I was listening to that union zoom meeting while looking at the cahn web site where i saw the pride defence guide which mapped out the same tactics being proposed at the meeting. one of the speakers repeatedly used the phrase "sort of" which made me think, this bunch were not originals but just mouthing what they were told to talk about and take back to their shops. it is noteworthy here that health workers have a protest at queens park next week.
Why does your substack site "Looking at the world from Canada" have almost zero comments. Your articles are definitely of current and historical interest. There is much thought in these articles as well delving into things that need to be there for a larger readership.
Thanks WBJ. I started on Substack in March. I'm up to about 330 Subscribers. Its slow going. I do pour my heart and soul into some of these items. Whether one does or does not get immediate gratification with lots of stimulating responses, the fact remains that I'm creating literature that will be around for a while. Who knows about future responses or the longterm effects? I appreciate your question and sometimes I wonder what it will take to get thoughtful people like you returning more often their thought concerning my thoughts.
Noticed your excellent Article: "If BIN LADEN DIDN'T DO 9-11 THEN WHO DID" appear on Bob Moriarty's News Letter.
Thats at least one more arrow in the bulls eye, as was your writing in the Lew Rockwell publication recently. Both of these sites have high readership so I was glad to see your writings appear there.
Another writer, Gary Barnett gets decent exposure among other higher traffic publications as well. A deep thinker his articles are infrequent but go to the core.
Good Luck
Lady luck exists... as does the spirit man in the Oak Tree
International Jewry has had its greatest success among the Christian Nations of western Europe and those Nations founded on Christianity in the new world. Early Catholic Christianity was not as tolerant of their usurious and wicked ways. It took several centuries before they fell before Lucifer.
All fell except one... Orthodox Christian Byzantine
The Byzantine Empire managed to last well over 1000 years as a Christian enclave adhering to Orthodox Roman Catholicism. Its founder Constantine the first Christian Emperor had experienced the fall of Rome, and all the corruption and terror that fell on to its people which he blamed largely on the Jews living in the city.
Constantine moved the church to Anatolia ( modern Turkey ) and started the resurrection of a new Rome and built the first city Constantinople and seat of the Eastern Roman Orthodox Christian Church. Jews were not forbidden to live there, but became subject to laws and restrictions on their activities among the populace. They could not be in the business of money lending, banking or ever be employed in the handling of the Empires currency, or be in any position of power over the citizens such as lawyers or judges. They could not be educators to the young, doctors or healers except to their own people. The later Emperor Justinian codified these rules and laws which made them binding and transgressors were punished severely.
Only Byzantium did not among the Christian Nations succumb to the Jewish Yoke thanks to the ironclad protections it enacted to stop them. Byzantium lasted through many glorious and prosperous centuries for almost 1200 years.
How come that such a great Christian Empire existing for 1200 years right on the doorstep of Europe never even rates a mention in high school texts of history. I'll render a clue, Jewish and Vatican Roman Catholic Church censorship the two are one and the same. We wouldn't want those kids to learn about Jewish deviltry and how to stop it in its tracks now would we.
The same might be said of Russia and the Orthodox Christian Church, a direct descendant of the Byzantine Orthodox Christian Church. The 1917 revolution was co- opted by the Bolsheviks and turned into a Jewish power grab. The ensuing blood bath, fear and terror spread across Russia left little room for dissent and of course the clergy where first up for liquidation along with intellectuals, educators, land owners, business men and the rest of the booosh waa. Sorry can't find my dictionary.
There is much more to be said here since international Jewry never stops being the antagonist, raging and threatening against any so called by them suppressors of Jewish rights and privileges. They are not done with Russia or Ukraine, murdering millions of human beings was not enough. They wan't lots and lots of more killing... Slav killing Slav until they cease to exist in any meaningful way.
Virtually all Zionist Jews are of Khazar origin, not of palestine Jewish descent. The Khazars converted to Judaism sometime in the 9th century. The Khazarian Empire encompassed the Crimea as well as south central Ukraine. Originally Heathen nomads they were a nasty people, hostage for ransom, murder for hire, slave traders, and child sacrificers . When word got out to the court of the Kievan Kingdoms Christian Ruler that captured mere babies were thrown live into the fiery belly of their God the Khazar King and his court were called out to a meeting which also included a Byzantine delegation
as they too were aware of this grizzly practice. The Khazars understood that a failure to show would lead to an invasion.
It was agreed that the Khazars would stop being pagans and get rid of their baby broasting demon. They were given a choice of any one of the three Abrahamic religious faiths to worship... Christianity, Islam. or Judaism. The chose Judaism because so the story goes they were fond of alcohol and since Judaism was the only one of the three that did not forbid alcohol they chose Judaism.
