Looking Out at the World from Canada at Bioweapons, Mossad, Vaccine-Injured Universities, Starving Palestinians, and Fisman's Fraud in the Manufactured COVID Crisis
"The Gates gang took over the Rockefeller Foundation’s emphasis on using China and Switzerland as important bases of operations."
Incorrect. David Rockefeller, the original architect of the scamdemic, died in March 2017 and his (1973) annointed successor took over, Rupert Murdoch, Comptroller of Global Media. That is how sychronous directives were issued simultaneously. As soon as a handful of Resistance realised this, Rupert enhanced his "grumpy old man" image and then announced his retirement. Santa too.
Rupert's name has not been mentioned by his meadia ever since. But his diversionary targets: Gates, Tedros, Schwarb, Bouris, Harari, and Fauci, have had their names in neon lights ever since.
Has nobody wondered why every move is advertised in advance of each global crime? Does nobody ask "Why are major criminals dangled before us". There are several reasons but the most important is to protect the boss, Rupert Murdoch. Second comes, 'provocation', an excuse to hammer the Resistance. But this is already too big and unmanageable now. The elite miscalculated.
Hi Tony Ryan. I had not seen the connection you have identified with Rupert Murdoch replacing David Rockefeller in certain ways. Thanks. In my quick generalization about all this I was not looking at the recent history of all this.
Off the top of my head, the founder of the Standard Oil empire, John D. Rockefeller, and then his son John D. Rockefeller II, set up in China seriously beginning in the 1920s or so. Right from the beginning the Rockefeller connection emphasized "health care," building a missionary hospital for starters. Gates mimicked Rockefeller strategies moving into China in the 1980s or so making cheap drugs for fertility reduction and general worldwide operations in the era when David R. was at his peak developing the China-US money/industrial interactions.
Gates and his co-conspirators actually did the Rockefeller Lockstep production in the 2020 the real-life theatre testing of "scenarios." Of course Gates was into eugenics and population control, a preoccupation of his father and a lot of the self-perceived blue bloods of America including some of the Rockefellers. Gates presumably was a part of getting Planned Parenthood in place in China to direct the one-child policy and such. As the COVID Scam unfolded it became more and more clear to me that Gates had basically inherited some facets of the overall Rockefeller philanthropy business with "vaccines" and population control as a big bonanza for his business plan. In 2010 he became Klaus Schwabs' darling of WEF private/public partnerships to be developed during the Decade of Vaccines culminating in......
As for Switzerland, all the very rich trans-Atlantic families must have been busy in Switzerland with all the big $$$$$ being moved around in the rise and fall of Hitlerian Germany. The Rockefellers were heavy into IG Farben, IG Auschwitz, Operation Barbarosa and all that. They must have been making heavy use of the Swiss banking system with Allen Dulles as their man at the bargaining table. So highlighting the role of Switzerland in all the current machinations is sort of obvious.
Murdoch a big player especially from the perspective of Australia. But I don't see him in the same league as A Team Rockefellers, but especially David when he was at the peak of his game. Gates was made by anti-trust lawyers and more of less stealing the original microsoft software connected to the decision of IBM to go slow on the new home computer market in order to evade their own anti-trust problems. We don't see much of him anymore after he had his fun with the Epstein/Mossad blackmail unit. Cheers from Tony
It's a comfort to know, but not surprising, that we have invaded the same terrain. No argument from me.
May I add a couple of details:
1933-36 Nelson Rockefeller designed the UN and all its agencies, the HQ of which is on Rockefeller land in NY.
!970, David assumed the dynastic mantle, got Brzezinski to design the Trilateral Commission, which was completed in 1973, wherein David phoned Rupert about sponsorship for American citizenship and takeover of all Zionist tax avoidance and international media. He made it clear that his successor would not be a Rockefeller but would be Rupert. There was no argument. All knew that Rupert was there in the cockpit of the chopper in which he and Sharon sipped champagne as they viewed the Shatilla massacre. All knew Murdoch was not a man to be crossed. And all knew he was a financial wizard, had a clear vision of the media as the primary tool of globalist control, and had the capacity to develop liaison with professional blackmailer rings with which to enhance that control.
For some reason, those who kept their eye on the ball, stopped watching Zbigniew in the late 1960s and as far as I know only Seymour Hersh zeroed in, the evidence telling him that David was Numero Uno of globalisation and that his then close associates were leaders in the game. Journalists John Pilger and Paul Sheehan also were aware of this.
