Thank you Tony for shedding some light for me on the transformation of the Conservative party. And good luck for your event with Dr. Widdowson, may you be able to have your discussion in peace.

It is vital that resistance is made, no matter how large or small the event. AND recorded. All this will matter even more in retrospect.

Gaza was never part of "Israel" - not mentioned in the jewish bible - and is a port city that has existed since the time of the Myceneans and Minoans, well before the catastrophe of 1200 BC and Sea Peoples.

It is normal and healthy to be shocked and revolted by the outright massacre and land theft presently underway in Gaza. Not only by the horror inflicted on the Palestinians but also, seperately, by the sheer viciousness and insane glee exhibited by the Israelis. Thanks to social media bypassing the lies of the perpetrators, the entire world are witnesses. These are FACTS occurring before our eyes

However there are few to no witnesses remaining concerning - for example - Church schools for native people in Canada or, say, slavery in the United States. This makes them convenient vessels for other agendas, employng simplistic, cartoonish Black-and-White-ism. The truth, whatever it may be, is neither interesting nor important for the 'Agendaires', nor are the victims important or respected except as a tool. For example, is it true or false that the British monarch's rules for its American colonies before their war of independence was respect for native people's lands and rights? If true was this a factor in the American rebellion against the crown? This is where historians play an important role....in posterity: the assemblage of FACT.

Ps If it is ANY comfort the whole world sees Justin Trudeau as 1) an idiot and 2) a dangerous tool (and fool)....

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Hi Eleni. Moving onto the trail from Lethbridge to Athens.... Yes its absolutely true that King George's recognition of Indian lands rights in 1763 was a huge factor in the secessionist movement in British North America that gave rise to the emergence of the United States. Issues of taxation were sprinkled in and around the larger issue of who would own the land and how. It was not by accident that the makers of the Boston Harbor Tea Party were dressed up as Mohawks. The centrality of the Indian land question in the creation and expansion of the United States, now with 800 Indian Country posts around the world, is a major theme I weave throughout both volumes of The Bowl With One Spoon.... but especially in Vol. 1, The American Empire and the Fourth World.

I notice on Aljazeera the frequent statement that the operations of the company have been prohibited "in Israel." They seem to have picked up stakes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and moved to Jordan, but still continue broadcasting from Gaza with Palestinian reporters. Its like an admission that Gaza is in a class of its own outside Israeli jurisdiction. Gaza was part of Egypt I know. After 1967 it was a slow transition away from some sort of diminishing Egyptian jurisdiction probably still going on if Egypt's recent resort to the ICJ is any indication. Maybe one reason for the big onslaught on Gaza is some Israeli imperative to underline its seizure through conquest. I'm a bit out of my depth here.

Yes. Since the manufactured COVID crisis its important to publicly demonstrate that we do not consent. We do not accept the legitimacy of the impositions forced upon us.

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Before Sykes-Picot in 1916 the Levant consisted solely of Syria and Egypt, with Palestine a region of south Syria. Gaza, the 7th oldest city in the world, was a busy commercial hub, an entrepot city like Smyrna and Salonika (Thessaloniki). In 1916 all but Egypt were part of the Ottoman empire - one of the 4 empires that WW1 was designed to destroy, along with Russia, Austro-Hungary and Germany . The Ottoman empire also included Armenia in the northeast, Mesopotamia, and the east coast of the Red Sea down to Aden in Yemen, already a British protectorate [ie Suez, transport from India].

Gaza ended up in the British Palestine Mandate, and after 1948 was awarded to Palestine. Gaza was never part of "Israel" , not now, not ever, not even in their bible's bogus history. However Israel's 1967 war was designed to steal territory and apart from the temporary theft of Sinai, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza became occupied territory. Under international law they are NOT part of Israel. Sheba Farms (Lebanon) and the Golan Heights (Syria) are also Occupied.

