Great work Tony! I did notice a few typos/mistakes, but don't have time to offer an edit, as I am busy working on the upcoming 19th Annual 9/11 Truth Festival. Sadly, this year's Film Festival is dedicated to the courageous David Ray Griffin, Graeme MacQueen and Allan Rees (who very recently passed away). I did finally leave the US, for a family vacation in Quebec, with 2 of our "kids" in tow. I do love the natural beauty of Canada, but our visit certainly offered no insights as to the political situation and history which you know so profoundly. Thank-you for the enlightening article. We have so much to learn and to do, if we are to move collectively towards a peaceful, just, life honoring, free world!
Here's some basic quick research I saved on the climate change data manipulation psyop scam a while back. And I must say I haven't done a whole lot of research on it at all. I just remember years ago seeing online about the creator of The Weather Channel saying something like yes we need to get our act together for the environment, and that yes climate change is real, but that climate change is because the Earth goes through cycles. And that the data about it has been bought out/hijacked by data manipulators to scam us all about it. Like most everything else for a long time now.
Note: From my research Greta Thunberg is just one of many unfortunate, un-informed, highly-suggestible people that these scammers use on the US, BBC and other legacy mainstream media against the rest of us, as they constantly ignore their scams on us all, and while also showing psyops like these cartoons, sports, Covid war, comedy court, and all this other mind-destroying bs on US TV and movies. This is real psychological warfare by psyop scammers constantly duping people with manipulation tactics.
I recommend turning your TV off or using the YouTube app on it for self-selected education and entertainment. These corrupted gov and mainstream media talking heads are just going to keep going "WOW! LOOK OVER HERE!.... NOW HERE!... NOW HERE!" etc.
Thanks Michael Atkinson for drawing this video material with your own analysis to my attention. The kind of world Greta Thurnberg is advocating looks very dismal. She and Harari are good embodiments of the WEF horror show.
This also occurred to me earlier. Remember the atrocity propaganda fake testimony from psyop scammer Nayirah?
"Babies thrown out of Incubators" -Kuwaiti ambassador's Daughter lies to Congress in 1990 (6:06)
The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by an American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.
Note: The US mainstream media has for the most part been psyops overall all this time. That's why so many of us recommend for years now turning off the fake TV news as much as possible. It's much better in my opinion to be as aware as possible anyway, while also remaining healthy in all ways and just laughing at all these psyop scammers and their bs every chance we get.
Thanks Michael. I've written about the "Nayira," Hill and Knowlton scam a few times. Its indeed a classic. Its a great example of criminal, history-changing propaganda episodes that seem to be treated as perfectly OK by the Madison Avenue/ Silicon Valley crowd. They have a license to fuck with our minds in order to legitimize mass murder on pretty much a daily basis. Its part of the legacy left by Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays is famous for selling cigarettes to women and selling the US regime change war on Guatemala as a spontaneous upsurge of anti-communist rebellion by the people of Guatemala.
I was intrigued to find executive veterans of Hill and Knowlton in Canada huckstering carbon taxes in Canada under the direction of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Incidentally Harper disgraced himself by selling out the Alberta oil and gas industry by buying into the UN goals of Agenda 2020 and Agenda 2030. Harper should be remembered for selling out all his promises to Alberta in order to suck up to the Zionist lobby pushing the globalist agenda at the UN and at the WEF. The media of course has not to this day called on him to explain his sabotage of Alberta and Canada on order to serve his Israel First masters.
"Another Barrick Barricuda is Mark Cameron who describes (Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 4.45.40 PM) himself as Senior Vice-President and Energy Practice Leader with Hill and Knowlton Strategies and a former Director of Policy and Research to Prime Minister Harper. Hill and Knowlton is the notorious international PR firm that hired, “Nayirah,” the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador in the USA to be the star presenter in a press conference. At this staged event in 1990 the young woman identified only as “Nayirah” falsely claimed to have witnessed Saddam Hussein’s soldiers removing babies from incubators and smashing them into the floor to die. The purpose this PR fraud at the highest level of international media manipulation was to sell a new war. It was to arouse public opinion to back a US-led invasion of Iraq that would subsequently unfold as Operation Desert Storm.
