The meeting of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump on a stage in a packed arena in Phoenix has significantly altered the political landscape of this presidential election in the USA. It has also significantly shifted the geopolitical structure of the world. Suddenly the outcome of this hugely problematic electoral showdown in the world’s ailing superpower matters.
No one can miss the implications of this meeting of political forces as the world hangs on the edge of an abyss of converging catastrophes. In every crisis, however, there is the possibility of opportunity. Are we seeing it now?
One sign of the importance of what just transpired is marked in the literary outburst of many important people in many areas of endeavour. As one can readily see in the exuberance and philosophic merit of the wide-ranging literary offerings assembled below, the handshake in Phoenix on April 23, 2024 is packed with cosmic meaning for a myriad of issues with huge import for individual and collective futures.
Bobby Kennedy: May your speech change the course of history!
In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world....
AUG 24
On August 23, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., known to all of us as Bobby Kennedy, told the world that, after deep prayer, he would support Donald Trump’s election to a second term.
Throughout his career, Bobby has been protecting children, including their brains and minds, from pollution, vaccines, and other threats. That is why he founded the Children’s Defense Fund. Although his work dovetailed with ours, we never connected, in part because of political differences and sadly because we lacked appreciation of the danger of vaccines in general.
Americans, we have now witnessed one of the few times in our lives when a man with a substantial amount of power and money is defying his constituency and the global powers by throwing his weight behind Donald Trump. His speech and actions are earth-shaking, not merely because he endorsed President Trump, not even because he explicitly exposed the corrupt death throes of the Democratic Party, and not even because he took a profoundly moral stand in defense of America and its children.
In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world — powerful predatory globalists who corrupted and coopted the Democrat Party and who are trying to take America down.
I was stunned by the honesty with which he criticizes the Deep State, including the FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, and others by name; the clarity with which he described the sacrifice of the young people and children in Ukraine for the benefit of NATO, the military-industrial complex, and other predators; how he excoriated the drug companies and others who advocate the drugging of children and the rest of the population. He even briefly refers to those who aspire to create an “American global hegemony,” although we see that being replaced by a Western Global Empire that is hostile to America.
In supporting Trump in this speech and in expressing many specific criticisms of the world’s most influential and corrupt institutions, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has placed himself directly in opposition to all the most powerful and evil individuals and institutions in the world. That ugly collaboration of evil-doers now arrayed against him includes the Chinese Communist Party, which leads the Eastern Global Empire, and the Western Global Empire, which includes most of our recent presidents, the U.S. Deep State, billionaires like Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum that helps them organize the predators, global banking, global industry, the UN, NATO, EU, and many, many others.
And please don’t think it was easy for Bobby because he already has a great family name, fame, and money. It’s the opposite! The more money and influence you have, the more violent and even murderous the global predators become. Bobby and his family know that as well or better than anyone else in the world, and we join with humanity in begging God to protect him…..
Bobby, you are indeed one of the bravest and most honorable men in history, as demonstrated by the actions you are taking based on your conscience, your faith in God, and your love for children and for America. I deeply admire you and will support you in any way that I can.
Paraphrasing what Malcolm, the man behind America Out Loud, said to me today, “If every American would listen to Bobby’s speech and let it sink in, it would shock the soul of the nation back to life.” Robert F. Kennedy is genuinely risking all a man can risk for us and humanity. Let’s join him in every way we can.
May God bless Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and America at this critical time in history.
Primary author: Peter R. Breggin MD
An Era Of Healing Is Beginning With Robert F Kennedy Jr And Donald Trump
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be appointed by Donald J. Trump to end all corruption in the FDA, CDC and other agencies, stop all poisoning of humanity, and usher in a new era of healing and restoration for all.
Dear friends,
two days ago I was suddenly overwhelmed with a strong sense that something fantastic was about to happen. I had no idea what it was. But the feeling was so strong that I even posted on X:
'Something fantastic will happen in our world soon. Don't despair. God is so much greater. We will see amazing things.'
