One Week Has Passed and the International Court of Justice Still Has Not Intervened to Order an Immediate Stop to the Genocidal Slaughter in Gaza. What Does the Judges' Inaction Tell Us?
My guess is that the Gaza Genocide and the covid jab democide, will not be officially condemned until after we the people have killed most of the perpetrators.
Agreed, but I do wonder if the Gaza genocide is some sort of distraction away from the Covid jab genocide... it is so obvious, it is so well reported and the "HAMAS" original attack was so obviously a false flag or at least orchestrated; it makes no sense to me.
On top of that:
1. Could it be a way to cause social division ?... thus allow the globalist parasites to bring in their UN peacekeepers and get troops on the ground (EU, US and UK; where their own militaries are being decimated) ?.
2. Could it be part of the depopulation agenda, by expanding the war ?.
3. Ref point 2. but by closing off the Suez cannel, thus literally closing off food and energy deliveries - starving us to death (bring Ukraine and Russian sanctions in as well to that equation with grain etc) ?.
and my questions go on... but remembering the World is a stage; I just have the feeling that tis is just more "smoke and mirrors" ... SOMEHOW ... but it shows me one thing for certain after watching and reading about the suffering these poor Palestinians have and are going through; the globalist parasitical, satanic scum do not give a Fck about any of us or life in general.
4. You want to kill these perpetrators (in the end OK), but they must first suffer.
The C19 Pandemic & Vaxx deaths , the Ukraine war death toll, and the Gaza slaughter of civilians are all connected. In each the presence of the Zionist hand is provable. They even brag about it.
I was born during WWII and my every thought was dominated by the war, until my dad eventually came home. In school cadets 9 years later were learned precison-marching, camouflage, and how to shoot with .303s, and bren/sten guns. The idea of fighting with no real consideration of surviving sort of came with the territory. At 80, I am still an unbeaten street fighter, so i intend to give it a go,
I think I will be joined by those who have realised their children were murdered. They wil have nothing else to live for and will hunger for revenge. If Deagle is correct, that is a lot of people who will fight. I do not think the globalists grasped what they have set in motion.
It takes less that 5% of the population (willing participants of course) to cause a full revolution and clear whole Countries out of the scum ... and I do not fight unless I can win... so we fight ?
This is a science thousands of years old. Numerically, if 60% do nothing (which is what they do anyway), and forty percent support the cause, it only takes 15% to win. We are 15% against 1%, who have to hire 10% mercenaries to back them up, However, the mercenaries will quickly see their pay evaporating and switch sides... if we show them the colour of our money. So, every wealthy person of integrity, if you donate to the mercenary pay packet fund, we all win. I recommend you all elect an accountant of known integrity (there are plenty) and commence an unbanked fund, and you can then pay your own mercenary army to anihilate the evil globalists.
Who says our cause is hopeless? I say we are going to win and win easily and very quickly. But you must understand that the anti-violence brigade are brainwashed and will betray you, in the name of peace.
Oh yes I agree with you last paragraph totally AND HAVE NOTICED MANY OF THE SO CALLED "Alt media" babble on about "Just be polite and talk nicely or write a nice letter" to the "powers that be"... bllx !.
And yet I am an atheist and fear nothing, Meanwhile most Christians toe the globalist line. Almost all Christians are jabbed. Religin is clearly not the common denominator of resistance. My guess is its lots of love and affection from parents, followed by imparting sound family values.
I bet few people realize how simple, succinct and straightforward the 5 criteria of genocide are. Any decent high school student could compare the news with the definitions and come up with the obvious conclusion. I think if the judges were committed to stopping the mass murder by combined methods of extermination, they would have issued a court order by now. Probably lots of deals are being cut to make sure the top criminals continue to be protected.
Australia has finally made clear its official position on the genocide case brought by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during a radio interview yesterday ruled out Australia as a participant in the ICJ process, saying: “We need to have a pathway to security and peace… Not any court case.”
There seams to be something wrong with English speaking countries, it seams they are almost all ruled by genocidal and dictatorial eugenists which like to kill everyone.
Well, Isra-Hell is Hebrew Central, and they love the genocides, man.
And, well, thanks to Spanish speaking Iberia, and Portuguese, and the Krauts, too, and Italians, and Dutch, shoot, just pre-19th century genocide experts.
EuroTrashLandia is worse than United $nakes of AmeriKKKa, because they are compliant and vassals, anal cavities for Uncle Yanqui Go Home Sam.
"....ruthless, high-tech obliteration of people and their life support systems in the Gaza prison camp, is something other than genocide . . . . "
Gaza is a breeding ground for terrorism. Gaza is a warren of tunnels for terrorists. The slippery slope. The map of Palestine is proof in the pudding, so all the mental gymnastics, all the legal tools of the master(s) deployed to deal with White Israel, the White Jew Man's Burden, whew.
Basics, Tony, for sure.
The bombing and the total surveillence and total control of the people above ground in the controlled murder camp called Gaza, all of the unequal laws, all the people dying of treatable illness (before Oct.l 7) waiting for a ticket "out" to go to a hospital, and just the daily rules and check points, the entire mess, has in the world's view just been business as usual.
Court of last appeal? The crimes unleashed on civilians are just that -- crimes. Fuck the genocide card. War crimes, and alas, war crimes can be ended with a ceasefire immediately. Nothing about the slow masturbation of a legal case of judges (sic) determining with their master's tools a point of law?
