Professor Hall thank you for sharing some of your research,

From my research, we're learning in these first 25 or so years of the internet that Americans were taken back over in December of 1913 from the same type of private banker psyop scammers that America's Founders fought to get away from in England the first place, that electronic voting machines have been worthless since the day their use was approved anywhere (duh), that all major US political news since way back then has actually been lies, spin, half-truths, omissions of important truths, and "counter" psyops of all kinds. This is all while scammers pose as responsible truth advocates all over that represent us all, and while pretending like they don't see information.

On top of worthless electronic voting machines with self-erasing code, ever heard of divide-and-conquer? the Left? or the Right? on and on. Learned who invented the term "Nazi" yet and when? What about the definition of a semite? These scammer troll people online and off don't believe what they say they do. They just want others to believe, that they believe, in whatever psyop bs they are claiming. These never-ending scams, the censorship, labels, and divisions, have always been just psyop bs and are just as bad as these electronic voting machines.

All this together is my theory on how these psyop scammer people are able to get on TV or radio and say whatever psyop bs they want, or are paid to, while they pretend like they don't see and know what most people already see and know about many things. A lot of this psyop narrative control bs today is from the days of Edward Bernays no doubt we're learning, and before, and is not even suppose to make sense. It's meant to make people scam themselves and others basically in never-ending "counter" psyops of confusion and infighting seems to me. Anyway, here's some of the research I come across:

Share WW I & II Truth for Peace

Click "MORE" below my Bitchute and Odysee videos to see the additional information.




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That's an interesting video with Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi--I think people should pay attention and start watching some of the videos various Rabbis have posted online. I've been watching Adam Green's Know More News bitchute channel and he's been playing lots of excerpts from Rabbi videos. Quite disturbing to say the least.

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Regarding THAT swimming pool … In the book “An Eye for an Eye”, John Sack, through the testimony of the central character Lola, describes in detail the anti-human atrocities that the Jews committed against German civilians including women and children.

She (Lola) mentions the swimming pool (page 28) which was called upon when a fire broke out in one of the buildings, and also provides this testimony:

“At Auschwitz the Jews weren't raped (the SS men could be hanged for it)”

Lola also claims that it was actually the Jews who treated the Germans for lice [reverse projection?] …

“She [Lola] knew that the Germans might have lice, the near invisible carriers of typhus, the disease that had decimated the Jews at Auschwitz. Even in Lola’s stable there'd been a sign that said, ONE LOUSE YOU'RE DEAD, and Lola didn’t want one in her own lodgings in Gleiwitz. She watched while the Germans showered, dried, and painted themselves with Lysol, and while a German barber cut off their hair and, his clippers in hand, then left to the women’s prison to cut off the women’s hair too.”

Perhaps the comparison made in this article by should be between Dresden and Gaza.

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Good idea. It would have been been more clear with Dresden and Gaza. But what transpired in Dresden has simply so successfully marginalized it doesn't resonate the way "Auschwitz" does. Auschwitz is so deep in popular culture. But often I found myself giving the popular myth leaving aside the job of big job of straightening out the fabrications in those myths on the way to the truth. There so much to straighten out. I did go to the footnote to clarify the absurdity of my quote from the Jewish Virtual Library. Thanks for being right on top of it as you so often are.

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It took one week to kill thirty two thousand people, this would be by gas in one giant room, women and children. If you had written this fairy tale on a busier site you would have been laughed off the page. If you are human then beyond a doubt you are either the dummest individual I have read for some time, or you are an Israhelli helper believing that bullshit talks.. well you can start walking now as far as I am concerned.


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I will just pop this here ...

78 Years Ago Today Churchill Incinerated 100,000 Defenseless Civilians in Dresden - Russia Insider


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Joseph Goebbels and his wife killed themselves and their six children on May 01/1945 in Berlin.

In his last writings Goebbels wrote that a world caught in the squeeze of forever more dominance by conspiratorial and genocidal Jews would be a horror and degradation to non Jews, especially the Aryan. Such a life was not worth living.

