The Influential Role of Jewish Theocracy in the Zionist Governance of the West
When Is Theocracy Honest and When Is It Covert, Conniving and Destabilizing?
In increasingly obvious ways, the line between secular rule and theocratic governance is breaking down. During the one-term US presidency of Jimmy Carter, the Western powers played a role in bringing to power the Islamic theocracy that presently prevails in Iran. Iran is the modern-day outgrowth of ancient Persia. In 1979 this theocracy was made to replace the US and Israeli-backed monarchical rule led by the Shah of Iran.
The theocratic character of the Islamic Republic of Iran is integral to the country’s constitution. The open embrace by most Iranian people of theocratic principles in their own governance offers one explanation for the growing list of competitive advantages enjoyed by Iran in its relationship with Zionist-dominated West. While the exercise of power in the West pretends to operate on secular, egalitarian and universal principles, it does not… far from it.
The West is now being exposed as the stronghold of various strains of religious fanaticisms that express the scriptural recognition of God’s supposedly Chosen people. Jewish Chosenites and their Shabbos Goys are regularly exempted from living within the requirements of a consistently-enforced rule of law.
This pattern, with dramatically different rules for different kinds of people, has become so pervasive and marked that it has come to form the basis of a theocratic order widely adhered to throughout the West. The double standards emanating from supposedly divinely-sanctioned inequity are being drawn upon to sanction the mass murder of one people by another people in Gaza.
Recently the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, dramatically put this principle on full public display in the course of the gruesome genocidal war whose utter brutality is doing much to bring to light the theocratic satanism infusing Western governance. In order to justify his government’s mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, Netanyahu publicly cited the Biblical text, namely Chapter 15, verse 2 of the First Book of Samuel. The Israeli Prime Minister proclaimed
“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
Benjamin Netanyahu embodies an extreme expression of the ethos of Jewish supremacy integral to the Zionist ideology that grew up in the movement to create a Jewish state. Established in the late 1800s, Zionism began as a mostly secular movement seeking to establish a place-based Jewish nationality for all of worldwide Jewry.
In recent times, however, more and more of Israel’s Jewish population have adopted increasingly fundamentalist strains of Jewish religion. The result is that Israel itself is becoming more and more theocratic increasingly along the lines of Jewish supremacy as embraced most zealously in Talmudic scriptures.
From Christian Dispensationalism to God’s Chosen People and Jewish Zionism
A major aspect of the Zionist quest to create, expand, and build up Israel as the world’s sole Jewish state has been embraced by the most commercialized, populist and politically-instrumentalized branches of evangelical Christianity. In the realm of Christian Zionism, Jews are embraced as God’s Chosen people just as Israel is embraced as God’s Chosen state.
Christian Zionism is a many-faceted religious phenomenon whose genesis is integral to the emergence of the Israeli nationality in the twentieth century. The Christian Zionist spectacle overseen by Pastor John Hagee embodies a pre-eminent contemporary example of this messianic religious movement which epitomizes some of the intolerance that sometimes goes hand-in-hand with theocracy.
Pastor Hagee preaches the televised prophesies of “The Rapture” from his Church in San Antonio Texas. His extended flock includes 11.5 million Americans who are members of Christians United For Israel. Pastor Hagee’s sermons anticipate that Jesus, the Son of God, is poised to make a “Second Coming” in order to rule over a golden millennium of righteousness centred in and around the Israeli and future global capital of Jerusalem.
For many politicians, to receive the blessings of Rev. Hagee and the powerful political apparatus over which he rules, forms a necessary requirement along the way to some of the highest elected offices in the USA. In the Big Leagues of Christian evangelism in North America, Christian Zionism prevails. It does so with very little overt opposition except from the likes of Pastor Rick Wiles whose congregation revolves around the TruNews digital platform.
Within the operations of Pastor Hagee’s Church we see the means of exercising political and military power in ways that express the authority embodied in large amounts of money. This convergence of great influence is directed to the advancement of an Israeliocentric theocracy embraced by much of the leadership in the United States of America.
