No Arab country wants the so called "Palestinians." Due to the stupidity of the Islamic Resistance Movement there will never be a two state solution in Yesha (Gaza, Samaria and Judea) thanks to their action on October 7th that also gained almost total approval of Muslims in Israel., Judea and Samaria, Jews can not trust Palestinians ever again. So there will be no "Palestine" on Jewish lands,.

Under the Egyptian, Yasser Arafat, the PLO also refused all second state solutions. He could have had Gaza and 90% of the Judea and Samaria with shared Jerusalem but he refused over and over. He was a Jew hater, first and foremost just like his Nazi collaborator uncle Haj Amin al-Husseini.

So if the Gazans get part of the Sinai, let's see if they make something of it or are just stuck on stupid.

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"Jews can not trust Palestinians ever again."

The main suspect responsible for the harm to Jewish Israels on October 7 is Benjamin Netanyahu who like the other Likud leaders has a long and intimate relationship with Hamas. October 7 is very reminiscent of 9/11, a false flag event with a preconceived agenda of gaining public opinion support for US-backed wars to come on Muslim majority countries. As in 9/11 people like you make irresponsible pronouncement based primarily on the lies and half truths repeated again and again on Zionist media. Many people of the world are no longer willing to accept the persistence that the Chosen one's cries that they are always the victims.

Israel is now the baby killer country. Deal with it.

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I think you have taken the picture of the Egyptian construction from AJ... which is well out of date. Now you basically have a HUGE prisoner of war camp behind that wall.

Strangely, I am struggling to find the pictures as they seem to have vanished..

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Since the exodus that is threatened hasn't happened, I looked for something that might approximate the kind of spectacle it would be. There were lots of pictures of Palestinians going from here to there with wheely luggage, donkey carts and such but it didn't convey a sense of the scale of the scene we hope never happens. Who is AJ? I am AJH but at high school I liked when people just called me AJ.

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AJ =AL Jazeera (read it now and then).

Have you seen the structures Egypt (?) have built ? ... not just the wall, but the prison camp ?

May of these poor Palestinians are literally jumping out of the fire into the frying pan OR whatever the saying is.

Found something = https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/02/18/egypt-builds-security-zone-in-sinai-anticipating-influx-of-refugees-from-gaza_6536619_4.html

PS FOR ME, you will always be my AJ... LMAO, now off you go.

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I was thinking maybe Alex Jones. I haven't seen the images but I've heard talk of them. Suddenly Aljazeera wants to tells how good and worthy Ukraine is and falls back on idiotic stuff about Putin. Aljazeera is clearly the Emir of Qatar speaking. I hate all its preoccupation with "climate change" and other net zero talk.

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Sorry to confuse... Alex Jones.. lol ... no further comment; except he does tell some damn good half-truths or the lesser important ones.

The whole of the media is taken and dictated by "them"; just remember that...

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The first two of the five summary points at the end draw completely speculative conclusions. this article should be more clear that this is informed speculation. It is presented as if true.

One has to read very discerningly to see that it is a warning, not a factual report.

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Sure its a factual report. Whitney's essay ends with the line, "It will take a monumental effort to stop this evil plan from going forward!" Right there Whitney acknowledges he is not saying it is for sure going to happen. He says its probably going to happen unless people and interests mobilize to stop it from happening. Please consider that the time is now to do something about it, even something modest.

There are lots of genuine facts like this and that financial arrangements have already been made with the IMF, this and that building plans are already underway in Egypt near Gaza and in the Sinai Desert. It was the head of the CIA, Mossad etc that were negotiating in Paris. They probably weren't the people who'd be called upon to talk about hostages and such.

Sure its a warning drawn from inferences in certain facts. It was like that in the early days of COVID jabs. Whitney was drawing all kinds of inferences of what was really going on with the killer jabs and such. It all turned out to be true and then some. Remember when Ron Unz had all these people come around his site to see Whitney's brilliant stuff. RU didn't like this interest so he started to condemn the anti-vaxx crackpottery, a move that thoroughly discredited him. He hasn't recovered to this day. Unz shut down Whitney on UR but then brought him back on other subjects. When Whitney predicts something is imminent, I take him very seriously

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We are careful readers. Most people are not. Spooks negotiating deals is not unusual. William Burns is reputed to be very good at negotiations.

Fact is, we don't know what will come out of this complex process, and we can see the positions and incentives he presents, but there is a whole lot that we can't see.

What is negotiated in private is probably more weighty than what is said openly.

I do like and appreciate Mike Whitney. I am not complacent at all. We just don't know.

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