That diversion will cost the world dearly because most people believe the visible leaders are the real leaders. Thus, it ever was NOT. lol.
Most Universities in the west are nests of political social and cultural corruption today. Nothing happens therein that is free of this taint. Screwing with the minds and efforts of the gifted and bright ( many aren't ) is the recipe of higher education today. I don't think that I have to spell out why that is. People like Dr. David Fishman and his tribal Colleagues are into it thick as flies.
I always got a kick out of it over the years whenever the media would drag out a professor of supposed expertise in one subject or another... then ask: Professor in your opinion where is the price of gasoline headed this year. What follows is a long bloviating verbal excursion into la la land ending with ... ahh, when you consider that Europeans are paying four dollars a litre for gas I'd say we have a ways to go. Sure Dufus did you not know that Europe has to import a huge amount of its energy requirements.
Professor.. we are seeing a very high rise in the cost of living.. how high do you think inflation will be this year and how will it affect public spending.
Well.. thats hard to say and will certainly depend greatly on the cost of energy, forcing people to rely less on their cars which is great for the environment. Really Professor, well I guess monetary theory was never your line of study. I'm sure you have never heard of Dr. Franz Pick or Ludwig von Mises. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon nothing else. The above two examples are real.
I'd like to have Fishyman explain why the vaccinated need to worry in their silly little noggins about being around the unvaxxed. These assholes have no respect for anyone and are without shame.
I have to tell you AH, I am tired of reading about the Pandemic. It's done, the perps are long gone and there is nothing that you or I can do about it. We did what we could by not submitting to the Jab. It wasn't hard for us because we are retired the government can't threaten really threaten me even if they cut off the OAS & CPP. I was going to reply to your last article also regarding C19 but I never got inspired.
You have noticed that I write quite a bit about WW2 and Germany, as well as the other nations involved in that tragedy. It is because that is the most relevant history of the lead up to the events of today. The entrapment and death of Germany ( the real Germany ) was the big nail in the coffin for all white nations. The hatred unleashed by the Anglo/American elites in each and every allied nation was beyond belief. Check it out, from GB to Oz & NZ to USSR & the US & CDA Most of these nations had no borders with Germany. There where no zones of German conflict with any country not even England. The one world Satanists won and have been tightening the noose around our necks ever since. Our nations do not need repair but destruction to achieve
rebirth. We have passed our useful and moral right to exist and be called a good civilization. Nature hates a Vacuum so not to worry something new will grow where the old weak and rotten passed on.
"Really Professor, well I guess monetary theory was never your line of study. I'm sure you have never heard of Dr. Franz Pick or Ludwig von Mises." True.
But having a charter to print money out of thin air and then lending to governments and such at compound interest, is not really that complicated. I have encountered Ludwig von Mises here and there and have a vague idea he's part of the rejection of Keynes. I try from time to time to not let the official economists get away with their esoteric mystifying bull shit. I try to make things sort of understandable. Here's one such try.
Volcker.. Greenspan.. Bernanke.. Yellen all former FED bosses. Really bright and personable people don't you think. The problem is that they are also criminals. I can point out the criminal acts of each one of them but I have other fish to fry, perhaps later.
Janet Yellen current head of US treasury has decided that the $300 billion frozen Russian central bank assets be given to Ukraine. What a sweet little old Granny ehh. Just as sweet as her other FED brethren all Jews. This theft is not going to go down well with Ivan.
Obviously Tony you are not a conduit of the prevailing party line, thats why you got sidelined and railroaded in plain old railway jargon. It feels good not to cave in though doesn't it.
Some men just can't live on lies, the worm of conscience gnaws at them without let up. Some have a greater sense of right and wrong. Some apply judgement first upon themselves and stay on the path of righteousness.
Stay on (YOUR) path Professor.
Myself and the majority of your readers like the path that you have taken.
Major meta-view of the clot shot, the SARS-CoV2 fun fun fun World Games DIsease Terminus. Amazing, now, it's up to 100 vaccinations (sic) for USA/global children by age 18 (including mother's prenatal stuff) recommended by CDC.
Spike protein swarming, amazing amounts of turbo cancer, and the beat goes on and on and on.