The formulation of Christian Zionism figured significantly in the the rise of Jewish Zionism. In authoring Der Juden Stataat, Theodor Herzl and other secular Jews laid out a road map pointed towards the formation of a sovereign Jewish polity.
The founders of Jewish Zionism were influenced by the trans-Atlantic religious fervour generated initially by Anglo-Irish sources, but especially by John Nelson Darby.

Darby’s “dispensationalist” interpretation placed much emphasis on his conception of the continuing importance of God’s Chosen people over segmented intervals of time. In doing so he reinforced Biblical thinking on the central role of Israelites in the unfolding saga of Christianity. This emphasis was reinforced in 1909 in the authorship of the heavily-footnoted version of the Bible by Cyrus Scofield. His volume was prestigiously published with major Jewish financial backing by Oxford University Press.
This highlighting of the future importance of the connections drawn in the Old Testament between Israelites and the Promised Land would take on amplified importance throughout the twentieth century.
In Britain during the height of its global Empire, elite Christians made common cause with elite Jews and especially with those in and around the Rothschild banking dynasty. The result was the Balfour Declaration of 1917 where the making and expansion of Israel was formally embraced as a core project of what would become the Anglo-American Empire.
The Rothschilds famously financed the Jewish agricultural settlements and co-ops that started the ball rolling towards the founding of Israel in 1948. Many Christian Zionist preachers prophesied that this event pointed towards the imminence of The Rapture, a word, and an event contrived in the Scofield Bible.”
Controversies Stirred Up in Response to the Genocide in Gaza and the West Bank Generate Attacks on the Rights and Freedoms of Pro-Palestinian Proponents
The country that was first established on an appeal aimed at realizing the full potential of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” has crashed into a deep swamp of vile contagion. The basis of this descent into the quagmire of atrocity upon atrocity is the Biden administration’s “ironclad” support for its joint genocidal project done in partnership with Israel’s Netanyahu government.
The Palestinian fate within Israel, the most aggressive and expansionary outgrowth of the Anglo-American Empire, is precisely the opposite of the promise seemingly directed towards posterity and the world in the USA’s founding Manifesto, the Declaration of Independence.
In the shared quest to follow through on the Zionist project of furthering the exercise of Jewish Supremacy, the targeted natives in Gaza are being subjected to industrialized death. This factory of death is being accompanied by the ruthless repression of survivors in ways that counter all conditions for the successful pursuit of happiness. In both the United States and Israel, the appropriation of the lands of Native peoples supplied settler populations with ample means for pursuing happiness.
Life. Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
Within the United States and throughout many Western countries, large numbers of citizens have organized to express shared opposition to the continuing travesty of the mass murder of the civilian population of Gaza. One of the main factors behind the extermination is the rapid demographic increase of native Palestinians.
This population growth menaces the majority status of the Jewish population in the lands governed by Israel. Without a Jewish majority in Israel, the permanence of a Jewish state is threatened. This statistical explanation, however, cannot provide any legal or moral justification for a many-faceted genocide aimed at destroying a people through indiscriminate bombardment and forced starvation. This genocide extends to the deliberate shattering of every facet of the life support systems in Gaza, both natural and man-made.
Especially through the upsurge of pro-Palestinian encampments on US campuses, the genocide in Gaza and the West Bank was met with much agitation by defenders of the rights of Palestinians to life and liberty. The protesters, including many university students and faculty, drew attention to many international laws and human rights conventions whose proper enforcement should have protected the targeted population.
The campus protests in key centres of higher learning were made all-the-more poignant by the fact that the genocidal assault targeting important cultural institutions included the demolition of all twelve universities in Gaza. Generally speaking, Palestinians place a premium on good education including an emphasis on higher learning.
