Genocide and Fraud
Looking Out at the World from Canada at Bioweapons, Mossad, Vaccine-Injured Universities, Starving Palestinians, and Fisman's Fraud in the Manufactured COVID Crisis
I am writing at a moment when the government of Genocide Joe Biden has indicated at the UN’s Security Council that the world might take a brief time out from the joint US-Israeli mass murder of Palestinians, primarily women and children. This “temporary ceasefire” might be realized if and when the US-Israeli partners in genocide find it “practicable.”
Meanwhile thousands of supply trucks loaded with humanitarian supplies are stopped from entering Gaza by agents of the Israeli-US mass murder. The Palestinian inmates of the Gaza Prison are thereby going from conditions of famine to condition of mass deaths by starvation. The Israel-US war crimes just keep on accumulating.
Holding back food from Palestinians is jut one of the wide array of genocidal weapons imposed on Palestinians as the whole world watches on. Except for the Houthis and Hezbollah, so far the world’s governments have nothing to offer except accusatory words calling for a stop to the lethal and perverse violence.
With what alignment of circumstance might it become “practicable” to stop the US/Israeli mass murder? Does the proposal to the Security Council really mean the genocide will continue until all the people in Gaza and the West Bank are exterminated or evicted from Palestine and stripped of their natural right of return?
Suddenly the term “genocide” is on the lips of millions of people throughout the world.
Instead of associating the term with scratchy black and while documentary clips of emaciated dead people being pushed by bulldozers into mass graves, the idea of genocide is suddenly being inserted from all sides into the most tempestuous wars of words in our times.
Every day billions and billions of media screens are lighting up with horrendous depictions of the most high-tech extermination of civilians that American money and weaponry can provide.
Outside Gaza, disagreements on the topic of the US-Israeli genocide is tearing up cohesion in all sorts of entities from trade unions, to art galleries, to veterans’ organizations. In universities where the educational stakes are particularly high, the divisions are becoming especially visceral.
The splits cut in many directions. Basically, however, the main division is between those who vocally condemn the genocidal elimination of the Gazans versus those who champion Israeli’s imperative to commit massacres at will outside the restrictions of international law. Up until now, Israel has been allowed an unlimited imperative of impunity from legal accountability for all manner of international crimes that have gone unhindered, unpunished and largely ignored.
Often it is the defenders of Israel’s high-tech assembly line for mass mass murder who are beating their opponents while eschewing honest debate. The proponents of the Israel Lobby often “win” through the deployment of their massive comparative financial advantages enabling them to buy off weak and compliant university administrators. Among the big losers are free speech and academic freedom in institutions that can no longer claim their mission is to favour fact over propaganda.
The US-Israeli genocide underway in Palestine is producing a proliferation of court-room sagas. The main forum of the litigation is the International Court of Justice at the Hague.
Based largely on the ICJ ruling of 26 January, many derivative domestic cases are making it into national courts. Litigants within, for instance, Netherlands, Germany, Canada and the USA are bringing legal proceedings against their own governments for being complicit in genocide through, for instance, arms exports to Israel.
The US and Israel governments continue to act as if they are exempt from international law when it comes to delivering so many crimes against humanity. An added incentive for Benjamin Netanyahu in his keeping the genocide going, is so that he can stay in power in order to stay out of jail.
The Genocide of the Palestinians Is Coming on Top of the Worldwide Genocidal Assault Emanating from the Covidian Bioweapon
All this highlighting of genocide after October 7, 2023 is blind to the much larger yet more veiled genocide that started to gather momentum with the rapid acceleration of the COVID injection program in 2021. As shall be demonstrated in the course of this essay, the genocide that began in Palestine in 2023 emerges from the earlier medicalized genocide that came about in the course of the campaign made to seem like a fight to vanquish COVID-19.
One of the key figures with significant roles in both genocides is Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Without the formal consent of his citizens, Netanyahu negotiated a deal with with Pfizer’s President, Albert Bourla. The deal led to the transformation of the country and people of Israel into a living test tube environment available for experiments on human subjects.
Israel has a long and elaborate history of research in biological warfare, including through the use of vaccines to spread contagions.
In the case of COVID-19, Israel became the scene of many secret tests that quite possibly drew on its accumulated backlog of bioweapon research. Some of the research probably looked at the psychological and behavioural responses of the Israeli people to Netanyahu’s plan for making the acceptance of mandatory injections a condition of citizenship. Variations of that same agenda were considered and initiated in many countries.
When Netanyahu emerged from Pfizer’s Israeli labs, he removed his white jacket to put on his military garb. He refashioned himself as the lead General of Israel’s genocidal assault aimed at killing and displacing the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank. In both his jobs as Israel’s COVID Czar and Israel’s Commander-In-Chief of the genocidal onslaught on Palestinians, the victims of his lethal machinations included many citizens of Israel.
This essay is mostly about some aspects of the COVID-19 saga. The inflated status and character of the COVID-19 Caper was largely the result of the WHO’s unjustified decision made without sufficient evidence to label the phantom virus the basis of a global “pandemic.”
At the core of this essay is a case study highlighting how a Canadian professor of epidemiology was one of a large professional class responsible for knowingly or inadvertently intensifying the manufactured of the COVID crisis. The essay’s conclusions include some reflections on proven or possible roles of Israel, Mossad, and Zionism in the genesis of the genocidal outcomes arising from the attempt to universalize the imposition, often coercively, of COVID injections on all the world’s people.
The term, “genocide,” does not really go far enough to describe the large numbers of deaths, both fast and slow, brought in by the injections whose stated purpose was to vanquish COVID-19. The term “genocide” was invented in 1944 by Raphael Lemkin. Lemkin, who went on to work at the United Nations, became the chief draftsperson of the Genocide Convention that came into force in 1948.
The International Court of Justice is in the process of hearing an allegation by the government of South Africa that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention. Already the ICJ has agreed that South Africa has made a “plausible” case that Israel is indeed committing genocide now.