Little did I know that indeed the next day the firmament and foundation of Earth would be severely shaken by the announcement of the best news in a long time.
The hero for truth, health, justice and a better world, who has been fighting the deep state and cabal for decades, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has joined forces with Donald J. Trump, so together they can be even more effective in ending the extreme corruption in America and start the creation of a new world.
The announcement of RFK Jr at the Trump rally in Arizona happened with a display of fireworks and the song booming through the speakers ‘Here comes my hero!’ It is clear this is a move they have been preparing for a long time
My wife said immediately, when Robert ran for president: ‘I have a feeling he is working with Trump, to win over the left.’ She was right on! That’s exactly what Trump said yesterday: Robert has been successful in opening the eyes of millions of democrats for the medical corruption in America. Now he leads them to Trump, to end this corruption.
This shows there is indeed a divine and brilliant rescue plan being executed to save America and the world.
Trump announced that RFK Jr will be responsible for ending the corruption in the CDC, FDA, and other three letter agencies, so the poisoning of our food, air, soil and health will come to an end and children will become healthy again.
The speech of Robert was as powerful as could be. He openly exposed how criminal the FDA and CDC are:
‘The FDA and CDC are controlled by the very corporations they are supposed to regulate!’
The Era Of Poisoning Is Ending And Healing Will Come
This signals the start of a brand new era, that will see the eradication of the countless operations launched upon humanity to poison us in every imaginable way.
The age of great evil is coming to an end, and a new chapter in the history of mankind is starting. Healing will begin to flow to our children and our world, as never before.
For over a century the cabal has been poisoning our world in every imaginable way. Our food has become extremely toxic with countless chemicals being added to everything we eat. Our water has been intoxicated, making it a poisonous substance instead of a healing life giving flow. Our air has been poisoned by chemtrails and genoengeneering. Our soil has been poisoned by herbicides and pesticides. Our healthcare has been poisoned by too many methods to name.
Our entire world has become so toxic it is hard to stay healthy.
Even newborn children are immediately injected with dozens of needles full of poison, causing an unprecedented worldwide epidemic of autism and childhood diseases.
Kennedy said yesterday:
'Our children are the most unhealthy in the world, in all of time.'
This diabolical attack will now come to an end. It’s over. Healing and restoration will replace poisoning and destruction.
Watch The Inspiring And Powerful Speech of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
I must say, the fusion of Trump and Kennedy is a most intriguing initial condition
psst... anything that makes an anti-democratic person nervous must be a good thing
AUG 24, 2024
Please do watch and listen to Kennedy’s address posted below. He begins speaking at approximately minute 41:00.
Robert Kennedy is always polite and gracious when he speaks and never reduces himself to ad hominems. He doesn’t have to, because he has the truth and the facts. And he actually knows a lot.
In his address, he intelligently gives diligent attention to the real problems infecting not just Americans, but much of the West.
Also, today, he appeared on the stage with Trump at a rally in Arizona, and although I have yet to watch that, it seems to me that something ‘new’ happened yesterday, and today.
Not to get too philosophical, but I have been thinking about the difference between having free will and not having free will lately; the difference boiling down to determinism. In the case of the latter, choice and outcomes are not predetermined. I personally believe in the former. I believe that we actually have an ability to create new forward pathways because of the nature of complex systems: they are chaotic.
Small changes in initial conditions (or parameters) can have significant impacts on outcomes, and behaviors.
So the shaking of the hands of these two men was not something I think either of them ever thought was going to transpire and you know what, I think it’s possible that this might be one of those small changes in initial conditions where the outcome will inevitably be preferable to the alternative, and beneficial to the people of America and the world.
Please enjoy.
