Jul 30Liked by Anthony James Hall

Amazing article and research!

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Dr. Nagase, thank you so very much for all you did speaking out about covid and the so-called 'vaccines'. Your a hero in my mind along with Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Makis, Dr. Trozzi and so many other Canadian doctors !

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Jul 29Liked by Anthony James Hall

Tony, another excellent indepth essay on the seriously troubling crimes of the Israeli Government, the IDF/Mossad and above the murderous weasel in charge Netanyahu. I very much agree based on my own similar research that Oct. 7 as well as 9-11 were both false flags with Netanyahu's fingerprints all over them.

The fact that the USA House of Representatives gives murderer Netanyahu many standing ovations in his recent trip to DC, shows how seriously, bribed, coerced, compromised, and threatened the Representatives are. It also makes them complicit in war crimes and genocide. The Delaware Dimwits live in constant fear of 'kiddy' porn or worse appearing on their computers, leading to disgrace, jail or much worse.

We are all aware of how Epstein was used to 'Honey Trap' many of those in power. However what most are not aware is that Epstein is only one in a decades long blackmail ring run by the Mossad and the Israeli government. The best source I have found on this subject is Investigative Journalist extraordinaire Whitney Webb. I know Tony you know of her work, however for other readers that may not, here is a link to her website, Unlimited Hangout and specifically to her 2 book series with excerpts 'One Nation Under Blackmail'. https://unlimitedhangout.com/epstein/

Lastly I would add that the recent escalation between Hezbollah after airstrikes by the IDF, also appears as some say to be perhaps another false flag operation to blame Lebanon's Hezbollah into an even wider conflict as the attacked story link suggests. If true it seems Israel and specifically the Netanyahu faction seeks to set the whole middle east on fire !!

Israel nearing 'all-out war' - foreign minister (warning-very graphic images)


Keep up the great work Tony. The world is gradually waking up to the very very long sordid history of the Zionist Jews. Will it be enough to stop their genocides? Time will tell...ps. I like Mr. Soormally's contribution below !!

Cheers, Scott

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

It is the overt and cocky manner in which they parade their unjust and criminal behaviour that is utter depravity.

How can they live with themselves, continuing to perpetuate this debauchery and pure evil treatment of all God's children???

Their actions overshadow their hollow words and speeches. Hitler was on pointe despite being paraded as the enemy.

I am eternally grateful and thankful to you for having the courage and tenacity to keep on this issue, Prof Hall!!!!

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You are the Sarah who talked with me, and I with you, when Jeremy was in town? Right? I certainly think so.

I've been trying to figure out the story of the Spotters for a while now.

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Yes, you and I chatted there. I was in attendance to support Lysack.

I feel you are over the target with this unnecessary conflict.

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PAGE 19 - MEIN KAMPF MEIN JIHAAD - Monsieur Adolphe Hitler

"The more I contended with the Jews, the more I learned to know their dialectical

methods. They began by relying on the stupidity of their opponents, and if that

was unsuccessful, they themselves would pretend stupidity. If that was no good,

they would refuse to take in what was said or promptly leap to another subject,

and they came out with truisms, which, when agreed to, they made to refer to

something quite different; then, once again on their own ground, they would

weaken and pretend to have no precise knowledge. Wherever one attacked such

apostles, one's hand met foul slime. If one smote on of them so crushingly that,

with the bystanders looking on, he had no course but to agree, and if one thought

one had gained at least one step, he merely showed great astonishment the next

day. The Jew entirely forgot what had been said the day before and repeated his

shameful old story as if nothing had happened, pretended anger and amazement

and forgetfulness of everything except that the debate had proven the truth of his


I was often left staring. One did not know which to admire most – their glibness or

their artfulness in lying. I gradually began to hate them.

All this had one good side. In the sphere in which the carriers or at least the

propagators of Social Democracy came under my eye, my love for my own

nation inevitably increased."

LESSON: Never trust a "REAL" JEW or a ZIONIST!

Basheer Ahmad Eva Braun

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Thank you so much for posting what you did. Hitler as most smart leaders knew well the treachery of the Jews.

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Netanyahu killed a bunch of Druze kids playing soccer in the Israeli-occupied Syrian territory of Golan, claimed "Hezbollah killed Israelis", and used it as a pretext to attack Lebanon.

Hezbollah says it fired no missiles that way.

"Who ya gonna' believe...?" https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/huge-airstrikes-rock-densely-populated-beirut-suburb-israels-retaliation-begins

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