The World Court has issued a number of “provisional measures” requiring Israel to put a stop to the death and devastation it has been heaping on the Palestinians. Israel has ignored the ICJ’s ruling and accelerated the pace and ruthlessness of the genocide. It has not reported on its own actions to the ICJ within the one-month time period stipulated.
In the Genocide Convention it states, “genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The COVID injections’ lethal outcomes, which many have argued were fully intended, were not directed at a “national, ethnical, racial, or religious group as such.”
As I explain in my recent essay, “The Lies and Crimes of the Covidian Mafia,” the worldwide injection project is targeted at human beings universally. This statement does not preclude the possibility that within the overall mass injection campaign, there may be elements of the initiative that were aimed at specific groups sharing common genetic characteristics. We are left, however, with the fact that an important overarching intent of the whole scheme was to depopulate some people drawn from all branches of the entire human family.
A key facet of the thesis being explored here is that the COVID jabs are in fact military bioweapons disguised as remedies for a supposedly “novel” coronavirus. See
Raphael Lemkin, who invented the term genocide in 1944, came up with the new word based on his observation that the changing patterns of militarism and warfare called for the invention of some new vocabulary with precise legal definitions. The same conditions prevail these days. We need new terms and legal definitions to identify new forms of invasive criminality coming at us from many directions with bewildering speed, impact, and intensity.
This process of formulating new laws and definitions for new crimes could be part of the larger necessary acts of reckoning with the lies and crimes of the Covidian mafia.
Many of these new crimes are being committed behind the veil of public health including through the use of injections to modify the genetic character of human beings.
These perspectives are fleshed out in the “Lies and Crimes” piece which I originally intended to be the introduction to this essay. The companion essay helps explain the larger context for the case study I shall address below.
Who Was Pulling the Strings of the Puppet Governments?
The worldwide character and scope of this manufactured COVID-19 catastrophe cannot be emphasized enough. The similarities and consistencies of COVID policies in most of the 193 countries recognized at the United Nations did not happen through a variety of trial-and-error approaches to problem solving.
Rather, most of the world’s governments responded to instructions coming from sources above the level of nation states. These instructions from above resulted in very similar sets of wrongheaded responses adopted in unison. Clearly government leaders were getting their orders from the same supranational directors, some of them visible and some of them that remain to this day well hidden from public view. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab figure significantly among those on the visible side of the ledger.
The imagery of a single contagion that swept the entire world, supposedly putting the life of every citizen on Earth at risk, was a total fabrication. Clearly the Bill Gates network of so-called “philanthropies” was a key player in this fabrication. The Gates gang took over the Rockefeller Foundation’s emphasis on using China and Switzerland as important bases of operations. Because of its war-time inheritances, Swiss laws and culture offer unique platforms for secret high-level international transactions and procedures.
Many of the lies and crimes of the Covidian Mafia involved manipulations transacted at the World Heath Organization headquartered in Geneva, home of the Red Cross and the Geneva Conventions. Another Swiss site of the fiasco is the Davos-based World Economic Forum. Also playing an important role in the background is the Basel-based Bank of International Settlement, the so-called central bank of central bankers.
The character of many Swiss laws and institutions was an instrumental feature of the globalization of the Covidian operations. This factor alone helps give some of the explanation of how it was that 193 countries in the world were made to enact nearly identical responses to the WHO-declared pandemic. Also important is the significant role of the British Broadcasting Association.
The BBC was at the the upper end of the downriver flow of Covidian disinformation through numerous media networks. Quite likely it was largely operatives of Bill Gates “philanthropies” who decided what to feed into the BBC watershed of contaminated news content that prevented the general public from receiving much vital life-and-death information.
Once the COVID-19 extravaganza took centre stage of all world news, all the people on Earth were declared biohazards or potential biohazards. We were put behind plastic barriers, forced to wear harm-causing masks, restricted from travel, withdrawn from school and university, ordered to stay home, abandon businesses, as well as give up jobs, wages, and the dignity of honest work.
In the so-called advanced economies, ma and pop stores were shut down by the hundreds of thousands forcing us into big box stores like Costco and Wal*Mart as long as our mouths and noses remained shielded by masks. The masks deprived people of life-restoring oxygen while providing an ideal breeding ground for biological infections. Sickness, not health, was promoted at every turn.
The government intervention into the economy to distinguish essential from non-essential jobs and businesses, was but one facet of a larger pattern of authoritarianism. Huge transfers of wealth took place from the middle and working classes to the Covidian billionaires clubs.
Related effects included great increases among the disenfranchised and dispossessed in suicides, addictions, and domestic violence even as Covidian philosopher Yuval Harari fretted very publicly at Davos about what to do with all the useless eaters.
In every jurisdiction the laws were made to open the way to Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID injections. When the injections arrived in late 2020, they were immediately and fraudulently declared to be safe and effective even though the supposed manufacturers had to be made immune from liability for selling the genetic-modification products whose effects embodied nothing more than a crap roll.
The resort to Emergency Use Authorization for untested medical products constitutes another consistent marker running throughout the laws and policies of the 193 countries. The drug companies selling the COVID products were all protected from being held liable for the wonky products they peddled. The dangerous products did indeed generate harms which continue to proliferate at Warp Speed.
The other side of this process was that in most countries the rules were changed to force people to take the injections. People gave into authoritarian force coercing them to take the tainted injections. They did so in order to avoid being fired, impoverished, kept out of school, and restricted in their ability to travel or to enter all sorts of public and private spaces like restaurants, gyms, and art galleries, and the nursing homes of their parents and grandparents.
These mandates forced people to take a major health risk while they were simultaneously prevented from making claims against the makers of the deleterious injections.
Another across-the-board uniformity was that in almost every country where the celebrity virus was made the excuse to exercise totalitarian rule over the people, the domestic laws in place to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens were systematically circumvented, pre-empted, and subordinated to various arbitrary restrictions. In almost every jurisdiction the powers of legislatures, parliaments, and congresses were downgraded to further empower executive branches to rule by dictate in the name of Emergency Measures.
