There is no neutral ground between being for or against genocide. The Trudeau government said it did not agree with South Africa's "premises." What "premises" does it not agree with and why? Have you seen South Africa's written legal case which is widely available on the Internet? Have you heard the presentations of the South African lawyers in the International Court of Justice at the Hague? Both are masterful. What is there not to agree with? What "premises"? When you've done some research Jossee, come back and we can discuss it.

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Just as Australia kisses the arse of the imperial war machine, to my absolute disgust the newly elected new Zealand government is now kissing the arse of the imperial war machine. First they refused to call the massive slaughter and genocide of innocent people in Gaza to now supporting an escalation of the wrongful attacks in the red sea and Yemen. We have gone from being on the right side of Justice to the wrong side. I will be making my voice loud so that with those kiwis who are also on the right side of just to stop try and change the Draconian mentality of this new failing government.

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So New Zealand is on the list of the Operation Prosperity Guardian vigilantes bombing Yemen. All these countries-- our stolen countries-- are engaging in aggressive warfare so that those conducting the genocide in Gaza can continue the mass murder. Keep us posted on your efforts to get some accountability from the genocide lovers who have seized control of the NZ government.

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Unfortunately we voted out the government who wasn't perfect (they moved from left to center left) whom definitely did not support and condemned American and UK aggression. Our left leaning party (the greens and Te Pāti Māori) they have been amazing in calling out the aggression and genocide and that we should've supported South Africa at the Hague, members have participated in some of our protests against Israel oppression, war crimes and genocide and against American aggression. They have also joined protests on domestic issues of racism of our new government.

I will keep you posted in our progress/efforts in our fight against our very first far right government and their disgusting support for genocide, aggression and destabilization of other countries.

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Trudeau practises apartheid and attempted genocide here at home. Of course he supports it everywhere else!

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Yemen confirmed that no attack would deter its armed forces from supporting Palestine and promised to continue targeting Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea

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Hezbollah launched a large rocket attack on Kiryat Shmona on Thursday, in response to Israel’s brutal killing of two medics

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HUMAN FLOOD in Sanaa, Yemen today as millions protest against the US-led aggression with war chants, authorizing their leadership to respond to the attacks.

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Thanks professor. I'll put this into tomorrow's blog post.

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The political establishment in Canada is like all the other western power blocks, not afraid of those it governs. It can always find the foot soldiers it needs to put down those who get in the way. After all it has made itself the indispensable benefactor of mankind through benevolent acts of gifts and ever more elevating social programs.

People somehow never clue into the fact that it is they who actually pay for this in money and blood, not governments

Pearson brought us SIN# and CPP, I am not sure about the timing of the OAS. Bismarck introduced Unemployment Insurance. Today governments are so intertwined in peoples lives as regulators in virtually all avenues of endeavour that folks accept this as normal without question.

I was against universal health care and mistakenly neglected to pay the premiums back in the early seventies. A team from the Capitol of Edmonton descended on my hard to locate home straightened me out, lecture and all and then left cash in hand. I felt the stick.. the reverse of government benevolence and social improvements.

How has that Health care scheme worked out today 50 years later... Hmmm

The public is comatose and simply acts on an acute awareness of its limited daily comfort zone. The job ( keeping it ) the bills ( paying them forever ) the House ( keeping it too ) staying within a social zone of acceptance by others ( the herd instinct.

I have not heard a single word about Israel/Gaza from anyone in our large family or out in public. I sat in the filled waiting room of a Doctors Office a week ago, not a word about it. Now I am not going to extrapolate this to mean that this is a non issue with all Canadians, Oh No.... say only about 75% of the adults in the country.

Trudeau and the liberals can't stop the Israelis from carrying on with the destruction of Palestine. Being an instrument of a master other than the public in Canada is a problem for the Canadian people, not some entity or body above the people.

What really P.... s me off is the Covid scam and the following restriction protocols against peoples rights in Canada was laid out by this PM and his cabinet. Trudeau really showed his disdain for ordinary Canadians, working people, old people and children. It is hard to look at this empty as a mannequin suited up nobody still articulating his special brand of double speak in Parliament as Prime minister. Fauci.. remember him, has finally given an answer to a question and not said I don't remember when asked about who came up with the 6' distance rule. He said that it just came about one day and that the rule did not come from him even though he repeated it ad finitum.

But in retrospect Trudeau is as I have said the pawn and plant of another alien life form seeking to destroy the west. I think that in some way he and his compatriots will fall into the embrace of the ineffable and suffer the consequences of their deeds.


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a freezing jolt of arctic air that should be a wake up call for the 75%.