I was horrified as a youth when I discovered this fact, and agonized over these children being killed. Murderers damn murderers I thought and that motif kept coming into my mind. Kill yourselves.. but why deny these children the right to their lives and future.

Yes, the FUTURE for these children became the operative word as time went on, what kind of future in particular.

Forever known as the children of that horrible NAZI Jew hater Joseph Goebbells. Trotted about as macabre trophies with every utterance or activity done by them analyzed for traits of the father.... born Nazies. They would never live to step out from under this yoke of torment to live lives of anonymity. I see the girls especially become the property of Zionist interests through marriage with Jewish men for fame and money. The Jews love to play their cruel mental Cat and Mouse game on goy subjects without remorse. While still children they would receive all that re-education and de-nazification bullshit on steroids, until they cursed their parents and spat on all German history pre 1945.

The word murderers no longer comes to my mind in this awful event.. I have lived a long life so far and accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience regarding human dynamics of existence in different cultures. But throughout all societies except ONE, truth and lies are the two polar opposites, as are murderers and innocents.

Goebbels was the man who tried to convince Hitler that this was a total war with the Allies ( and their Jew masters ) planning for nothing less than the total destruction of Germany. He finally succeeded but alas, too late. Hitler believed Germany would prevail in the traditional classic way by the Wehrmacht, Lutwaffe and Kriegsmarine alone.

I look upon all comparisons such as Palestine and Auschwitz for example as acts of obfuscation. Any comparison of what the Jews have done or made others do by force or trickery is not open for comparison to what others have done. A better and more objective thing to document would be to record the acts of insurrection, revolutions, wars, attempted genocides ( including the Covid Plandemic recently ) have heavily involved the hands of Jewry. How many destabilizations of Governments and nations. How many crimes against civilians by means other than war and violence. The list is very very long... no other peoples can match it. Having been shown the door by over 100 countries over a couple of millennia speaks for itself.

The Jews only care about one thing only ...

owning this Planet and all the chattel upon it, that includes you dear Reader. They don't care about you or what you think, or say. They hate all peoples especially white Christians and have them stamped for eradication. Don't believe me... fine just ask them yourself, look a little harder and don't get bamboozled by the Jew media.

Jewish quote: We hate you, we don't want to live among you or around you, we want a world of our own. There is nothing you can do to convince us otherwise. We are as different from you as a fly to a man. This world belongs to us there is no room for non Jews within it other than to serve us.

Stop the comparisons of Jewish acts to the doings of others, thus giving legitimacy to Jewish indiscriminate destruction to obtain world dominance over us all.


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321gold .com Oct: 18/2023.

Last page:

America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off pice by piece until there is nothing left but the worlds biggest welfare state that we will create and control.... This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly"

Bibi Netanyahoo.

How do you like that Mr. and Mrs. America. How's the welfare state growing so far? Do you care that this POS who is now PM of ISRAHELL said this about a country he lived in for some time, your country AMERICA??

Need a hanky Mr. and Mrs. America? Or will neither Fear nor Anger move you any longer, is that what Bibi is counting on the complete brainwash method of creating a creature called Bubuss Americanus. A creature who comprehends no danger until the last door of the slaughterhouse slides open. OHH SHIT.


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The Byzantine Solution by Ezra Pound - Paul English


https://soundcloud.com › paul-english-11 › the-byzant...

Mar 4, 2016 — Play The Byz

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Punch in Ezra Pound on sound cloud. Look for The Byzantine Solution.

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"The Other Team" looks at fascist genocide with expendible liars as figureheads awaiting thier fates under the bus. https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/the-other-team

"The Resistance" is not taking bait, but consolidating a defensive stance.

The fascist-corporate-empire does not have time to waste and needs the blighters to take-the-damned-bait! https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/the-other-team

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Thanks for the like on my Goebbels comment.

This substack: by Anthony Hall deserves a lot more exposure, it is a shame that it doesn't.