Realization of the uniformity of this outcome announced to people everywhere that our constitutional protections for our rights and liberties were violated at the very moment we needed them the most. How was such uniformity of outcome attained so that national constitutions, with all their individual peculiarities, were subjected to the global ascent of the COVID-19 regime. How were the strings pulled on the puppet governments and who was, and is, pulling the strings?
Fisman’s Fraud
Too often the global nature of the campaign done in the name of fighting COVID-19 gets largely ignored in the growing body of national and regional accounts describing the host of wrongheaded responses to the WHO-declared pandemic. This blind spot is evident in Dr. Regina Watteel’s otherwise excellent study of the Covidian lies and crimes in the Canadian context.
Her carefully-targeted case study highlights the work of a single professor of medicine based at the University of Toronto in Ontario Canada. By getting very specific, Dr. Watteel demonstrates what can be achieved in terms of precision and exactitude by zeroing in an extreme example of Covidian zealotry in action.
Regina Watteel has a Ph.D. in mathematics and statistics. Her new study is entitled Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science (Rain Song Books). The subject of her study concerns the career of Dr. David N. Fisman, Professor of Epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at The University of Toronto. Dr. Watteel calls on an abundant body of primary source evidence demonstrating the Dr. Fisman engaged in deliberate fraud to advance to advance his obsession with encouraging the public to hold “unvaccinated” people in contempt.
Dr. David N. Fisman, Professor of Epidemiology, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Dr. Watteel develops the case that Dr. Fisman is a thoroughgoing advocate for the elimination of the rights of bodily autonomy. In fact he promotes a vision of medical authoritarianism that is so extreme that he regularly sacrifices his academic codes of professional conduct to advance his highly politicalized arguments. When Fisman refers to the rights of people, it is to the rights of the vaccinated to put themselves apart from any contact with what he sees as the vile unvaccinated people.
Fisman’s general approach is quite consistent with the extraordinary extended headline that appeared on the cover of the Toronto Star on 26 August, 2021.
This headline is quite consistent with the kind of antagonistic atmosphere that flowed from the fact that Canada fell prey to “some of the most restrictive public health measures on the planet.” (67) In Canada, Dr. Fisman was one of the medical hard liners pushing for outcomes that went far beyond even the positions spelled out on the appalling cover of the Toronto Star.
Clearly Fisman had insider access to the policy-making procedures in the federal government as indicated by Chrystia Freeland’s tweet. As Deputy Prime Minister, Freeland acts as chief handler to the unschooled and undisciplined Trudeau. Freeland wrote on Jan. 27, 2021,
“As we fight the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific guidance and analysis has been an essential weapon. I am grateful for the expertise and advice of Dr. Fisman and for the conversation he has had with me. #thankyoudavidfisman”
As Watteel sees it, Fisman and his accomplices “generated a massive trail of misinformation resulting in the propagation of fear, mistrust, and derisive attitudes towards an unfairly targeted segment of the population” [the so-called unvaccinated]. The result was a “whole new level of degeneracy in Canada.” Fisman “advocated for, and justified, inflicting harm against anyone who didn’t take the COVID-19 ‘vaccine.’ (45, 85).
Fisman compared unvaccinated people with those who drive drunk on the highways or those who drive at 200 miles per hour. With only his pie-in-the sky “modelling” behind him, Fisman simply declared that the unvaccinated created grave dangers for the infection of the vaccinated. Seeking an appropriate comparison, Fisman asserted, “There is no fundamental right to spread tuberculosis, typhoid, or syphilis.”
Dr. Fisman’s peer-reviewed articles are published with the names of co-authors, Afia Amoako and Ashleigh R. Tuite, an Assistant Professor and a Ph.D. candidate. As far as I can see, they stay consistently in the background so as not to distract from the spotlight put on the lead author.
2022 was the peak period for the exercise of Fisman’s wide-reaching influence. Much of this influence involved the zeal of the main legacy media venues in Canada and outside Canada to treat his findings as well-founded and as the stuff of big news.
Similar to the record keeping in many jurisdictions, the COVID statistics in Ontario, but especially after the Omicron variant in early 2022, showed that vaccinated people were getting sick from COVID-19 at a far greater rate than unvaccinated people. As Dr. Watteel observed, ‘The Omricon variant pounded a stake through the heart of the vaccine narrative.” (56)
The Omicron variant of the supposedly “new” coronavirus, COVID-19, amplified an astonishing reversal of what was “supposed to happen” according to officialdom’s narrative. This development came on top of the growing realization that the injections did not stop the transmission of COVID. In fact the evidence indicated the the shots actually accelerated the spread of COVID.
What use is a supposed vaccine if it doesn’t prevent spread of, or infection by, the targeted disease? If the unvaccinated can infect the vaccinated, what’s the use of having the vaccine? Doesn’t this interpretation, incorrect as it is, lead to the conclusion that the vaccine in question simply doesn’t perform according to purpose?
If the COVID mRNA gene-modifying injections weren’t created to stop the spread of COVID-19, what were they created to do? That is a core question that has not been honestly and fairly addressed by most authorities even now.
The whole government narrative in Canada and the world was contradicted by the facts. As these contradictions began to accumulate and attract attention, the response in Ontario and many other jurisdictions was simply to stop publishing the injection status of infected people. This approach of simply making the awkward evidence disappear from the record, was and remains a frequent strategy in the COVID fiasco.
Fisman was one of those who sprung into action to protect the fraudulent narrative from exposure to the truth. In the spring of 2022 the Trudeau government was especially imperilled after the Canadian Prime Minister had invested much political capital into trying to demonize and criminalize the Freedom Convoy Truckers’ movement.
This Convoy had converged on Ottawa and other locations in mid-winter of 2022 to bring a well-reasoned critique of federal and provincial COVID policies, especially concerning government overreach in the COVID mandates.
In order to expand his powers to beat down, discredit and criminalize the Truckers, Trudeau invoked the federal Emergency Act on Valentines Day. Two years later in January of 2024 the federal court of Canada declared the Emergency Act was unnecessary and illegal under the circumstances.
Many extreme government interventions were done in the name of the Emergency Act, measures like the seizure of Truckers’ bank accounts, the seizure of donated funds, and the police running down with horses the Trucker’s supporters.
