Prof. Hall....once again another excellent and thoughtful essay. My eyes are somewhat teared as I read this one and eventually dried. Your knowledge and perspective related to this mess is invaluable. Thank-you.
ANTHONY, thank you so much for your great JIHAAD for the TRUTH that most of us do not really deserve as we still flock to serve the same Satanic systems that are destroying the world.
The main reason why SS Saint Satanyahoo and his NAZI Nationalist Apartheid Zionist Israel has been able to and is still carrying out the Holocaust of the Palestinian people in open air homicidal Death Camps and visible homicidal gas chambers for any human with a single brain cell to see is because we did not resort to massive total boycott of the WARMONGERING GENOCIDAL YAHUMOLOCHS that created NAZI Israel in the first place: USA-UK-EU-UNO!
I keep thinking about it, and how "Semite" describes Arabs and Palestinians and some Jews, but not Ashkenazi Jews, and there are certainly anti-Zionist Jews protesting on campuses with Jewish Voice For Peace, and we really only oppose the genocide, lies and theft, right?
One legendary figure has been promoted as the Messiah, the Son of God, Ya Hu Shuah or Yehoshuah or Yeshuah or ‘Isho or ‘Isa! There is no contemporary evidence that he ever even existed! The word ARAB existed since Biblical times or even before, but was replaced by Europeans much later by SEMITE to denote languages, dialects and patois having the same roots. Today, this term SEMITE has been monopolised by Israel and so-called Jews as being exclusively JOOWISH and ISRAELISH! The Judeo-Christian Alliance have reserved the term ARAB as concerning exclusively the impure descendants of ISHMAEL, the “BASTARD WILD DONKEY SON OF ABRAHAM HE HAD WITH HAGGAR THE BOND EGYPTIAN MAID OF SARAH, HE HAD LEGALLY MARRIED”??? Crap is always good to swallow by dumb, deaf and blind people!
That was excellent! Many angles, complex, but the one thing no one can deny is this deliberate genocide by Israel’s leader against the poor innocent unarmed Palestinian people and their culture.
The acadcemic world violates its first essential premise for existence... make no assumptions.
Nobody has bothered to check that "God's Chosen People" are in fact Jews. That is the fatal weakness of religion, it discourages research, accepting what is "self-evident".
FACT: It is illegal to identify DNA in Israel, unless with a Court Order and caveats of silence. Why? Because DNA tests would expose the reality that the dominent sector of Israel, Ashkenazim, possess no Semitic DNA whatsoever.
Some young Americans became suspicious that critics were right and so submitted to DNA tests in the US, discovering the horrendous truth. They are currently shouting this from the rooftops, ignored by the Zionist-owned mainstream media.
The world could end the genocide in one fell swoop by installing three changes:
• Expel the US and Israel from the United Nations; and
• Conduct a member nation referendum to abandon the Security Council; and
• Require all persons claiming to be Jews to submit to DNA testing.
This will reveal that all persons who are indeed ethnic Semites will be identified as Palestinians, Sephardi, Mizrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Beta Israel, and other Jewish tribes.
These, the true descendants of the indigenous peoples of Palestine, will also no doubt include others, such as Druze, Arabic Christians, and Tuareg, with whom they have lived peacefully for centuries.
The UN must then order all non-Semites to depart from Palestine unless specifically invited to remain. And as the perpetrators of the most destructive and murderous fraud ever inflicted on humanity, Zionists must stand trial for their crimes. These crimes shall be defined by an all-nations legal team.
It is presumed the so-called Israelis will refuse to submit to DNA tests and all should then be declared outlaws, worldwide.
Expulsion of the US will also remove the single obstacle to Palestine getting recognition as a full member.
This option has been on the table for at least 15 years, when Israeli Professor Schlomo Zand exposed the truth. But global academia has been looking very hard the other way all this time. So too, have police, genetic sciences, and supreme legal bodies. All are captive to the Zionist blackmail and bribery teams run with the support of Zionist media chief, Rupert Murdoch.
