Thanks for noticing so quickly Skoolafish and Michael Atkinson. What an amazing development? Netanyahu goes for broke. He wants his war with Iran even if it means nuclear war.

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Professor Hall I mean no disrespect to anyone but to me it truly is confounding how so many people supposedly have promoted these man-made religions and they don't even really know anything about them really. I mean, if they did they wouldn't promote it seems to me.

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I like very much everything that I know of RFK Jr ... EXCEPT his views on Israel.

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RFK Jr. also starred in a "truth documentary" where a certain famous lady that's been going around for years telling people that slaves had masks put on them in the past like right now, and oh, about the hollow hoax. I also saw him on an outside stage once somewhere a couple years ago I guess with a supposed crowd of truth advocates in front of him. During his speech he said from a podium something like "We need to stop the controlled demolition of America" to great applause. But then like other "truth advocates" I've seen say things related to the 9/11 scam like that, they then act like they never said it, and never elaborate in any meaningful way. As if people are supposed to wait for the elaboration on it for years or something, other than right there in the speech to your face that day. People who promote that the 9/11 scam was a LIHOP scam rather than a MIHOP scam obviously do that on purpose, and it pisses me off because it's hard to find responsible truth advocates and sources that don't also, either knowingly or not, promote and/or interact with in some way moron scammers of whatever kind at times.

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And he's shoddy on the environment.

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It seems Kennedy is clueless on the climate change fraud.

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Great History and Context of the Greater Israel Project, including war on Hamas, from Michel Chossudovsly and Israel Shahak. includes important maps.


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Why is it always a failure of Israel and never the success of the Hamas today or HizbAllah victory in expelling Israeli invaders in 2005 or the textbook classic the Egyptians wrote in defeating a defensive line protected by water in 1073.

Why is Israel's delusion of its own invincibility never questioned? Take this Iron dome for example, is it really an Iron dome or a tin yamaka, when compared to the awesome defense system Iran has in place.

At some point the dominion over World Media meets the hard reality on the ground and propaganda looses face in front of facts.

Israel has a good airforce and an over rated army. In every ground conflict, as in Yum Kipur and and the invasion of Lebanon, when Israel faced a well trained army, it didn't fair well. Running over one Egyptian division in 1967 shouldn't be considered a victory but more of an unprovoked attack on far weaker force.

Was it predictable that Israel would "mow the grass" after Hamas' incursions? Everyone expected it and so did Hamas. Will Bibi commit to wandering into Gaza to face Hamas snipers and fighters in wait in the newly formed rubble? When will he declare victory and will Hamas accept his declaration?

Now that the 5000 rockets fired by Hamas has depleted the supplies for the Iron Dome where will the replacements come from? The US has run dry throwing everything it could at Ukraine against Russia. Will Bibi heed HizbAllah's warning that an incursion into Gaza will bring HizbAllah's extensive arsenal of missiles to do real damage to Hifa's many Amonia tank farms or the Dimona nuclear plant?

After all the recent attacks on Syria and the Medical support ISIS fighters against Syria, received in Tel Aviv, can Israel defend another front against a well trained and battle hardened Syrian Army? The bloodliable keeps mounting.

Has Israel taken into account that the Suez Canal, Bab-alMandab, the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Arabian/Persian Gulf are belong to BRIC nations?

This brings me to the point of my post.

The World is facing the decline of the Anglosaxon empire and their "paper for commodities" system.

Many think that the hidden purpose for the establishment of Israel was to establish a foothold in the resource rich ME. Imagine if the ME didn't have any oil. Would there be any wars?

So in my calculus, the Israeli people and the Palestinians, the Ukrainian Slavs and the Russian Slavs, and any other people on this Earth are not exempt from extermination in support of the Anglosaxon and European Colonial Globalists.

