Since I started “Looking Out at the World From Canada” about a year and a half ago, I have delved into a number of developments in my home province of Alberta. Often my commentaries involve reports on public health as administered by the current Alberta government of Premier Danielle Smith.
I have explained earlier how I participated in a small way to help her become head of the United Conservative Party (UCP). Danielle Smith then won an electoral mandate to become the provincial premier while commanding a UCP majority of seats in the Edmonton-based Legislature.
Danielle Smith remains a vivacious and energetic political leader with many important talents across a wide spectrum of activity. She moves easily and adeptly across a wide array of functions from, say, an effective high-level researcher to a convivial schmoozer who is relaxed, attentive and engaging in a variety of community settings.
Unfortunately, however, Danielle Smith is failing badly in precisely the area of involvement that drew me to become a political supporter in the first place.
Premier Smith was delivered to the job of Alberta Premier in 2022 after she successfully rode an undercurrent of public unrest that permeates most Western countries. The realization is still developing that the medical profession was bribed and intimidated into attacking public health in order to serve nefarious objectives that had nothing to do with countering the spread of a viral respiratory infection.
For those with the capacity for clear-headed critical assessment, the Covid debacle has exposed a huge and urgent need for major alterations in how doctoring should take place in viable systems of health care. The malaise in doctoring is part of a larger societal malady where the wellbeing of a large majority of humans is being ruthlessly ravaged in a variety ways that further enrich the world’s tiny handful of domineering power junkies.
Premier Smith seemed briefly to have had a handle on the hopes and expectations she aroused in helping to articulate Alberta’s version of the “freedom movement.” This grass roots movement seeks to redress and rectify multiple grievances.
Those engaged in the freedom struggle face the challenge of finding envoys willing to participate in the rough and tumble permeating political life in the upper echelons of decision-making in North America and Europe. For a time it seemed that Danielle Smith might be such a person. Hope springs eternal. Maybe Smith can still come back to the principles she once espoused.
As I became aware of her attributes I wondered if Alberta’s Danielle Smith might become a point person in the crucial transnational movement to end the manipulation of public health as a devious device for the seizure of unlimited control over human interactions with bio-digital technology? This agenda showed itself very clearly in the unprecedented and still largely-unexplained scheme to jab the population of the entire world.
In the name of vanquishing COVID-19, humanity was attacked with gene-modifying bioweapons whose malicious intent was to depopulate, injure, enfeeble and ultimately enslave the survivors of the sacrificial injection. The magnitude of the crime is so immense that it is very difficult for most people to wrap their minds around the insidiousness of what is really going on. What we are seeing is a new kind of war waged on humanity as a whole.
It takes time to internalize the reality that we are not dealing merely with the results of mistakes and incompetence. At the highest levels, something much more sinister was and is at play in the ongoing and expanding implementation of Operation COVID-19.
It takes some doing to contemplate the magnitude of what we have already lived through since 2020 and where we are pointed if we continue to mindlessly march along the path that the predators continue to create for us.
At this moment in history, however, many hundreds of millions of people worldwide have connected many of the dots indicating what is really transpiring. The urgency of this realization is motivating tens of millions to work overtime to impress on the larger population the magnitude of the elaborate assaults still being directed at humanity at large.
The organization on December 8, 2024 of the Covid Memorial Day is one of thousands of grass roots efforts on the part of conscientious citizens to mark the diabolical enormity of the continuing assault on the lives, health and wellbeing of humanity. The organizers of the Memorial Day have rightfully asserted,
“What happened during the so-called Covid pandemic is a horrific crime against humanity, unparalleled in modern times.”
Briefly Danielle Smith seemed willing to follow through on her election promises to help lead the freedom movement when it comes to the rehabilitation of public health. The new premier stepped up to the plate to articulate what was obvious to many, namely that the discrimination directed against the so-called “unvaxxed” had been horrific.
Even this comment, however, was considered much too radical by those engulfed in the hypnotic spell that continues to cripple critical thinking in the face of the ongoing attacks. Moreover, Premier Smith did not take her intervention one step further by explaining that those who refused to take the often-mandatory jabs were in fact proven correct.
We, the so-called “unvaxxed,” experienced individually and collectively far better health outcomes than those who took the clot shots. We flattened the curve by not going along with the lies while those who took the injections have disproportionately put onerous burdens on themselves, their families, and society in general.
Daniele Smith Backs Away from Her Commitments. She Has Become Yet Another Jab Promoter.
That was then but this is now. Danielle Smith did not follow through. She is proving to be a major disappointment to many who supported her ascent to power, or, who even moved to Alberta based on the expectation that the Alberta Premier would continue to give guidance to the movement for medical sanity and ethics.
As demonstrated by the content of the following advertisement for COVID-19 clot shots that is published by her own provincial government, Danielle Smith has quietly abandoned the freedom movement that put her in office. Danielle Smith has herself become a promoter and supplier of gene-modifying mRNA bio-technologies. Danielle Smith has become a big part of the problem by showing contempt for the solutions.
Based on the fictional “success” of the COVID-19 bioweapons, the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle bio-technology continues to be replicated to treat a growing array of illnesses. The new treatments include responses to the fast proliferation of turbo cancers. The growing plague of increasingly menacing varieties of turbo cancers has been set off by the gene-modifying technologies disguised as a remedy for COVID-19.