Al Jazeera moving to Jordan is in Canadian terms like moving from Toronto to Hamilton :-))

A humble apology Tony, I realise belatedly that it was YOUR books that taught me about King George! I deserve an E-Minus for that :-))

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Wonderful history. Maybe someday we can chat in a particular place with a detailed map before us. One can talk about the many geopolitical configurations of North America in a style similar to your learned discourse above. As you know Spain and Sweden and Netherlands and Russia and France and Britain and its constituent parts parts have all passed territory back and forth almost always in partnership with moving constellations of Native allies and enemies. This process gave certain Indigenous groups some bargaining power unlike fate of Aborigines in Australia who were deprived of the capacity to play off colonizing societies against one another. How are your Duran buddies doing? They should have you on to speak of the different shades of jurisdiction over time in Gaza.

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Your perspective - the native peoples - has always been an education for me.

Where this applies to Europe and particularly MENA, however, this somewhat breaks down. Greece for example: the people who make up the Greek peoples migrated into Greece 9? millenia ago, replacing or marrying into the Pelasians of whom no trace can be found. Similar story for Egypt since the pyramids are currently estimated to be 20 millenia old. By now we can accept perhaps that Greeks and Egyptians, Syrians and Iraqis are all 'native peoples', apart from being "civilisational states" par excellence.

The Slavs started moving into Europe in the 5thc AD...yet they too could be said to be 'native' since there is no displaced minority. By extension, extending west and over time, this applies to most of Europe's peoples. What then? Are the Soros engineered migrations the Settlers, and the interests ennabling them the Colonialists? It would seem so. Whereas this is harder to argue against migration in the ex-British Settler colonies of the Echelon states. It's the difference between a nation (peoples) state and a created state.

As for the Duran, I was glad when they first appeared but IMHO they've long been superceded by channels more willing to take the bull by the horns, many of these American. I still watch Alex (Christoforou) - a Cypriot who never covers what is going on in Cyprus (arms shipments to israel through British bases). But he's a good guy and funny.

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Anthony....your words above are the essence of truth and knowledge "A University simply cannot fulfil a mission to be a school of authentic higher learning without creating a sound foundation for the expression of unhindered speech and academic freedom."

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Hmmm...to even put the live streamed 24/7 genocide in Gaza against Palestinians up against an alleged and thus far wholly unproven Indian Residential School genocidal claims in Canada we be an abomination. Gaza is documented daily. IRS claims are 100% lacking in proof ! Only 1 excavation has occurred at Pine Lake for a claimed 17 'bodies' which revealed ....zip, zilch, zero, nada dead bodies, let alone proof of genocide.

Then boom all the other potential excavations were shut down, on the grounds they were 'sacred' sites. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out the 'rent seeking' motives of dependent Aboriginal/Indigenous/Indians...or whatever they call themselves and their victim mentality.

As an example in my case against Scouts Canada, and the deceased former Scout leaders estate for sexual abuse. I had to prove, what happened, when, why, by whom, and liabilities involved on the above parties, before a dime was paid out.....So why oh why are the Indigenous claims not subject to the same scrutiny in Civil court proceedings before our Trudeau asshat government doles out 100's of millions in compensation?

My white European ancestors & 'knowledge keepers' demand excavations at IRS before another dime is paid out.

And if as expected not one body is found let alone murder/genocide can be proven, then a FULL refund of all the taxpayer monies given in advance of said excavations must be refunded in full, by all the Indigenous bands that received these funds. Enough is Enough....and don't bamboozle us with none of that linguistic BS about a 'cultural genocide', which has NO legal standing in courts !!

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100% !

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I read the book Grave Error and came away with the belief that we had been hoaxed.

I found it very interesting that the number of graves of children in Kamloops was said to be 215. An unusual number and I began to wonder why this particular number was chosen as there seemed to be no way of determining the number of graves given the existing information/evidence. This is what I found:

215/93 is a UN Indigenous number given to the Washitaw Nation in the southern U.S. They were the mound builders and recognized as the oldest Indigenous nation.

I don't think 215 was chosen randomly; I think it has significance.

We went from having graves dug up so dna could bbe applied and each child could be buried with his/her family to no graves will be dug up as they are now sacred.

I think Grave Error did a good job at exposing what is going on. Or not going on.

On the face of it, I don't see an immediateconnection with the situation in Gaza.