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It has to be understood that to break Zionist control over virtually all Nations and peoples on the planet their money power has to be broken. It is through money that they have as a small group taken over control of humanity.

Yes.. one can point to the many tentacles of the Octopus of Zion corrupting this or that throughout society but little of it would stick without their total control of money. This alone has created historical resentment against this group among gentiles who understand or see the results of their practice of using money to manipulate others. What would in the past especially in Europe turn into physical confrontation against this group or sometimes their actual expulsion from a country... has through sheer genius by the Zio Banksters been turned into the absolute prerequisite for further success. Hatred and anti semitism as a unifying force among these criminals and the hat trick being of course being the fact that they don't have a single drop of semitic blood in their veins. The made up Holocaust ( Hollercuss as I see it ) provided the icing on the cake. Who would dare criticize these poor unfortunates... ehh.

Because Europeans especially have been naive in the extreme and fair in their dealings with one another (fair play, as in don't kick a man when he is down) they became easy victims to the designs of these amoral conjurors. Thus the calloused hand of the people, the builders creating wealth and the formation of civilizations by work and will wound up with little after the soft delicate hand of the conjurers picked them clean.

The world has been in the grip of a money, credit and interest banking fandangle that has its roots as far back as Babylon. Even that far back it was understood as Napoleon said: the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. The lender is at the advantage and if left to run its course business and social decay will ensue because of debt. An ever larger debt overhang stifling trade and activity. The lender flush with cash cannot find a credible borrower, and the borrowers have no collateral.

So what was the remedy to stop this from happening.

Debt moratoriums where instituted by the Kings/Queens or High Authority throughout history. I am not talking about debt liquidation via todays bankruptcy schemes so that the monopoly game can keep running and where the costs are simply gone from nothing to nothing as we are in fact not dealing with any money of intrinsic value in and of itself.

I am talking about real debt in real money such as public or sovereign debt, as well as commercial debt... that commerce being vital to an economy such as trade over time and distance. This debt moratorium also works its way down to the commoners in the lender/debtor relationship with the lender wanting to keep lending and the borrower needing the credit so mutual satisfaction has to be attained before time has run out

These moratoriums and their timing of execution where known, every 7, 9, 10, 12, to 15 years years or so where common.

Today beyond a doubt the world is awash in debt, replete with its minions of servile millions whose entire lives will be spent servicing their own debts and that of their rulers as well. Truth be told as long as these money manipulators are in charge there is no relief for the common people from this debt hell. I have deliberately not delved into the function of interest ( a complex subject ) as I believe that I can make my point quite well without it.

Have you heard anything about a DEBT MORATORIUM anywhere today recently or in the past? I didn't think so.

But, but actually you have and quite recently in fact.

Recall one Non Semitic Son of Zion a true Ashkenazi POS by the name of Klaus Schwab pontificating to the media that: You will own nossink and you vil be happie.

First I would like to state that KLAUS is not a GERMAN. Like many many Zionists far too many, Germany has been a magnet for his kind going back generations, putting the lie to to the 6 million genocide. Germany like Israhell is a huge reservoir of so called Hollercuss survivors sucking away at the German teat. If my people and members of my family had been experienced genocide in that place I would not want to see them to set foot there ever again. Alas the Zio's are different.

The creep articulated the entire ideal of the Zion created lie of Marxist thought in that simple sentence. Give us the world and you will have no debt, we will feed you, clothe you and provide you with shelter. There will be no more war, the earth will be like a paradise, and you will be happy.

Yes Klaus.. a paradise for you and your kind. But he won't tell them the truth so I will: You will all be our charge and thus ours to do with as we please. Criticism will not be tolerated and your rewards (pitiful as it will be) will be dependant on your performance as regards our demands. You will obey our every command or be eliminated as undesirable. Welcome to Huxley's brave new world.

There are I dare say, at least as many fools out there who fell for their Covid propaganda scare and took the jab, who will flock to this banquet of the promise of paradise on earth. For those of them being adults I have no sympathy and only little compassion

But hold on, I see a ray of hope, a fault in the solidarity of the aims and purpose of our hitherto united tormentors, perhaps a division of purpose.



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Spit on. Simply marvelous

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Regarding Australia’s and Canada’s lockstep support for the jewish genocide of Palestinians, recall this:

• Stephen Harper and John Howard kiss George W Bush's ass in style - poyani


Clearly someone above their pay grade writes their speech(es)

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The US and the UK, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, have conducted targeted strikes in Yemen against Houthi threats to maritime navigation in the Red Sea.