The peaceful and principled educational protests outside Gaza were often met with draconian measures in sharp violation of fundamental principles like freedom of speech, assembly, and conscience. A number of prominent Jewish Zionist billionaires mobilized in unison to threaten and execute the removal of financial support from institutions of higher learning, including at some of the most prestigious Ivy League schools in the United States.
The billionaires’ agents along with Zionist politicians and media operatives mobilized to cripple the pro-Palestinian protests and turn public opinion against them. They were instrumental in calling in riot squad teams of police as well as Zionist-backed goon squads employed to break up the encampments and brutalize those inhabiting the tent villages on campus.
Many students were charged with crimes for exercising their own basic and well-codified constitutional rights. Some students were removed from their universities, denied the right to graduate, and subjected to blacklisting in order to obstruct them from gaining future employment. Many Zionist groups, including the secret backers of the notorious Canary Mission web site, joined in the task of trying to disable the messengers of the case against the blatant criminality of the Israeli genocidaires and their American backers.
Similarly some professors, including Jewish professors, were fired. Indeed, the controversies generated by the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank are creating major rifts dividing Jews throughout the so-called Diaspora. Within Israel, however, there has been strong unity of support by most Jews behind the military campaign to depopulate Gaza and the West Bank of its Palestinian inhabitants. This depopulation is planned to occur through extermination or through the coercive ejection of survivors.
So far the Jewish Lobby’s war to control the curriculum, the political discourse as well as the hiring and firing of faculty and administrators, is going in favour of the pressure exerted by billionaire donors. The result is the most concerted and well organized assault ever on the vital principles of Academic Freedom on campus.
If universities cannot provide forums of open debate between proponents of competing theories in both the social sciences and the hard sciences, where is this crucial process to take place? If universities are to be sidelined as sites of contention in the formulation of public policy based on verifiable evidence, what chance do we have to hold back the obvious indications that tyranny and authoritarianism are in rapid ascent.
This assault on Academic Freedom has long been a high priority of those behind Zionists “charities” in Western countries. These backers regularly display theocratic zeal in blocking any free speech that they see as heretical blaspheme running contrary to their fanatical attachment to the imperial and now-fully-genocidal regime of Israel.
From Rabbi Meir Kahane to the Religious Zionism of Itamar Ben-Gvir
As Goyim high and low in the pyramid of power increasingly display an apparent willingness to go along with exempting Jews from many aspects of legal accountability, the conditions on the ground support the understanding that the universalist principle of equality before the law has become defunct.
The Christian Zionist ethos continues to spread. It supports the view that a divine license have been granted to Jewish Chosenites, but especially to Chosenites who live in the lands said to be granted by God to the self-declared Israelites.
This theocratic understanding is reflected in the actions of Israel and its main US military backers whose leaders are acting as if they are not subject to many of the rules meant to circumscribe the conduct of other people, peoples and governments.
The current shrinking group of beneficiaries of the Israeli and US governments are still prone to see their countries as exceptional and messianic polities charged to realize a Manifest Destiny ordained by God.
This theocratic bent is especially pronounced in the current coalition led by Prime Minister Netanyahu. This messianic sensibility is rooted in the religious and exclusivist, anti-Arab preoccupations epitomized by Rabbi Meir Kahane. He is the founder of the Jewish Defense League which was designated by the FBI in 2001 as a terrorist group. Rabbi Kahane’s Jewish racism was considered too radical for the Israeli Knesset. Its members prevented him from running for re-election in 1988.
Rabbi Kahane can be considered as something of a Jewish Orthodox patron saint for Netanyahu’s extremist cabinet including Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich. Ben-Gvir and Smotrich embody the anti-Palestinian zealotry of those inhabiting the illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
Ben-Gvir also venerates the memory of Baruch Goldstein. Goldstein is the mass murderer who shot 29 Palestinians and wounded 125 before he was beaten to death at the mosque at Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs during Purim in February of 1994.