Wonderful to see incisive analysis. O can’t imagine how these monsters can do what they do & not fall completely apart because of their actions
"The Gates gang took over the Rockefeller Foundation’s emphasis on using China and Switzerland as important bases of operations."
Incorrect. David Rockefeller, the original architect of the scamdemic, died in March 2017 and his (1973) annointed successor took over, Rupert Murdoch, Comptroller of Global Media. That is how sychronous directives were issued simultaneously. As soon as a handful of Resistance realised this, Rupert enhanced his "grumpy old man" image and then announced his retirement. Santa too.
Rupert's name has not been mentioned by his meadia ever since. But his diversionary targets: Gates, Tedros, Schwarb, Bouris, Harari, and Fauci, have had their names in neon lights ever since.
Has nobody wondered why every move is advertised in advance of each global crime? Does nobody ask "Why are major criminals dangled before us". There are several reasons but the most important is to protect the boss, Rupert Murdoch. Second comes, 'provocation', an excuse to hammer the Resistance. But this is already too big and unmanageable now. The elite miscalculated.
Hi Tony Ryan. I had not seen the connection you have identified with Rupert Murdoch replacing David Rockefeller in certain ways. Thanks. In my quick generalization about all this I was not looking at the recent history of all this.
Off the top of my head, the founder of the Standard Oil empire, John D. Rockefeller, and then his son John D. Rockefeller II, set up in China seriously beginning in the 1920s or so. Right from the beginning the Rockefeller connection emphasized "health care," building a missionary hospital for starters. Gates mimicked Rockefeller strategies moving into China in the 1980s or so making cheap drugs for fertility reduction and general worldwide operations in the era when David R. was at his peak developing the China-US money/industrial interactions.
Gates and his co-conspirators actually did the Rockefeller Lockstep production in the 2020 the real-life theatre testing of "scenarios." Of course Gates was into eugenics and population control, a preoccupation of his father and a lot of the self-perceived blue bloods of America including some of the Rockefellers. Gates presumably was a part of getting Planned Parenthood in place in China to direct the one-child policy and such. As the COVID Scam unfolded it became more and more clear to me that Gates had basically inherited some facets of the overall Rockefeller philanthropy business with "vaccines" and population control as a big bonanza for his business plan. In 2010 he became Klaus Schwabs' darling of WEF private/public partnerships to be developed during the Decade of Vaccines culminating in......
As for Switzerland, all the very rich trans-Atlantic families must have been busy in Switzerland with all the big $$$$$ being moved around in the rise and fall of Hitlerian Germany. The Rockefellers were heavy into IG Farben, IG Auschwitz, Operation Barbarosa and all that. They must have been making heavy use of the Swiss banking system with Allen Dulles as their man at the bargaining table. So highlighting the role of Switzerland in all the current machinations is sort of obvious.
Murdoch a big player especially from the perspective of Australia. But I don't see him in the same league as A Team Rockefellers, but especially David when he was at the peak of his game. Gates was made by anti-trust lawyers and more of less stealing the original microsoft software connected to the decision of IBM to go slow on the new home computer market in order to evade their own anti-trust problems. We don't see much of him anymore after he had his fun with the Epstein/Mossad blackmail unit. Cheers from Tony
It's a comfort to know, but not surprising, that we have invaded the same terrain. No argument from me.
May I add a couple of details:
1933-36 Nelson Rockefeller designed the UN and all its agencies, the HQ of which is on Rockefeller land in NY.
!970, David assumed the dynastic mantle, got Brzezinski to design the Trilateral Commission, which was completed in 1973, wherein David phoned Rupert about sponsorship for American citizenship and takeover of all Zionist tax avoidance and international media. He made it clear that his successor would not be a Rockefeller but would be Rupert. There was no argument. All knew that Rupert was there in the cockpit of the chopper in which he and Sharon sipped champagne as they viewed the Shatilla massacre. All knew Murdoch was not a man to be crossed. And all knew he was a financial wizard, had a clear vision of the media as the primary tool of globalist control, and had the capacity to develop liaison with professional blackmailer rings with which to enhance that control.
For some reason, those who kept their eye on the ball, stopped watching Zbigniew in the late 1960s and as far as I know only Seymour Hersh zeroed in, the evidence telling him that David was Numero Uno of globalisation and that his then close associates were leaders in the game. Journalists John Pilger and Paul Sheehan also were aware of this.
