Reflections on Hate Speech Targeting the Movement to Protect Canadian Children and Their Parents from Abusive Treatment by Public Schools
Bernie Farber and the Roots of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network in the Spotlight
Beware of those presenting themselves as opponents of Hate. The organizations proclaiming their hostility to Hate tend to share the same history as those that promised after 9/11 to rid the world of “Terror.” The misrepresented events of 9/11 set in motion a process where people ceased to be treated as citizens but became, instead, terror suspects subject to arbitrary surveillance, arrests, and all manner of silencing, deplatforming, or worse.
A well-engineered focus on Islamic terrorism was widened to encompass a much broader category of so-called “domestic terrorism.” This term can be seen as an extension of Hillary Clinton’s decision in the 2016 presidential election to label all Trump supporters as “Deplorables.” Once the Biden regime took power through exploiting the Covidian election fraud in 2020, the term “domestic terrorist” was given widespread currency in the media, politics, and legal sophistry.
The aim of attacking the remnants of anything resembling democracy was to criminalize all critiques of the US Democratic Party (or of the Liberal Party in Canada). The goal was to discredit all criticism emanating from nationalists who were often equated with the largely-manufactured stereotypes of flag-waving White Christian patriots.
The media-generated assault on the imagery of the Canadians’ Trucker Convoy was tailor made to play on prior smear jobs. Prominent among these smears was the one depicting as “Deplorables” those working class folks who looked to Trump with the hope he would bring about some economic salvation for the primary victims of deindustrialization in America.
The term, “domestic terrorists,” was pretty much equated with the term “White Supremacists.” Prominent among the WEF’s Woke cheerleaders for this scam were Justin Trudeau, NBC’s Rachel Maddow, and the CBC’s Rosemary Barton. This bigoted approach to word play drew attention away from the reality of Jewish Supremacism which is currently on bold display for those possessed with sufficient sophistication to see it. Jewish Supremacy has become especially evident on the staffing, prejudices, policies and actions of the war regime governing the White House and its NATO appendages.
Growing public awareness of the blatant Jewish Supremacy permeating our society has been stimulated especially by the revealing controversies generated by the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith under the direction of its new spokesperson, Jonathan Greenblatt.
The ADL’s growing infamy is reflected in the spread of the viral hashtag, #BanTheADL. This development has been fuelled by the commentary of Elon Musk who is far from alone in expressing disgust at the ADL’s recklessness in wantonly destroying the businesses and careers of those who do not go along with the organization’s unmistakable expressions of Jewish Supremacism.
As a directing agency of the very partisan FBI and of the most censorious branch of the military-media complex in Silicon Valley, the Anti-Defamation League is deeply engaged in raising allegations of Hate Speech in order to silence critics and criticisms of Israel. Back in the days before he discredited himself by defending the ridiculous official narrative of 9/11, Noam Chomsky had this to say about the ADL,
“The ADL is “… one of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S… It's primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State (Israel).”
I drew this citation from Michael Hoffman who observed that “the issue of Hate Speech is captive to the higher councils of Zionism and Talmudism.”
Journalist Robert I. Friedman asserted in the Village Voice that the ADL is "the largest private spy agency in America... working behind the scenes to stifle intellectual freedom." [16]
Robert I. Friedman, "The Jewish Thought Police," Village Voice, July 27, 1993.
Like the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) frequently lets loose onslaughts of its own Hate Speech defamation, claiming speciously that it is combatting Hate Speech. Founded in 1971, its critics have described the SPLC as “a sleazy, Jewish supremacist, profit oriented hate group.” This definition pretty much aligns with how I have come to view the SPLC over the years when I would investigate from time to time the organization’s frequent smear jobs and interventions in court.
Both the ADL and the SPLC regularly beat down free speech, open debate and the rule of law. This pattern of attack epitomizes the vicious assault on the First Amendment of the US Bill of Rights. This attack makes a mockery of any characterization of America as the land of the free.
The ADL and SPLC conduct their attacks while pretending to be angelic agencies devoted to vanquishing Hate and advancing WOK idealism. According to their guiding principles, however, the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI) must never be applied to criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinian Arabs. DEI must never be invoked in calling attention to the massively disproportionate political clout of the Israel Lobby in the USA and in many other countries including Canada.
Bernie Farber and the Founding of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN)
The remainder of this essay will deal with a Canadian extension of the same authoritarian lobby whose influential agencies include the ADL and the SPLC. It will highlight the dubious activities and influences generated by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) founded in 2018.