Mark Cameron’s current assignment seems to be to help create the necessary mental environment for the imposition of some sort of carbon tax. His work on the Aurea Advisory Board seems closely connected to that of Devon Cross who is another practitioner of so-called greenwashing. She is employed by Golder Associates, a worldwide consulting firm offering PR advice to extractive industries seeking to embrace the “corporate social responsibility” mantra in order to sanitize the dynamic of corporate deregulation."
thanks for reminding us about harper. these political parties have the same agenda, when will people get it. the government IS the problem. teams in the same league and we are just spectators, paying spectators i might add. another professional bull shitter aka politrickster is that pierre poly phoney populist. he really knows how to talk out of both sides of his mouth!!!
What have you to say about this. and what can you say bout Nancy Southern, ATCO etc. as usual the headline of the article is misleading and inflammatory.
Not the fossil fuels but the agrochemicals and the air traffic are the problem.
The agrochemicals impair the natural recycling of CO2. That is why the CO2-concentration keeps on rising despite the rise of the concentration from 260 ppm byond 400 (+54%) and the anthropogen emissions being only an aditional 6% to the natural.
The ice-kristal-trails of the air traffic compose a persistent high hazy layer that reflects the infrared at night down. The temperatures reach higher overdays because they start higher in the mornings.
Regrettably it is german language, but it can be copy-pasted into a translator, though the computer-translation might be inconsistent eg of poor quality.
There is no valid reason for the limitation of fossil fuels.
Therefore Your publication about the rights of the province Alberta is interesting.
The recent CETA-treaty might enhance the rights of Alberta and other provinces.
There is a multiple more efficient possibility for transoceanic transport and storage of natural gas;
just (towed) deep submersed pressure vessels eg DDCNGT deep diving CNG tankers.
The wrong focus on fossil fuels enabels and even speeds up the looming catastrophes.
The harmfull enormous global amounts of agrochemicals must be decimated immediately.
The harmfull enormous global air traffic must be centimated immediately.
The real problems must be solved, instead of wasting trillions on the expulsion of fossil fuels.
It is so easy to understand what the real problems and solutions are and that fossil fuels are not the huge problem and there is no need to waste trillions on the expulsion of fossil fuels.
Do the politicians and other rulers have less brain and spine than amoebas ?
Thanks for this valuable contribution Veen. You write That "not the fossil fuels but the agrochemicals and the air traffic are the problem." Is there an easy fix available to evade the "agrochemical problem with a different approach to fertilizers. Or is it the insecticides and herbicides that are the problem. And what about "air traffic.?"
I get a lot of pleasure introducing into contemporary discourse the material I identified and explored when I was trying to piece together the story of the interactions of the newcomers with the Indigenous peoples of Canada over land and resources. It was in the window of say 1975 to 2000 when that matter was quite in the forefront of my academic mission to make a contribution that could be built upon in improving Canada-First Nations relations.
A wee point of history: that George III was a raving lunatic who was kept locked in his tower most of the time. have you ever stopped to ask where did he get his authority????????????????????
So his authority depends on whether one sees this facet of the royal family's lineage. His authority, I suppose comes from the Protestant God and the Indian loot that adnorded his regal Crown.
The issuing of the Royal Proclamation I see as a great event in terms of the legal treatment of Indigenous peoples as genuine humans with some basic human rights to consent or not, when it comes to the making non-Indian settlements on their ancestral lands. Such a recognition was not acceptable to many of the people who founded the United States in order to resume western expansion without the interference of British agents directed to protect the Indians and "the lands reserved for Indians as their hunting grounds.".
The real author of the Indian provisions of the Royal Proclamation is Sir William Johnson. He is reported to have had about a 100 Aboriginal children that he is reputed to have treated quite well. A fur trader himself, Johnson's idea was to copy the French in how they treated the Indians. As I imagine it, Johnson and his "Mohawk housemaid," Molly Brant, engaged in pillow talk that had much influence over the making and implementation of British imperial frontier policy.