I would like to see, the Israeli people comming to term with the real suffering of the Palestinians in contrast to their own historical suffering, As the stronger of two combatants, Israel to begin inroads into reaching out to the Palestinians. It is hard to even listen to what I am saying today, even impossible? Yes, but continuing this conflict while depending on a US that is being destroyed from within by the same vandals destroying the nation's of the World and of the Misddle East is a goal for death not for life.

Imagine if Israel called a seize fire, returned the electrical power to Gaza and as a first phase of peace, pledged with the help of China and Russia to rebuild Gaza in the Image of Tel Aviv and share the occupied territories with the Palestinians. Sure it will be a hard road to travel, but by the third generation too many human connections will be hard to break again. The people of Palestine are the original Jews. Some remained Jewish, some became Christians and Arabs. The three religion call for never killing your neighbor. Before 1948, the early Israeli settlers had Palestinian passports, Golda Meyer had one.

There is a recent meme going around in the ME of the famous picture of the little Palestinian throwing a rock at a tank. Below it is Hamas fighters leading IDF prisoners with the caption "Praise Allah, the children have grown up." This is the reality of the Palestinian soul. All I know is, it must also take a huge toll on the Israeli soul. May God protect the innocent on both sides.

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You wrote "I would like to see, the Israeli people come to term with the real suffering of they Palestinians in contrast to their own historical suffering, " I would as well. but first off i want to say i'm a revisionist not a denier, but is it possible that what we've been taught about the jewish historical suffering may have been embellished so much so that they honestly can't relate to the suffering of the palestinians? one thing is for sure. it's hard to learn the lessons from history so not to repeat them, when the histories we are taught are false and misleading

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Most history writing is based on revisionism. Then along came Deborah Lipstadt in 1993 with her book, Denying the Holocaust. Lipstadt and the lobby behind her basically outlawed "revisionism" on the sacrosanct topic and installed instead, yes or no. Either you accept the whole narrative in total, or, if you disagree with any part, you are a "denier" and thus a racist and can even be put in jail .

Lipstadt's relegation of "denialism" to cancel culture was fatal to our public discourse. Now we have, for instance, climate change deniers, COVID deniers, residential school deniers in Canada etc etc etc. Every major city in the world must have a Holocaust Museum on the best building sites. One story of persecution is elevated above all others. Where are the Nakba museums for the Palestinans? for the Native Americans who in my view experienced an atrocious genocide since 1492? for the Irish etc etc. Many of the lies in our histories and in our accounts of current events go back to the same source that serves the same beneficiaries. Who thinks of these things as the grass is being mowed once again in Gaza?

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I have been asking this same questions

"Where are the Nakba museums for the Palestinans? for the Native Americans who in my view experienced an atrocious genocide since 1492?"

Indeed. There were many ethnic groups that have been genocided that don’t even get mentioned today.

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Funny how the most extravagantly advertised victimization in all of history just happens to involve the richest and most influential group of them all.

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The reduction of Irondome might be the check mate. How can IDF mass armor without air dominance? Hebz can do area denial strategy with missiles and not even hit the IDF columns.

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What is "arial denial strategy?"

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HizbAllah is known to have over 20 thousand missiles with sofisticated guidance systems. Thr trip wire would be IDF columns moving into Gaza. This HizbAllah warning to Netanyahu was followed by some Lebanese border exchange to insure Israel got the message. This will get interesting and lethal before it's over.

Israel has a good airforce but an over rated army when iengaged in close quarter combat. The my are shocked into tears when they transit from the myth of their invincibility into the reality of their mediocrity.

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The engagement in Lebanon between IDF and Hezbollah has already begun. Hassan Nasrallah is a formidable leader.

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He is and he always does what he says.