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Unveiling The Midnight Aggression: US-Led Coalition Strikes Yemen

○ At 1:30 AM Sanaa time, a coalition of 10 countries spearheaded by the US and UK, undertook significant strikes on Yemen, aligning with their support for Israel.

🇺🇸United States

🇬🇧 United Kingdom






🇳🇿New Zealand

🇰🇷South Korea

🇳🇱The Netherlands

○ The US operation involved a formidable combination of warplanes, warships, and submarines. In parallel, UK warplanes based in Cyprus executed four strikes, intensifying the military action.

○ A total of 73 strikes targeted 12 locations across Ansarallah-controlled areas: the capital Sanaa, Hodeidah, Taizz, Hajjah, and Saada.

The strikes resulted in 5 deaths, six injuries, and substantial material losses.

These attacks underscore the gravity of the situation in West Asia, demanding global attention and thoughtful reflection on the implications of such military actions.

○ In response to the US-led aggression, Yemen's armed forces have adamantly pledged to retaliate. Their commitment extends to targeting the sources of the attacks on both land and at sea, a staunch defense of Yemen's sovereignty and independence in the face of external intervention.

○ The roots of this conflict trace back two months when Yemen's armed forces declared their intention to block any Israeli-linked or owned ships in support of Gaza and the Palestinian people from passing through the Red Sea.

This stance compelled the US Navy to safeguard Tel Aviv's maritime security, setting the stage for heightened tensions between Washington and Sanaa.

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High-Level Zionists trying to draw Iran directly into the conflict.

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Looking at the list of countries joining this new coalition of the blind leading the blind into a blind canyon ( Yemen ) really gets my attention. How many of the millions of souls in these countries are all Gung Ho for this. For how much longer can these pretenders and lords of all lies carry on before the tide finally turns and every past hidden truth, injustice and brutal slaughter of millions breaks through their carefully laid matrix of mind control.

Losing control after what they have unleashed upon the populations ( in particular the Christian west ) in their haste to take all... they now seem to have no real plan other than to project their self image of absolute power. Sort of like the little quip: when all you have is a hammer then everything looks like a nail.

That pretty well sums it up.. they have no loyal friends, just paid servants and those denigrated to a very low moral and mental level. The gadgety west and its love of self is of their making and those thus occupied are not interested in any real sacrifices of their self. Good job creating all those useless eaters.. but do they really think that they can take the world over with an army of AI operated robot zombies. Sure.. I believe that.. just as in the extreme of Genius there is a parallel to Insanity, so there is in Narcissism and conceit a parallel to self delusion.

When all you have is a Hammer.. the Nails get bigger and bigger.


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And when you miss the nail what happens to your thumb?

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Most of those "countries" are having "recruiting" problems, so they will search the earth, corner to corner looking for hired guns, dumb-luck foreigners, and anyone who can follow the Western Directive of : Shoot anyone who moves."

....Until the self-flying F18's are on line, and the million satellites and ten million drones, all joy sticked by a few fucking nerds and their AI programs.

But, yeah, all those brave fuckers who said, "Man, if I had been a German and I had the chance to kill Hitler, I woulda, coulda, might have."

Now, the little Hitlers and little Mengel's and Goebells have stars of David and Christian crosses. Hell, the Mormons are some of the biggest lovers now of tokenized and digitzed prisons called "home of the unbrave."

And these putrid people follow the chosen ass suicide sicarios, those Jews Fiddling on their Own Fucking Roofs?

While Israeli officials promise to bring the captives in Gaza back alive, prominent Israeli experts say the military is implementing the Hannibal Directive to kill them.

Death Camp Lovers, those Jews in Jewish Occupied Jewish Palestine.


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Don't worry,,, Hitler is going to come back big. Ordinary people are going to want to know everything about Hitler... everything. What he said, what he did, how he did it. How he motivated so many people and why the German people stuck by and revered Hitler right until the bitter end. Everything of that history 1933/1945 will return to be marvelled at by millions upon millions in the not too distant future. After all who is the most famous person after Jesus Christ in the western world. The murderers who accused those they murdered of their own crimes and now have the world hoodwinked by placing Hitler and others on pedestals of designated evil in their halls of infamy have made a terrible mistake. The world wants to know the truth, it's too late to bury it and make it go away.

Get a head start on the coming full spectra revelation of a truth that can no longer be hidden. Put away your cell phone and start reading and do some internet research. Dig and I guarantee that the golden nuggets of truth will be there.


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good advice

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What kind of drivel is this. The Govt clearly said they would go with rule of law. Remain neutral.

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You can't do genocide and remain within "the rule of law."

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