As Netanyahu’s Minister of National Security, Ben-Gvir is obsessed with replacing al-Aqsa mosque, including the Dome of the Rock, with a Third Temple in Jerusalem to fulfill some of the prophesies preached by Pastor John Hagee among others. The controversies being stirred up in these religious contentions have become serious international topics of geopolitical calculation.
There is much theocratic intensity attending the manipulation of events with an eye towards bringing about a war as the prelude to the arrival of the Jewish messiah or of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the journey towards The Rapture.
10/7 as a Variation and Extension of 9/11
Especially in the charges being brought by the International Criminal Court against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, many careless commentators posit an equivalence between the criminality of Israeli and Hamas officials. This assumption of an equivalence in blame, has become a prevalent motif for those that compare the events of October 7 and the subsequent post-October 7 genocide that continues until this day.
The run up to, and the nature of, the events of October 7, which are sometimes referred to as 10/7, should not be treated as an open and shut case whose true content can be taken for granted. In fact there are many uncertain aspects of what really transpired to make the events of 10/7 unfold as they did.
As with 9/11, many official sources repeat the lame claim that the events of 10/7 emerged from an “intelligence failure.” The prevalence of this assertion can be seen as constituting a red alarm pointing to the probability that the events of 10/7 were something like a false flag combined with elements of an “inside job.”
Who benefited from 10/7? Whose roles in the operation are most subject to suspicion? Benjamin Netanyahu readily fulfills both criteria. The events of October 7 immediately resuscitated the current Prime Minister’s political career. His declaration of a war to “eradicate Hamas” kept him out of prison for having piled up a number of domestic corruption allegations and convictions.
As many have observed, the supposed collapse of all Israeli security protocols during the early morning of October 7 is simply not credible. Nevertheless this supposed breakdown in the most sensitive aspects of national security have become integral to the narrative employed to justify the genocidal elimination of large numbers of Palestinians.
The events of 10/7 just happened to occur at a moment when the extremist Kahanist government of Israel was and is more vehemently anti-Arab than any prior government. It just happened to occur at a time when the demographic balance was swinging to favour the numerical strength of Palestinians over Jewish Israelis in the so-called Promised Land. This demographic alteration helps explain the apparent blood lust in the current IDF assault that is clearly targeted particularly at children as well as at their fertile-aged mothers.
For the naive, the Hamas prison breakout just happened to deliver justification for what the Netanyahu government most needed and wanted. This coincidence closely resembled the scenario wherein CIA asset Osama Bin Laden just happened to deliver on 9/11 the key to materializing the wish list sought by the heavily Zionist Project for a New American Century (PNAC).
In the run up to 9/11, PNAC and Mossad were very busy mapping out the requirements to make the US Armed Forces a more effective fighting force in the US-led wars for Israel that were about to take place in, for instance, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. The supposed actions of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda turned out to be a gift providing the Israel Lobby with exactly what it most wanted from the US government.
The timing and elaborate intelligence-agency involvement in the background to the events of October 7 call into question the current justification being used to explain the massive extermination campaign done in the name of “eradicating Hamas.”
As the longtime darling of Likud prime ministers, Hamas became the object of close and supportive attention by Netanyahu. He used the Muslim Brotherhood organization to counter the secular attractions of the PLO and to obstruct any serious grappling with a two-state formula to ease the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Like the events of 9/11, the events of October 7, 10/7, were immediately interpreted in sensationalized media reports to justify history-changing military invasions before any formal investigations conducted by neutral observers were even attempted. This failure of investigation is strongly suggestive that the fix is in and that the genocidal assault on Gaza was not a spontaneous response to a surprise event. Rather the evidence is strong that 10/7 was a pre-planned episode emerging in part at least from the national security apparatus of Israel and its Anglo-American sponsors. See
The failure of the international system to delve into the substance of the basic rationale given for such a horrific genocide can be seen as yet another sign that the Kabbalistic character of a Luciferian agenda are in the ascendancy. There must be some reckoning with this important driver of current events. The rise of a menacing form of Western theocracy continues to overtake the inheritance of Enlightenment rationality.