You know, Tony, there will be no decision that states Isra-Hell is involved in genocide. How long that takes, well, we are here, now, enjoying the typing and the prognostications. Now now, how many in the West, in Klanada, in U$KKK, would just accept this Byzantine White Man's Court Burden daily, minute by minute, as loved one's perish?
Eye for an eye, out of the realm of fucking religion, is what many in Klanada and Un-United $nakes of Israel-First would be calling for.
Imagine all those blasted and burned out homes and apartments. Imagine that tsunami of calorie control, electricity control, media control. Imagine the schools are out for genocide or just plain old war crimes of collective punishment.
We have Piers Morgan coming around (fucking Brits, man, may they ALL go the way of the dodo), yammering now that maybe Isra-hell is going a bit too far on proportionality.
The West, the AMerican-Anglo-Saxons are no answers to any of the problems they have and continue to create(-ed).
Morgan, a slut for the royals, will soon shift from proportionality to that human slug Charles' enlarge prostate.
From war crimes and mass murder of Paletinians to Prince Charles' Prostate.
And so it goes. The news of the day. While children are immolated or crushed or die agonizing deaths without pain meds, ahh, while the US fleet is just offshore.
Fucking murder crimes. Collective lawsuit. How about several million going to court and prosecuting each fucking Jew soldier, button pusher, cop, mouse pad operator, every single person who is involved as assessories to murder?
CLass action lawsuit makes more fucking sense than dialing for genocide dollars.
Here, Miko and Max in a small room and small gathnering of geriatrics. The West in a fucking nutshell. Boy do we do a lot of fucking talking with our bourbons and sodas.
I agree... but that's because I see this as a clever trick by the Zio/ Psychos playing this card to achieve little actual resistance to what Israel is doing doing in Gaza. Yes.. plenty of people are dying but that is not the main concern here, it is wether or not a genocide is planned and if it is actually happening. Nutandyahoo and his cronies have left plenty of Hmm and Ahh's around to make the scholars and genocide experts ponder to draw this out for some time... like what do you suppose Nutty meant by that. Very clever, just a little extra insurance on top of having virtually all politicians in their back pockets.
Perhaps I do not know all the facts, but a couple of million people 90% civilians hemmed into a small strip of land and getting bombed constantly for three months now, suffering malnutrition and receiving little medical help, with the infrastructure collapsed due to the deliberate bombing , no water no sanitation no heat, with 30k dead including 11K Children, kinda gets my blood pressure into the red zone. The Chosenites are at it again murdering a people whom they have set up as trapped animals for the kill. The more they kill the more they scream in outrage and profanity against their victims while delighting in spilling the blood of their victims.
Pukes. Says it all, says it all WTC and that fucking stain who already designed Building Seven's new plans and demolition before even getting a fucking Jew York demo permit.
So, carte blanc they go about the world jury judge executioner and murdering their own fucking people.
What's not to live about these fuckers.
I worked with spooks or sniffers or whatever you want to call 8th graders on glue and gasoline fumes who had more empathy left in their 100 brain cells than many Jews I have met.
But that's another story in my life as a gang prevention teacher in Segundo Barrio.
An ongoing killing of thousands of civilians ( 2.5 million human beings of all ages under threat ) using bombing, starvation and disease now as well. This is not a battlefield or an army being eradicated on the battlefield. These are civilians from babies to the elderly living in a confined area ( Gaza ) designed by their oppressors and murderers. The Israelis have made no bones about their intent to kill and eradicate the Palestinians, be they young and old, women and babies. They are doing this now, unimpeded by any counter force to stop them.
And in answer to this the world needs to go to court. REALLY. This has Zionist deceit written all over it. With most of north Palestine a heap of rubble and somewhere around 25 to 30 thousand including 11 thousand children dead.. Now we need to determine if there is by legal definition a genocide in progress.
This would never have stood not all that long ago, in fact this wanton all out killing would never have occurred, because before the lights went out in all of Georgia ( my metaphor for human mind control ) the world reaction would not have been what it is today.
I wake up every morning in the hope that Israel has been stopped from carrying on this murderous campaign. Wether done by opponents to the regime within Israel itself or an ultimatum to stop from outside the country.
I fear for the the future of humanity... as in there being none.
Of course the idea that this litigation narrative at the Hague emerges from some sort of set up by the Chosenites has to be considered. Here below is something I just posted as a comment on Mike Whitney's new article at Unz on the US and its Make War Machinations on Houthis.
Genocide Yes or No
"The US restoring of the Houthis to "terrorist" status-- the status elaborated in the process of the 9/11 false flag wars--- clarifies the continuing normalization of genocide in US-Israeli strategic calculations. Will the ICJ judges perform a role in continuing the normalization of genocide by treating what is going on in Gaza as something other than genocide?
The Chair of the World Court, Joan Donoghue, is a former State Department adviser who was nominated to the ICJ by Hillary Clinton.
To my way of thinking, if there was some genuine humanitarian concern even here or there among the World Court judges, we would have already seen some sort of cease and desist order to the Israeli genocidaires. Every days that passes, the mass murder spree gets more and more horrific. Right now all the added deaths go onto the judges' score cards where the numbers continue to rise every day they stand by and watch it happen without taking action.
If the judges duck and hide and find their way to some sort of technicality that enables them to evade dealing the core of the main issue at play--- yes or no to plausible genocide--- then they legitimate genocide and become complicit in genocide themselves. They will have become responsible for making genocide a part of the NATO's rules-based order. Once again new forms of invasiveness tried out on the Palestinians will be deployed in other theatres against the non compliant.