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network was established with seed money from the SPLC and with early grants from the Bank of Montreal and the Trudeau government. Trudeau treats as a mentor the founding Chair of of the CAHN, Bernie Farber. Farber is a devoted Liberal Party partisan who in 2011 ran unsuccessfully in a riding in the Toronto area, Trudeau’s most vote-rich political base. Farber perfectly fits the mould of a secular Jew who expresses his Jewish identity not through religious devotion but by presenting himself as an uncompromising protector of his own over entitled tribe.
After stints as a social worker and a trade unionist, Farber became a Zionist spin doctor intent on discrediting, deplatforming and silencing critics of Israel. He worked for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) in this capacity from 1984 to 2011.
In 2005 Farber became CEO of the CJC. During his time at the CJC, Farber organized plenty of visitations of police chiefs and such to Israel. There they were taught largely by experts in the violent repression of Palestinians. This kind of Israeli training directed at the law-enforcement and military branches of many countries, is making Israel’s repression of the Palestinians a primary model for the treatment of dissident groups throughout the world.
During his time as a leading figure in Canada’s Israel Lobby, Farber was prominent in the well orchestrated government and media campaigns to discredit, harm and criminalize both James Keegstra and Ernst Zundel. In the early 1980s Keegstra was mayor of Eckville Alberta where he was also a teacher. A member of the Dutch Reformed Church, Keegstra gave expression to the cultural heritage of the Christian Social Credit government of Alberta. Its founding leader was CFCN radio preacher, William “Bible Bill” Aberhart. Bible Bill was Premier from 1935 to 1943. The Social Credit Party formed the government of Alberta until 1971.
The preoccupations of Social Credit devotees extended to their study of financial interactions and especially the role of usury— the lending of money with interest— in the history of banking. Usury is considered a sin in both Christian and Islamic scriptures but not in the Jewish religion and especially in its Talmudic branches. Especially since the era of the Renaissance, this difference profoundly affected the genesis of high finance. This Social Credit line of study led some to focus on the disproportionately large role of Jewish bankers especially as beneficiaries of a system they had a disproportionately large role in creating. The core of that system was the US Federal Reserve and the closely connected Income Tax Enactment, both established in 1913.
In the course of the Lobby’s attacks on his teaching, Keegstra was fired in 1982 and then convicted of Hate Speech in 1985. In subsequent years the outcome of the Keegstra case was used to justify severe and stifling restrictions on free speech in Canada. With Bernie Farber as a self-appointed inquisitor, I was drawn into the defamatory undertow created those intent on deplatforming, criminalizing and silencing of James Keegstra. In the second part of this essay I shall shall elaborate on my personal connection to the Keegstra case.
In this portion of the essay, however, I shall address the treatment of the Keegstra case by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1990. I shall highlight the dissenting opinion on the matter written by the future Supreme Court Chief Justice, Beverly McLaughlin. In her minority opinion written for 3 of the 7 Supreme Court Justices, Judge McLaughlin cautioned against upholding the provision of the Criminal Code used to convict Keegstra.
Her decision was part of the test cast to decide if section 319(2), a legislative enactment, was consistent with the constitutional protections articulated in the free speech protections outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982. I am including fairly extensive excerpts from this jurisprudence because of its relevance to “Hate Speech,” a core subject in this commentary. Judge McLaughlin argued that the free speech provision of the Charter should pre-empt the relevant section of the Criminal Code because section 319(2) runs against
the very essence of the value of the freedom, reducing the realm of protected discussion to that which is comfortable and compatible with current conceptions. If the guarantee of free expression is to be meaningful, it must protect expression which challenges even the very basic conceptions about our society. A true commitment to freedom of expression demands nothing less…
Without free expression, the vigourous debate on policies and values that underlies participatory government is lacking. Without free expression, rights may be trammelled with no recourse in the court of public opinion… restrictions which touch the critical core of social and political debate require particularly close consideration because of the dangers inherent in state censorship of such debate….