When the Truckers wheeled into Ottawa in late January to implement their parking protest, Trudeau was following the policy line advocated most vehemently by Dr. Fisman. By this time Trudeau was deeply committed to creating medical apartheid especially by prohibiting unvaccinated people from participating in many aspects of society including airplane and train travel. As Trudeau declared in the election campaign of August, 2021,
“If you don’t want to get vaccinated that’s your choice. But don’t think you can get on a plane or train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.” (61)
Like the notorious academic fraud Neil Ferguson at Imperial College in London, Dr. Fisman’s specialty was “modelling.” Fisman simply fabricated the stats he wanted from his own imagination to feed into various mathematical models. This type of model is designed to predict the outcome of various scenarios through crunching the numbers initially fed into it. As Dr. Watteel demonstrates, the numbers he chose were calculated to produce the preconceived conclusion he desired.
The conclusions Fisman drew from his fraudulent processes were meant to scare the public into submitting to government authority. In the cases of both Fisman and Ferguson, the idea was to exploit the political currency of panic to impose draconian measures like the useless but extremely consequential worldwide lockdowns and so-called “vaccine passports.” Vaccine passports were designed to replace the principle of bodily autonomy with a lifetime regime of regular and required injections as a core element of medical authoritarianism.
As a statistician, Dr. Watteel was in a position to evaluate Fisman’s modelling and conclude with expert authority that he purposely engaged in fraud to produce his preordained conclusions. She goes further, declaring in an interview that Fisman’s work on COVID constituted “The most blatant case of scientific fraud I have ever seen.”
One of the main objects of Fisman’s fraud was to insist that the unvaccinated were a grave danger to the vaccinated. He declared, “Vaccinated individuals have a right not to have their efforts to protect themselves undermined [by exposure to the unvaccinated]. (81)
In an interview with Irelyne Lavery of Global News, Fisman misrepresented his modelling, even as he justified his advocacy of medical apartheid as follows”
“We use models in a lot of different ways, said Fisman. ‘They’re just simplified versions of reality.’
‘When you have a mixing between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, the risk for unvaccinated people actually goes down, said Fisman. Vaccinated people become a buffer when you have a lot of mixing and risk to vaccinated people whose infections go up. (76)’”
Fisman’s supposed science was fiction not fact. Generally unvaccinated people have put much less pressure on health systems because they have not faced as much infection, deaths and injuries as vaccinated people. The whole Covidian establishment, including Fisman, gave terrible advice with extremely harmful outcomes. Fisman’s delusionary ravings included the following:
“COVID-19 cases in intensive care units are created by cancelling elective surgeries for cancer and cardiac disease, which resulted in extensive backlogs. By contributing to these backlogs, unvaccinated people are creating a risk that those around them may not be able to obtain the care they need and, consequently the risk they create cannot be regarded as self-regarding.” (77)
Fisman built on this analysis to argue that the presence of unvaccinated people “limit access to public space.” (80) This misunderstanding led Fisman to observe, “Time for anti-vaxxers to stay home. The rest of us deserve to get our lives back.” (77) To try encourage vaccinated people to show contempt for the unvaccinated, Fisman declared,
“I cannot imagine that we’re going to let a small unreasonable minority hold back our economy and trash our healthcare system. Vaccine passports now!” (84)
As one of Canada’s chief scare mongers who played a prominent in building up the massive campaign to induce public hysteria, Fisman helped advance his personal interest in pushing Big Pharma’s agenda of mandated vaccines and vaccine passports. He has business dealing with many drug companies including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, and Seqirus.
Fisman is also well placed to participate in the University of Toronto’s partnership with Moderna. The U of T-Moderna collaboration is in the fields of “molecular genetics and biomedical engineering.”
Quite likely one expression of this partnership is reflected in the newly-created Institute for Pandemics at the U of T. Fisman has already been appointed to lead one of its three divisions, the Centre for Pandemic Readiness.
The nature of the U of T-Moderna partnership adds to the evidence that the real objective of the COVID Scam was not to fight a coronavirus but rather to advance the wholesale genetic modification of people, particularly through the medium of mRNA injections.
Fisman’s lucrative association with drug companies is one small part of the web of business partners he is accumulating. He billed the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario to advise them in their effort to prolong their campaign of mandatory school closures. He contributed an expert affidavit in the cause keeping schools closed. How many other unions has he advised in the process of putting union members in harm’s way?
Among his other clients have been the Ontario Nurses Association, Klick Health, JP Morgan Chase, Farallon Capital, the Canadian Pension Plan, and WE Charity.
The Jewish National Fund Sponsors a Joint Presentation of Dr. Fisman and an Israeli Colleague. Together They Speculates on How Climate Change Will Affect Future Pandemics Including “Disease X”
I did some research on the open Internet into aspects of Dr. Fisman’s work that Dr. Watteel ignored. I noticed that, for instance, that Dr. Fisman pictures his own identity as a self-identifying Jew as a relevant factor in his understanding of his professional relationship to his subject matter. On September 26 of 2020 Dr. Fisman gave a presentation at Temple Israel in London Ontario on 26 September, entitled “COVID-19 Through a Jewish Lens.”
The presenter was introduced by the host as a proponent of “social justice” and a proponent of “speaking truth to power.” The host indicated that she had invited the U of T professor because she counted on him “to show how Jewish values inform our understanding of this unprecedented global challenge.”
Earlier in the summer of 2020 Dr. Fisman was partnered with am Israeli colleague, Dr. Jacob Moran-Gilad, to speak on the subject of “How Climate Change Will Affect the Emergence of Future Pandemics.” Dr. Moran was then Chair of Israel’s National Advisory Committee for Microbiology and Member of the National Epidemic Management Team.
The joint presentation was organized by the Jewish National Fund, a very important and old agency that holds and regulates land and land proprietorship in Israel. This Zionist agency was created in 1901 in the effort to buy up land that became available in Palestine when this region was still governed by the Ottoman Empire.
