
DON'T vote for "Trump-madness"! My God, people, he's said he wants to be a dictator! He's telling his MAGA base that they won't ever have to vote again if he gets reelected! Do you understand what that means? It means that he thinks there's some way he can stay in office for life! You naively believe he just made a "mistake" on the "vaccines"? Crap no, look at how close he is with the Ashkenazi fake "Jews" of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 globalist "leaders" who are carrying out the present neo-holocaust!

You're gonna vote for THAT, as well as another Zionist, RFK, Jr.?! Are you out of your minds?! I see you don't believe there is complicity of all those who vote for and/or otherwise support evil, or that it "doesn't matter", like Chomsky falsely said that 9/11 Truth "doesn't matter". You're brainwashed that you have to vote, no matter what, otherwise you would supposedly not be good citizens and/or patriots, so you'll hold you nose and vote for evil because you allegedly have no choice! Bullpucky!

Well, I gotta tell ya again, DON'T VOTE FOR TRUMP OR THIS UNHOLY ALLIANCE! They're NOT going to save the republic! You can safely bet they'll back all Middle Eastern wars carried out by and/or on behalf of "Israehell-on-Earth"! There's no way that the Ashkenazi powers that be, which they support, would ever let them destroy "al CIAduh(!)" as JFK, Sr wanted to do, and end the oh-so-profitable wars! They will be manipulated puppets of the One World Order, or they'll be very dead at the hands of it!

You remind me of the "Woke", fake "Dims" with all of your false hope in evil people and evil "lesser of evils", and all of the fake hopey-hope they had in "Barach 'Insane' 'Odrona' just because he was a black man, correction half-black man (his mother was white) and could become the first black president! Woo-hoo! NOT! And practically his entire family, from both of his grandparents on his mother's side, his mother herself, his so-called "father", and his real father were all "al CIAduh(!)" to the marrow!

Vote for nobody, vote "write-in" if allowed, vote for Jill Stein, anything (except voting for insane totalitarian socialist, globalist, Zionist Kamala Harris) other than voting for Trump-Kennedy! They may have spoken out against how far "Israehell" has taken things; but, like all politicians, they're simply telling you what you want to hear! You claim to have been red-pilled and to now be awake; then how come you can still vote for evil, especially those among you who claim to be "Christians"?! If you vote for Trump-Kennedy, you are indirectly supporting the genocide in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank [and coming next to Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Yemen (in revenge for aiding the Palestinians), etc.]!


"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers [in True Christianity, but ONLY be in unity with NOTHNG BUT True Christianity, with Jesus the Messiah, and with NOTHING BUT righteousness (John 14:6)]; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with (any) darkness (and evil whatsoever)?  And what concord (connection, union) has (the) Christ with Belial (false gods and adherents of false gods, those who follow false gods, and all those who perpetrate and perpetuate evils of any kind and/or of any amount)? Or what part have they who believe (in Jesus the Messiah) with an(y and all) infidel(s) (those who reject Jesus the Messiah)?  And what agreement (or unity) has the temple of God (you, if you are filled with and completely transformed by the Holy Spirit) with idols (and/or false gods)? For you (if you are completely repentant, and filled with the Holy Spirit and thus completely transformed) are the temple of the living God; as God has said, 'I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people'.  Wherefore, come out from among them (all those who perpetrate, condone, support and/or perpetuate evil), and be separate (from them, COMPLETELY), says the Lord (God), and touch not the unclean thing (evil, vile things or their servant's ways); [or have any connection(s) with them], and I will (then and ONLY THEN) receive you (and infill and completely transform you, not before). And (I, Jesus the Messiah) will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty..."! [2nd Corinthians 6:14-18; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]


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I'm Canadian. I don't have a vote. As I see it its is a perfectly legitimate position to assertively not vote. However....while we are strategizing and organizing to throw off the weight of Israel First, Zionist and Jewish power, we need to secure healthy and abundant and affordable food... for the people in Gaza first but also for the rest of us. We need to resist the abuse of public health to advance depopulation and digitialized slavery including through transhumanist genetic modification. Harari makes it very clear this is in large measure a project of organized Jewry. To be effective in standing up to the monopolization of our politics by Zionists we meed to maintain our physical and psychological health. What's the strategy Wolf-Steppen? In your well-based opinion, how do you see the Axis of Resistance and how should we relate to it?

