Thank-you for the insightful and informative article! Well done, Tony! In your article you mentioned the Michael Zahef-Bibeau 2014 false flag Ottawa drama, which I didn't learn about until Graeme MacQueen spoke about it at one of our 9/11 Truth Film Festivals. Sadly, Graeme passed away recently, but I think he will live on in our hearts and in his work. Dave Ratcliffe did post his most recent book at https://ratical.org/ which also includes a link to Graeme's "The October 22, 2014 Ottawa Shootings: Why Canadians Need a Public Inquiry" -https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/Sep11PentagonsBMovie/2014OttawaShootingsNeedPubInq.pdf ... I doubt if many Americans are aware of the incident, but it does parallel so well the unending "false flags" that you and Kevin Barrett have so painstakingly noted. At least now, the idea of "false flags" has been embedded in the public consciousness, whereas before it was "unthinkable."

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Thanks Carol. A friend pointed out the 2014 article to me recently. Many of my writings on Veterans Today have been reposted lately after Gordon Duff deplatformed me. Duff had disagreed with my characterization of Lavoy Finicum's death. Duff called it suicide by cop. When I re-read the essay I remember how much easier it was to do research on the web in 2014. Now the first two pages of Google posts on any topic give the authorized version and much of the good stuff is not available to the search engines. That's how Global Research.ca works these days.

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"The Revolution Will Not Be [in the first 2 pages of Google search] Televised."


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