But I... however think otherwise, Judaism or Talmudism is an atheistic system of evil that suited these bastard Khazars just fine.
But.. long story short the Khazars failed to live up to their promise and were caught roasting babies again. The Prince of Kiev's soldiers and the Byzantine army sent the Khazars into a great diaspora destroying their Empire and leaving the Khazars fleeing in all directions mostly south to Hungary, Poland the Baltic area, and also into the Ukraine and what is now Russia. Sound familiar, thats some prophetic book huh... the Talmud.
The descendants of these Khazars really did a real job on the Russian Slavs didn't they ... millions tortured and dead through the Bolshevik revolution. Now it is the Ukraines turn again. We lost our great Khazarian Empire located in the Ukraine and Crimea eight centuries ago but now you gonna pay and give it all back to us. By the way most of you will have to die likely through a gene marker that makes your race particularly vulnerable. Have a nice day.
The sixty four thousand dollar question to me is. WILL RUSSIA AND PUTIN BE NEXT?
I don't ever think about the west where its always the best... collapsing into loathsome vassal regions. we are already there, and I suspect a lot of people already sense it.
I have been thinking of moving to one of the peaceful islands in the Baltic for my remaining limited time on spaceship earth. Might seem like moving closer to a more dangerous area, but I have friends there who hear very little of that conflict and live a quiet peaceful existence with lots of friends and good times.
But Canada is in my blood, as in Alberta and BC, as in the Rocky Mountains, the foothills of southern Alberta and the Columbia Valley in BC. I spent close to 50 years living off the grid which unlike today does not mean living totally away from civilization.
Living off grid to me means living with as little commercial power delivery as possible, and providing sustenance like food protein and plant on your own. Our kids grew up on game meat, goats milk and cheese, free roaming chickens and eggs home grown vegetables and fruit. started with ten acres in the Porcupine Hills of southern Alberta, and then lastly we moved on 80 acres in the Kootenays of BC. On the BC farm the pavement of the highway ended 800 feet from our house, But it was pure wilderness every kind of critter passed through our homestead.. Mule deer, Elk, Moose, Whitetail deer, and the odd small group of Bighorn Rams in search of females, Wolves, Cougars, black bears, and Grizzlies. We had a Mountain creek supplying fresh water straight to the tap at 60 pounds pressure, a huge septic field of my own design. There is a heck of a lot more to tell of this experience but i'll leave it at that for now. Just for the record, I consider myself a fringe man as opposed to a hermit. I need space and some solitude but I would not turn my back on civilization we all need need the company of others lest we go mad.
That's a wonderful commentary WBJ. Thanks for sharing so much of real substance in this spot. We live about 35 miles away from the Porcupine Hills. I got to know the area in 1990 when the Peigan Lonefighters were standing up for their water rights as the Oldman Dam was reaching completion. I had just started my new job as Associate Professor of Native American Studies at the U of L so I was in my element getting involved in the Alberta Resource Wars in the era when Ralph Klein was the Environment Minister. Ralph spoke Blackfoot pretty well. He was a notorious party guy with the folks at the Siksika Res. I recall you relating the story of being at the U of L for the graduation of a grandson.
That is just how it is done, how Hitler did it and how the ADL does it, and how "our" governments tried to do it to "the unvaccinated". I stood with that group and was fired from the clinic I had worked at for 18 years total, on principle, the principle I expressed to my coworkers as "standing naked with the Jews", to which some took offense. The tale of my firing while planting the fall-winter vegetable garden I started and kept for the clinic at my own expense is here: https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/10/go-down-gardening.html
Professor Hall and I are good friends and have shared COVID information for articles since 2020.
Take another look over that comment, please, if you would.
OK.. I did do another reading of your comment and my initial take on it remains the same. But.. I could have asked you what you meant by that comment. Well I didn't because I didn't want to get stung twice so to speak. Pride got in the way and I have way too much of it. Sorry....
I was listening to that union zoom meeting while looking at the cahn web site where i saw the pride defence guide which mapped out the same tactics being proposed at the meeting. one of the speakers repeatedly used the phrase "sort of" which made me think, this bunch were not originals but just mouthing what they were told to talk about and take back to their shops. it is noteworthy here that health workers have a protest at queens park next week.
I noticed that Farber worked in the trade union scene before he became Israel Lobby spin doctor #1.
Anthony James Hall
Why does your substack site "Looking at the world from Canada" have almost zero comments. Your articles are definitely of current and historical interest. There is much thought in these articles as well delving into things that need to be there for a larger readership.