On what is at stake in the current hearing at the Hague. see my new essay
Please explain. Couldn't some people in Poland be both Jews and Poles. My reading of where Lemkin put his emphasis, was that he favoured his Polish side. My conservations with some Poles when I was in Poland helped me confirm that he was very much a Pole while simultaneously being a Jew. If you can help educate me on this topic, I'd appreciate it.
I think you're not sincere... Being a Jew it's an ideology, being a Pole it's ethnicity. That's two different concepts and they don't fit very well together. One is created to use and abuse the other - it doesn't work for any nation like that. I would suggest Jewish History Jewish Religion, a book for every Jew and non-Jew, written by Israel Shahak. A bird may love a fish but where would they build a home ?
Allow me to say that I am impressed by your energy in the pursuit of justice and fair play.
I'll say right off the top that the systems of Law and Justice today as so defined in any Nation were Jews exist in any number it is their second essential tool of control, next to having central banking and money creation in their hands.
That being so they have completely put it into the service of the Powers That Be.. in other words themselves and influential important helpful gentiles.
I can see them smirking at their clever tactics again with this legal mumbo jumbo ,trick not one stick or stone flung at them by thoroughly stupefied specimens of gentiles breathing today.
I have no interest in delving into this nest of vipers and their ruination of other peoples lives and property through the use of so called Law and Justice, while enriching themselves with lets get out of jail free cards. Lady Justice is no longer blind or impartial. You want Justice ( favour ) the Lady wants money lots of it. Having been elevated to the profession of a high priced hooker she metes out favours or not depending on profession, race and money.
The very idea that the ongoing killing in Gaza is to be interpreted as to its legal ( joke ) status of wether or not it is a genocide by these Hack Judges in the Hague is preposterous. A small child recoils and screams in fright, tears and horror when seeing a human being killed violently. The scars of such an event will stay with the child forever. But our concern must be.. is it legally a genocide.
So I say: Its true the Law and Justice apparatus must be an ass, especially where it is set up as some kind of supra organization dispensing special high minded pure so called awe inspiring wisdom ( Zio Drivel and web spinning ) to the waiting crew ready to bolt and inform the deplorable's of the words of the wisest.
Moving on.
Most people today have heard about WW2, Nazis the bad guys, their evil leader Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust of the Jews. The Holocaust is apparently taught in the schools. This indoctrination of young minds sets in the subconsciousness of the young ones this picture: WW2, Nazi's, Hitler Germans all bad. The Holocaust is special though as it is an assault on their soul and being, they feel guilty themselves, how could people just like themselves white Christians do this. The seed is sown.
Then there is me, now a crusty old fart and almost eight and a half decade long resident of planet earth, and I say horse hockey and phooey to all the foregone.
As an avid reader I came across a book in my early twenties the Author of which I can no longer recall. I lost the book as well. It was basically a fact based manuscript of sources and people in the west funding the Soviet Union before WW2 during the war, and after the war. The book was centred on the exploits of a number of organizations and individuals but one man especially, extremely wealthy with solid connections. His name was odd, Arm and Hammer! Well thats not right so let's straighten that out "Armand Hammer." The Oligarche's cruising the globe today doing their work like G. Soros and company are mere boy scouts when compared to Mr. Armand Hammer. I was fascinated with the power and connections this man had. Personal friend to Lenin then Stalin, the Rothschild bankers, US Presidents able to slip in and out unimpeded between Soviet Russia Europe and America. Arranging grain shipments to the USSR when another 5 year plan failed to feed the people.
The inevitable conclusion corroborated later after digesting this book is that the Bolshevik Soviet Union was a Zionist Rothschild creation supported by the cartel before WW2, during the war and after Germany's defeat. The Iron curtain and the split of east and west was also a Zionist operation. There is still information about Hammer available. As I have noted the Zionists do want to brag about themselves and their most successful brethren. I began to realize that there was another power a largely unseen power operating behind a cleverly constructed and opaque screen exerting ever more influence on the political and social structure of society , education, media. entertainment, art music and other cultural pursuits.
I especially became aware that Germany had been the victim of an insidious plot to neuter her in WW one, culminating in the plan to genocide millions of her people in WW 2. In the first war Germany had pushed back the Russian Army and forced them out of the war and now only fought a one front war in the west. No Allied soldier was on German soil and the armistice was signed in France on whose soil the german army still stood. Hitler was right.. Germany got stabbed in the back by the November criminals who negotiated the Armistice. Apparently they forgot their dictionaries and didn't understand the difference in meaning between the words armistice and surrender.
WW2 witnessed the allied plan vividly after Germany got bogged down in Russia. Total War and unconditional surrender, every feeler put out to gauge the enemies ( allies ) willingness to accept some kind of conditional surrender got rebuffed or mostly ignored. So millions more died. The deliberate saturation bombing of German cities sometimes with banned munitions like phosphor and jelled gasoline and thus maximize the wounding and killing of civilians. I know this to be a crime. A city cannot rise to the sky and surrender. An unarmed enemy soldier surrendering confirmed not to be armed and then shot has been murdered. Just as today Hamas is blamed for the ongoing bombing of Gaza so Germany got blamed for this aerial slaughter because it blitzed Britain. In scale the two do not even compare. The true reason for the blitz on Britain has never been publicly revealed but the truth is not hard to uncover. Germany was attacked by RAF bombers 144 times mostly at night without any implicit strategy other than terror before Germany retaliated. The RAF at that time did not have the ability to coordinate targets for night bombing so many bombs just struck haphazardly. Farm houses, residential districts, playgrounds.They bombed Berlin twice with about 40 bombers one night again dropping the bombs indiscriminately. The Russian foreign minister Molotov was in Berlin at the time of the raid and brought it up with von Ribbentrop by asking him: if the British are not a threat how did they bomb the city. Goering and Hitler went ballistic.