William and Molly groomed Molly's younger brother, Joseph Brant, for a leadership position in the circle of "the Crown's Indian allies." This circle of Indian allies of British imperial Canada later came under the leadership of Tecumseh in the War of 1812. The Tecumseh Indian Confederacy defended Canada from annexation by the United States. Tecumseh was martyred in the process.
Joseph became a Freemason and hung around a lot with his Freemason brothers in his role Mohawk Ambassador sometimes in England.
I think of George the III as the object of a kind of Saddam-style witch hunt of smear and disinformation. Reading about George III in the Declaration of Independence, is like reading about Hitler in officially authorized histories that we are not supposed to question let alone challenge.
Although Johnson was a land speculator himself, he was dealing with other speculators in the nascent Rothschild circle that wanted to buy land directly by bribing and blackmailing Indian leaders. As I see it, their wishes came true when this ilk of land speculator conspired with Franklin and France to create the United States. Then in 1913 the same financial clique that profited most from US western expansion cashed in their chips to create the NY Federal Reserve Bank in return. The delegation to the Rothschild bunch of private money creation powers is crucial to understanding of how we got to our current dilemma.
that's very interesting. i like how you get into the nuance, it's not all black or white. as for the authority of the Crown, my understanding is that it came from the Vatican and the papal bulls. when henry viii broke from the church he took his authority with him. God is still an anonymous guy. i don't agree about the good intentions of the english towards indigenous. the ultimate goal was the same - take the land from Indigenous - but the tactics varied - be nice, be forceful, be sneaky. and it is much the same today due to ignorance mainly.
The US replica of William Johnson was John Jacob Astor, an heir to the Dutch-British legacy of New York. Astor spent his fur trade "winnings" on New York Real Estate and cashed in big time. New York's most legendary hotel is named after him. When he made it to the West Coast with Lewis and Clark, Astor teamed up with the East Indian Company to start the process of getting Chinese addicted to opium in the early genesis of what would became the Opium Wars.
I found a great place to look for the dirty land speculation stories of the Rothschild agents and the Indians is Clarence Alvord's 2 Vol., The Mississippi Valley in British Politics. first published in 1917. In my book, Earth into Property, I tried to get in the door of telling the story of the privatization of Indian Country and its equivalents around the world as a big part of the history of capitalism. Marx did not do nearly enough with that line of analysis.
You are more optimistic than I am when you write, "Nevertheless, before embarking on more ambitious and adventurous approaches to fixing what ails us, we must try to realize some level of constructive compromise through existing structures including the courts." IMO, the corruption is integral to the very foundations. There is no court in the land that can solve these issues. It MUST be an international court of some kind or something else altogether and not yet thought of or only dimly glimpsed. We can deny the trends or ride them. Canada is destined to be dismantled. that will surely draw some ire upon my old head for saying so...
Well you, the judiciary is extremely corrupt as I indicate in my commentary on the CTV segment where U of Alberta Law Professor holds. For the record I view this Prof. Eric Adams, with whom I share a harsh, adversarial history, as a deeply corrupt jurist himself. I have good reason to believe he is rewarded for interventions like his hit piece on the Alberta Sovereignty Act. He is actively employed by the usual suspects.
As I see it, we have to play both inside the existing system and outside the system to create the new kind of institutions that we require to fend off the outcomes sought by those trying murder, enfeeble and transhumanize us.
thanks but wow! so long, it'll take all week to read this! i went thru quickly though and figure it is worth the read. i caught the william blake booboo because i spent a lot of time looking at the 19th century army of canadian lawyers. Ed Blake, Alexander Morris & Zebulun Lash, lawyers, land speculators and major framers of cdn laws top of the list. Al worked hard to create conflict and confusion between feds and provs, role of Metis, etc. the contempt for Indigenous continues unabated. I have to wonder what the role of Indigenous in AB where a very high percentage of population are INdigenous. I am also concerned how this will go with so many conservatives being bone deniers as well. that frontier centre for public policy is vocal and indian hating. what a mess but the process is necessary.