Thanks WBJ. I started on Substack in March. I'm up to about 330 Subscribers. Its slow going. I do pour my heart and soul into some of these items. Whether one does or does not get immediate gratification with lots of stimulating responses, the fact remains that I'm creating literature that will be around for a while. Who knows about future responses or the longterm effects? I appreciate your question and sometimes I wonder what it will take to get thoughtful people like you returning more often their thought concerning my thoughts.
Noticed your excellent Article: "If BIN LADEN DIDN'T DO 9-11 THEN WHO DID" appear on Bob Moriarty's News Letter.
Thats at least one more arrow in the bulls eye, as was your writing in the Lew Rockwell publication recently. Both of these sites have high readership so I was glad to see your writings appear there.
Another writer, Gary Barnett gets decent exposure among other higher traffic publications as well. A deep thinker his articles are infrequent but go to the core.
Good Luck
Lady luck exists... as does the spirit man in the Oak Tree
Check this out.
Well golly gee, you have been a busy bee...
I used to check global research every day, but it has now moved to number 38 on my Bookmarks list.
I'm off to see the barber to have my cul de sac trimmed.
Plant seeds and others may water. Never stop planting seeds, they will grow into trees providing shelter.
This takes awhile, and a comments-section has a community-life of its own.
Professor Hall is proceeding well, I think.
Yes. It seems to take a while. But thanks for being here, Dr. Day, more or less from the inception and, for that matter, before.
We pull together, even when we are apart.
Something to Ponder
International Jewry has had its greatest success among the Christian Nations of western Europe and those Nations founded on Christianity in the new world. Early Catholic Christianity was not as tolerant of their usurious and wicked ways. It took several centuries before they fell before Lucifer.
All fell except one... Orthodox Christian Byzantine
The Byzantine Empire managed to last well over 1000 years as a Christian enclave adhering to Orthodox Roman Catholicism. Its founder Constantine the first Christian Emperor had experienced the fall of Rome, and all the corruption and terror that fell on to its people which he blamed largely on the Jews living in the city.
Constantine moved the church to Anatolia ( modern Turkey ) and started the resurrection of a new Rome and built the first city Constantinople and seat of the Eastern Roman Orthodox Christian Church. Jews were not forbidden to live there, but became subject to laws and restrictions on their activities among the populace. They could not be in the business of money lending, banking or ever be employed in the handling of the Empires currency, or be in any position of power over the citizens such as lawyers or judges. They could not be educators to the young, doctors or healers except to their own people. The later Emperor Justinian codified these rules and laws which made them binding and transgressors were punished severely.
Only Byzantium did not among the Christian Nations succumb to the Jewish Yoke thanks to the ironclad protections it enacted to stop them. Byzantium lasted through many glorious and prosperous centuries for almost 1200 years.
How come that such a great Christian Empire existing for 1200 years right on the doorstep of Europe never even rates a mention in high school texts of history. I'll render a clue, Jewish and Vatican Roman Catholic Church censorship the two are one and the same. We wouldn't want those kids to learn about Jewish deviltry and how to stop it in its tracks now would we.
The same might be said of Russia and the Orthodox Christian Church, a direct descendant of the Byzantine Orthodox Christian Church. The 1917 revolution was co- opted by the Bolsheviks and turned into a Jewish power grab. The ensuing blood bath, fear and terror spread across Russia left little room for dissent and of course the clergy where first up for liquidation along with intellectuals, educators, land owners, business men and the rest of the booosh waa. Sorry can't find my dictionary.
There is much more to be said here since international Jewry never stops being the antagonist, raging and threatening against any so called by them suppressors of Jewish rights and privileges. They are not done with Russia or Ukraine, murdering millions of human beings was not enough. They wan't lots and lots of more killing... Slav killing Slav until they cease to exist in any meaningful way.
Virtually all Zionist Jews are of Khazar origin, not of palestine Jewish descent. The Khazars converted to Judaism sometime in the 9th century. The Khazarian Empire encompassed the Crimea as well as south central Ukraine. Originally Heathen nomads they were a nasty people, hostage for ransom, murder for hire, slave traders, and child sacrificers . When word got out to the court of the Kievan Kingdoms Christian Ruler that captured mere babies were thrown live into the fiery belly of their God the Khazar King and his court were called out to a meeting which also included a Byzantine delegation
as they too were aware of this grizzly practice. The Khazars understood that a failure to show would lead to an invasion.
It was agreed that the Khazars would stop being pagans and get rid of their baby broasting demon. They were given a choice of any one of the three Abrahamic religious faiths to worship... Christianity, Islam. or Judaism. The chose Judaism because so the story goes they were fond of alcohol and since Judaism was the only one of the three that did not forbid alcohol they chose Judaism.