Elohim, Ilahi, Ya Hu Wa, Ha Shem, Adonaï, Moloch and more were the Gods of decadent Israel that invented a purely racist and ethnic ideology founded on the supremacy of female descendents and not under a male or patriarchal system as it was initially under the Arabian Patriarch Abraham. Those ideological racist supremacists adopted and monopolised the Arabian term ISRA EL, El being an Arabian God, but as more powerful than God according to their myth that Yakov, one of their Tribe, fought an Angel or God Himself and won! ISRA EL, powerful as God, or more Powerful than God. Israel does not believe in the “Abrahamic God” at all.
“History” lies when it records that a KINGDOM of Israel or even a KINGDOM of Judah existed. These were just two of the alleged 12 small tribes living on Arabian, Egyptian, Persian and Babylonian lands known as Assyria, Canaan, Palestine, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Jordan, Yemen, Misr (Egypt), Ethiopia, Persia, etc., named JUDEA by the Greeks and the occupying Roman armies. Those alleged Kingdoms were the translation of the “Arabian” term CHIEFTAN or HEAD of a family or tribe from MALIK or MOLOCH or MELECH to the European term KING, hence KINGDOM. Ezra and Nehemiah were the Babylonian founders of Racist Supremacist Israel that they allegedly imposed on all Israel worldwide! Recorded “History” is filled with such myths and lies!
Overnight young “Palestinian” sheep herder DAWOD, DAWUD, DAUD or DAVID was made “KING” of the small tribe he belonged to, and the little farming land where they also bred animals was called David’s KINGDOM! What language did the Greek and Roman conquerors and the mostly illiterate conquered ones speak? WHO KNEW? WHO GIVES A DAMN? The Roman armies never conquered any Judean or Israelite KINGDOMS, but “Middle Eastern” TRIBES, and Israelite tribes whose leaders the Pharisees (Persians?), Sadducees, Levites and others joined them to rule over the conquered lands. Small groups from the inhabitants surrounding Jerusalem rose up against both Roman occupation and Israelite leadership.
One legendary figure has been promoted as the Messiah, the Son of God, Ya Hu Shuah or Yehoshuah or Yeshuah or ‘Isho or ‘Isa! There is no contemporary evidence that he ever even existed! The word ARAB existed since Biblical times or even before, but was replaced by Europeans much later by SEMITE to denote languages, dialects and patois having the same roots. Today, this term SEMITE has been monopolised by Israel and so-called Jews as being exclusively JOOWISH and ISRAELISH! The Judeo-Christian Alliance have reserved the term ARAB as concerning exclusively the impure descendants of ISHMAEL, the “BASTARD WILD DONKEY SON OF ABRAHAM HE HAD WITH HAGGAR THE BOND EGYPTIAN MAID OF SARAH, HE HAD LEGALLY MARRIED”??? Crap is always good to swallow by dumb, deaf and blind people!
I'm pretty sure I'm right when I suspect that The Globalists and The Zionists are - to use George Galloway's spicy metaphor - two cheeks of the same behind. Think Yuval Noah Harari. I've often wondered what kind of culture or society could vomit forth such an odious and satanic apparition. The last six months have answered my question. It's endemic to Israeli society and the Zionist diaspora itself.
An excellent article Anthony, covering all the key points of this genocidal debacle against the Palestinians. My first thought when I read articles I sent you, and what you wrote here with regards to the protests at major universities against the Gaza genocide, in which students and professors were arrested by police, and snipers sat on roofs.....was, Kent State. Which was another genocidal war protest that ended in the tragic deaths of students on campus by the so-called authorities. History repeats itself I thought. The biggest bombshell in this article if you will pardon the pun, is the Pepe Escobar allegations from a whistleblower claiming Israel had sent a nuke via an F-35 to be used for an EMP attack on Iran, but was shot down by Russia. If that allegation is true, then this conflict knows no bounds. At this rate Netanyahu will be responsible for WW3....This is a very chilling revelation !