You'll see at the end of the essay I touch on UNDRIP which is a big target for the Frontier Policy for Public Party. My impression is that Conrad Black plays a big role on that think tank which seems connected to the "Democracy Foundation" that seems connected to the "right-wing" Zionist broadcaster, Ezra Levant's Rebel News. I find merit in the critique of UNDRIP. I think you are onto something in identifying the Blake, Morris, Lash triumvirate is partners in a land speculating operation. I'll look forward to your comments, Rainy Day, if you get a chance to read the article more fully. I'm looking forward to giving your recent essay the time is deserves.
thanks for your kind remarks. i did read to the end yesterday, it was a tough haul. the undrip thing certainly got twisted beyond recognition. canadians have a lot of catching up on history. there should be some courses in native studies like on the Indian reports that are for non native people so they can deal with their traumas about the facts of history. canada ain't such a nice thing after all. some people are waking up to what most have known for centuries. theft and fraud on a grand scale.
today it's so hot here thinking will make you sweat. i do have loads more to say about the lawyers and also the Masons as well as the family ties. i did a family tree on alexander morris, the family compact still underlays cdn society. my views are a bit extreme so i look fwd to more discussion to bring better clarity on some points. on some things, of course, i will never change.
Great work Tony! I did notice a few typos/mistakes, but don't have time to offer an edit, as I am busy working on the upcoming 19th Annual 9/11 Truth Festival. Sadly, this year's Film Festival is dedicated to the courageous David Ray Griffin, Graeme MacQueen and Allan Rees (who very recently passed away). I did finally leave the US, for a family vacation in Quebec, with 2 of our "kids" in tow. I do love the natural beauty of Canada, but our visit certainly offered no insights as to the political situation and history which you know so profoundly. Thank-you for the enlightening article. We have so much to learn and to do, if we are to move collectively towards a peaceful, just, life honoring, free world!
Prof. Hall,
Here's some basic quick research I saved on the climate change data manipulation psyop scam a while back. And I must say I haven't done a whole lot of research on it at all. I just remember years ago seeing online about the creator of The Weather Channel saying something like yes we need to get our act together for the environment, and that yes climate change is real, but that climate change is because the Earth goes through cycles. And that the data about it has been bought out/hijacked by data manipulators to scam us all about it. Like most everything else for a long time now.
Greta Thunberg sings Swedish Death Metal (2:02)
The Fraud Behind Greta Thunberg
Note: From my research Greta Thunberg is just one of many unfortunate, un-informed, highly-suggestible people that these scammers use on the US, BBC and other legacy mainstream media against the rest of us, as they constantly ignore their scams on us all, and while also showing psyops like these cartoons, sports, Covid war, comedy court, and all this other mind-destroying bs on US TV and movies. This is real psychological warfare by psyop scammers constantly duping people with manipulation tactics.
I recommend turning your TV off or using the YouTube app on it for self-selected education and entertainment. These corrupted gov and mainstream media talking heads are just going to keep going "WOW! LOOK OVER HERE!.... NOW HERE!... NOW HERE!" etc.
Best regards,
Michael 🦕
Thanks Michael Atkinson for drawing this video material with your own analysis to my attention. The kind of world Greta Thurnberg is advocating looks very dismal. She and Harari are good embodiments of the WEF horror show.
Prof. Hall,
This also occurred to me earlier. Remember the atrocity propaganda fake testimony from psyop scammer Nayirah?
"Babies thrown out of Incubators" -Kuwaiti ambassador's Daughter lies to Congress in 1990 (6:06)
The Nayirah testimony was a false testimony given before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990 by a 15-year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah. The testimony was widely publicized, and was cited numerous times by United States senators and President George H. W. Bush in their rationale to back Kuwait in the Gulf War. In 1992, it was revealed that Nayirah's last name was al-Ṣabaḥ (Arabic: نيرة الصباح) and that she was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Furthermore, it was revealed that her testimony was organized as part of the Citizens for a Free Kuwait public relations campaign which was run by an American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government. Following this, al-Sabah's testimony has come to be regarded as a classic example of modern atrocity propaganda.