The law-abiding citizen who does not wish to run afoul of the law will decide not to take the chance in a doubtful case. Creativity and the beneficial exchange of ideas will be adversely affected. This chilling effect must be taken into account….The danger is rather that the legislation may have a chilling effect on legitimate activities important to our society by subjecting innocent persons to constraints born out of a fear of the criminal process. Given the vagueness of the prohibition of expression in s. 319(2), one may ask how speakers are to know when their speech may be seen as encroaching on the forbidden area. The reaction is predictable. The combination of overbreadth and criminalization may well lead people desirous of avoiding even the slightest brush with the criminal law to protect themselves in the best way they can -- by confining their expression to non-controversial matters. Novelists may steer clear of controversial characterizations of ethnic characteristics, such as Shakespeare's portrayal of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. Scientists may well think twice before researching and publishing results of research suggesting difference between ethnic or racial groups. Given the serious consequences of criminal prosecution, it is not entirely speculative to suppose that even political debate on crucial issues such as immigration, educational language rights, foreign ownership and trade may be tempered. These matters go to the heart of the traditional justifications for protecting freedom of expression…
Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code, in contrast, touches on values vital to the preservation of democratic government and our fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as our right to individual self-actualization. And its broad sweep makes the infringement it effects not only serious in nature, but in extent. An infringement of this seriousness can only be justified by a countervailing state interest of the most compelling nature.
Historically the policing and operation of state-sanctioned censorship conducted in the name of constraining “Hate Speech” has been largely carried out through the likes of Bernie Farber’s CJC or by the officers of related agencies such as B’nai Brith Canada. As I shall demonstrate below, Bernie Farber has for decades abused the concept of Hate Speech in ways that have constrained the vitality of public discourse in Canada along the lines predicted in 1990 by now-former Chief Justice, Beverly McLaughlin.
During Farber’s time at the CJC, Ernst Zundel was the most determined critic of Canada’s Israel Lobby. Zundel sought to oppose this Lobby’s interpretation of Germany’s infamy with a carefully-researched counter narrative. The antagonism between Zundel and his Zionist critics came down in the mid-1980s to two hotly-contested trials in Toronto. Both sides in the litigation brought forward their own experts who were aggressively cross-examined in the proceedings.
Evidence was put on the record in these Toronto trials involving competing interpretations of the complex of events comprising the complex of events that have acquired the name, The Jewish Holocaust. The outcome of these very significant trials was far from conclusive. The consequence was that all future procedures in Holocaust litigation in many countries, but especially in Germany, were systematically rigged against allowing revisionists the capacity to put on record relevant evidence.
Michael A. Hoffman II, The Great Holocaust Trial (Torrance California: Institute for Historical Review, 1985)
Yves Engler has pointed to the contradiction inundating the discourse of Bernie Farber and the ADL Boss, Jonathan Greenblatt. Engler points to the most blatant inconsistencies attending the reporting of the many assaults against Palestinian people subject to the domination of the Israeli government and its Jewish citizens. The Hate Speech and Hate Actions pointed towards Palestinians by, for instance, Israeli settlers, the Israeli Defence Force and Zionist Jews like, for instance, Bernie Farber himself, deserve critical evaluation.
The decency of justice-minded people who do call attention to the ruthless treatment of Palestinians is quite regularly made a target for intense forms of recrimination. These whistle blowers are often depicted as anti-Semites in the punishments meted out by the likes of the ADL, the SPLC and the CAHN. These whistle blowers are depicted by the Israel Lobby as invasive predators who fail to go along with the proviso that Jews must always be portrayed as victims and never as victimizers.
Farber’s so-called Anti-Hate Network has succumbed to developing a Big Hate against a developing confederacy of activists engaged in protecting children from preventable harm. Many of these activists are proponents of traditional religious and family values. Many seek to assert the right and responsibilities of parents to take the leading role in raising their children. Some are trying to protect young people from encounters with pedophile groomers seeking to sexualize youths well before they arrive at the age of consent.
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network is applying strategies it developed in trying the criminalize the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy into a strategy aimed at criminalizing parents. The parents in the line of CAHN’s fire are often intent on raising their children with love, compassion and the necessary discipline to become well-rounded human beings as well as good and productive Canadian citizens. Such parents have been joining together with a large cross-section of friends and allies to resist the transformations of public schools into platforms for mutilating experiments aimed at changing the sex of young people.
The effort to transform schools into staging grounds for efforts to cross the biological divide differentiating boys from girls goes way beyond the realm of sex eduction into the zone of radical intervention into the deepest recesses of human self-understanding. The current rush to replace the biological basis of parenting with parenting by the state, overturns deep civilizational inheritances. These inheritances include the integrity of organized religion, the imperatives of family formation and continuity extending to the means of bringing new humans into the world as well as socializing them into healthy adulthood.