The Japanese tried to surrender at different times but the US had the Bombs ready for Japan and there would be no surrender for Japan until Truman got to impress Uncle Joe ( Stalin ) with the power of his new A bomb. So millions more died unnecessarily. The refusal by the Allies to allow Jews in Germany or territories controlled by Germany to emigrate Into the US Britain or any other allied held territories during the war is a matter if record as well. I never ever heard or read anyone discuss this... just think about how many of the gassed and cremated Jews could have been saved. Horrible to think isn't it... but no not really, this tale has got more twists, knots and holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese. The Morgenthau plan of killing a third of the Germans , shipping another third out into other lands as slave labourers and leaving the other third to tend to the potato fields that half of Germany would be plowed into never got into fruition. For years now Germans have had to bear the shame of the Hollercuss and have payed billions and will into perpetuity.
So what is happening in Gaza is not new it happened in Germany and Russia too. The differences are that the Germans were our horrible enemies and deserved everything they got, besides the Germans kept it quiet until they couldn't hide it any longer. The slaughter ( 40 million at minimum ) in Russia between and to a lesser degree during the war was hidden in a vast land made inaccessible to foreigners by distance and strict travel control.
Spinning images of ships, planes, tanks in file films and videos on the screen behind the talking heads talking about whats going on in Gaza just sanitizes the subject, nothing to see here move along.
What a wonderful essay. Thanks WBJ. I assume you know about Theodore Kaufman's book during WWII. "Germany Must Die." It described eliminating Germany and Germans through a mass sterilization project
Its nice to see your substack getting more traffic Professor, and thanks for the thumbs up.
I should have explained my last article about WW1 and WW2 however. I go back there quite often because that is where the biggest lies and deceit conjured by world enslaving Zionism begin in earnest. We are still living under that 10 mile thick dark cloud of lies and falsehood today. It is alive and well in the brains of billions.
Yes,.. I have heard of Kaufman but I was not interested in anything he wrote or said but I knew the general gist of hate that he was promoting.
Ever heard the saying: The Kids In The Hall.
The story of the Kids In The Hall has its roots in Washington DC, the White House to be precise. Some higher up brass in the military ( I forget his name at the moment ) was important enough to get to see the President on occasion. He got exasperated one day and angrily exclaimed loudly to his staff: Can't get to see the President these days because of those damned Kids in the Hall. He was referring to the Jews surrounding Rooseveldt ( Rosenfeld ) in the White House.
His wife Eleanor adored these Bolshevicks and did everything she could to advance their cause.. communism of course. At this time the Bolsheviks had already murdered millions of Russians out of revenge and elimination of those deemed not suitable for their ideal society. Ring a bell !!! It does for me, these are the fathers and grandfathers of the latest crop of Zionist bastards calling for the elimination of billions of useless eaters.
The great tragedy here for billions of human beings is that they do not recognize the threat or the deadly resolve of this tiny group to wipe them off the surface of the planet. The new technologies especially in biology and medicine make this dream of genocide a reality. Gene therapy and manipulation such as the C19 Pandemic clot shots underscore this point. He who hath the gold makes the rules, or owns the technology.
The mRNA vaccines are fulfilling this evil scheme today, for many the shots have ended in them getting sick and then going someplace to die. No mess for the perps to clean up and nobody knows whats going on. Others are suffering chronic health problems. Am I exaggerating, I don't believe so. The damage done to peoples health and the sudden deaths by these injections show up in the statistics ( NO.. stats are not for losers ) and they are way beyond what would have put an immediate halt to this deadly project.
We have now entered a new year the 24th year into the 21st century, since the birth of Christ if we fail to confront and defeat the Zionist evil and their agenda of the genocide of white Christian people in Europe and elsewhere we will not be around to see the 22nd century.
Thank you, Tony, for showing me and us the bigger picture. I had to read your writing along with the links provided. I’m stuck by the point that, jurisdictional issues aside, that Justice will win out either way: if not in the short term, then it will win in the long term. Obviously, there are deeper injustices as pointed out by you and also by Irwin and more so by Dr. Takahashi of Osaka U. I’m reminded of H. Frankfort’s work, Before Philosophy, which allowed me to gain some insight, years ago, of the vast difference between western thinking versus the thinking of those groups who live closer to the land and their place of origin. Indeed, land ownership is not a concept in aboriginal thought. The land doesn’t belong to anyone; they belong to the land! There’s a lot more that could be said but I’ll leave it there for now.
My guess is that the Gaza Genocide and the covid jab democide, will not be officially condemned until after we the people have killed most of the perpetrators.
Plea bargaining could happen to help conscientious humanity get to the concealed evidence.
Agreed, but I do wonder if the Gaza genocide is some sort of distraction away from the Covid jab genocide... it is so obvious, it is so well reported and the "HAMAS" original attack was so obviously a false flag or at least orchestrated; it makes no sense to me.
On top of that:
1. Could it be a way to cause social division ?... thus allow the globalist parasites to bring in their UN peacekeepers and get troops on the ground (EU, US and UK; where their own militaries are being decimated) ?.