Note: The US mainstream media has for the most part been psyops overall all this time. That's why so many of us recommend for years now turning off the fake TV news as much as possible. It's much better in my opinion to be as aware as possible anyway, while also remaining healthy in all ways and just laughing at all these psyop scammers and their bs every chance we get.
Thanks Michael. I've written about the "Nayira," Hill and Knowlton scam a few times. Its indeed a classic. Its a great example of criminal, history-changing propaganda episodes that seem to be treated as perfectly OK by the Madison Avenue/ Silicon Valley crowd. They have a license to fuck with our minds in order to legitimize mass murder on pretty much a daily basis. Its part of the legacy left by Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays is famous for selling cigarettes to women and selling the US regime change war on Guatemala as a spontaneous upsurge of anti-communist rebellion by the people of Guatemala.
I was intrigued to find executive veterans of Hill and Knowlton in Canada huckstering carbon taxes in Canada under the direction of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Incidentally Harper disgraced himself by selling out the Alberta oil and gas industry by buying into the UN goals of Agenda 2020 and Agenda 2030. Harper should be remembered for selling out all his promises to Alberta in order to suck up to the Zionist lobby pushing the globalist agenda at the UN and at the WEF. The media of course has not to this day called on him to explain his sabotage of Alberta and Canada on order to serve his Israel First masters.
Please see,
I write
"Another Barrick Barricuda is Mark Cameron who describes (Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 4.45.40 PM) himself as Senior Vice-President and Energy Practice Leader with Hill and Knowlton Strategies and a former Director of Policy and Research to Prime Minister Harper. Hill and Knowlton is the notorious international PR firm that hired, “Nayirah,” the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador in the USA to be the star presenter in a press conference. At this staged event in 1990 the young woman identified only as “Nayirah” falsely claimed to have witnessed Saddam Hussein’s soldiers removing babies from incubators and smashing them into the floor to die. The purpose this PR fraud at the highest level of international media manipulation was to sell a new war. It was to arouse public opinion to back a US-led invasion of Iraq that would subsequently unfold as Operation Desert Storm.
Mark Cameron’s current assignment seems to be to help create the necessary mental environment for the imposition of some sort of carbon tax. His work on the Aurea Advisory Board seems closely connected to that of Devon Cross who is another practitioner of so-called greenwashing. She is employed by Golder Associates, a worldwide consulting firm offering PR advice to extractive industries seeking to embrace the “corporate social responsibility” mantra in order to sanitize the dynamic of corporate deregulation."
thanks for reminding us about harper. these political parties have the same agenda, when will people get it. the government IS the problem. teams in the same league and we are just spectators, paying spectators i might add. another professional bull shitter aka politrickster is that pierre poly phoney populist. he really knows how to talk out of both sides of his mouth!!!
a nation needs a lot more than a railroad to hold it together.
What have you to say about this. and what can you say bout Nancy Southern, ATCO etc. as usual the headline of the article is misleading and inflammatory.
Honorable Professor Hall,
Not the fossil fuels but the agrochemicals and the air traffic are the problem.
The agrochemicals impair the natural recycling of CO2. That is why the CO2-concentration keeps on rising despite the rise of the concentration from 260 ppm byond 400 (+54%) and the anthropogen emissions being only an aditional 6% to the natural.
The ice-kristal-trails of the air traffic compose a persistent high hazy layer that reflects the infrared at night down. The temperatures reach higher overdays because they start higher in the mornings.
I have published some 45 pages about it on
Regrettably it is german language, but it can be copy-pasted into a translator, though the computer-translation might be inconsistent eg of poor quality.
There is no valid reason for the limitation of fossil fuels.
Therefore Your publication about the rights of the province Alberta is interesting.
The recent CETA-treaty might enhance the rights of Alberta and other provinces.
There is a multiple more efficient possibility for transoceanic transport and storage of natural gas;
just (towed) deep submersed pressure vessels eg DDCNGT deep diving CNG tankers.
from BC to Asia or Nunavut to Europe
The wrong focus on fossil fuels enabels and even speeds up the looming catastrophes.