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"Killing centers (also referred to as "extermination camps" or "death camps") were designed to carry out genocide. Between 1941 and 1945, the Nazis established five killing centers in German-occupied Poland—Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the Auschwitz camp complex). Chelmno and Auschwitz were established in areas annexed to Germany in 1939. The other camps (Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka) were established in the General Government (an administrative unit of occupied Poland). Auschwitz functioned as concentration and forced-labor camps, as well as a killing center. The overwhelming majority of the victims of the killing centers were Jews. An estimated 2.7 million Jews were killed in these five killing centers as part of the Final Solution. Other victims murdered in the killing centers included Roma (Gypsies) and Soviet prisoners of war."

I read that it took 1 week to kill 32,000 people. This would be by gas. All in a giant room men women children.

The reason for the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was that everyone knew if you were sent to any of these camps other than Auschwitz, you had zero chance of survival.

The Holocaust was the culmination of about 500 years of discrimination, bigotry, and dehumanization. There were countries where Jews were not permitted to live.

There were countries where Jews had very limited rights.

Being expelled from countries, forced to convert or die or leave the country of their birth was an issue. If a Jew converted to Christianity, and then were found to be practicing Judaism in secret, they were burned at the stake.

There is no way to supply in a comment all the different details of what it was like living as a Jew in those times. We have a collective memory, and have stories told and re-told. The Holocaust was the straw that broke the camel's back.

You obviously are too young or not being Jewish, do not remember the years from 1967 to today.

The offers and concessions given to Yasser Arafat (who lived in France much of the time) and the PLO (they did in 1993 recognize Israel's right to exist) and Abbas to live together were rejected time and time again.

The people of Gaza are there because their Israel conceded it to them displacing their own citizens. The belief was that they would begin to develop their society and have school and hospital and government and continue to develop the land they were given to thrive. But instead they buldozed it, build high-risers, and built military bases below schools and hospitals. They smuggled in weapons and missiles.

They attacked Israel from the rooftops of schools. Their own citizens would be killed by rockets they fired that landed on them by accident. They did not take advantage of what was offered to them. A chance to start a-new. I don't think you can fathom the depth of their generational hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel. It is these people who are drenched in violence. It is taught to them in school. Have you not seen videos and photos of 5 year old Palestinian children holding rifles?

The innocents are in the situation they are in because it suits their Puppet Masters. There are 15 Palestinians in the Knesset. The Palestinians and Israelis have integrated lives. An Israeli gets his hair cut by a Palestinian. A Palestinian buys produce from an Israeli. Their economies are interconnected.

Since 2006 people with money figure out ways to make money no matter what, no matter where.

This is true in Gaza.

Yet they would conduct assaults and kidnappings. Do you recall the 2 Infatatahs.

The suicide bombings? The PLO sacrificing their own children to kill Israelis. Blowing up the Pizza parlor, buses? Then paying the families. The mothers of killers giving out candy in the street because their sons are now with Allah?

The leaders of these people are extremely wealthy!!! They live in the lap of luxury. Don't believe for one second that they want for anything.

If it is an open air prison as you say - it is not the fault of Israel, it is the fault of the mindset that has been indoctrinated into the people of Gaza. They are victims, Israel hates them, the jews are monkeys and apes. They need to be eliminated.

Where do you think humanitarian aid will go in Gaza. To the people? Absolutely not. It goes to their war machine. The trucks that bring in supplies will be used as military equipment.

The leaders are duplicitous and have little regard for human life or the human condition.

Everyone is being used. Everyone!

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The entity making these remarks is disguised behind a veil of anonymity. No real person is willing to be responsible for the words used. Why take seriously such trolling seriously? Hasbara?

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I am the entity making these remarks. I am flesh and blood , and I have a memory of all I wrote about. I am 100% willing to take responsibility for the words I used.

Leany is my nickname, I am not anonymous. I subscribe to your substack because I thought you had interesting things to say. What is Hasbara?

I find your comment to be quite revealing about who you are.

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Brilliant analysis, Tony. I have forwarded far and wide.

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Thanks Susan. And Thanks for the wealth of material you have been sending me.

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