2. Could it be part of the depopulation agenda, by expanding the war ?.
3. Ref point 2. but by closing off the Suez cannel, thus literally closing off food and energy deliveries - starving us to death (bring Ukraine and Russian sanctions in as well to that equation with grain etc) ?.
and my questions go on... but remembering the World is a stage; I just have the feeling that tis is just more "smoke and mirrors" ... SOMEHOW ... but it shows me one thing for certain after watching and reading about the suffering these poor Palestinians have and are going through; the globalist parasitical, satanic scum do not give a Fck about any of us or life in general.
4. You want to kill these perpetrators (in the end OK), but they must first suffer.
The C19 Pandemic & Vaxx deaths , the Ukraine war death toll, and the Gaza slaughter of civilians are all connected. In each the presence of the Zionist hand is provable. They even brag about it.
No doubt about it.
That is for sure...
You sure are absolutely right. There is no other solution although l don't think we will succeed unfortunately.
I was born during WWII and my every thought was dominated by the war, until my dad eventually came home. In school cadets 9 years later were learned precison-marching, camouflage, and how to shoot with .303s, and bren/sten guns. The idea of fighting with no real consideration of surviving sort of came with the territory. At 80, I am still an unbeaten street fighter, so i intend to give it a go,
I think I will be joined by those who have realised their children were murdered. They wil have nothing else to live for and will hunger for revenge. If Deagle is correct, that is a lot of people who will fight. I do not think the globalists grasped what they have set in motion.
Will do the same but we will not win. Honorably dying is what is left. And if l may, fuck them.
It takes less that 5% of the population (willing participants of course) to cause a full revolution and clear whole Countries out of the scum ... and I do not fight unless I can win... so we fight ?
This is a science thousands of years old. Numerically, if 60% do nothing (which is what they do anyway), and forty percent support the cause, it only takes 15% to win. We are 15% against 1%, who have to hire 10% mercenaries to back them up, However, the mercenaries will quickly see their pay evaporating and switch sides... if we show them the colour of our money. So, every wealthy person of integrity, if you donate to the mercenary pay packet fund, we all win. I recommend you all elect an accountant of known integrity (there are plenty) and commence an unbanked fund, and you can then pay your own mercenary army to anihilate the evil globalists.
Who says our cause is hopeless? I say we are going to win and win easily and very quickly. But you must understand that the anti-violence brigade are brainwashed and will betray you, in the name of peace.
Oh yes I agree with you last paragraph totally AND HAVE NOTICED MANY OF THE SO CALLED "Alt media" babble on about "Just be polite and talk nicely or write a nice letter" to the "powers that be"... bllx !.
I will fight and not complying, for sure what ever happen.
If we trust only those who will fight, we will win.
Good stuff; me too BUT we shall win.
Pick them off one by one at first ... Christ; I even dream about it now !.
We die standing, count me in.
Now here is a question for you which refers to something you wrote.
Q = "When did we become so fearful of dying ?"
My Answer = When they start to rip our religious and spiritual beliefs from us DELIBERATELY.
And yet I am an atheist and fear nothing, Meanwhile most Christians toe the globalist line. Almost all Christians are jabbed. Religin is clearly not the common denominator of resistance. My guess is its lots of love and affection from parents, followed by imparting sound family values.
I am a Christian (not a bible basher), despise the globalists and their mantra and fear nothing within reason.
You could be right regards your last sentence, but that is an integral part of Christianity and some other religions (not all). Cheers for now.
Well-written & thoughtful. Why should it take more than 5 minutes thought to decide that the Zio-Nazis are engaged in the Palestinian Holocaust?
I bet few people realize how simple, succinct and straightforward the 5 criteria of genocide are. Any decent high school student could compare the news with the definitions and come up with the obvious conclusion. I think if the judges were committed to stopping the mass murder by combined methods of extermination, they would have issued a court order by now. Probably lots of deals are being cut to make sure the top criminals continue to be protected.
Here you go, more of the Royal Rottens:
Australia has finally made clear its official position on the genocide case brought by South Africa against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during a radio interview yesterday ruled out Australia as a participant in the ICJ process, saying: “We need to have a pathway to security and peace… Not any court case.”
There seams to be something wrong with English speaking countries, it seams they are almost all ruled by genocidal and dictatorial eugenists which like to kill everyone.
Well, Isra-Hell is Hebrew Central, and they love the genocides, man.
And, well, thanks to Spanish speaking Iberia, and Portuguese, and the Krauts, too, and Italians, and Dutch, shoot, just pre-19th century genocide experts.
EuroTrashLandia is worse than United $nakes of AmeriKKKa, because they are compliant and vassals, anal cavities for Uncle Yanqui Go Home Sam.
Indeedo a lot a puke here too.
But United snakes of Amerikkka is actually giving 2000 pounds bombs to exterminate defenseless civilians.
"....ruthless, high-tech obliteration of people and their life support systems in the Gaza prison camp, is something other than genocide . . . . "
Gaza is a breeding ground for terrorism. Gaza is a warren of tunnels for terrorists. The slippery slope. The map of Palestine is proof in the pudding, so all the mental gymnastics, all the legal tools of the master(s) deployed to deal with White Israel, the White Jew Man's Burden, whew.
Basics, Tony, for sure.
The bombing and the total surveillence and total control of the people above ground in the controlled murder camp called Gaza, all of the unequal laws, all the people dying of treatable illness (before Oct.l 7) waiting for a ticket "out" to go to a hospital, and just the daily rules and check points, the entire mess, has in the world's view just been business as usual.
Court of last appeal? The crimes unleashed on civilians are just that -- crimes. Fuck the genocide card. War crimes, and alas, war crimes can be ended with a ceasefire immediately. Nothing about the slow masturbation of a legal case of judges (sic) determining with their master's tools a point of law?