The harmfull enormous global amounts of agrochemicals must be decimated immediately.
The harmfull enormous global air traffic must be centimated immediately.
The real problems must be solved, instead of wasting trillions on the expulsion of fossil fuels.
It is so easy to understand what the real problems and solutions are and that fossil fuels are not the huge problem and there is no need to waste trillions on the expulsion of fossil fuels.
Do the politicians and other rulers have less brain and spine than amoebas ?
Or are they corrupt and deliberately ruining us ?
Or does the autor have an IQ over 170 ?
But if high IQ, why has not any university granted him an honors doctorate ?
Is the IQ of all those at the universities too low (<110) to understand it ?
It is being claimed that the German universities are of high level but that can be doubted.
The universities in the other nato-nations are too expensive anyway.
It is being proclaimed that the "western" economies can survive on brains.
The reasons to doubt that are amounting, regrettably for us.
Thanks for this valuable contribution Veen. You write That "not the fossil fuels but the agrochemicals and the air traffic are the problem." Is there an easy fix available to evade the "agrochemical problem with a different approach to fertilizers. Or is it the insecticides and herbicides that are the problem. And what about "air traffic.?"
I learned more North American history today. Thank you, Professor Hall.
I get a lot of pleasure introducing into contemporary discourse the material I identified and explored when I was trying to piece together the story of the interactions of the newcomers with the Indigenous peoples of Canada over land and resources. It was in the window of say 1975 to 2000 when that matter was quite in the forefront of my academic mission to make a contribution that could be built upon in improving Canada-First Nations relations.
A wee point of history: that George III was a raving lunatic who was kept locked in his tower most of the time. have you ever stopped to ask where did he get his authority????????????????????
Goerge III's family line was rooted in the Hanoverian succession.
So his authority depends on whether one sees this facet of the royal family's lineage. His authority, I suppose comes from the Protestant God and the Indian loot that adnorded his regal Crown.
The issuing of the Royal Proclamation I see as a great event in terms of the legal treatment of Indigenous peoples as genuine humans with some basic human rights to consent or not, when it comes to the making non-Indian settlements on their ancestral lands. Such a recognition was not acceptable to many of the people who founded the United States in order to resume western expansion without the interference of British agents directed to protect the Indians and "the lands reserved for Indians as their hunting grounds.".
The real author of the Indian provisions of the Royal Proclamation is Sir William Johnson. He is reported to have had about a 100 Aboriginal children that he is reputed to have treated quite well. A fur trader himself, Johnson's idea was to copy the French in how they treated the Indians. As I imagine it, Johnson and his "Mohawk housemaid," Molly Brant, engaged in pillow talk that had much influence over the making and implementation of British imperial frontier policy.
William and Molly groomed Molly's younger brother, Joseph Brant, for a leadership position in the circle of "the Crown's Indian allies." This circle of Indian allies of British imperial Canada later came under the leadership of Tecumseh in the War of 1812. The Tecumseh Indian Confederacy defended Canada from annexation by the United States. Tecumseh was martyred in the process.
Joseph became a Freemason and hung around a lot with his Freemason brothers in his role Mohawk Ambassador sometimes in England.
I think of George the III as the object of a kind of Saddam-style witch hunt of smear and disinformation. Reading about George III in the Declaration of Independence, is like reading about Hitler in officially authorized histories that we are not supposed to question let alone challenge.
Although Johnson was a land speculator himself, he was dealing with other speculators in the nascent Rothschild circle that wanted to buy land directly by bribing and blackmailing Indian leaders. As I see it, their wishes came true when this ilk of land speculator conspired with Franklin and France to create the United States. Then in 1913 the same financial clique that profited most from US western expansion cashed in their chips to create the NY Federal Reserve Bank in return. The delegation to the Rothschild bunch of private money creation powers is crucial to understanding of how we got to our current dilemma.
that's very interesting. i like how you get into the nuance, it's not all black or white. as for the authority of the Crown, my understanding is that it came from the Vatican and the papal bulls. when henry viii broke from the church he took his authority with him. God is still an anonymous guy. i don't agree about the good intentions of the english towards indigenous. the ultimate goal was the same - take the land from Indigenous - but the tactics varied - be nice, be forceful, be sneaky. and it is much the same today due to ignorance mainly.
