The Canadian Government Joins the Génocidaires Standing Against the Justice-Minded South Africans
Trudeau's Lies and Crimes and Failures Run Far Deeper Than Racism.
Look in the mirror, Justin Trudeau, and smell how the stench of mass murder now permeates all of Canada. The pungent odor emanates from your government’s cowardice and your own close identification with the atrocities of Zionist génocidaires whose killing fields extend far beyond Gaza.
Trudeau condemned the Canadian Truckers who converged on Ottawa in January of 2022. Their aim was to end the mandated injections. Worldwide, the mandated military bioweapons have already killed and injured millions, purposely by design. Those responsible, including Trudeau, continue to duck, and hide, and deny their crimes. Taking his orders from Bernie Farber and the so-called Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Trudeau condemned the Truckers as racists.
Trudeau refused to meet with them but instead suspended the Canadian constitution to seize the Truckers assets, put some of them in jail, and unleashed police violence on their peaceful supporters. Some of those arrested in Feb. of 2022 have been kept incarcerated for two years having been convicted of nothing.
Trudeau’s has yet to adequately explain his hostility to the South African case at the ICJ. The South Africans have been widely commended for their compelling legal arguments exposing in great detail the obvious genocidal assault of USA-Israel in Gaza. The result is that Trudeau continues to shame decent Canadians with his anti-Palestinian, anti-South African stance. Both Palestinians and South Africans oppose Israeli apartheid. Does Trudeau oppose Israeli apartheid?
The Trudeau government is also backing the bombing campaign against the Houthi-dominated Yemeni government because the Houthis are with the South Africans in standing up for the right of Palestinian civilians not to be exterminated en masse. We can now see clearly the government of Canada is supporting the mass murder and subsequent deportation of the survivors to finish off the genocidal designs of the Nakba initiated in 1948. Is the Trudeau government already negotiating with the Israeli genocidaires who are known to be seeking to relocate some of the Palestinian survivors into Canada after all the life support systems in Gaza have been purposely obliterated?
Trudeau’s atrocious position goes far beyond racism. With all his lies and corruptions and perversities, he should have been forced to resign as Prime Minister long ago. The fact that members of the Liberal caucus in Parliament along with the NDP Leader, Jagmeet Singh, have allowed him to stay in office, will be a source of shame and infamy for all of them throughout the remainder of their hopefully short political careers. This most recent disgrace, of and by Canadian parliamentarians follows in the wake of their enthusiastic standing ovations for a Waffen SS veteran who joined in the Hitlerian assault on Russia in WWII.
Given the decline of Parliamentary institutions during the Trudeau era, there probably will be no significant parliamentary debate on the issue of the US-Israel genocide in Gaza as well as on whether Canada should join South Africa’s intervention at the ICJ. This decline of parliamentary democracy in Canada has much to do with the invisible iron grip of Zionist power brokers on all political parties as well as on most sectors of the media and academia. The result is a deadly silence in Canada when it comes to the need for pluralistic articulation even on the core life-and-death issues of our times.
See Global
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is outraged by Canada’s refusal to support South Africa’s application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel. Statements issued today by Prime Minister Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Joly state that Canada does not support the “premise” of South Africa’s fact-based and compelling case. Tellingly, they are unable to identify any arguments in South Africa’s case that they disagree with. As such, they refuse to address the substance of the case, and retreat to denial.
There is no neutral ground between being for or against genocide. The Trudeau government said it did not agree with South Africa's "premises." What "premises" does it not agree with and why? Have you seen South Africa's written legal case which is widely available on the Internet? Have you heard the presentations of the South African lawyers in the International Court of Justice at the Hague? Both are masterful. What is there not to agree with? What "premises"? When you've done some research Jossee, come back and we can discuss it.
Just as Australia kisses the arse of the imperial war machine, to my absolute disgust the newly elected new Zealand government is now kissing the arse of the imperial war machine. First they refused to call the massive slaughter and genocide of innocent people in Gaza to now supporting an escalation of the wrongful attacks in the red sea and Yemen. We have gone from being on the right side of Justice to the wrong side. I will be making my voice loud so that with those kiwis who are also on the right side of just to stop try and change the Draconian mentality of this new failing government.