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I believe we all, who are awake and at least partially red-pilled (cannot be completely such without being transformed entirely by God the Father through Jesus the Messiah), must resist in every way we can; because, if we don't completely resist we will end up accepting the antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, and will lose our souls for all eternity. But, we each, individually can only do what we can do (but we should do all that we can do); for instance, me, I am totally physically disabled, so I can't do much; thus, beside writing letters to my "reps" and signing petitions, I write these comments to try and wake people up. I barely get through each day, so it's a wonder I can do even that much, sadly; but, again, I do what I can.

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Thank you Wolf-Steppen for all that you do.... which from where I sit, looks to me like a lot.

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T.Y. Please just call me Wolf.

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Sadly both Kennedy and Trump are rabid Zionist puppets. They have openly condemned, not supported, the Free Speech rights of the anti-genocide protestors on US campuses. My concern is that their handlers are setting the stage for a war with Iran. Is another false flag on the horizon? Is this Red Heifer nonsense going to play a role, a trigger for a wider war?

On the vaccine front, I will share this comment by Derrick Broze "So, just to be clear, some of you believe endorsing a guy who brought us Operation Warp Speed, supports the killing of Palestinian children, and is a known liar, that this is a principled move?

And trusting him to keep his promises, that seems like a good bet to you?

I feel increasingly like an outsider in a world gone mad."

Incidentally, the "leaked" call between Kennedy and Trump was painfully staged. And it's working, many are convinced these events, including the "Bullet" that grazed Trump's ear, are a divine message. Somehow these two will dismantle the "Deep State."

Whoever is (S)Elected as the Next U.S. President, Jeffrey Epstein will be the Real Winner https://vaccineimpact.com/2024/whoever-is-selected-as-the-next-u-s-president-jeffrey-epstein-will-be-the-real-winner/

EFC nails it in this satirical piece. A huge problem with many "Covid" dissidents, they often support the objectives of the Biosecurity state and some profit from it, including Malone who at one time was working on the development of a vaccine for "Covid."

There was no pandemic and all vaccines are poisons.


Incidentally, Jessica Rose has made some derogatory comments about anti-genocide protestors in Canada, similar to Trump, Kennedy et al. Trump in one rally said these "Hamas" protestors should get the death penalty.

Recent comment from Rick Thomas, "Yes, and it’s a sad reflection on this so-called Freedom community who think they are awake, but obviously has significant percentage of them are asleep at the switch… And they will fight tooth and nail for the orange messiah and for Israel’s right to exterminate Palestinians because they were never out on the streets fighting for everyone’s freedom… They were only fighting for their own freedom and their special interest group."

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Yes, I think they are going to put Trump in there and he's going to take us to war w/Iran. They are already laying the propaganda groundwork for that (they've done it for decades)- they tried to blame Iran for the WWE style fake assassination attempt that Trump was obviously in on. And Trump even tweeted out something along the lines of, if Iran ever does kill me, I hope the US wipes them off the map. Then Trump came out and said Iran hacked his election.

Here's more on 3rd temple Trump being chosen:


"Trump is Israel's pick for President. According to John Sawers, the former MI6 chief, Netanyahu desires Donald Trump’s return to power, knowing that the U.S. will have to support Israel if war breaks out with Iran. Sawers mentioned that Trump is Netanyahu's top choice because of his susceptibility to Israeli influence."