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I have this feeling that the globalists are panicked and have ill conceived another plan as they did in Ukraine to the detriment of Israel this time. Israel is arrogantly ruthless and if they don't heed NasrAllah's warning and deploy into Gaza, he will unleash hell on Hifa's amonia tank farms and the Dimona nuclear reactor. He made that reference a few years back in a speech. I have only felt Israel vulnerable twice before in 1973 and 2006. This time Israel feels to me as if too many forces are arrayed against her, impatiently waiting to settle a long overdue bloodliable. Israel has killed and caused the destruction of too many of its neighbors. Karma seems like it's about to catch up with the Zionists.

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My sense is that Kahanists running the Israeli government right now have already gone far enough that Hezbollah will have to respond in a significant fashion. You write, "This time Israel feels to me as if too many forces are arrayed against her, impatiently waiting to settle a long overdue bloodliable." We'll see. But who knows for sure what is really going on at the highest levels between Israel, Russia, China and Iran. Thanks for widening the frame of the discussion.

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Great article packed with lots of information to help see what is happening with the attack on Israel by Hamas which we see Israel had a hand in creating. It filled in a lot of the blanks I was missing.

Please read and share this article and hopefully people can understand the whole picture of this conflict.

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A very important exchange between Brett Weinstein and Efrat Fenigson on what was behind the obvious decision of the Israeli government to let the Gaza Prison Break take place, and then to hold back the military response in Israel,


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A very important exchange between Brett Weinstein and Efrat Fenigson on what was behind the obvious decision of the Israeli government to let the Gaza Prison Break take place, and then to hold back the military response in Israel,


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Wonderful piece. First place I’ve seen commentary that the Crime Minister of the Apartheid Entity opened the gates

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I second that absolutely! Bravo Tony!

We should also notice the detail that Hezbollah - according to Israeli PR - supposedly sent 4 fighters over the border of which 2 were killed, 1 captured and 1 is on the loose (be very afraid) - this despite Hezbollah's refutation of involvement.

Hezbollah through its long involvement in Syria is today as formidable a fighting force as the Russians.

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I had a chance to meet some of the Hezbollah folks during my time in Lebanon in 2019 during the New Horizon conference. They are righteous and disciplined people encompassing diverse communities. Of course they know very well about all aspects of the Israeli polity. It seems its their turn now and people the world over are watching closely to how Hezbollah will respond to 1/ to the Israeli loss to those that did the breakout from the Gaza prison and 2/ to the Israel government's efforts to seize back the upper hand and show how ruthless they can be..

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"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford (1920).

Judas-ism: it's NOT a religion, it's a satanic, criminal conspiracy/cult.

If you really want to make a difference, EXPOSE judas-ism's bible, the talmud.

Show regular Americans what satan's rats are all about.

That's all you need to do.

EXPOSE the talmud!

MUST read:


China officially recognizes several world religions.

Judas-ism isn't one of them.

Brother Nathanael - "When jews Run a Country"


America's Enemy is talmudism


9/11: israel did it


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https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=judaism%27s+strange+gods+%2F+michael+hoffman#ip=1 is a condensed version of a longer original publication by author Michael Hoffman. A relatively difficult read but highly informative.

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The Talmudic tradition is indeed a classic illustration of the extent of man's inhumanity to man. It also makes many people who are not Jews start to think about how some have perceived of us as Goys. Martin Luther was once very enthusiastic about equality for Jews and then he became aware of the Talmudic tradition of jewish ideology seeking world domination. Thereafter Luther altered his course. I like the Hoffman's short book, The Great Holocaust Trial about the proceedings of the Toronto litigation in 1985 and 1988 involving Ernst Zundel. I grew up in Toronto and I could have attended those trials but I believed all the lies and slander that the media dumped on Zundel. Among Zundel's expert witnesses were Robert Faurisson and David Irving.

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i'll bet israel's arms manufacturers have some new toys that need to be tested, what better way to test them then to kill thy neighbor.

for me the tragedy in all of this is Israel will not take an honest look at itself and ask the question, "what have we done to make a group of people lash out against us." it's like being in a relationship and always blaming your partner for everything and not realizing that relationships are a 50/50 split of the good and the not so good.