In the course of the exchange Dr. Moran-Gilad is reported to have indicated,
“We are now all experts in flattening curves – as compared to four months ago – which shows how effectively we can disseminate information,” Moran-Gilad observed. While not discounting the severity of COVID-19, he said it has not been the pandemic that people who study infectious diseases have been preparing for, one known in the scientific community as Disease X, which would cause a mortality rate of 10 to 30%.”
Dr. Fisman made a lot of extravagant and unsupported generalizations about supposed overlaps of climate change and epidemic. He is reported to have said.
“Both climate change and viruses like COVID-19 share similar drivers, such as human population growth, environmental degradation and the need for expanded food production, he explained. Rising temperatures around the globe create a more fertile breeding ground for infectious diseases and accelerate their evolution, he said. Furthermore, climate change is exacerbated by the tearing down of natural environments, which then brings humans in closer proximity to animal habitats – increasing the chances of diseases being passed on to humans from other species.
This final remark brings to mind the assurances offered by Dr. Fauci that the sources of the COVID virus were, beyond a shadow of doubt, an exposure of humans to a disease coming from a wild animal. The idea was not mentioned, of course, that new diseases were being created in laboratories with the specific aim of harming humans.
Such so-called gain-of-function research in bioweapon production, such as that in the lab of Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, has been well exposed as one of the notorious specialties of the part of the Covidian Mafia under the leadership of Godfather Anthony Fauci.
Whatever was being discussed in public was probably secondary to the behind-the-scenes interactions involving Dr. Fisman in the multinational operations of Zionist power centre, the Jewish National Fund.
The Vaccine-Injured Universities So Far Show No Signs of Recovery
In her own person and research, Dr. Watteel is presenting a rallying point for others seeking a reckoning with the extensive array of Covidian crimes. Many Covidian lies and crimes are embodied in the fake scholarship giving false authority to Dr. Fisman’s discriminatory and harm-inducing rantings.
By concentrating unrelentingly on this single Covidian culprit, Dr. Watteel is helping to put a human face on a telling example of a very large class of prominent public figures who went along with, and even added to, the biggest hoax ever in the delivery of public health.
The dangerous frauds of the last four years will continue to replicate as long as the thousands of opportunists like Fisman remain immunized from professional and legal consequences for their deeply unprofessional and arguably criminal behaviour. What can we expect next from those scientists, educators, and media talking heads who conned the public for personal gain, edified standing, and the pursuit of medical authoritarianism.
The organizations that Dr. Watteel addressed by sharing her critique of Fisman’s work, are the University of Toronto, the academic publishing arm of the Canadian Medical Association, and the main federal agency for funding medical research, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR).
Her written exchanges with these organizations are included in her smaller book meant to accompany her main narrative. The accompanying work is entitled, Fisman’s Fraud: The Accomplices, Supplementary Reference. A Collection of Letters and Correspondences. It contains the contents of her exchanges with those individuals in the three organization assigned to evaluate her submissions.
The University of Toronto provided Fisman with his primary professional base and backing. By 2020 the procedures of tenure and promotion at the Medical Faculty had moved Dr. Fisman up the line providing him with the academic podium he exploited very aggressively during the course of the WHO-declared pandemic.
This history, starting with his employment at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, continues to draw much legitimate criticism from Dr. Watteel and many other honest scientists. To this day the academic authorities responsible for protecting academic principles have not even attempted a sincere reckoning with the fact that Dr. Fisman knowingly committed fraud in fabricating false data. Such fraud and fabrication constitutes a very high order of academic crime in the halls of higher learning.
I did my Ph.D in History at the University of Toronto so I am an alumnus of the very institution where Fisman mocked with his effrontery. Fisman developed his interpretations and conclusions without adhering to even the basic principles for using evidence in the authorship of scholarly work.
I am personally very disappointed by the Covidian misrepresentations that my alma mater encouraged, supported, defended, and carried out. Of course U of T is far from alone in its failure to keep up with cutting edge of skeptical research on the Covidian files.
Again and again universities sided against heavily censored and deeply persecuted scientists who early on could see evidence that the experimental injections were becoming the basis of a massive public heath disaster in the making. Dr. Watteel was and is one of those dedicated whistle-blowing scientists.
The whistle blowers were right and Fisman was wrong. But what does that matter in this era of when those who get ahead are encouraged to ignore or, if necessary, condemn the naysayers who prefer truth and integrity over upward mobility and the acquisition of wealth. For those who want to get ahead, everything depends on staying inside the clique where interpretations awkward to the exercise of power are usually considered expendable.
How much longer will these academic institutions continue to be repeat offenders in aiding and abetting scientific fraud. How much longer can the thousands of Dr. Fismans in the global arena of the COVID fiasco, continue their lies from the badly contaminated pulpits and podiums. What will be the fate if the disgraced academy still living amidst the lethal illusions as well as the ghosts of so many lost colleagues and students?
The Medical Faculty at the University of Toronto has become a highly politicized entity within the profoundly discredited medical profession.
Indeed, with the possible exception of the media, the medical profession is the most discredited of all the professions because of the ease with which it was taken over through the intimidation and bribery conducted by the Covidian mafioso.
The most ruthless policing operation of the medical profession are being conducted by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. Most of those conducting the dirty business of these “Colleges” are carefully vetted to be devoid of principles and ethics and therefore compliant with control from above. The spectacle of their authoritarian enforcement of the core frauds of the COVID scam show up in their efforts to deplatform the likes of Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and Dr. William Makis.
Most universities have much to answer for in terms of imposing dangerous mandated injections on faculty, students and staff. In a memorial for a 33 year-old medical doctor working on his Ph.D, a friend of his observed “This may be the first time in history that a profession murders its own students, its own apprentices, in the pursuit of a greater agenda.”
How many individuals have died as a direct result of Dr. Fisman’s efforts to shame people into taking the dangerous health-destroying jabs whose true nature is only just now coming to light?
It will not be soon forgotten that a large number of university scientists in many relevant disciplines contributed very little of worth to a crucial public deliberation on health policy at a time when we direly needed their diverse contributions. By and large, administrators attacked the basis of independent research to undermine faculty members when they tried to get to do their professional duty at a time of much bewilderment on the part of the general public.
