshole in real life). Oh well. Takes all kinds to spin the ol' globe!

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You have a bad side and so do I. We humans are all less than perfect but we have the ability inside ourselves to recognize that problem and do something about it ( not suppress ) and live good lives in spite of these faults. Animals are natures only perfect creations, they know not sin, are not evil, offer no apologies and thus get the winning all time championship prize for not being judgemental.

If animals are at ease and shower affection on someone then rest assured the good outweighs the bad in that lucky individual.


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