You know, Tony, there will be no decision that states Isra-Hell is involved in genocide. How long that takes, well, we are here, now, enjoying the typing and the prognostications. Now now, how many in the West, in Klanada, in U$KKK, would just accept this Byzantine White Man's Court Burden daily, minute by minute, as loved one's perish?
Eye for an eye, out of the realm of fucking religion, is what many in Klanada and Un-United $nakes of Israel-First would be calling for.
Imagine all those blasted and burned out homes and apartments. Imagine that tsunami of calorie control, electricity control, media control. Imagine the schools are out for genocide or just plain old war crimes of collective punishment.
We have Piers Morgan coming around (fucking Brits, man, may they ALL go the way of the dodo), yammering now that maybe Isra-hell is going a bit too far on proportionality.
The West, the AMerican-Anglo-Saxons are no answers to any of the problems they have and continue to create(-ed).
Morgan, a slut for the royals, will soon shift from proportionality to that human slug Charles' enlarge prostate.
From war crimes and mass murder of Paletinians to Prince Charles' Prostate.
And so it goes. The news of the day. While children are immolated or crushed or die agonizing deaths without pain meds, ahh, while the US fleet is just offshore.
Fucking murder crimes. Collective lawsuit. How about several million going to court and prosecuting each fucking Jew soldier, button pusher, cop, mouse pad operator, every single person who is involved as assessories to murder?
CLass action lawsuit makes more fucking sense than dialing for genocide dollars.
Here, Miko and Max in a small room and small gathnering of geriatrics. The West in a fucking nutshell. Boy do we do a lot of fucking talking with our bourbons and sodas.
P.S. A detailed look at things, Anthony. Thanks for putting in the work. No aspersions sent your way from me, all the way from the coast to Alberta.
PPS = Our little rag on the coast = Black History Month.
You wrote, I quote: Fuck the Genocide card.
I agree... but that's because I see this as a clever trick by the Zio/ Psychos playing this card to achieve little actual resistance to what Israel is doing doing in Gaza. Yes.. plenty of people are dying but that is not the main concern here, it is wether or not a genocide is planned and if it is actually happening. Nutandyahoo and his cronies have left plenty of Hmm and Ahh's around to make the scholars and genocide experts ponder to draw this out for some time... like what do you suppose Nutty meant by that. Very clever, just a little extra insurance on top of having virtually all politicians in their back pockets.
Perhaps I do not know all the facts, but a couple of million people 90% civilians hemmed into a small strip of land and getting bombed constantly for three months now, suffering malnutrition and receiving little medical help, with the infrastructure collapsed due to the deliberate bombing , no water no sanitation no heat, with 30k dead including 11K Children, kinda gets my blood pressure into the red zone. The Chosenites are at it again murdering a people whom they have set up as trapped animals for the kill. The more they kill the more they scream in outrage and profanity against their victims while delighting in spilling the blood of their victims.
Fucking Lizards of Satan.
As it has always been Hannibal Protocol?
Pukes. Says it all, says it all WTC and that fucking stain who already designed Building Seven's new plans and demolition before even getting a fucking Jew York demo permit.
So, carte blanc they go about the world jury judge executioner and murdering their own fucking people.
What's not to live about these fuckers.
I worked with spooks or sniffers or whatever you want to call 8th graders on glue and gasoline fumes who had more empathy left in their 100 brain cells than many Jews I have met.
But that's another story in my life as a gang prevention teacher in Segundo Barrio.
An ongoing killing of thousands of civilians ( 2.5 million human beings of all ages under threat ) using bombing, starvation and disease now as well. This is not a battlefield or an army being eradicated on the battlefield. These are civilians from babies to the elderly living in a confined area ( Gaza ) designed by their oppressors and murderers. The Israelis have made no bones about their intent to kill and eradicate the Palestinians, be they young and old, women and babies. They are doing this now, unimpeded by any counter force to stop them.
And in answer to this the world needs to go to court. REALLY. This has Zionist deceit written all over it. With most of north Palestine a heap of rubble and somewhere around 25 to 30 thousand including 11 thousand children dead.. Now we need to determine if there is by legal definition a genocide in progress.
This would never have stood not all that long ago, in fact this wanton all out killing would never have occurred, because before the lights went out in all of Georgia ( my metaphor for human mind control ) the world reaction would not have been what it is today.
I wake up every morning in the hope that Israel has been stopped from carrying on this murderous campaign. Wether done by opponents to the regime within Israel itself or an ultimatum to stop from outside the country.
I fear for the the future of humanity... as in there being none.
Of course the idea that this litigation narrative at the Hague emerges from some sort of set up by the Chosenites has to be considered. Here below is something I just posted as a comment on Mike Whitney's new article at Unz on the US and its Make War Machinations on Houthis.
Genocide Yes or No
"The US restoring of the Houthis to "terrorist" status-- the status elaborated in the process of the 9/11 false flag wars--- clarifies the continuing normalization of genocide in US-Israeli strategic calculations. Will the ICJ judges perform a role in continuing the normalization of genocide by treating what is going on in Gaza as something other than genocide?
The Chair of the World Court, Joan Donoghue, is a former State Department adviser who was nominated to the ICJ by Hillary Clinton.
To my way of thinking, if there was some genuine humanitarian concern even here or there among the World Court judges, we would have already seen some sort of cease and desist order to the Israeli genocidaires. Every days that passes, the mass murder spree gets more and more horrific. Right now all the added deaths go onto the judges' score cards where the numbers continue to rise every day they stand by and watch it happen without taking action.