God’s Aberrant Chosenites
In late May Karim Khan, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, announced that he was well advanced in the process of seeking judicial approval for pressing charges against Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Kahn emphasized the international crime of imposing starvation with the object of exterminating the Palestinian population of Gaza. He also singled out three leaders of Hamas for conducting war crimes.
After a close reading of the allegations, Michel Chossudovsky pointed to the absurdity of the charges against Hamas officials as if Israel is the primary victim of the Gaza conflict. He implicitly lends credence to the lie that the genocidal response to 10/7 represents a legitimate act of self-defence on the part of the Israelis. His attempt to appear equitable in his allegations is in fact a presumption of the outcome of the necessary judicial investigation into 10/7 that has yet to take place
Prof Chossudovsky’s important critique notwithstanding, the announcement by the Chief Prosecutor of the ICC of charges against the top officials overseeing the assault on the people of Gaza were well received by many. Alternatively the charges were immediately condemned by many Zionists. The condemnations included those of Netanyahu who predictably declared the ICC and its Chief Prosecutor to be “anti-Semitic.”
Among those that praised this major juridical development was Simon Tisdall at The Guardian in Great Britain.
Tisdall anticipated on 29 May that “the world will know the truth, just as it has slowly come to know the truth of Gaza. The truth is, Israel under Netanyahu’s leadership, at a moment of truly dreadful national trauma, has gone rogue. It will not begin to heal until he, like the leaders of Hamas, is made to answer for his actions in a court of law.”
Tisdall’s essay followed up on a topic introduced in The Guardian the prior day. In a investigative report, Harry Davis described the shocking undercover operation by Israeli authorities under Netanyahu’s command. Netanyahu directed his agents led by Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen to infiltrate and sabotage the ICC.
The primary target of the operation was the then-ICC Chief Prosector, Fatou Bensouda. Bensouda and her family were secretly surveilled for anything that might prove incriminating or compromising. The Israeli sting operation was aimed especially at preventing deep ICC investigations of possible infractions of international law in the Israeli treatment of the native inhabitants in the Occupied Territories of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
In looking back on this history of Netanyahu’s efforts to subvert one of the two UN courts, Tisdall observed
Once again, Netanyahu has crossed a line. Once again, his contempt for global opinion, for the values of the western democracies which too unquestioningly sustain and arm his country, and for the most basic principles of international law, is on galling display.
If true, this devastating assault by the upper echelons of the Israeli government on the independence and integrity of the International Criminal Court demands a decisive disciplinary response. Tisdall’s indignation is therefore welcome. It is also truncated. Where is there comparable indignation against those in the so-called “western democracies” who “too unquestioningly sustain and arm” Israel.
Where is there indignation against the media colleagues of Tisdall who usually ignore and steer around the kind of revelations that might have made Netanyahu and Cohen think twice before engaging in a criminal subversion of the often compromised system of criminal justice at the international level.
Where is the indignation about the workings of an international system of finance that so obviously favours hugely disproportionate apportionments of assets and liabilities. How is it that the disproportionate rewarding by Zionist operatives and their wealthy backers can succeed so opulently in purchasing politicians, public opinion, judges, prosecutors and on and on and on.
The bought-and-paid-for corruption made integral to the workings of our core institutions, subjects Enlightenment rationality to the pervasive evil cultivated by the religious cult of money.
The audacity of the Chosenites finds many expressions. Why is it, for instance, that the government of Israel is able to continue pretending that it does not possess an arsenal of nuclear weapons? By maintaining this lie, the Israeli government is allowed to exempt itself from being subject to the usual inspections and regulatory controls associated with the possession of nuclear weaponry. Who is complicit in maintaining this corrosive manifestation of Chosenite exceptionalism?
