Thanks Professor. Bad flashbacks again, but the present is the same disjointed and perverse world, spinning, spinning, spinning away.

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So what did we learn.

We learned that among those ordinary people we see every day, neighbours, fellow workers, relatives there are those ( quite a few actually ) who will scream and shout at anyone not complying with an edict from just about any Government bureaucrat. In their panic it never dawns on them why would those not falling in line want to commit suicide. All of a sudden all those non compliants are out to murder Grandma.

Unlike those folks who fell for the lies from the top and took the jabs and quietly went about their business, these examples of the statement "Lenins useful idiots" just couldn't let it go at that. Every trip out the door offered the opportunity to hassle someone with righteous indignation. Or spy on your neighbours, inform the authorities about violators. I know some of these people personally nothing has changed no apologies or even a subdued demeanour. There is one relative of ours through marriage who put on such a hideous show at our refusal to get the shots that I will never set foot in their house ever. They can't expect that the persona non grata we suffered at their hands is something that we can ever forget. The really terrible thing about these events is that these useful idiots have learned nothing, and will be right back at it at the next engineered psycho drama.

And what did TPTB learn from the horror fiction ( aka: War of the Worlds ) they found in Wuhan China. They learned that the bigger the net the more humans they catch. Sort of like the bigger the lie the more likely it is to be believed. You just have to have a really scary story and slogan for the net and here they come.

I'm really curious as to why the public in the Anglo countries are such easy marks for anything told to them by anyone in Authority, especially if what they are told is quite jingoist. They have an innate distrust of non english speaking countries. But I think that on an average basis these folks are not too bright.

Then of course there are the Americans, prone to periods of irrational psychosis who live in an of

their own making American Nut House. Whatever wounds they suffer are self inflicted. Too many thieves and liars in positions of power, all claiming that they can heal the country while they stuff their offshore accounts. Since the blood of politics flows thickly in the veins of the deplorables like football and baseball,

anything and all is believed because it's American.

Thank God that there are still people around who are not ready to let their emotions and fears get the better of them, lose their minds and run straight into the waiting arms of those who mean to harm them


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Thank WBJ for providing this commentary put many facets of the manufactured COVID crisis in context.

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