I inserted the University story featuring Netanyahu just yesterday. The suff that comes next I laboured over for quite a while. In the twitter realm on the University story, I saw references to Kent state and to the pictures of the snipers. I tried to keep it fairly tight and to zero in a Netanyahu and human sacrifice which emerged as core themes. So far I'm trying to hold back from thinking the Pepe Escobar story is true. I have shared quite a bit of time with Pepe in recent years. I believe Pepe has pretty much become a trusted insider (from the outside) in Russia. I can't help thinking that the US-Israel-Zionist bunch are increasingly desperate about the rise of Iran (which is how I met Pepe) and just might have tried something like using a nuke to fry the electrical grid and hamper communications.
Good work. You're staying with the story. Could Pepe's story have involved an effort to divert us from the story in the videos you have. What is the source of these videos? A Israeli-friendly source I think. Help me out here.
John, this is the 'New Normal' between 'the governing' and the 'governed' apparently. There is a pattern here. Deviation and dissidence will not be permitted.
See this short clip from the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in February 2022.
Excellent. I forwarded your substack to the editors at Signs of the Times and hopefully they will publish it. I also dropped a note and a link to this substack in the stories (similar to this) comment section where a bunch of us over the last 22 years have built a robust community of international folks with mutual views commenting on these matters. Cheers !
DECADENT GENOCIDAL RACIST SUPREMACIST ISRAEL, small Arabian Babylonian or Mesopotamian nomadic tribes of bandits, Habirus or Hebrews, hijacked the Arabian or “Middle Eastern” Oral Traditions about one Abraham and his One God, and invented myths about “bastards” like Ishmael, “Israel’s” Egyptian slaves (“hand-maidens) like Haggar, and “eternal enemies” like Amalek and others their genocidal and plundering Gods commanded them to exterminate and steal their lands and resources.
From those myths, (Deut. 25:19) and (Deut. 25:17), they developed their extremist and fanatical “Never Forget” religion, that of “Constant Remembrance”, and above all, their God’s Commandment "You shall blot out the memory of Amalek" (Deut. 25:19). Yes, until the end of the world always remember the myth of the German “Six Million Holocaust”, and “blot out”, genocide, exterminate, holocaust all your enemies, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Egyptians, Persians, Mesopotamians, Palestinians, and all Natives where you put your feet as their Terrorist God gave them the whole world as an Eternal possession; and gave them as well all non-Judaics and non-Ashké Nazi Zionists as their slaves, prostitutes, and factories for their organs trafficking.
No wonder, those gangsters who have absolutely nothing to do with the Real Arabian Children of Israel, remain a very small minority of 10-20 millions out of some 7-8 billion humans they hate to death until decadent Christianity that has little to do with Christ recruited them, the Nationalist Apartheid Zionist Israel, to be used as a pretext to carry out their wars, terrorise, bomb, conquer, plunder, genocide and depopulate the world! They are joined today by NAZI Hindutva.
Many, like me, are not surprised to read George Bernard Shaw quoted as to have asked us to keep the “Bible” under lock and key and out of our children’s reach because it is “the most dangerous book on Earth”! I read about this in 1964 from my Penguin book of quotations. (Now, this information has been censored, “archived or suspended” by Google for “violation of their terms of service”!)
Prof. Hall....once again another excellent and thoughtful essay. My eyes are somewhat teared as I read this one and eventually dried. Your knowledge and perspective related to this mess is invaluable. Thank-you.
ANTHONY, thank you so much for your great JIHAAD for the TRUTH that most of us do not really deserve as we still flock to serve the same Satanic systems that are destroying the world.
The main reason why SS Saint Satanyahoo and his NAZI Nationalist Apartheid Zionist Israel has been able to and is still carrying out the Holocaust of the Palestinian people in open air homicidal Death Camps and visible homicidal gas chambers for any human with a single brain cell to see is because we did not resort to massive total boycott of the WARMONGERING GENOCIDAL YAHUMOLOCHS that created NAZI Israel in the first place: USA-UK-EU-UNO!
