
This piece is a real tour de force. Not many of us are aware of Trump's role in this shameful attempt to subvert the ICC. Thanks so much for writing it Kudos ,and keep up the good work!

✌️Ken Freeland

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Bravo Tony for taking on this depressing - nay, disgusting - topic and asking such pertinent questions, given that Zionism is one glaring contradiction after another.

I'd like to address your starting question though. Iranian 'theocracy' works because the (Shia) Islam it professes is a proper religion whose central and guiding principles are shared by Christianity and by all the world's cultures. These principles - sometimes called 'natural law' - underlie Iran's body of laws, just as they do in Christian countries - whether they are now technically secular or not.

Preceeding Islam by half a millenia, also in west Asia, was the Eastern Roman Empire 'Byzantium'. The symbol of Byzantium is the double headed eagle on a gold background - this illustrates the inseperably twinned rule in one body of the sacred (God's wisdom through the church) and earthly (the King or emperer). There is not a single Orthodox church that does not fly this flag and not a single Orthodox believer that does not endorse this principle.

Secularity is a modern innovation of the West by the haters of Christianity. No need to ask who hates Christianity most of all. Clue: it is not muslims, who are also waiting for Christ's return and elevate Mary above all women. Funny how most North Americans are unaware of this fact!

Both Islam and Orthodoxy share a central concept, in Islam known as jihad, in Greek from the earliest times, preceeding Christianity by millenia, known as philotimo. The West translates the latter as honour and deliberately misunderstands jihad as some sort of warfare. No, it is the struggle within every person to do the honourable thing, for onself, for one's family, neighbours, country, for God - it is deeper than 'conscience' but conscience is close enough.

There is too much to say about the illegitimacy of the hebrew tribe's claims to ancient Canaan, the proven nonsense of their bible stories (archeological and textual), the lie that al Aqsa sits on the site of the original hebrew temple - it was built on the base of the Roman Fort Antonia - etc.etc. What is important is that from their first appearance in what is now Palestine c, 550BC they were an aggressive group that envied, hated and waged war on the people around them to steal their lands and wealth and in captivity waged war in a more stealthy way. Right up to the present IMHO. And the dual essence of this disguised warfare has always been financial on one hand and on the other the

destruction of theocratic / natural law of the foreign societies in which they reside, and thus the destruction of the social fabric. For them philotimo / jihad is viewed as ridiculous weakness, exploitable. Thus they have no limits....because in truth they have no god (they are not monotheistic, see Ron Unz's article Oddities of the Jewish Religion https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-oddities-of-the-jewish-religion/ and Micheal Hoffman's book Judaism's Strange Gods), so there is no deity to account to: they are their own gods, which is the very essence of secularism.

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Thanks for the learned and thought-proking response. I see my essay as a modest and no-doubt somewhat problematic probe into a large vista of major issues that can be much better illuminated through the lens of theocracy or, what you call, natural law, (which was Hitler's big thing) Your response helps give me reassurance that I'm onto something deserving of more reflection, research and revision.

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Learned, no ...east Mediterranean yes :-))

Your essay far from modest is a tour de force and brings up many thorny questions.

Although Iran has a cleric as its Supreme leader, which is an innovation in modern terms, it is also a parliamentary democracy and a republic, so it is follows the double headed eagle model. Without doubt this innovation is in no small part a reaction to 36 years of US backed tyranny and corruption : a statement that its laws and governments are framed and guided by Islamic principle with the supreme leader as shepherd and guide....as opposed to the lawless terrorism of the Great Satan which is incapable of taking on true Islam (as opposed to its western invention the Muslim Brotherhood) and can only hit back with culture trivia (head scarves, LGBT). Anyway, it works well.

So the question then would be, is Israel a theocracy. Zionism was not a religious movement, rather a search for land. That they finally chose Palestine after considering other locations and were immediately funded by the Rothschilds suggests that this location had more to do with consolidating Rothschild interests (at that time Azerbaijani oil, half ownership of Suez) than the Torah. That the Torah could be used was convenient ("God gave us this land!" - ie their personal god as opposed to the other local gods) but a double edged sword since it also shows that they are not native to the region ('the land of milk and honey" according to their book, *conveniently* reframed as a desert without people post-war) but were nomadic invaders who took certain areas by force during a limited time period, and never the whole region. The resulting "Israel", a state without fixed borders, follows this exact same script up to this day - land grab, resource theft, terror - this time backed and supplied by the Great Satan (oil, Haifa pipeline, Suez, imperial military base). The resulting "jewish state" does not actually mean Judaism state; the majority of Israelis are secular.