Based on 7/13 theater (Jewish religious texts mention getting pierce in the right ear and becoming a servant of Israel), rabbis on video say that Trump has been chosen by God to become President and serve Israel: https://x.com/Know_More_News/status/1816222530975465564 (Jewish religious text mention the piercing of the right ear and serving Israel)

Ex-Zio Jew says group of Orthodox Jews, who run the country, gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, which is to be put on head of Messiah- they think it's Trump: https://rumble.com/v57tv4d-jewish-rabbis-crown-their-messiah-guess-who-it-is.html

And here's a Jewish (maybe Israeli?) woman talking about the plot (she doesn't seem to be onboard w/it, she's just telling Rick Wiles about it): https://x.com/LetsGoBrando45/status/1820821649622467053

“The soul of the Ta|mud is Zohar, and the soul of Zohar is the Kabala.” They teach that when the Jewish messiah arrives [THE ANTICHRIST], all who do not bend the knee will be killed [when they refuse the mark that allows you to buy and sell]. (she also mentions an AI God to rule over us)

So, kind of looks like Trump is their Messiah and he's slated to bring in the CBDCs---no matter what he's selling, the MAGA/Q cult is onboard, with no questions asked.

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And I'm someone who back in 2016 was pro-Trump and willing to give him a chance given his platform. But once he kept the lockdown, attacked Governors who were trying to open up early, I smelled rat. I've since done more digging into his background and it looks like he has a long history with the Jewish mafia, might be a crypto Jew, and is owned by the bankers.

Trump has worked with the Jewish mafia for years (and he's obviously Israel FIRST):


And he might even be crypto-Jewish:


"few weeks ago I came across this photo. Caption reads: "Fred C. Trump, who donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven jevvish Center..." It got me wondering.Why is the Trump family so entangled with jevvs, professionally & personally. Is DJT a cryptojew?"....(long thread) ...


Trump's involvement with Resorts International is an interesting part of his story. Resorts International was used a front by the C¡A & møssād to launder profits from drugs & arms sales. Trump stepped in as front man of Resorts International in 1987 & became famous from there.

Also seems like he's been captured by the bankers:


From twitter link above: "In 1990, when Trump's Atlantic City Taj Mahal casino was about to put him out of business, "Wilbur Ross, then an investment banker working for Røthschild Inc, helped bondholders negotiate with Trump," ultimately saving his business. Doesn't talmud tell jevvs not to help goy?"

https://x.com/TheResetSniper/status/1814509118104785358 David Rockefeller when Chair of Chase bank kept his failed casino & property 'Empire' going with a bottomless overdraft. Those that dont see it are stupid.

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Totally agree 100%

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Who isn't a Zionist puppet at the high level of politics and Big media in North America? Maybe Thomas Massie. I can't think of anyone in the Canadian Parliament who isn't. We can keep pointing it out and decrying the injustice of it... which we do. In the meantime what are we to do about issues like poisonous food, medicine, water and air. In a world of Zionist control I am glad to see Kennedy might be able to do something about the toxification of pretty near. Let's keep working together on the problem of what to do with the toxification of so many minds. Is that too naive of me?

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The health freedom movement has been full of controlled opposition and those are the people who get promoted with huge followings. The real covid truth-tellers are largely ignored. And I also noticed that a lot of the fake covid dissidents who were heavily promoted Brett Weinstein, Naomi Wolf, Breggins, also happen to be members of the tribe, who curiously don't notice all of the Jews involved in the covid operation, but keep telling us that China is the enemy.

https://x.com/Alec_Zeck/status/1814400944123326639 Trump isn’t the freedom movement’s Trojan Horse for the deep state; Trump is the deep state’s Trojan Horse for the freedom movement.

And for more on the 7/13 theatrics:

Seven signs Trump’s assassination attempt was faked Psychological operation is aimed at the religious and unintelligent, say analysts (Updated 7/18/24) JAMES HILL, MD


There are Jewish religious texts about getting "pierced" in the right ear and becoming a servant for Israel (there are Rabbis who are now saying that Trump has been chosen by God to become President and serve Israel)

Here's an interesting take, referring to it as a bondslave ritual:


I present a theory that the attempted assassination on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 was a dual Bondslave ritual and a fake assassination hoax. It's the same event but designed to be interpreted differently by two audiences.

For the elite Jews, who own and control the global media and finance, this event served as confirmation of Trump's bondage to them. His ear was pierced as part of a deal where he capitulates to them; a deal that required him to undergo the bondslave ritual. This is a spiritual commitment from Trump that he is now their property, and he will carry out their agenda to the T.