I keep thinking about it, and how "Semite" describes Arabs and Palestinians and some Jews, but not Ashkenazi Jews, and there are certainly anti-Zionist Jews protesting on campuses with Jewish Voice For Peace, and we really only oppose the genocide, lies and theft, right?
"Anti-Satanic"? Is that going to work better?
The Kharzarian worshippers of Saturn?
I read that the ancient Rus had to lay down the law to the Khazars to stop sacrificing children, but you read all kinds of things, right?
One legendary figure has been promoted as the Messiah, the Son of God, Ya Hu Shuah or Yehoshuah or Yeshuah or ‘Isho or ‘Isa! There is no contemporary evidence that he ever even existed! The word ARAB existed since Biblical times or even before, but was replaced by Europeans much later by SEMITE to denote languages, dialects and patois having the same roots. Today, this term SEMITE has been monopolised by Israel and so-called Jews as being exclusively JOOWISH and ISRAELISH! The Judeo-Christian Alliance have reserved the term ARAB as concerning exclusively the impure descendants of ISHMAEL, the “BASTARD WILD DONKEY SON OF ABRAHAM HE HAD WITH HAGGAR THE BOND EGYPTIAN MAID OF SARAH, HE HAD LEGALLY MARRIED”??? Crap is always good to swallow by dumb, deaf and blind people!
That was excellent! Many angles, complex, but the one thing no one can deny is this deliberate genocide by Israel’s leader against the poor innocent unarmed Palestinian people and their culture.
The acadcemic world violates its first essential premise for existence... make no assumptions.
Nobody has bothered to check that "God's Chosen People" are in fact Jews. That is the fatal weakness of religion, it discourages research, accepting what is "self-evident".
FACT: It is illegal to identify DNA in Israel, unless with a Court Order and caveats of silence. Why? Because DNA tests would expose the reality that the dominent sector of Israel, Ashkenazim, possess no Semitic DNA whatsoever.
Some young Americans became suspicious that critics were right and so submitted to DNA tests in the US, discovering the horrendous truth. They are currently shouting this from the rooftops, ignored by the Zionist-owned mainstream media.
The world could end the genocide in one fell swoop by installing three changes:
• Expel the US and Israel from the United Nations; and
• Conduct a member nation referendum to abandon the Security Council; and
• Require all persons claiming to be Jews to submit to DNA testing.
This will reveal that all persons who are indeed ethnic Semites will be identified as Palestinians, Sephardi, Mizrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Beta Israel, and other Jewish tribes.
These, the true descendants of the indigenous peoples of Palestine, will also no doubt include others, such as Druze, Arabic Christians, and Tuareg, with whom they have lived peacefully for centuries.
The UN must then order all non-Semites to depart from Palestine unless specifically invited to remain. And as the perpetrators of the most destructive and murderous fraud ever inflicted on humanity, Zionists must stand trial for their crimes. These crimes shall be defined by an all-nations legal team.
It is presumed the so-called Israelis will refuse to submit to DNA tests and all should then be declared outlaws, worldwide.
Expulsion of the US will also remove the single obstacle to Palestine getting recognition as a full member.
This option has been on the table for at least 15 years, when Israeli Professor Schlomo Zand exposed the truth. But global academia has been looking very hard the other way all this time. So too, have police, genetic sciences, and supreme legal bodies. All are captive to the Zionist blackmail and bribery teams run with the support of Zionist media chief, Rupert Murdoch.
Iran. Israel's best friend?
Elohim, Ilahi, Ya Hu Wa, Ha Shem, Adonaï, Moloch and more were the Gods of decadent Israel that invented a purely racist and ethnic ideology founded on the supremacy of female descendents and not under a male or patriarchal system as it was initially under the Arabian Patriarch Abraham. Those ideological racist supremacists adopted and monopolised the Arabian term ISRA EL, El being an Arabian God, but as more powerful than God according to their myth that Yakov, one of their Tribe, fought an Angel or God Himself and won! ISRA EL, powerful as God, or more Powerful than God. Israel does not believe in the “Abrahamic God” at all.