About two weeks ago I called attention to the Million March 4 Children in a post in “Looking Out at the World From Canada.” [See link below] I included in the post the video and poster below
Many questions are raised by the fact that Farber’s Canadian Anti-Hate Network has decided to smear its visceral Hate Speech all over the initiative originating in the coordinated stance of Muslim and Christian parents. Essentially the CAHN is falling back on the traditional techniques of depicting as terrorists those that do not go along with the WOKE agenda of the Covidian saboteurs. Indeed, the Farber bunch seem to be falling back on the demonization of Muslims that reached epidemic proportions after the spurious interpretations of 9/11 pumped up the engineered hatreds sometimes described as Islamophobia.
CAHN’s introduction of the Million March describes its supporters as “a big tent of far-right and conspiratorial groups, including Christian Nationalists, COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, sovereign citizens, and anti-public education activists.
The analysis draws on a distinction between the somewhat Christian “Family Freedom Brand” CAHN identifies and the more Muslim “Hands Off Our Kids Brand.” The CAHN analysts condemn a reference to “the Biblical/Quranic story of Sodom and Gommorah.” The Family Freedom Brand is identified with several groups including Veterans for Freedom and and an organization entitled Gays Against Grooming. The Hands Off Our Kids Brand is identified with direct citations from three Muslim activists, namely Kamel El-Cheikh, Bahira Abdulsalam, andMahmoud Mourra.
The CAHN’s effort to foment hatred towards those taking part in the Million March 4 Children is being mounted in the named of “Anti-Hate.” A very similar discussion, possibly derivative in nature, brought together a group of trade union activists. The organizers of the discussion, one that took place on September 16, were the leaders of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL).
View the video in this tweet at
I see the discussion above as extremely important. It captures a of the truly dark moment in the entire history of trade union politics in Canada. Tommy Douglas, one of the main founders of the liberal democratic New Democratic Party in Canada, should be rolling over in his grave.
This trade unionist discussion is such that it might have been inspired by CAHN’s critique of the Million March movement. The discussion certainly conforms with some key aspects of Bernie Farber’s worldview. The video talks present a stunning display of trade union activists pointing with intense hostility at average working people in the process of organizing to prevent what we see as an unprecedented assault on the educational integrity of public education. As documented by Jennifer Bilek in her essay in First Things, the Transgender agenda is, in large measure, being driven by “The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement.”
Do the trade unionists, who often describe themselves as heroic anti-capitalists, realize that they are teaming up with some of the richest people in the world. Even the financial leviathan of Larry Fink’s BlackRock is pushing the LBGT agenda from the towering heights of the corporate world.
In my opinion Yolanda Bedesi was one of the most extreme of the trade unionists seeking to stop and reverse the momentum of the Million March. Bedesi describes herself as Director of Human Rights at the Ontario Federation of Labour. Unfortunately I could not find any reference to her on the OFU’s web site that seems purposely contrived to hide much information. This trade unionist unleashed many accusations including one alleging that the organization taking shape is somehow fake. She said the Million Marchers encompass people acting “under the guise” of being “parents and religious believers.”
I heard the word “Hate” coming from Bedesi’s lips many dozens of times. Bedesi encouraged her peers to “combat the Hate.” She sees the targets of her attack being mired in “the cult of Hate” and in industrial-grade “Bigotry.” Bedesa and many of the other trade unionists proposed to “disrupt, demoralize, destroy, bully, intimidate, and shout down the protesters.” She characterized the anticipated confrontation as a turf war where the Million March protesters must be pushed aside so that trade unionists preferred message will be dominate the proceedings.
The fact that this message is coming from officials that represent many unions, including teachers’ unions, should give ample cause to create added anxiety for parents worried about what their children are facing in public schools.
There is much more to come on this subject dealing with the role of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. CAHN is creating havoc in its niche between media, government and law enforcement agencies, but especially CSIS and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Please see
I was listening to that union zoom meeting while looking at the cahn web site where i saw the pride defence guide which mapped out the same tactics being proposed at the meeting. one of the speakers repeatedly used the phrase "sort of" which made me think, this bunch were not originals but just mouthing what they were told to talk about and take back to their shops. it is noteworthy here that health workers have a protest at queens park next week.
Anthony James Hall
Why does your substack site "Looking at the world from Canada" have almost zero comments. Your articles are definitely of current and historical interest. There is much thought in these articles as well delving into things that need to be there for a larger readership.