To the goyim public, the event serves as a "building of the legend" type psy-op to create the image of an "Orange Jesus" who was "saved by divine intervention" and who now has "the mandate of heaven."

In this way, the willing bondslave Trump, who sold himself, his family, and his nation to the Pharisees, will now be propelled to power by the very same sheeple whom he intends to slaughter on behalf of his owners in his coming administration. Rather evil, when you think about it.

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Dear Sandra, excellent, insightful commentary and links, thank you for sharing!

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It's a choice between lesser evils, Harris or Trump.

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I say a choice between greater evils, and lesser people.

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Yeah, I feel so hopeful that these two genocide supporters have come together!

Trump told Israel to finish the job (as in kill off 2.3 million men, women, children and babies). And he's promised to restore Israel's power over US Congress, and he wants to expel those of us who don't like Israel, that genocidal, false-flaging, gang-raping, baby slaughtering nation of psychopaths

And Kennedy told Lisa Peace maybe it would be best if they were all gone.

Clearly good times are coming!


The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era's most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.

Perhaps the worst part is that the people who cared about accountability for what came downstream of Op Warp Speed as well as the mass theft of American wealth from Covid fiscal policy (i.e. "going direct) and govt policy from Birx, Fauci, etc. no longer care nor maybe never did

Trump still stands by his admin's Covid-era decisions incl Warp Speed, + also includes the Covid era QE (going direct) and putting Larry Fink in charge of the US' fiscal response to lockdowns that resulted in the greatest wealth transfer in US history.

If you think Trump "learned his lesson" about Covid (when he still declares Warp Speed a triumph) and it will be different next time because RFK JR endorsed him, you may be high as a kite on conservative-flavored hopium. Policy records matter and so does accountability

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With Kennedy, clean food free of chemicals and pesticides, clean water, clean air take first place. Top priority over netzero, carbon reduction and climate change hype. These concocted harms are downgraded, as it should be. That is bad news for the authoritarian woke folks like Trudeau, Biden, Kamalalala, Guibeault, Notley etc





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Addendum, an excerpt from Jon Rappoport's substack:

"Upstate: Kennedy just put out a video explaining his position on Vs. He wants to repeal the 1986 law that prevents pharmaceutical companies from being sued for V injuries. He wants to ensure the individual’s right to refuse any medical treatment is upheld. No V mandates. His third point was less clear to me. It seems he wants to study and find out which children are harmed by vaccines—so the shots can be made safer.

I’m not impressed. I don’t see a warrior who could be sent in to run a massively corrupt federal health agency and expose it down to its roots. And turn it around. And fight off the psychopaths and their armies of helpers.

Kennedy comes across as a man who is short-circuiting his own knowledge of how bad Vs really are. He’s biting his tongue. Holding back. Trying to sound reasonable. Making it seem that vaccines only injure and kill people who are unusually disposed to being affected.

He’s lying.

About one of the most horrendous and widespread and long-term POISONINGS in the world, he’s coming up way short.

He’s lying.

The work of his own people at Children’s Health Defense has exposed far more about devastating Vs than Kennedy will admit.

He’s lying.

The CHD Vaxxed buses that travel around the country and talk to mothers of children who have been destroyed by vaccines—Kennedy doesn’t highlight this on his campaign trail. He refuses.

He’s lying.

Some of his supporters—maybe many—will be satisfied if they, as parents, can minimize the number of shots THEIR children have to take. Or if they can keep THEIR kids away from all shots. The hell with everybody else.

They’ll say, “This is the best we can do.”

But the mass slaughter of innocents will go on.

Kennedy is compromising his position.

He’s lying.

He knows the full truth of the devastating V plague. It’s all Vs. It’s always been all Vs.



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Of course he’s lying.

He’s a junkie (former???) and a prostitute.

What else would one expect from a member of the DC whorehouse.

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Wow, thanks for posting!

Interesting how Rappoport has called this out. He was on the hopium train when Kennedy announced his campaign, and insulted those of us who saw through all of it.

It's all theater IMO.