Very instructive is the maltreatment pointed by administration and colleagues against immunologist Prof. Byram Bridle at University of Guelph for leaving the approved narrative promoted by the likes of Dr. Fisman. Here is a video of Dr. Bridle criticizing Fisman’s politically-motivated modelling work.
When the authentic history of the CV19 episode is finally written, it will become absolutely clear that most universities and colleges were more a source of problems and government disinformation than the source of illumination and answers to crucial life-and-death questions.
Institutions of higher learning were largely captured even more tightly by authoritarian top-down approaches that disastrously continue to strangle the environment for free and open public debate. Obedience and cronyism was made to prevail over scholarly integrity in most universities.
This pattern will be very difficult to break now that it has been so firmly established in hiring, tenure and promotion procedures. The current custodians of the academy with some few exceptions, are those that went along with the lies, the censorship, and the outlawing of healthy disagreements among academic colleagues.
In the 2022-2023 academic cycle, the University of Toronto administration was still requiring students to be triple vaccinated in spite of all the information flooding into the public domain about the large worldwide extent of injection deaths and injuries.
In considering the University of Toronto’s exceptionally zealous embrace of COVID mandates and restrictions, I was drawn to consider the role of Dr. David Naylor, the former Dean of the Medical School and the “President Emeritus” of the whole University. Dr. Naylor served as President from 2005 to 2013. In the spring of 2020 Naylor was named by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the first member of the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.
The leadership group of Trudeau’s Task Force included Dr. Catherine Hankins, a medical veteran of HIV enterprises including at the United Nations, Dr. Tim Evans, a Bill Gates-backed health entrepreneur with experience at the World Bank and World Health Organization, Dr. Teresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, and Dr. Mona Nemer, chief COVID-19 adviser to Justin Trudeau.
It is reasonable to expect that Dr. Naylor would have been aware of Dr. Fisman’s work at the University of Toronto. Fisman was, after all, the loudest and most insistent voice on campus calling for compliance with Justin Trudeau’s COVID policies. In fact Fisman’s own agendas were much more extreme than even those of Trudeau.
It seems probable that Fisman’s political activism was viewed positively by one of the most senior high-ranking officials at the U of T.. Dr. Naylor was probably well aware of the positive news coverage being generated by the media star at Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
In bringing forward her critical study of Fisman’s work, Dr Watteel went through the appropriate channels at the U of T. She brought her critique to the Research Oversight and Compliance Office. Dr Watteel addressed three letters to the associate Vice-President of that Office, Professor Lori Ferris.
Ferris evaded dealing with Dr. Watteel’s main contentions. Instead, the Research Oversight officer chose to put forward her prepared and prepackaged arguments addressing points that Dr Watteel had not raised. When the statistician responded to address Dr. Ferris’ repeated evasions, officials at the University of Toronto chose to close the file.
When The Proper Authorities Won’t Deal with Their Own Criminal Behaviour, One Is Left With No Choice Other Than to Take the Allegations to the Police
The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) was another recipient of Dr. Watteel’s insistent interventions aimed at calling attention to Fisman’s Fraud. The negligence of the CMA was highlighted by Alberta Dr. William Makis. In a series of publications Dr. Makis pointed to the CMA’s unwillingness to address the apparent plague of possible vaccine deaths visited on doctors required to take the sometimes lethal jabs.
The Canadian Medical Association, and specifically the CMA’s team responsible for publishing the supposedly peer-reviewed journal, was a key object of Dr. Watteel’s interventions. This journal is often referred to as the CMAJ. A great storm of controversy was raised by the core essay around which Dr. Watteel organized much of her commentary concerning Dr. Fisman’s larger body of work, together with his frequent surges of frenzied twitter activity.
The citation of the controversial essay published by the CMAJ is
David N. Fisman, Afia Amo, Ashleigh R. Tuite, “Impact of population mixing between Vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations on infectious disease dynamics: implications for SARS-CoV-2, CMAJ,
This essay was warmly embraced by media within hours of it publication. In due course it became the basis of new reports nationally and internationally. The publication came at a time when the Freedom Convoy in Canada had stimulated much critical commentary about the government’s mandated blitz of forced injections. As Watteel explains it, with her resort to official statistics from the Ontario government, the injections actually spread infection rather than provided immunity against it.
Fisman et al’s essay seemed calculated to encourage the public to blame the unvaccinated rather than blame the extremely dangerous and ineffective injections for the rise in supposed COVID cases. How many of the recurring cases said to be COVID-19 illnesses, were actually sickness and injury resulting from the injections? To this day these injuries and deaths remain disguised, hugely underestimated, and obscured through misrepresentations aimed at covering over the lies and crimes committed by the Covidian establishment still in positions of power over us.
Not only did the media throughout the English-speaking world run with the story of Fisman’s contempt for the so-called unvaccinated, but the essay was waved around in the House of Commons by a Liberal MP as justification for extending the prohibition preventing unvaccinated people from using air and train transport.
Dr. Watteel was joined by many other well-informed critics of Fisman’s fraud. They intervened in large numbers to challenge the editorial decisions made by those in charge of the Canadian Medical Association’s publication branch. ( See pp. 95-99) One of those who complained was Dr. Bridle. His video discussion with Julie Ponesse about the offending Fisman essay, is published above. Dr. Bridle asserted, “As a researcher who has published and reviewed many scientific papers, I can tell you the article by David Fisman is the worst one I have ever seen.” (100)
The CMAJ editors who fast tracked the publication of the Fisman essay included prominently Kirsten Patrick and Andreas Laupacis. Dr. Watteel alleges that the CMAJ’s officials were engaged in “a coordinated effort to spread disinformation throughout the medical establishment and disseminate harmful and socially destructive falsehoods to the greater community.” (113)
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s primary federal agency for funding medical research. Dr. Fisman’s supposedly peer-reviewed CMAJ paper on the horrors of vaccinated and unvaccinated “mixing” in the same spaces, was funded by the CIHR.