RF Kennedy Jr and Political Realignment
It is not merely a speech; it represents the vanguard of a tidal shift
AUG 24, 2024
………….So JFK Jr. finally reached that point where he recognized that his allegiance was to a Democrat party that no longer existed. A political party that actively and routinely disregards truth, morality, and the rule of law as it manipulates its followers using modern psychological warfare methodology. A party and political allies that seem to be either completely unaware of the global march to a corporatist techno-totalitarianism or willingly facilitating that progression. Unfortunately, Bobby and Nicole had to personally experience the wickedness, the profound corruption, and the disingenuousness of today’s Democrat party and have their underlying belief system shaken to the core by what they have experienced at the hands of the twisted modern corporate media.
The result was one of the most important political speeches of the 21st century. Bobby finally got so mad that he could not contain his anger anymore. And out it came, spontaneously, unscripted. All the accumulated hard truth that he has been forced to swallow. His “Howard Beale”/Network speech. “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!”
And in that moment, he spoke for all of us who still believe in the concept of a United States as envisioned by the founding fathers. All who reject the “Great Reset” and “New World Order”.
The great realignment is upon us now, whether you recognize it or not. When Robert F. Kennedy has found common cause with another disaffected former Democrat - Donald Trump, we are forced to examine whether the old two party formulation that has dominated US politics for over a century has any meaning in the twenty first.
For whatever reason, perhaps thanks to a series of recorded interview segments with Mr. Glen Beck almost four long years ago, I have long been aware that the old political spectrum of left versus right no longer applies. Consequent to all of the travel, and the opportunity to listen and learn from populist political leaders from all over the west during the COVIDcrisis, I have seen this moment coming like a slow moving freight train, gathering momentum, a massive groundswell of the disaffected “useless eaters” that want to be left alone by the socialist/globalist/corporatist true believers. Left alone to live their lives and raise their families. Left alone by busybody social engineers and their ESG, DEI, censorship, propaganda, scientism, anti-human transhuman immortal fantasies, their “stakeholder capitalism”, their “new morality”, their neo-Malthusianism, their sexual fetishism, their transsexual agenda, their intentional sexualization of our children, their poisonous, toxic foods and pharmaceuticals, their social credit scores, their digital identities, their central bank digital currency, their surveillance capitalism, and their globalist techno-totalitarianism.
In my opinion, at the core of all of this new realignment is those who support the future of humankind, who believe in the sanctity of the human soul and in the value of communities, and those who are anti-human.
As I have said before, we can all sense the coming war. I do not know who will win. In a battleground defined and dominated by modern psychological warfare methodology, it has become incredibly difficult to even determine who is friend and who is foe.
But I am more confident than ever that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan are pro-human, deeply moral, and are with the good guys. I hope you are also. Lets take back our future. Lets make America, Europe, and all the world “Great again” by recommitting to a pro-human future.
The Truth Barrier
The Redeemer: RFK Jr. Joins Forces With MAGA; Breaks The Sound Barrier, Tells America The Truth About Slow Genocide By Poison, To Roaring MAGA Crowd; AND Trump Says He Will Release JFK Files
The TWO Most Powerful, Redemptive American Liberty Movements Are Now Joined, Like Two Dynasties, Each Completing And Expanding The Other. Some Speak Of Timeline Jump, Dare We Be Optimistic? Yes.
AUG 24, 2024
"I Felt That If I Refused This Opportunity, I Would Not Be Able To Look Myself In The Mirror, Knowing That I could Have Saved Lives Of Countless Children, And Reversed This Country's Chronic Disease Epidemic.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , August 23, 2024
”Today, RFK Jr. became the Kennedy they stole from us.
On November 5th, America will become the nation they stole from us.”
—Chase Geiser
American Dreamers
Cynics, you’ll have your day. But today belongs to the believers. Hillary’s “basket of deplorable,” after all, are “MAGA,” not the man only—Donald Trump. He is the force that brought them (us) from invisibility to visibility. For this reason, I refrain from Trump dismissal/disdain because I refuse to dismiss myself and so many countless millions who are like cockroaches to the DNC, the billionaire globalist communist set. Please don’t accuse me of being “duped” by Trump. His flock is the story. The crowd is the story—always.
We will deal with everything, including “Warp Speed.” Nothing is beyond transfiguration and redemption, if we just keep our wits about us.