“History” lies when it records that a KINGDOM of Israel or even a KINGDOM of Judah existed. These were just two of the alleged 12 small tribes living on Arabian, Egyptian, Persian and Babylonian lands known as Assyria, Canaan, Palestine, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Jordan, Yemen, Misr (Egypt), Ethiopia, Persia, etc., named JUDEA by the Greeks and the occupying Roman armies. Those alleged Kingdoms were the translation of the “Arabian” term CHIEFTAN or HEAD of a family or tribe from MALIK or MOLOCH or MELECH to the European term KING, hence KINGDOM. Ezra and Nehemiah were the Babylonian founders of Racist Supremacist Israel that they allegedly imposed on all Israel worldwide! Recorded “History” is filled with such myths and lies!
Overnight young “Palestinian” sheep herder DAWOD, DAWUD, DAUD or DAVID was made “KING” of the small tribe he belonged to, and the little farming land where they also bred animals was called David’s KINGDOM! What language did the Greek and Roman conquerors and the mostly illiterate conquered ones speak? WHO KNEW? WHO GIVES A DAMN? The Roman armies never conquered any Judean or Israelite KINGDOMS, but “Middle Eastern” TRIBES, and Israelite tribes whose leaders the Pharisees (Persians?), Sadducees, Levites and others joined them to rule over the conquered lands. Small groups from the inhabitants surrounding Jerusalem rose up against both Roman occupation and Israelite leadership.
One legendary figure has been promoted as the Messiah, the Son of God, Ya Hu Shuah or Yehoshuah or Yeshuah or ‘Isho or ‘Isa! There is no contemporary evidence that he ever even existed! The word ARAB existed since Biblical times or even before, but was replaced by Europeans much later by SEMITE to denote languages, dialects and patois having the same roots. Today, this term SEMITE has been monopolised by Israel and so-called Jews as being exclusively JOOWISH and ISRAELISH! The Judeo-Christian Alliance have reserved the term ARAB as concerning exclusively the impure descendants of ISHMAEL, the “BASTARD WILD DONKEY SON OF ABRAHAM HE HAD WITH HAGGAR THE BOND EGYPTIAN MAID OF SARAH, HE HAD LEGALLY MARRIED”??? Crap is always good to swallow by dumb, deaf and blind people!
Saturday 27 April 2024
I'm pretty sure I'm right when I suspect that The Globalists and The Zionists are - to use George Galloway's spicy metaphor - two cheeks of the same behind. Think Yuval Noah Harari. I've often wondered what kind of culture or society could vomit forth such an odious and satanic apparition. The last six months have answered my question. It's endemic to Israeli society and the Zionist diaspora itself.
Wait, wait, wait... God, the God of Love does not want human-sacrifices.
Only Moloch wants human sacrifices.
Clearly, there is some sort of misunderstanding at work here...
What about Yahweh. I think he likes human sacrifices.
No, that was just a "test", right?
Scott Ritter covered the "Amalek" and false-prophet angle here:
An excellent article Anthony, covering all the key points of this genocidal debacle against the Palestinians. My first thought when I read articles I sent you, and what you wrote here with regards to the protests at major universities against the Gaza genocide, in which students and professors were arrested by police, and snipers sat on roofs.....was, Kent State. Which was another genocidal war protest that ended in the tragic deaths of students on campus by the so-called authorities. History repeats itself I thought. The biggest bombshell in this article if you will pardon the pun, is the Pepe Escobar allegations from a whistleblower claiming Israel had sent a nuke via an F-35 to be used for an EMP attack on Iran, but was shot down by Russia. If that allegation is true, then this conflict knows no bounds. At this rate Netanyahu will be responsible for WW3....This is a very chilling revelation !