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Just an addendum to my citing of the number 215 and the significance of it--the Williams Lake Indian Band said there were 93 graves outside the school in that area--215/93--the UN registered number given to the Washitaw Nation. No coincidence, I contend. umb

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This was a High Crime akin to Treason by the Government of Canada and perpetrated by those in power within it who are there to destroy the Nation from within. The target being white descendants of the early European immigrants and builders of this country. In true Soviet style, based on accusation not facts, no trial, no examination, no evidence and thus no verdict. On the weight of media propagandized accusations and overemotional trauma and pretence the people where made to pay the blood money.

Pope Francis too came to Genocideland to offer his apologies

to the families of the (not) murdered children. Too bad there where no living Nuns or Priests working in these schools around to call him a liar and kick his crooked ass out of the country.

You, Yes You... need to ask yourself as I have.. How Did They Do This And Get Away With It.

Are there no safeguards against such criminality by Governments. If there are then who dropped the ball.

Is Canada in fact a functioning democratic Nation or is that no longer the case.

But.. but... don't devote all your time on this matter as it is by the World wrecking standards of the day just another robbery by small time dirty little crooks.


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I think this worked greatly in favour of Trudeau’s desire to discredit Canada and our history in entirety. Also he hasn’t much use for religious beliefs or churches so he used this mainstream news narrative of mass Indigenous graves found beside schools in order to turn up the divisiveness and the hate towards the churches that ran the schools for the government. He wasn’t at all upset by the hundreds of churches that were torched across the country in the name of social justice some of them very old, beautiful and historically significant. Trudeau said “he could “understand” why people would want to burn down the churches.” Trudeau likewise had no issues with whatever Black Lives Matter protesters did either. If it’s a cause he believes in then it’s AOK, if it’s a cause that he disagrees with then he throws the book at you!

I wish you good luck in your endeavours! I’m not knowledgeable about universities but from all I have read about them in Canada, in the US, in the UK in Germany it seems universities were the first breeding ground for all of the wokery we must endure today.

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It was difficult to see some of my friends and colleagues in academia sucked into what we are calling wokery. Then some of the woke students and faculty responded in a decent responsible fashion to the onslaught against the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Those folks are no longer woke in my estimation. They are doing the right thing in the face of horrible injustice. Times change. People change. Let's urge one another to choose peace over war, compassion and reason over hysteria and blood lust.

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That is so nice to learn, I am so glad to hear that. I thought there was no reasoning with them, that they were too highly indoctrinated to be able to see the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people. The msm isn’t helping!

I’m really happy to hear that Tony, thanks for sharing your firsthand experience, it shines a light in the darkness.

Your last sentence says it all.. yes we need to urge one another to do all of those things especially now.

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100% Sonya... on all you wrote.


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I agree.

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I enjoyed the long back and forth between Tony and Eleni.


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On the subject of free speech, academic freedom and the liberty to point out the obvious...or not...one could do no better than to quote one Kylan de Ghetaldi - aka "Foundring" (ragtime piano prodigy and satirist extraordinaire).

"There's certain things you cannot say

So sing them all instead"

Oy Vey, Shut It Down (The Goyim Know Too Much) /2024


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I checked out the song. Its hilarious. I look further into Foundring's oeuvre and discovered other masterpieces like the ode to Nick Fuentes, who is welcomed back to X cause he's "all us whites have got."

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I'm glad you liked it. I did not mean to be trite with clogging up your substack with inane contributions, but the young lad has done some top-notch political satire on Covid, Wokeism, Zionism and the like. One of his influences is the inimitable Tom Lehrer. And his piano playing is par excellence.

Swindler's Grift (2022)


Anxious Axolotl Rag (2013)


The Pandemic Dance (Do The 'Rona) | Foundring - written/performed September 2020


Foil (2014)


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The difference between “woke speakers” and normal thoughtful English language use is on full display here. Hopefully this exchange can be kept for future reference. “Woke” will not survive and will fade from use when we see it exposed as frightened insecure language used to hide behind, instead of thinking. “Feelings” need to be thought about more carefully.

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