Jul 9Liked by Anthony James Hall

From a poster above my desk which I do not intend to remove for it Boldly States:








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The World Health Organization: A spin doctoring shop for fake pandemics and roll outs of genetically modified people.

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You are correct.

That is the plan. I believe this is the the real purpose of the fake pandemic. Although there were many side effects including deaths from the shots it's true purpose was not to kill but to as you say genetically modify humans.

Getting away with controlling a global mass psychological event based on the biggest fraud and lie ever sent the cabal of Zion into a rapture of orgasmic delight, I'm sure. Convinced as they are that they are here on planet earth as gods to lord over all lesser beings.

Kill shots would expose these criminals very soon, the result of having people drop dead in large numbers would cause economic and social chaos resulting in eyes of inquiry cast upon those who profit from it.

I could be wrong and the long term results from the shots could be a slow kill, as in sterilization, mysterious illnesses, and other not yet surfaced problems in the DNA of the vaxxed and their descendants.


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Jul 9Liked by Anthony James Hall

Everything relating to the COVID scam is put in light in this article with such a concise description . The question remaining is HOW do we counter this flagrant attack on humanity.

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Jul 9Liked by Anthony James Hall

Well said.

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How? Start by exposing the culprits at every turn.

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Clear analysis based on fact not fiction. Thanks Tony Hall

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How might the analysis be applied? How to hold back the next rounds of holocaust?

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Jul 11Liked by Anthony James Hall

PAY ATTENTION, your life and that of your children & grandchildren depend on it. A very important Substack by my friend Alberta Prof. Anthony Hall using some data I shared with him. We warned you and we keep warning to NOT fall prey to the deception mRNA jabs are 'safe & effective'...

Tony does not mince words...pay attention. To those with cognitive dissonance that think, 'the government would never murder us'...think again.

Great job Tony..

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Thanks for this Tony. You cite David A. Hughes, “Covid-19,”Psychological Operations, and The War for Technocracy, Vol. 1 (London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2024). For anyone interested in reading this there is a free download here: https://ulincoln.academia.edu/DavidHughes/Books.

For a discussion of the book and an analysis of 3 categories of belief-system regarding controversial topics like the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines it is worth watching this interview on his substack: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/interview-with-maryann-gebauer-may. I have so many articles and interviews to watch that I seldom watch any interview all the way through. But this one grabbed me and held me through all 2 hours. The 3 categories are: 1) the mainstream narrative, ) 2 limited hangouts, and 3) the truth.

Hughes has lost his position at University of Lincoln. I don’t know the details, but it’s the now all-too-common story of the failure of the principle of academic freedom. I’m sure he would appreciate any financial support he can get. One way of doing it is to become a paid subscriber to his substack. You can also go here: https://davidahughes.net/about/.

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Oops wrong comment.

Here is the right little nugget.

We now live in a Nation where doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy Justice, Universities destroy Knowledge, Governments destroy Freedom, The Press destroys Information, and the Banks destroy the Economy.

These statements are not untrue.


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getting closer to the head of the octopus-like snake!

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Excellent post! You covered much of the utter hypocrisy and lies we are living with! Here in AB. Premier Smith is disappointing a lot of the people that voted for her believing she would do much to hold those Covidians accountable for their lies and the lockdowns and all the damage and destruction they caused and to protect us from further damage and harm by enforcing the law to provide informed consent for everyone going forward. She is doing basically nothing about it at all. Thank God for Dr Makis and all the other brave doctors and specialists and scientists who just won’t shut up about it! Danielle Smith and her government is a big disappointment!

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So you are in Alberta Sonya! What can we do about what's happening here? We should talk about it.

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Yes I am and yes we should!🙌

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I'm at 587-425-4720

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Danielle has accomplished much but she is hampered by too many in her caucus from the Kenny years that went along with the Covid nonsense. And unfortunately we still have an education process to wake up those voters who still haven’t woken up to the truth. The globalists love it when we conservatives stay divided.

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The criminal NDP health ( death ) squad of BC under the direction of Bonnie Henry is still insisting that all health care workers in BC be vaccinated and is refusing to reinstate those workers run off during the pandemic who did not submit to the gene manipulation.

Alberta's former covid rules enforcer Deena Henshaw has joined Henries criminal gang in BC.