But I... however think otherwise, Judaism or Talmudism is an atheistic system of evil that suited these bastard Khazars just fine.
But.. long story short the Khazars failed to live up to their promise and were caught roasting babies again. The Prince of Kiev's soldiers and the Byzantine army sent the Khazars into a great diaspora destroying their Empire and leaving the Khazars fleeing in all directions mostly south to Hungary, Poland the Baltic area, and also into the Ukraine and what is now Russia. Sound familiar, thats some prophetic book huh... the Talmud.
The descendants of these Khazars really did a real job on the Russian Slavs didn't they ... millions tortured and dead through the Bolshevik revolution. Now it is the Ukraines turn again. We lost our great Khazarian Empire located in the Ukraine and Crimea eight centuries ago but now you gonna pay and give it all back to us. By the way most of you will have to die likely through a gene marker that makes your race particularly vulnerable. Have a nice day.
The sixty four thousand dollar question to me is. WILL RUSSIA AND PUTIN BE NEXT?
I don't ever think about the west where its always the best... collapsing into loathsome vassal regions. we are already there, and I suspect a lot of people already sense it.
I have been thinking of moving to one of the peaceful islands in the Baltic for my remaining limited time on spaceship earth. Might seem like moving closer to a more dangerous area, but I have friends there who hear very little of that conflict and live a quiet peaceful existence with lots of friends and good times.
But Canada is in my blood, as in Alberta and BC, as in the Rocky Mountains, the foothills of southern Alberta and the Columbia Valley in BC. I spent close to 50 years living off the grid which unlike today does not mean living totally away from civilization.
Living off grid to me means living with as little commercial power delivery as possible, and providing sustenance like food protein and plant on your own. Our kids grew up on game meat, goats milk and cheese, free roaming chickens and eggs home grown vegetables and fruit. started with ten acres in the Porcupine Hills of southern Alberta, and then lastly we moved on 80 acres in the Kootenays of BC. On the BC farm the pavement of the highway ended 800 feet from our house, But it was pure wilderness every kind of critter passed through our homestead.. Mule deer, Elk, Moose, Whitetail deer, and the odd small group of Bighorn Rams in search of females, Wolves, Cougars, black bears, and Grizzlies. We had a Mountain creek supplying fresh water straight to the tap at 60 pounds pressure, a huge septic field of my own design. There is a heck of a lot more to tell of this experience but i'll leave it at that for now. Just for the record, I consider myself a fringe man as opposed to a hermit. I need space and some solitude but I would not turn my back on civilization we all need need the company of others lest we go mad.
That's a wonderful commentary WBJ. Thanks for sharing so much of real substance in this spot. We live about 35 miles away from the Porcupine Hills. I got to know the area in 1990 when the Peigan Lonefighters were standing up for their water rights as the Oldman Dam was reaching completion. I had just started my new job as Associate Professor of Native American Studies at the U of L so I was in my element getting involved in the Alberta Resource Wars in the era when Ralph Klein was the Environment Minister. Ralph spoke Blackfoot pretty well. He was a notorious party guy with the folks at the Siksika Res. I recall you relating the story of being at the U of L for the graduation of a grandson.
1) Project the darkness and evil within yourself, which you "cannot see" onto adversaries.
2) Decry those adversaries as subhuman ("Jews","Slavs", "Gypsies", "Counter-revolutionaries", "unvaccinated", "deplorables","haters", "white supremacists").
3) Many further options will be open if you can convince others that your accusations are true.
4) Rinse.
5) Repeat.
1) Are you referring to yourself here, or are only others evil. Sounds like the latter to me.
2) Poppycock
3) Untrue. Your'e the one doing the accusing here and your options and time are up
4) Rinse... your pie hole with lysol & soap
5) Several times.
Now go cry foul some other place. Your'e sick.
Hey WBJ, you might have taken me wrong.
That is just how it is done, how Hitler did it and how the ADL does it, and how "our" governments tried to do it to "the unvaccinated". I stood with that group and was fired from the clinic I had worked at for 18 years total, on principle, the principle I expressed to my coworkers as "standing naked with the Jews", to which some took offense. The tale of my firing while planting the fall-winter vegetable garden I started and kept for the clinic at my own expense is here: https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/10/go-down-gardening.html
Professor Hall and I are good friends and have shared COVID information for articles since 2020.
Take another look over that comment, please, if you would.
John Day MD
OK.. I did do another reading of your comment and my initial take on it remains the same. But.. I could have asked you what you meant by that comment. Well I didn't because I didn't want to get stung twice so to speak. Pride got in the way and I have way too much of it. Sorry....
I would like to askAJ Hall to remove that post.
Thanks for reading it again, WBJ.