Health freedom movement is a joke.

Trump has a long history of working with the Jewish mafia, they gave him the silver crown of the Torah and think he's the Jewish messiah.

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Forgot the link:

Here's An American Jew (ex-Zio) talking about Trump being the Jewish messiah;

https://rumble.com/v57tv4d-jewish-rabbis-crown-their-messiah-guess-who-it-is.html "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're are part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their mashiach, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace" an utterance out of the prophet Isaiah for the Messiah. In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, gave him silver crown of Torah.....Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek. And they want all you people dead."

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Sorry if this post is not appropriate for substack- I recently joined x to follow what's going on in Gaza. It's a horror show, and lots of Palestinians have gofundme fundraiser set up in the hope of raising enough funds to escape death. I've been trying to spread the word on x, but my account is small and nobody sees it. Anyway, here's a fundraiser a 17 y.o has set up for his parents and siblings (18,15,14 & 7) They are in a desperate situation, and even small amounts could help (I don't think they even have a tent yet). If anyone has a way of sharing this elsewhere on social media, I'd greatly appreciate it-


(I don't know him or his family, I just felt bad for him, especially since they have so far to go in raising money--I can't imagine what it's like to be a 17 y.o., having to set up a gofundme to try to save your life and that of your family, but that's the horror this world has been reduced to).

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The situation in Gaza and the region is horrific as is the corresponding situation in the presidential election. It seems to me we are past the point of making distinctions between the attachments of Kamala or Trump to the genocidal partners of the US government in Israel. Both candidates are full-on Zionists. Both are subject to the dictates of same masters who have the capacity to invoke tremendous power over the US military apparatus leading even as far as a full-on war with Iran and the Axis of Resistance.

Moreover insult is added to injury by the unquestioning loyalty of RFK to Israel and hostility to Palestinians and the Axis of Resistance. Me and all the commenters here and I have hashed out this Zionist monopoly over Western state power as well as NATO, World Bank, WEF etc.


The new configuration in the election doesn't change the Zionist monopoly, although the power of "we the people" is breaking out here and there even as the vicious military pounding of civilians continues unabated in Gaza.

My impression from hearing 14 minutes of collaboration between Trump and RFK in the stage in Phoenix is that Trump's platform has suddenly become considerably wider and more attractive for average people. With RFK aboard we might see some genuine advances guided by an accomplished if imperfect expert in key aspects of food and health safety. Who else is anywhere in sight with comparable knowhow in his specialties and in how power works. Who else with comparable understanding and grit is on the podium with a good chance of being appointed to high office?

Surely RFK is the most obvious embodiment of the best part of the legacy of the Democratic Party. He is the victim of the Dem's viciousness and he speaks about the subject very well. What a ghastly commentary on the abysmal record of the Biden/Harris Team during their 4 years of illicit rule on the basis of an elaborate election fraud executed in part through the manipulation of the COVID Hoax which, of course, Trump owns in part as well. How many of us can say we didn't learn something from RFK in the years when he was sharing his insights gained as in the arena of environmental and public health litigation.

RFK's condemnation of the Democratic Party and the current bunch of rich woke frauds running it, is a serious mark against the competence and ethics of the Kamalalalalala Cabal and their wide-eyed, empty-headed groupies. Kennedy has considered the tradeoffs and has landed on his feet on a platform where he can continue to promote the most worthy part of his agenda.

The Biden/Trump/Kennedy conformity on the Israel-Palestine issue presents a powerful illustration of how far the ethos of Jewish Supremacy in practically every field of endeavour has been extended. Its not much different in UK, Canada, France, Germany etc. Some of us take that issue on more or less weekly here at Substack. And we are far from alone.

The upper echelon of Zionists have pretty much succeeded in making the whole voting-media-elections-bribery-blackmail-fake democracy package, an instrument for the continuation and augmentation of their enforced operation of Jewish and Israel First supremacy. Zionists pretty much took over that system and they run it largely on the basis of the banking system they dominate.