Dr. Watteel’s main point in her communications with Karen Wallace, Executive Director of the CIHR’s Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research, was to detail the failure of the University of Toronto’s to credibly address her accusations. As a major recipient of CIHR funds, the fact the U of T was not following its own code of research conduct, continues to hold major implications.
As Watteel saw it, this across-the-board failure of major research organizations, presented compelling proof of “an institutional resistance to self-correct and learn from the pandemic.” (Fisman’s Fraud: The Accomplices, p. 32)
When she received yet another ill-considered brush off from yet another vital agency charged to protect the foundations of scientific investigation, publication and financing in Canada, she thanked Ms. Wallace for her response, concluding,
“As disappointing as this is, I would like to thank you for confirming the CIHR’s active involvement in what appears to be the blatant fraud and hate science levied against Canadians.” (Ibid, 42)
When all these interventions went unheeded, Dr. Watteel then took the final step of going to the police. She brought her 150 page evidentiary report to the Anti-Rackets Branch of the Ontario Provincial Police. Not surprisingly, she was given the runaround there too.
The staff of the OPP was deeply invested in conducting its own version of COVID mandates and restrictions. The OPP’s integration of the predominant Covidian narrative into their corporate structure, biased their opinions against Dr. Watteel’s well-documented accusations. Once again she could make no institutional headway to put a check on the onslaught of fraud and fabrication conducted behind masks that were, in fact, pretend marks of compliance with the imperatives of public health.
The result is that these crimes continue to take place even as they are being extended and multiplied to broaden the damage that continues to proliferate.
Dr. Watteel made the case to the OPP that Fisman showed “a reckless disregard for the lives and safety of persons affected by his fraud.” She argued that the police must be included among those who have shirked their responsibilities because “no one has been held to account for the careers that were destroyed, the financial losses that were incurred, the mental anguish and the other harms the public has endured for no good reason.” (129)
Dr. Watteel followed through with her process in order to seek accountability from the range of institutions and high-ranking officials implicated in Fisman’s fraud. In doing so the tenacious statistician has illuminated a representative sample of the great mass of professional people and their agencies that were instrumental in helping to release a worldwide genocidal debacle of immense proportions. We shall see if the jab-related deaths and injuries continue to approach and maybe even surpass the casualty rate of the two world wars of the first half of the twentieth century.
“Mossad’s plan was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines”
One of the keys to proper understanding of Fisman’s fraud, is to realize that the whole manufactured COVID crisis was engineered as a maize of mirrored and overlapping deceptions. The original frauds were set up to generate further frauds as well to proliferate the numbers of frauds within frauds. We have yet to come close to sorting the truth from the fiction of this debacle which, at its core, is driven by a monumental power grab of unprecedented proportions.
The frauds include COVID tests designed to create amplified numbers of so-called “COVID cases.” The purpose of the useless test regime was to up the ante of panic and thereby undermine the basis of reasonable public discourse.
The frauds extend to unfounded claims about asymptomatic infections, the wisdom of locking down almost everything and everybody, as well as the constant repetition of the well-orchestrated lie that the injection is safe. The injections were not safe. They are not safe.
The same is true of the successor mRNA injections directed at other ailments such as cancer. The new dependence of medical practitioners on gene-modifying procedures has been authorized by corrupt officials based on the outrageous claims that the COVID shots were proven to be safe and effective. The new mRNA shots are decidedly unsafe. In fact they constitute yet another frontier of extremely dangerous medical experiments on human guinea pigs
Nor were the clot shots effective. Rather the bioweapons disguised as medical remedies were made to injure and significantly depopulate the entire global community. The shots attack immunity rather than enhance it. The shots actually stimulate the transmission of disease rather than stop it.
Put plainly, the jabs are not effective at anything other than making people more vulnerable to disease and premature death. The injections don’t even stop transmission of the supposedly lethal virus that comes from the same category of germs that cause colds and the flu. Everyone asks, “where did the flu go in 2020-21”? That’s a good question.
I have outlined a fuller list of the frauds in the companion essay to this one. See
The fraud and deceptions continues to unfold around many subjects including the bioweapon facilities often associated with the origins of CV-19 as well as the origins and real purposes of the mRNA injections. These bioweapon facilities often mentioned in relationship to the WHO-declared pandemic are in China, the USA, Ukraine, and Israel.
In picturing the possible importance of Israel in this saga, let me return to my introduction where I described the joint enterprise of Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Pfizer President Albert Bourla. Together they contracted to make the country of Israel into a closed enclave of medical experimentation using Israeli citizens as human guinea pigs.
This Israeli experimentation on human subjects flew in the face of the stringent requirements of the Nuremberg Code. The Israeli government often dealt with their own citizens coercively rather than by creating the conditions necessary to obtain informed consent before injecting people consensually with the experimental concoctions.
Many countries followed Israel’s bad example. The Nuremberg Code was ignored, pushing to the side humanity’s primary legal protection against being transformed into experimental human lab rats freely available for medical experiments no matter how invasive and radical.
As the name implies, the Nuremberg Code grew from precautions said to be derived from the lessons of The Holocaust. The Holocaust is a strategic narrative pillar in the continuing justification for the founding of Israel by European Jews who violently pushed their way into the Arab domain of West Asia.
Technically, the international green light to create the Israeli entity came from a vote in 1947 at the then-new United Nations. The terms of this vote remain unfulfilled. The UN vote in 1947 ratified the creation of two countries including an Arab state that has yet to be created.
If the Nuremberg Code had been enforced during the WHO pandemic, the worldwide genocidal consequences of the deadly jab infestation we are now seeing, would not have come to pass. If the Nuremberg Code had been adhered to, the requirements of informed consent would have exposed the lies and crimes of the plan to disguise a military bioweapon as a remedial vaccine. From whence did such odious scheme originate?
Dr. J. Bart Classen has written a first-hand, eye-witness account of aspects of the key facets of Israel’s very active biowarfare program. Dr. Classen explains that he first became aware of key facets of the Israeli biowarfare program during the three years he spent as a resident researcher at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
The NIAID is the division where much of the military research takes place in the federal agency, the National Institutes of Health. Between 1988 and 1991, Dr. Classen’s work at the NIAID focused in and around the Immunological Laboratories which included military research at the notorious Fort Detrick and at Bethesda in Maryland.