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Always the victim. Never the self-acknowledge victimizer. Pretty consistent behaviour for a long time.

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“You’ve never been in a military coup. You do not understand how quickly we work and how long we’ve been preparing for this.” - Steve Pieczenik telling Alex Jones that a military coup was underway in the U.S.A.

'Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year

Looks like that Satanic temple won't be built, after all


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Also, very important to note is that Hillary Clinton, on her home computer emails, stated that Israel needed to become the nuclear powerhouse of the Middle East (paraphrased), and that she wanted "Assad and his family to be taken out." Wikileaks posted her emails from an anonymous source.

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Hillary is a big player in all this, for sure. She invented the concept of the Deplorables, an idea transformed by Obama/Biden bunch into "Domestic Terrorists" and the "White Supremacists." This Israeli government, but especially the Security Minister Ben-Gvir, are thorough engulfed in "Jewish Supremacy" which is the real story here.

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So with the long-held U,.S. goal? plan? to make Israel the head of the Middle East, we could be witnessing it's initiation.

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My first thought when hearing about the attack was to wonder what happened to the famous Israeli 'Iron Dome' - I think that is what it is called - that deflects any little Hamas rockets. Just bloody bizarre, the whole thing.

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Can anyone explain the Failure of Israels IRON DOME DEFENCE ?

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Another boondoggle from the war profiteers? Why does the US spend so much money on weapons that don't work. Scam. Hoax. Ripoff!

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1) Things like that work poorly when overwhelmed by numerous simultaneous targets.

The night sky video clip I saw showed Iron-Dome missiles going up towards incoming rockets, but did not show explosions in the sky. This was from night #2, I think.

2) Turned off? Turned back on after first 5000 rockets?

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We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


From the facts, it appears that patriotic officers in the IDF entered into a pact with Hamas--undoubtedly arranged by U.S. military/intelligence, to carry out a military coup against the Israeli government. (See Steve Pieczenik and the military coup against the USG - https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/we-are-in-a-military-coup-cia-officer)

The only question is the "very specific reason not mentioned a single time."

Red heifers?


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just saw this post, after I had posted my comment about that defence. The massive amount of American dollars gives Israel the most advanced military system in the world.

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Supposedly the most advanced.

For a breakdown see Brian Berletic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne7Rsa7vba0

Most US arms manufacture is either outright [Rabbi Dov Zakheim & Raytheon] or majority owned by Israeli-American interests.

No need for much more when US can be called in and every country in the region knows it.

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Try to find the video of the Russian in Ukraine taking out the newly deployed Patriot system. The Russians targeted the Patriot battery itself with, if I remember correctly, 35 cheap missiles in rapid succession, causing the battery to expend all its missiles only to be hit immediately with a couple of late commer Kinhzal missiles. The Patriot batteries left the field.

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Iron Dome consists of the useless Patriot system and has been breached several times.

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I've just discovered and read this article, which I find as perceptive as it has proved to be prescient. With a pro-Israel Trump/Kennedy partnership as the only alternative to a pro-Jewish Democratic presidency, the likelihood of the situation in the Middle East getting better rather than worse is rapidly disappearing in the rear view mirror. Heaven help us all.

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That article, which I published on Oct. 8, got more readers than I ever got on Substack. I was lucky to run into the testimony of Efrat Fenigson on Oct. 7 itself. Her observations were excellent and they stood the test of time. My sense is that Israel is caught in a death spiral that is starting to break down Israel itself. Have you seen the words of former Israeli General Yitzal Brik who gives Israel only one more year of survival. Thanks for sharing with me you discovery of that item. There is not much doubt now that Israel and his backers are attempting "the final solution.?

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This is a long but fascinating interview that Bret Weinstein does with Efrat, titled “The Israel Attacks: Beyond the Obvious with Efrat Fenigson”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_IAH7PnS_E

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