If the judges duck and hide and find their way to some sort of technicality that enables them to evade dealing the core of the main issue at play--- yes or no to plausible genocide--- then they legitimate genocide and become complicit in genocide themselves. They will have become responsible for making genocide a part of the NATO's rules-based order. Once again new forms of invasiveness tried out on the Palestinians will be deployed in other theatres against the non compliant.
On what is at stake in the current hearing at the Hague. see my new essay"
"Raphael Lemkin Polish lawyer"...
The fact that he lived in Poland, didn't make him a Pole. He was not Polish, Mr. Hall
Please explain. Couldn't some people in Poland be both Jews and Poles. My reading of where Lemkin put his emphasis, was that he favoured his Polish side. My conservations with some Poles when I was in Poland helped me confirm that he was very much a Pole while simultaneously being a Jew. If you can help educate me on this topic, I'd appreciate it.
I think you're not sincere... Being a Jew it's an ideology, being a Pole it's ethnicity. That's two different concepts and they don't fit very well together. One is created to use and abuse the other - it doesn't work for any nation like that. I would suggest Jewish History Jewish Religion, a book for every Jew and non-Jew, written by Israel Shahak. A bird may love a fish but where would they build a home ?
Humanity must stand to end the apartheid, and the genocide it now brought to us all.
We must continue to demonstrate and exercise all the pressure we can to put an end to this obscene horror.
Good evening Professor
Allow me to say that I am impressed by your energy in the pursuit of justice and fair play.
I'll say right off the top that the systems of Law and Justice today as so defined in any Nation were Jews exist in any number it is their second essential tool of control, next to having central banking and money creation in their hands.
That being so they have completely put it into the service of the Powers That Be.. in other words themselves and influential important helpful gentiles.
I can see them smirking at their clever tactics again with this legal mumbo jumbo ,trick not one stick or stone flung at them by thoroughly stupefied specimens of gentiles breathing today.
I have no interest in delving into this nest of vipers and their ruination of other peoples lives and property through the use of so called Law and Justice, while enriching themselves with lets get out of jail free cards. Lady Justice is no longer blind or impartial. You want Justice ( favour ) the Lady wants money lots of it. Having been elevated to the profession of a high priced hooker she metes out favours or not depending on profession, race and money.
The very idea that the ongoing killing in Gaza is to be interpreted as to its legal ( joke ) status of wether or not it is a genocide by these Hack Judges in the Hague is preposterous. A small child recoils and screams in fright, tears and horror when seeing a human being killed violently. The scars of such an event will stay with the child forever. But our concern must be.. is it legally a genocide.
So I say: Its true the Law and Justice apparatus must be an ass, especially where it is set up as some kind of supra organization dispensing special high minded pure so called awe inspiring wisdom ( Zio Drivel and web spinning ) to the waiting crew ready to bolt and inform the deplorable's of the words of the wisest.
Moving on.
Most people today have heard about WW2, Nazis the bad guys, their evil leader Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust of the Jews. The Holocaust is apparently taught in the schools. This indoctrination of young minds sets in the subconsciousness of the young ones this picture: WW2, Nazi's, Hitler Germans all bad. The Holocaust is special though as it is an assault on their soul and being, they feel guilty themselves, how could people just like themselves white Christians do this. The seed is sown.
Then there is me, now a crusty old fart and almost eight and a half decade long resident of planet earth, and I say horse hockey and phooey to all the foregone.
As an avid reader I came across a book in my early twenties the Author of which I can no longer recall. I lost the book as well. It was basically a fact based manuscript of sources and people in the west funding the Soviet Union before WW2 during the war, and after the war. The book was centred on the exploits of a number of organizations and individuals but one man especially, extremely wealthy with solid connections. His name was odd, Arm and Hammer! Well thats not right so let's straighten that out "Armand Hammer." The Oligarche's cruising the globe today doing their work like G. Soros and company are mere boy scouts when compared to Mr. Armand Hammer. I was fascinated with the power and connections this man had. Personal friend to Lenin then Stalin, the Rothschild bankers, US Presidents able to slip in and out unimpeded between Soviet Russia Europe and America. Arranging grain shipments to the USSR when another 5 year plan failed to feed the people.
The inevitable conclusion corroborated later after digesting this book is that the Bolshevik Soviet Union was a Zionist Rothschild creation supported by the cartel before WW2, during the war and after Germany's defeat. The Iron curtain and the split of east and west was also a Zionist operation. There is still information about Hammer available. As I have noted the Zionists do want to brag about themselves and their most successful brethren. I began to realize that there was another power a largely unseen power operating behind a cleverly constructed and opaque screen exerting ever more influence on the political and social structure of society , education, media. entertainment, art music and other cultural pursuits.
I especially became aware that Germany had been the victim of an insidious plot to neuter her in WW one, culminating in the plan to genocide millions of her people in WW 2. In the first war Germany had pushed back the Russian Army and forced them out of the war and now only fought a one front war in the west. No Allied soldier was on German soil and the armistice was signed in France on whose soil the german army still stood. Hitler was right.. Germany got stabbed in the back by the November criminals who negotiated the Armistice. Apparently they forgot their dictionaries and didn't understand the difference in meaning between the words armistice and surrender.