Between 1986 and 2022 Dr. Anthony Fauci led the NIAID, the main base of his now-notorious Federal/Big Pharma militaristic Empire. Dr. Classen worked closely with Dr. William E. Paul. According to Classen, Dr. Paul was Anthony Fauci’s mentor.
Dr. Classen’s office was across the hall from the office of Dr. Zami Ben-Sasson. Dr. Classen became aware that Dr. Ben-Sasson was a Mossad agent. In fact he came to understand that Dr. Ben-Sasson was the top Mossad agent at NIAID, itself a hotbed of Mossad agents, many, but not all of them, from Israel. The major interests of most of these agents swirled in and around biological warfare. As Dr. Classen explains it, the Mossad role at NIAID was well understood and accepted by Dr. Fauci and those above him.
After 1991 Dr. Classen moved on in his successful career as both a contributor to and a critique of vaccinology. In the course of his work, Dr. Classen developed lucrative patented products of his own. He also kept an eye on the Mossad biowarfare circles through personal contacts and targeted research. He had learned enough during his time at NIAID to recognize and follow the work of Mossad agents and assets.
Dr. Classen was well aware of the big bonanza in extra military funding that greatly amplified the role of Fauci’s NIAID after 9/11 when US national security state made so-called “biodefence” a major priority. The line between biodefence and biowarfare is often mere fiction. It is a realm where medical and military officials often collaborate. In introducing Mossad’s approach to the study of biowarfare, Dr. Classen writes,
“Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein had strong ties in biomedical industry consistent with Mossad’s desire to develop and use bioweapons as a means of mass destruction. Mossad is not interested in curing cancer or any disease, it does look for ways of killing people that resembles a natural death. Research on cancer inducers, prions, deadly viruses, toxic molds, immune suppressors and vaccines that cause infertility have been linked to Mossad.”
In 2011 Dr. Classen went to a conference in Jamaica. When he arrived he determined that the delegates included many Mossad biowarfare specialists who seem to have narrowed their attention to the subject of vaccines. When he returned home he continued to research the subject determining that one of Mossad’s primary vaccine experts was Joseph Moshe. He referred to
“Mossad informant Joseph Moshe and his revelation that Mossad was planning on using vaccines as carriers for bioweapons. Mossad’s plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets literally lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon.”
Dr. Classen presents a rich discussion of the collaboration of the US government with Mossad on bioweapons made to appear like benign medical cures. This revelation is one small part of many indicators that Israel and a high number of very powerful Zionist Jews, Dr. Fisman among them, are disproportionately concentrated in positions of high authority throughout the Covidian Mafia.
Until the prohibition is lifted to allow for some free and open public discourse about what is really going on in the manipulation of public health to centralize all manner of coercive control over humans, the speculation will continue. The rumours about the Jew Jab will persist.
Dr. Classen’s description of bioweapons “disguised” as “beneficial vaccines” that some people will line up to take, conforms well to the most recent skeptical research concerning the COVID files. This research reveals the underlying role of the US Department of Defence in the production of gene-modifying injections promoted to the world as remedies for a WHO-declared pandemic of viral infection.
Much of this understanding has been gleaned from public sources identified, read and analyzed by Sacha Latypova and Katherine Watt initially here on Substack. Their Subtack sites are respectively entitled, “Due Diligence” and “Bailiwick News.”
Both scholars have been in great demand for interviews and conference presentations often illustrated with extremely informative slides. These slides present important representations of how the US military invented whole new legal vocabularies and new categories of transaction to exempt the injected “counter-measures” from medical regulation.
Weapons, including bioweapons, purchased by the US Armed Forces to conduct war are not subject to the usual policies of government acquisition or commercial production and sales.
Many powerful interests have much incentive in trying to repress the now widely-disseminated findings of Latypova and Watt. They have carefully and methodically made credible the case that the COVID shots are in fact military bioweapons produced by design with the intention of doing great harm.
This harm is immense in scale. It goes far beyond what Dr. Watteel emphasizes in her important assessment of Fisman’s Fraud. Did the injected bioweapons that the US military funnelled to companies like Pfizer and Moderna originate in research done years ago in the laboratories of Anthony Fauci’s NIAID? It is worth noting that Anthony Fauci received a million dollar award in Israel from a Holocaust Remembrance group?
Was this award to Dr. Fauci, a key intermediary between the Big Pharma, the federal government, and the US Armed Forces, meant as some sort of atonement for the travesty of the sidelined Nuremberg Code? To repeat, the genocidal depopulation from the fake fight against COVID-19 could not have come about if the terms of the Nuremberg Code had been respected.
The embrace and application of the Nuremberg Code should have started for obvious reasons, with the government of Israel. Instead, Benjamin Netanyahu pushed ahead with an agenda resulting in the killing many Israeli citizens, a pattern most likely renewed as part of the genocidal intrigues initiated in October 7, 2023.
Wonderful to see incisive analysis. O can’t imagine how these monsters can do what they do & not fall completely apart because of their actions
"The Gates gang took over the Rockefeller Foundation’s emphasis on using China and Switzerland as important bases of operations."
Incorrect. David Rockefeller, the original architect of the scamdemic, died in March 2017 and his (1973) annointed successor took over, Rupert Murdoch, Comptroller of Global Media. That is how sychronous directives were issued simultaneously. As soon as a handful of Resistance realised this, Rupert enhanced his "grumpy old man" image and then announced his retirement. Santa too.
Rupert's name has not been mentioned by his meadia ever since. But his diversionary targets: Gates, Tedros, Schwarb, Bouris, Harari, and Fauci, have had their names in neon lights ever since.
Has nobody wondered why every move is advertised in advance of each global crime? Does nobody ask "Why are major criminals dangled before us". There are several reasons but the most important is to protect the boss, Rupert Murdoch. Second comes, 'provocation', an excuse to hammer the Resistance. But this is already too big and unmanageable now. The elite miscalculated.