This reality is on glaring display in this US election, an election which is and will inevitably be the subject of rigging efforts on both sides. Its not a pretty picture. But its better than it was a few days ago. The merger of three front-running campaigns into two campaigns does change a lot. Its pretty unlikely we can vote our way out of this mess. We need to deploy other strategies as well. In the meantime, demoralization is our enemy. Naivite is our enemy. We have to make the best we can of opportunities when they come our way.

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Excellent, perspicacious analysis not ever found in US Lamestream Media.

My only concern is their support for the illegitimate & terrorist Israeli Entity

What the US needs is a second party since the two existing ones are but two cheeks of the great malodorous American behind

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What always surprises me no end is how disdainful of evidence so many people are.

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Comment from journalist Vanessa Beeley:

"With Trump and Kennedy you have a combination that is 100 times more likely to lead us to Armageddon and idiots are saying Trump supplied less weapons to Israel. Of course he did because he was destroying Syria through unilateral collective punishment economic sanctions, assassinating Resistance leadership and paving the way for greater Israel, Clean Break through Abraham Accords and Jerusalem, giving Golan to Zionist occupation. He didn't NEED to start wars, he certainly didn't end them, he increased the hybrid war strategy to pave the way for the final solution and Kennedy is fully on board, whatever his title.

It's astonishing to watch people whitewash the Trump role in the empowerment of the Zionist entity which has led to the genocide we are witnessing. There is no one or the other (Trump or Harris) they work as a tag team, oligarchs and deep dark state create the road map. We are already in WW3 and Trump will go to war with Iran, effectively with Russia and China.

Why continue supporting a putrid corpse of a US political system?

And, by the way, Kennedy support base is not anti-Zionist. They are generally apathetic and prepared to excuse Kennedy's criminal genocide denial and defence of Zionist apartheid and ethnosupremacism because "America first". Genocide is the Red line that Trump and Kennedy will erase and normalisation of genocide is a clandestine policy of this partnership.

We are already in WW3. Trump will not end any wars, he never has. Iran and China are in his crosshairs."

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Agree with Vanessa 100% Trump is their favorite puppet- they truly believe he's the Jewish messiah (they gave him the crown) and more.

Here's a quick video of a rabbi outlining the plans they have for Trump:

Rabbi says Trump chosen by God as Messiah to serve Israel (b/c of fake assassination on 7/13, getting his right ear pierced), build 3rd temple, Jews will rule over mankind, new UN in Jerusalem


And a commenter above mentioned Trump's comment about not how we won't have to vote again. Well, if they move forward with their JWO, as the rabbi said about "Jews will rule over mankind"--so, I guess that means we won't need to vote because they will be ruling over all of us. And with having Vance/Thiel as his VP, the technocracy will move forward (Whitney Webb has warned about him, as has Dr. Jane Ruby)

I also noticed that a lot of the controlled opposition during covid who were heavily promoted by the algorithms so they could grow huge followings on the social media just happen to be Jewish (e.g. Naomi Wolf, Brett Weinstein, Breggins, etc) And instead of pointing out that this was a US DoD military operation and that there are Jews all over covid and the kill shots, they are telling their followings that China's the big enemy. And even Jew CEO of Palantir Karp is out there saying that the US will have to fight a 3 front war w/Iran, Russia, and China. These Jews are setting us up for destruction in WW3. They are behind all of the wars-they orchestrate them and profit from them:

Here's a notice to Jews from back in 1937, saying they are exempt from military service because it's against Judaism, and that they will stay home and "the dumb goyim will fight while we profit"

see pg 119


Finally, it sure looks like they are rolling out their JWO- read below and see how it fits with what's happening right now (open borders, dissolution of races, providing the leaders, having all wealth in their hands, which sounds like The Great Taking/WEF 2030 "you will have nothing")

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." — Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928

They are making Jewish prophesies happen. If you watch Adam King's videos of the rabbis, you can see where this is going and how we are slated for destruction (these insane rabbis have grudges against people from thousands of years ago)

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An interesting collection of essays by many I listen to. I would take Trump/Vance/RFK jr. vs Kamala et al any day of the week !

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Kennedy is a  “suicide” waiting to happen. Planes have been known to come down unexpectedly…

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