What is it that “believers” believed in?
Something that transcends the vast collection of reasons not to believe in anything.
I’m not among those who kept the flag in sight. I was depleted, flagging, running on empty— had lost all sense of north, south, east west. I had no idea what might possibly happen that could possibly be good. On the horizon I saw only unbridled DNC criminality and narcissistic cult propaganda.
The miracle is called the “miracle” because it has no runway, no path that makes it plausible.
I consider this a miracle.
I think it is possible Donald Trump will open his eyes to the whole, horrific truth about “vaccines” including the one he considers one of his greatest achievements—the worst of them all.
All I Know
The Pharma-woke DNC Monkey Pox Covid HIV cabal is in misery right now. I've been waiting for a moment like this for a very very long time, (35 plus years) and am going to jubilate even at the risk of being mocked and scolded.
I think Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech was electrifying: For its realness, its exactingness, and lack of all performative deflection, euphemism, or self-serving theatrics.
It was quietly Scorched Earth.
I felt a sense of God’s choreography in it all.
I think the “It’s all part of the plan, they’re all in on it together” argument has been delivered a body blow, maybe a death blow. But those people will absolutely never take yes for an answer. They permit no optimism or enthusiasm.
Both Trump and RFK Jr. remain irredeemable in their eyes.
Me, I’m beginning to see something I never saw before. A story that goes so far back, its seeds planted so long ago.
Who, and what, killed JFK?
Who, and what killed Robert F. Kennedy?
What does this have to do with this moment, this election?
Maybe: Everything.
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50-20 NIV
Clip here.
“The moment that won the Presidency.”
At the end of this clip, RFK Jr. describes his realization that the CIA scripted Covid and scripts all “pandemics.” I remember this moment vividly, the moment he really saw behind the curtain, from a text group I was in with him. Regardless of chapter titles in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, going to press as he was having this realization. You may recall the brawl we had about all this here at TTB. I’m still roiled. Cynical Smart Set wants you to worship them because they see how dark everybody who seems like a good guy really is. And they peddle and Trust Nobody grift, their collections of dots.
RFK Jr. by contrast actually wants to stop poisoning children, and puts his life on the line, every day; 17 years.
Let’s distinguish between adolescents and adults. Let’s not ask for perfect people, but for people whose voices we can hear, because they speak as themselves.
The Kennedys are of a classical, patriotic mindset. They’re not inversionists.
I’m always trying to find the right words.
“And I don’t think I’ve ever introduced anybody that got applause like he just got.”
—Donald Trump, August 23, 2024
DON'T vote for "Trump-madness"! My God, people, he's said he wants to be a dictator! He's telling his MAGA base that they won't ever have to vote again if he gets reelected! Do you understand what that means? It means that he thinks there's some way he can stay in office for life! You naively believe he just made a "mistake" on the "vaccines"? Crap no, look at how close he is with the Ashkenazi fake "Jews" of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 globalist "leaders" who are carrying out the present neo-holocaust!
You're gonna vote for THAT, as well as another Zionist, RFK, Jr.?! Are you out of your minds?! I see you don't believe there is complicity of all those who vote for and/or otherwise support evil, or that it "doesn't matter", like Chomsky falsely said that 9/11 Truth "doesn't matter". You're brainwashed that you have to vote, no matter what, otherwise you would supposedly not be good citizens and/or patriots, so you'll hold you nose and vote for evil because you allegedly have no choice! Bullpucky!
Well, I gotta tell ya again, DON'T VOTE FOR TRUMP OR THIS UNHOLY ALLIANCE! They're NOT going to save the republic! You can safely bet they'll back all Middle Eastern wars carried out by and/or on behalf of "Israehell-on-Earth"! There's no way that the Ashkenazi powers that be, which they support, would ever let them destroy "al CIAduh(!)" as JFK, Sr wanted to do, and end the oh-so-profitable wars! They will be manipulated puppets of the One World Order, or they'll be very dead at the hands of it!