I inserted the University story featuring Netanyahu just yesterday. The suff that comes next I laboured over for quite a while. In the twitter realm on the University story, I saw references to Kent state and to the pictures of the snipers. I tried to keep it fairly tight and to zero in a Netanyahu and human sacrifice which emerged as core themes. So far I'm trying to hold back from thinking the Pepe Escobar story is true. I have shared quite a bit of time with Pepe in recent years. I believe Pepe has pretty much become a trusted insider (from the outside) in Russia. I can't help thinking that the US-Israel-Zionist bunch are increasingly desperate about the rise of Iran (which is how I met Pepe) and just might have tried something like using a nuke to fry the electrical grid and hamper communications.
Snipers on rooftops in at least 2 universities, against completely peaceful protesters against genocide, a no-brainer, right?
Pepe Escobar story and follow up explored yesterday here, with links:
Good work. You're staying with the story. Could Pepe's story have involved an effort to divert us from the story in the videos you have. What is the source of these videos? A Israeli-friendly source I think. Help me out here.
Larry Johnson has a further update on the update, which shows the waters to be muddy, still. Fog of war...
John, this is the 'New Normal' between 'the governing' and the 'governed' apparently. There is a pattern here. Deviation and dissidence will not be permitted.
See this short clip from the Ottawa Freedom Convoy in February 2022.
It's the same old abnormal.
The crisis approaches and the owners are nervous.
Excellent. I forwarded your substack to the editors at Signs of the Times and hopefully they will publish it. I also dropped a note and a link to this substack in the stories (similar to this) comment section where a bunch of us over the last 22 years have built a robust community of international folks with mutual views commenting on these matters. Cheers !
Thanks. I'd like to get this out. Are you one of two Scotts? It seems there is some overlap.
Yes, I am one of 2 Scotts !!
It's a Sign of the Times, Petula Clark video on Ed Sullivan (1967?)
Unreasonably hopeful song, but nice red British convertible sportscars...
DECADENT GENOCIDAL RACIST SUPREMACIST ISRAEL, small Arabian Babylonian or Mesopotamian nomadic tribes of bandits, Habirus or Hebrews, hijacked the Arabian or “Middle Eastern” Oral Traditions about one Abraham and his One God, and invented myths about “bastards” like Ishmael, “Israel’s” Egyptian slaves (“hand-maidens) like Haggar, and “eternal enemies” like Amalek and others their genocidal and plundering Gods commanded them to exterminate and steal their lands and resources.
From those myths, (Deut. 25:19) and (Deut. 25:17), they developed their extremist and fanatical “Never Forget” religion, that of “Constant Remembrance”, and above all, their God’s Commandment "You shall blot out the memory of Amalek" (Deut. 25:19). Yes, until the end of the world always remember the myth of the German “Six Million Holocaust”, and “blot out”, genocide, exterminate, holocaust all your enemies, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Egyptians, Persians, Mesopotamians, Palestinians, and all Natives where you put your feet as their Terrorist God gave them the whole world as an Eternal possession; and gave them as well all non-Judaics and non-Ashké Nazi Zionists as their slaves, prostitutes, and factories for their organs trafficking.
No wonder, those gangsters who have absolutely nothing to do with the Real Arabian Children of Israel, remain a very small minority of 10-20 millions out of some 7-8 billion humans they hate to death until decadent Christianity that has little to do with Christ recruited them, the Nationalist Apartheid Zionist Israel, to be used as a pretext to carry out their wars, terrorise, bomb, conquer, plunder, genocide and depopulate the world! They are joined today by NAZI Hindutva.
Many, like me, are not surprised to read George Bernard Shaw quoted as to have asked us to keep the “Bible” under lock and key and out of our children’s reach because it is “the most dangerous book on Earth”! I read about this in 1964 from my Penguin book of quotations. (Now, this information has been censored, “archived or suspended” by Google for “violation of their terms of service”!)
Monday 29 April 2024