The covid injections are not vaccines and these people at the top of the health pyramid know it. I don't care who gave them the order to violate the basic rights of Canadian citizens by forcing them to accept a foreign untried substance injected into their bodies. They could have stood on their own integrity if they had any, as well as the basic principles of the health profession itself. Instead these useless eaters and immoral bankrupts enjoyed every moment of announcing new covid rules and forcing submission on the unwilling peons in their newly granted job of despotic enforcers. For this group of malevolent power junkie psycho beaurucrats to still insist on further injections is downright evil.

It really grates me that these moral zeros are getting six figure yearly remunerations plus perks worth at least half of that out of the pockets of their victims. Jail is where they ought to be, cut off from every fat perk and facing law suits to separate them from their ill gotten wealth.

From the criminals at the top of engineering this criminal global health fraud all the way down the chain to those trusty lieutenants ordering and enforcing the protocols of their masters the guilt cannot be extinguished because orders were followed. This will not be the case in any law that I know of, especially where those executing orders where themselves knowledgeable in the subject matter behind the orders.

I greatly hope that a day of reckoning will come for these Government Beaurocrat DeskTyrants who ran over and interfered in the health and day to day lives of those they supposedly serve.


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Well Hello There... stare..... and pause.........

People were warned years before the Covid Caper that it would happen, few listened.

Speaking in 2009 Jane Burgermeister warned the world about the WHO and the UN, and subsequently filed law suits against both and several high ranking corporate officials.

Listen to her speech, it's in German but has good english subtitles.


I also have printout articles from others including Ghislane Lanctot a Canadian Doctor, Author... Medical Mafia.

An avid anti vaxxer discussing the coming pandemic and Vaccine madness 10 years prior to that event. What makes both of these women remarkable is that they both realized that a horrible mass murder of millions of humans was being planned. Lanctot lost her license and business and was subjected to ridicule in the media.

I am glad that my little bugout nest has among my many books a huge section on the wall devoted to printout material starting from 9/11 onward. The largest amount of material on the shelf was produced during the Pandemic. I am now aged into the mid eighties and I can only subject my eyes to perhaps one hour at a time, not much more, to staring into the computer screen. Some of the material I cannot relocate no matter how much I cruise and probe.

Therefore I take great pleasure in finding real treasures of information that no longer exists on the internet, but I have it in ink on paper... bold lettering.


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The Twilight Zone.

Imagine if you will, there's a 99.97% chance that you won't shit your pants, but you're forced to wear diapers just in case..

Now imagine that you must wear those diapers to prevent your neighbours from shitting their pants as well.

We have entered the Twilight Zone- communism, i.e. Satanism, Freemasonry, Cabalistic Judaism.

Like man made religion this is perverse total insanity but it works on so many, for the benefit of those few listed above.


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very well written, excellent summary. In regards to informed consent, Dr. Dennis Modry has developed a new consent form for Covid injections, which you can find at https://albertaprosperityproject.com/health/scientific-legal-and-political-rationale-recommended-for-modifying-the-ahs-consent-for-covid-19-immunization-form/

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Comprehension and well stated Tony!

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July 13/2024

An attempt upon the life of former US President Donal Trump happened today. Trump also known by his self announced role as Father of the warp speed human gene manipulating injections across the nation escaped this attack with only minor injuries.

Several attendees where not so lucky as they were struck by gunfire. So far one death has been announced.

The photo of Trump standing slightly bloody faced with raised fist under Old Glory and surrounded by security folks, sent my mind into immediate recollection of US Marines raising the US flag under fire supposedly at Iwo Jima.

This photo/ video will be as historic as was the Iwo Jima photo only more so. This event unfolding before millions and encapsulated on film within a single frame conveys all: the fearless leader brought through trial and fire to lead and save America.

Trump is the saviour. Destiny cannot be denied

Hail Ceasar err' Trump.

Do I sound conspiratorial? Not really but I'm working on that.

What I have offered here is a rational opinion on what the effect of this event portends for America.

Overall actually I can sum it up this way, same shit different toilet. There just isn't any way to pick up a turd on a clean spot. A turd is a turd and stays a turd.


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Joe, I don’t know what to make of it but I am glad Trump wasn’t shot and killed as that would have caused all kinds of hell to break loose plus I don’t care for assassinations of anyone. It is just unreal what we are living through and I hope people wake up fast to the globalist’s plans to imprison all of humanity under the guise of climate change and DEI and lgbtq+.. or we are doomed to slavery.

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