The US replica of William Johnson was John Jacob Astor, an heir to the Dutch-British legacy of New York. Astor spent his fur trade "winnings" on New York Real Estate and cashed in big time. New York's most legendary hotel is named after him. When he made it to the West Coast with Lewis and Clark, Astor teamed up with the East Indian Company to start the process of getting Chinese addicted to opium in the early genesis of what would became the Opium Wars.
I found a great place to look for the dirty land speculation stories of the Rothschild agents and the Indians is Clarence Alvord's 2 Vol., The Mississippi Valley in British Politics. first published in 1917. In my book, Earth into Property, I tried to get in the door of telling the story of the privatization of Indian Country and its equivalents around the world as a big part of the history of capitalism. Marx did not do nearly enough with that line of analysis.
You are more optimistic than I am when you write, "Nevertheless, before embarking on more ambitious and adventurous approaches to fixing what ails us, we must try to realize some level of constructive compromise through existing structures including the courts." IMO, the corruption is integral to the very foundations. There is no court in the land that can solve these issues. It MUST be an international court of some kind or something else altogether and not yet thought of or only dimly glimpsed. We can deny the trends or ride them. Canada is destined to be dismantled. that will surely draw some ire upon my old head for saying so...
Well you, the judiciary is extremely corrupt as I indicate in my commentary on the CTV segment where U of Alberta Law Professor holds. For the record I view this Prof. Eric Adams, with whom I share a harsh, adversarial history, as a deeply corrupt jurist himself. I have good reason to believe he is rewarded for interventions like his hit piece on the Alberta Sovereignty Act. He is actively employed by the usual suspects.
As I see it, we have to play both inside the existing system and outside the system to create the new kind of institutions that we require to fend off the outcomes sought by those trying murder, enfeeble and transhumanize us.
thanks but wow! so long, it'll take all week to read this! i went thru quickly though and figure it is worth the read. i caught the william blake booboo because i spent a lot of time looking at the 19th century army of canadian lawyers. Ed Blake, Alexander Morris & Zebulun Lash, lawyers, land speculators and major framers of cdn laws top of the list. Al worked hard to create conflict and confusion between feds and provs, role of Metis, etc. the contempt for Indigenous continues unabated. I have to wonder what the role of Indigenous in AB where a very high percentage of population are INdigenous. I am also concerned how this will go with so many conservatives being bone deniers as well. that frontier centre for public policy is vocal and indian hating. what a mess but the process is necessary.
You'll see at the end of the essay I touch on UNDRIP which is a big target for the Frontier Policy for Public Party. My impression is that Conrad Black plays a big role on that think tank which seems connected to the "Democracy Foundation" that seems connected to the "right-wing" Zionist broadcaster, Ezra Levant's Rebel News. I find merit in the critique of UNDRIP. I think you are onto something in identifying the Blake, Morris, Lash triumvirate is partners in a land speculating operation. I'll look forward to your comments, Rainy Day, if you get a chance to read the article more fully. I'm looking forward to giving your recent essay the time is deserves.
thanks for your kind remarks. i did read to the end yesterday, it was a tough haul. the undrip thing certainly got twisted beyond recognition. canadians have a lot of catching up on history. there should be some courses in native studies like on the Indian reports that are for non native people so they can deal with their traumas about the facts of history. canada ain't such a nice thing after all. some people are waking up to what most have known for centuries. theft and fraud on a grand scale.
today it's so hot here thinking will make you sweat. i do have loads more to say about the lawyers and also the Masons as well as the family ties. i did a family tree on alexander morris, the family compact still underlays cdn society. my views are a bit extreme so i look fwd to more discussion to bring better clarity on some points. on some things, of course, i will never change.