You remind me of the "Woke", fake "Dims" with all of your false hope in evil people and evil "lesser of evils", and all of the fake hopey-hope they had in "Barach 'Insane' 'Odrona' just because he was a black man, correction half-black man (his mother was white) and could become the first black president! Woo-hoo! NOT! And practically his entire family, from both of his grandparents on his mother's side, his mother herself, his so-called "father", and his real father were all "al CIAduh(!)" to the marrow!
Vote for nobody, vote "write-in" if allowed, vote for Jill Stein, anything (except voting for insane totalitarian socialist, globalist, Zionist Kamala Harris) other than voting for Trump-Kennedy! They may have spoken out against how far "Israehell" has taken things; but, like all politicians, they're simply telling you what you want to hear! You claim to have been red-pilled and to now be awake; then how come you can still vote for evil, especially those among you who claim to be "Christians"?! If you vote for Trump-Kennedy, you are indirectly supporting the genocide in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank [and coming next to Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Yemen (in revenge for aiding the Palestinians), etc.]!
"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":
"...Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers [in True Christianity, but ONLY be in unity with NOTHNG BUT True Christianity, with Jesus the Messiah, and with NOTHING BUT righteousness (John 14:6)]; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with (any) darkness (and evil whatsoever)? And what concord (connection, union) has (the) Christ with Belial (false gods and adherents of false gods, those who follow false gods, and all those who perpetrate and perpetuate evils of any kind and/or of any amount)? Or what part have they who believe (in Jesus the Messiah) with an(y and all) infidel(s) (those who reject Jesus the Messiah)? And what agreement (or unity) has the temple of God (you, if you are filled with and completely transformed by the Holy Spirit) with idols (and/or false gods)? For you (if you are completely repentant, and filled with the Holy Spirit and thus completely transformed) are the temple of the living God; as God has said, 'I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people'. Wherefore, come out from among them (all those who perpetrate, condone, support and/or perpetuate evil), and be separate (from them, COMPLETELY), says the Lord (God), and touch not the unclean thing (evil, vile things or their servant's ways); [or have any connection(s) with them], and I will (then and ONLY THEN) receive you (and infill and completely transform you, not before). And (I, Jesus the Messiah) will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty..."! [2nd Corinthians 6:14-18; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]
Sadly both Kennedy and Trump are rabid Zionist puppets. They have openly condemned, not supported, the Free Speech rights of the anti-genocide protestors on US campuses. My concern is that their handlers are setting the stage for a war with Iran. Is another false flag on the horizon? Is this Red Heifer nonsense going to play a role, a trigger for a wider war?
On the vaccine front, I will share this comment by Derrick Broze "So, just to be clear, some of you believe endorsing a guy who brought us Operation Warp Speed, supports the killing of Palestinian children, and is a known liar, that this is a principled move?
And trusting him to keep his promises, that seems like a good bet to you?
I feel increasingly like an outsider in a world gone mad."
Incidentally, the "leaked" call between Kennedy and Trump was painfully staged. And it's working, many are convinced these events, including the "Bullet" that grazed Trump's ear, are a divine message. Somehow these two will dismantle the "Deep State."
Whoever is (S)Elected as the Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein will be the Real Winner
EFC nails it in this satirical piece. A huge problem with many "Covid" dissidents, they often support the objectives of the Biosecurity state and some profit from it, including Malone who at one time was working on the development of a vaccine for "Covid."
There was no pandemic and all vaccines are poisons.
Incidentally, Jessica Rose has made some derogatory comments about anti-genocide protestors in Canada, similar to Trump, Kennedy et al. Trump in one rally said these "Hamas" protestors should get the death penalty.
Recent comment from Rick Thomas, "Yes, and it’s a sad reflection on this so-called Freedom community who think they are awake, but obviously has significant percentage of them are asleep at the switch… And they will fight tooth and nail for the orange messiah and for Israel’s right to exterminate Palestinians because they were never out on the streets fighting for everyone’s freedom… They were only fighting for their own freedom and their special interest group."