Why does the community of nations tolerate this Israeli contempt for the rest of humanity? Why should we tolerate any longer being rendered subject to the outcomes of neocon games of Russian Roulette. Those playing these games of depopulation and potential mass extinction apparently think nothing of treating the destiny of all life on earth as the object of their own perverse orgies of high-risk behaviour.
The role of the United States in this ongoing display of Chosenite double standards is being put on public display in Congress where the flagrant buying power of Israel First/ AIPAC bribery is notorious. The House of Representatives has approved of a Bill to press harsh legal penalties on all the staff members of the ICC instead of on the likes of Netanyahu and his Mossad hit men.
Moreover, the dominate factions in the US Congress are preparing to shower on accused genocidaire Benjamin Netanyahu many more standing ovations as he prepares to address the world from the once bully pulpit of America’s failed and discredited democracy. This saga is unfolding as the front runner in the US election campaign, Donald Trump, makes it clear that the core of his electoral strategy is to outbid Biden is the contest to win over the Zionist clique who are the real rulers of the United States as well as Canada, France, Germany UK etc etc.
While the theocratic government of Iran is far from perfect, it offers its citizens a more transparent system of transactions than the Western alternative. The Western approach includes the veiled incorporation of theocratic principles that severely undermine the principles of universality integral to a viable rule of law. This double standard shows up in the discordant treatment afforded those inside and outside the circle of God’s aberrant Chosenites.
This piece is a real tour de force. Not many of us are aware of Trump's role in this shameful attempt to subvert the ICC. Thanks so much for writing it Kudos ,and keep up the good work!
✌️Ken Freeland
Bravo Tony for taking on this depressing - nay, disgusting - topic and asking such pertinent questions, given that Zionism is one glaring contradiction after another.
I'd like to address your starting question though. Iranian 'theocracy' works because the (Shia) Islam it professes is a proper religion whose central and guiding principles are shared by Christianity and by all the world's cultures. These principles - sometimes called 'natural law' - underlie Iran's body of laws, just as they do in Christian countries - whether they are now technically secular or not.
Preceeding Islam by half a millenia, also in west Asia, was the Eastern Roman Empire 'Byzantium'. The symbol of Byzantium is the double headed eagle on a gold background - this illustrates the inseperably twinned rule in one body of the sacred (God's wisdom through the church) and earthly (the King or emperer). There is not a single Orthodox church that does not fly this flag and not a single Orthodox believer that does not endorse this principle.
Secularity is a modern innovation of the West by the haters of Christianity. No need to ask who hates Christianity most of all. Clue: it is not muslims, who are also waiting for Christ's return and elevate Mary above all women. Funny how most North Americans are unaware of this fact!
Both Islam and Orthodoxy share a central concept, in Islam known as jihad, in Greek from the earliest times, preceeding Christianity by millenia, known as philotimo. The West translates the latter as honour and deliberately misunderstands jihad as some sort of warfare. No, it is the struggle within every person to do the honourable thing, for onself, for one's family, neighbours, country, for God - it is deeper than 'conscience' but conscience is close enough.
There is too much to say about the illegitimacy of the hebrew tribe's claims to ancient Canaan, the proven nonsense of their bible stories (archeological and textual), the lie that al Aqsa sits on the site of the original hebrew temple - it was built on the base of the Roman Fort Antonia - etc.etc. What is important is that from their first appearance in what is now Palestine c, 550BC they were an aggressive group that envied, hated and waged war on the people around them to steal their lands and wealth and in captivity waged war in a more stealthy way. Right up to the present IMHO. And the dual essence of this disguised warfare has always been financial on one hand and on the other the
destruction of theocratic / natural law of the foreign societies in which they reside, and thus the destruction of the social fabric. For them philotimo / jihad is viewed as ridiculous weakness, exploitable. Thus they have no limits....because in truth they have no god (they are not monotheistic, see Ron Unz's article Oddities of the Jewish Religion and Micheal Hoffman's book Judaism's Strange Gods), so there is no deity to account to: they are their own gods, which is the very essence of secularism.