That diversion will cost the world dearly because most people believe the visible leaders are the real leaders. Thus, it ever was NOT. lol.
Most Universities in the west are nests of political social and cultural corruption today. Nothing happens therein that is free of this taint. Screwing with the minds and efforts of the gifted and bright ( many aren't ) is the recipe of higher education today. I don't think that I have to spell out why that is. People like Dr. David Fishman and his tribal Colleagues are into it thick as flies.
I always got a kick out of it over the years whenever the media would drag out a professor of supposed expertise in one subject or another... then ask: Professor in your opinion where is the price of gasoline headed this year. What follows is a long bloviating verbal excursion into la la land ending with ... ahh, when you consider that Europeans are paying four dollars a litre for gas I'd say we have a ways to go. Sure Dufus did you not know that Europe has to import a huge amount of its energy requirements.
Professor.. we are seeing a very high rise in the cost of living.. how high do you think inflation will be this year and how will it affect public spending.
Well.. thats hard to say and will certainly depend greatly on the cost of energy, forcing people to rely less on their cars which is great for the environment. Really Professor, well I guess monetary theory was never your line of study. I'm sure you have never heard of Dr. Franz Pick or Ludwig von Mises. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon nothing else. The above two examples are real.
I'd like to have Fishyman explain why the vaccinated need to worry in their silly little noggins about being around the unvaxxed. These assholes have no respect for anyone and are without shame.
I have to tell you AH, I am tired of reading about the Pandemic. It's done, the perps are long gone and there is nothing that you or I can do about it. We did what we could by not submitting to the Jab. It wasn't hard for us because we are retired the government can't threaten really threaten me even if they cut off the OAS & CPP. I was going to reply to your last article also regarding C19 but I never got inspired.
You have noticed that I write quite a bit about WW2 and Germany, as well as the other nations involved in that tragedy. It is because that is the most relevant history of the lead up to the events of today. The entrapment and death of Germany ( the real Germany ) was the big nail in the coffin for all white nations. The hatred unleashed by the Anglo/American elites in each and every allied nation was beyond belief. Check it out, from GB to Oz & NZ to USSR & the US & CDA Most of these nations had no borders with Germany. There where no zones of German conflict with any country not even England. The one world Satanists won and have been tightening the noose around our necks ever since. Our nations do not need repair but destruction to achieve
rebirth. We have passed our useful and moral right to exist and be called a good civilization. Nature hates a Vacuum so not to worry something new will grow where the old weak and rotten passed on.
"Really Professor, well I guess monetary theory was never your line of study. I'm sure you have never heard of Dr. Franz Pick or Ludwig von Mises." True.
But having a charter to print money out of thin air and then lending to governments and such at compound interest, is not really that complicated. I have encountered Ludwig von Mises here and there and have a vague idea he's part of the rejection of Keynes. I try from time to time to not let the official economists get away with their esoteric mystifying bull shit. I try to make things sort of understandable. Here's one such try.
Volcker.. Greenspan.. Bernanke.. Yellen all former FED bosses. Really bright and personable people don't you think. The problem is that they are also criminals. I can point out the criminal acts of each one of them but I have other fish to fry, perhaps later.
Janet Yellen current head of US treasury has decided that the $300 billion frozen Russian central bank assets be given to Ukraine. What a sweet little old Granny ehh. Just as sweet as her other FED brethren all Jews. This theft is not going to go down well with Ivan.
Obviously Tony you are not a conduit of the prevailing party line, thats why you got sidelined and railroaded in plain old railway jargon. It feels good not to cave in though doesn't it.
Some men just can't live on lies, the worm of conscience gnaws at them without let up. Some have a greater sense of right and wrong. Some apply judgement first upon themselves and stay on the path of righteousness.
Stay on (YOUR) path Professor.
Myself and the majority of your readers like the path that you have taken.
Major meta-view of the clot shot, the SARS-CoV2 fun fun fun World Games DIsease Terminus. Amazing, now, it's up to 100 vaccinations (sic) for USA/global children by age 18 (including mother's prenatal stuff) recommended by CDC.
Spike protein swarming, amazing amounts of turbo cancer, and the beat goes on and on and on.
Great work, Senor Anthony.
Will comment with more pithy pulsations soon.