So where does 'theocracy' come in? Israel as it exists is no theocracy. The immigration of hasidic and strict orthodox jews from Russia in the 1970s, followed by the same from North America changed the picture in Israel by adding an extreme fundamentalist element that could be weaponised to lock "Israel"s narrative further into place and also utilised as settler shock troops to increase land area . That they are disliked by the secular Israelis and that there is near civil war between the two is clear from the last years of failed governments and mass demonstrations. Netanyahu, who is militant conservative secular, straddles the divide.

Christian Zionism as you point out is a jewish created cult carved out of extreme American protestantism to serve jewish politial interests in the USA. It has no relation to Christian doctrine, theology or philosophy.. The jewish fundamentalists are brought up in modern shtetls, self-ghettoised, and receive no general education, only Talmudic study: this is akin to being raised inside a cult. They are striving for a theocracy but will they succeed? We can also ask, are these true religions. Both cults share lack of education, both amount to something like death cults with their focus on blood sacrifice.


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As usual coming from you, Tony, an excellent appraisal to the Palestine situaton.

But there is one aspect of all reports that bugs me and that is the careful avoidance in the most central issue of all... who has the right to be in Palestine? In other words which of the Semitic entities are genuine and which are not? To Christians and most Ashkenazim, this seems a strange question but it is not, especually when you discover that no Ashkenazim possess Semite DNA; which means Palestine (or Israel if you prefer) can not possibly be their ancestral homeland.

Flowing from this, it immediately becomes apparent why DNA tests are illegal in Israel; unless ordered by the Court, but even then, under the caveate of absolute silence.

Zionism was a highly successful belief system until the human genome emerged. Them all of a sudden, the entire rationale and reality of Israel was potentially exposed as a fraud. Thus the gates slammed closed on DNA testing. But a couple of months ago, some American "Jews" smelled a rat and returned to the US for DNA tests and then exploded onto YouTube witht he news than none of hem were Jewish. That would have been the fastest poke takedown in history. Zuckerberg and mates would dhave freaked out. So too would the White House, most of whome are Ashkenazim. I dare say Hagee, the Christian Fundamentalist ssnake oil salesmen would have a vision of the donations of 10 million Christian ignoramouses, flying out the window. Instant empires lost instantly.

Those whose DNA reveals them to be indigenous to Palestine are, first, the Semite tribes: Sephardi, Misrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Juhurim, Turkos, Romanyotim, Palestinians, and Beth Israel. Also welcome in Palestine are the ancient residents: Beduin, Tuareg, and Druze.

Ashkenazim are not Semites and must leave Palestine. All Zionists are criminal frauds whether Ashkenazim/ Khazars, or Christians who were suckered in by their ludicrous belief ssystems.

There now, we have the full story. Let's apply the DNA tests and arrest the fraudsters.

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Some problems here.

Genetic testing indicating semitic heritage and historic lineage to peoples of that geographic region generally known as the middle east does not prove any special right of return to any specific area for anyone. It's a huge geographic area.

Interesting.. but only a lunatic psycho wrapped up in self idolatry and religious insanity would come up with such an idea.

As George Carlin opined: Blow it out your asses... gentlemen, blow it out your asses. I agree.. Semite or non Semite none of you are entitled to a shred of land there due to history, law, religion, race or anything else. There is no right of return it only exists in the heads of lunatics and clever frauds.


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Nobody is saying or inferring testing the people of the middle east, so either you are obfuscating or you are a typical Zionist who tolerates only the Zionist point of view.

DNA testing of people claiming the "right to defend Israel" would expose the fraud at very low cost and would exclude warfare and casualties. Hardly a "lunatic psycho" idea.

You are sure clawing at the bottom of the barrel for the ghosts of possible refutation. Again, typical of a Zionist. But you do demonstrate your essential dishonesty to other readers.

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Excellent writing and research, as always Tony. Thank you.

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Well written, Tony. I crossposted it. Keep up the good fight!

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Am I really the only one to see through the fog of obfuscation here.

The non semitic Talmudist Zionist Khazar origin so called Jews will move to what was formerly the ancient land of the Khazar Kingdom, the land known today as the Ukraine but not for long as the place is being depopulated of native Ukrainians at a fast pace.

The west talks about a 5 or 10 year war to free Ukraine and defeat Russia. This is not believable any more than Israel claiming they just want to defeat Hamas when anyone can hear out of their own mouths that the Palestinian civilians must leave or die which they have already accomplished doing to tens of thousands of innocents.

Israel, whats left of it will be left to exist or not under the power and direction of a more politically united Arab middle east as the real power shift from west to east gains steam.

The genetic tests ( not allowed in Israel ) will now be eagerly used by the Zionist Khazars to keep the semites out of New Khazaria formerly the Ukraine. The split between those who are the real descendants of the peoples of of Israel and those having no racial connection at all is already in progress.

Isn't it all obvious. It is to me... there is way more than what I have mentioned in this post that has gone down in the past 75 years to convince me that I am on the right track.


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