WW2 witnessed the allied plan vividly after Germany got bogged down in Russia. Total War and unconditional surrender, every feeler put out to gauge the enemies ( allies ) willingness to accept some kind of conditional surrender got rebuffed or mostly ignored. So millions more died. The deliberate saturation bombing of German cities sometimes with banned munitions like phosphor and jelled gasoline and thus maximize the wounding and killing of civilians. I know this to be a crime. A city cannot rise to the sky and surrender. An unarmed enemy soldier surrendering confirmed not to be armed and then shot has been murdered. Just as today Hamas is blamed for the ongoing bombing of Gaza so Germany got blamed for this aerial slaughter because it blitzed Britain. In scale the two do not even compare. The true reason for the blitz on Britain has never been publicly revealed but the truth is not hard to uncover. Germany was attacked by RAF bombers 144 times mostly at night without any implicit strategy other than terror before Germany retaliated. The RAF at that time did not have the ability to coordinate targets for night bombing so many bombs just struck haphazardly. Farm houses, residential districts, playgrounds.They bombed Berlin twice with about 40 bombers one night again dropping the bombs indiscriminately. The Russian foreign minister Molotov was in Berlin at the time of the raid and brought it up with von Ribbentrop by asking him: if the British are not a threat how did they bomb the city. Goering and Hitler went ballistic.
The Japanese tried to surrender at different times but the US had the Bombs ready for Japan and there would be no surrender for Japan until Truman got to impress Uncle Joe ( Stalin ) with the power of his new A bomb. So millions more died unnecessarily. The refusal by the Allies to allow Jews in Germany or territories controlled by Germany to emigrate Into the US Britain or any other allied held territories during the war is a matter if record as well. I never ever heard or read anyone discuss this... just think about how many of the gassed and cremated Jews could have been saved. Horrible to think isn't it... but no not really, this tale has got more twists, knots and holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese. The Morgenthau plan of killing a third of the Germans , shipping another third out into other lands as slave labourers and leaving the other third to tend to the potato fields that half of Germany would be plowed into never got into fruition. For years now Germans have had to bear the shame of the Hollercuss and have payed billions and will into perpetuity.
So what is happening in Gaza is not new it happened in Germany and Russia too. The differences are that the Germans were our horrible enemies and deserved everything they got, besides the Germans kept it quiet until they couldn't hide it any longer. The slaughter ( 40 million at minimum ) in Russia between and to a lesser degree during the war was hidden in a vast land made inaccessible to foreigners by distance and strict travel control.
Spinning images of ships, planes, tanks in file films and videos on the screen behind the talking heads talking about whats going on in Gaza just sanitizes the subject, nothing to see here move along.
What a wonderful essay. Thanks WBJ. I assume you know about Theodore Kaufman's book during WWII. "Germany Must Die." It described eliminating Germany and Germans through a mass sterilization project
Its nice to see your substack getting more traffic Professor, and thanks for the thumbs up.
I should have explained my last article about WW1 and WW2 however. I go back there quite often because that is where the biggest lies and deceit conjured by world enslaving Zionism begin in earnest. We are still living under that 10 mile thick dark cloud of lies and falsehood today. It is alive and well in the brains of billions.
Yes,.. I have heard of Kaufman but I was not interested in anything he wrote or said but I knew the general gist of hate that he was promoting.
Ever heard the saying: The Kids In The Hall.
The story of the Kids In The Hall has its roots in Washington DC, the White House to be precise. Some higher up brass in the military ( I forget his name at the moment ) was important enough to get to see the President on occasion. He got exasperated one day and angrily exclaimed loudly to his staff: Can't get to see the President these days because of those damned Kids in the Hall. He was referring to the Jews surrounding Rooseveldt ( Rosenfeld ) in the White House.
His wife Eleanor adored these Bolshevicks and did everything she could to advance their cause.. communism of course. At this time the Bolsheviks had already murdered millions of Russians out of revenge and elimination of those deemed not suitable for their ideal society. Ring a bell !!! It does for me, these are the fathers and grandfathers of the latest crop of Zionist bastards calling for the elimination of billions of useless eaters.
The great tragedy here for billions of human beings is that they do not recognize the threat or the deadly resolve of this tiny group to wipe them off the surface of the planet. The new technologies especially in biology and medicine make this dream of genocide a reality. Gene therapy and manipulation such as the C19 Pandemic clot shots underscore this point. He who hath the gold makes the rules, or owns the technology.
The mRNA vaccines are fulfilling this evil scheme today, for many the shots have ended in them getting sick and then going someplace to die. No mess for the perps to clean up and nobody knows whats going on. Others are suffering chronic health problems. Am I exaggerating, I don't believe so. The damage done to peoples health and the sudden deaths by these injections show up in the statistics ( NO.. stats are not for losers ) and they are way beyond what would have put an immediate halt to this deadly project.
We have now entered a new year the 24th year into the 21st century, since the birth of Christ if we fail to confront and defeat the Zionist evil and their agenda of the genocide of white Christian people in Europe and elsewhere we will not be around to see the 22nd century.
Thank you, Tony, for showing me and us the bigger picture. I had to read your writing along with the links provided. I’m stuck by the point that, jurisdictional issues aside, that Justice will win out either way: if not in the short term, then it will win in the long term. Obviously, there are deeper injustices as pointed out by you and also by Irwin and more so by Dr. Takahashi of Osaka U. I’m reminded of H. Frankfort’s work, Before Philosophy, which allowed me to gain some insight, years ago, of the vast difference between western thinking versus the thinking of those groups who live closer to the land and their place of origin. Indeed, land ownership is not a concept in aboriginal thought. The land doesn’t belong to anyone; they belong to the land! There’s a lot more that could be said but I’ll leave it there for now.
Hi Laurent. We all belong to the land and one way or another we will be part of the land being walked upon by living beings.