This hideous advertisement published above by the Danielle Smith government claims that “COVID-19 immunization can protect and promote the health of Albertans and protect you from getting severely sick from COVID-19 infection.” This statement doesn’t deal with the reality that the injections do not stop or even slow down the spread of COVID-19.
Indeed in many instances is has been noted that those who received the shots were far more likely to demonstrate the flu-like symptoms of COVID-19 than those who did not get the shots. However it remains unclear to me how the presence of COVID-19 is to be determined given that the main PCR test that was supposed to identify the presence of the celebrity virus famously and notoriously does not work.
The inventor of the PCR test, Kary B. Mullis, was absolutely insistent that it was not meant as a means of diagnosing bacterial or viral illness.
Given this history, what is to be made of the claim in the advertisement above that taking the shot might prevent recipients from “getting severely sick from COVID-19 infection”? Is the author of the statement indicating that a supposed benefit of the shot for those who get it, is that they might become slightly less ill than they otherwise would have if they had NOT taken the shot?
There is no science to back up this dubious claim. Imagine being urged to take a polio shot on the understanding that by taking it, one will get only a little bit of polio and one might get a little bit less sick.
Then there is the announcement that the Danielle Smith government is subsidizing COVID shots so they can be made freely available for babies as young as six months old. This advertisement is nothing short of a gross obscenity to my way of thinking. It embodies a clear and present disgrace to be worn by the Danielle Smith government. On what basis did Premier Smith make the decision to promote the jabbing of babies with toxic injections that convey no benefit whatsoever on the recipients but that continue to heap much potential harm on the infant victims and their families?
By now there is a mountain of research that shows that young people have nothing to gain from the clot shots and a great deal to lose including their lives, their health, their longevity, and the full vitality of their natural inheritance of God-given immunity.
The Medicalized Weaponry Still Pointed Our Way
Rather than disciplining AHS, Premier Smith has gone down into the trenches with this jab-obsessed organization to join in the ongoing predations initiated in the name of vanquishing COVID-19. Clearly the Smith-AHS team have opted to keep the COVID-19 scam going because of its strategic role in rolling out so much of the harm being done by the medicalized weaponry still pointed our way.
Premier Smith’s surrender to the jab lobby is especially surprising given the nature of the political process that enabled the current premier to replace the former UCP premier. Because of his compliance with Covidian mandates and restrictions coming from Ottawa, former Premier Jason Kenney was removed by a grass roots movement that included a group called Take Back Alberta.
Take Back Albertan, with David Parker as its point person, helped Danielle Smith to take office. I was encouraged to join the UCP and attend general meetings by Take Back Alberta. As shall be discussed in the next episode, Danielle Smith has lost the confidence of David Parker.
The expanding array of gene-modifying injections falsely labelled as “vaccines” include lipid nanoparticles (LNP), the outgrowth of research at the University of British Columbia. The purpose of LNP is to ease the movement throughout the entire body of the injected concoctions meant to facilitate the genetic alterations of people. One of the genetic modifications facilitated by the injections involves the spread of highly toxic spike proteins to all organs of the body.
The result within the bodies of the injection recipients can be conceived is a meandering form of genetic infection that can cause havoc throughout the body, including in brains and major sites of human fertility in uteruses and testes.
The topic of harms done by the injections is a subject of a vast and growing literature too enormous to be comprehensively considered here. One recent development, however, involved an immense research project undertaken by dozens of experts who together went through hundreds of thousands of pages of Pfizer’s research detailing literally thousands of ailments caused by the toxic injections.
The plan of the US Food and Drug Administration had been keep the records of Pfizer’s research secret from the public for 75 years. Only a very enlightened judge who wrote a very meritorious court order prevented the Biden government from achieving this cover up.
Very recently a succinct summary of the findings of the major research project to asses the Pfizer Papers has appeared. Amy Kelly was the logistical point person in organizing the herculean task of organizing the work of dozens of specialists to go through the huge and highly specialized inquiry by Pfizer.
This big league project has now resulted in the appearance of digestible publication suitable for mass distribution. Much of the final text was written by Dr. Naomi Wolf under the direction of political controversialist, Steve Bannon.
To keep things simple and straightforward I have lifted only a couple of short and representative samples of text from the rich and dense text of The Pfizer Papers. With the passage of time the full significance of this publication and the primary sources behind will become clear. The publication of the Pfizer Papers is a watershed with major implications for the future of politics, law and literature in the West.
The Alberta Government and the AHS
The Pfizer Papers and the objectives of the COVID Memorial Day create a contemporary backdrop to evaluate other advertisements below that highlight the extent to which the Danielle Smith government has lost the plot in its current stance on public health. In Alberta most of the COVID harms were imposed on the citizenry by the enormous staff of Alberta Health Services (AHS).
The AHS is the biggest employer in Alberta with a staff of well over 100,000 individuals. It has become notorious for its large number of middle manager of which many have been declared redundant in a study of Ernst and Young.
Along with the hucksters of Big Pharma based at the World Health Organization, the AHS is one of the largest health care entities in the world. Like the WHO, the AHS has become something of a self-contained anomaly secretively serving lobbies whose technique of exercising influence are anything but transparent.
The AHS swallows up almost half of the Alberta government’s total budget. Clearly Premier Smith and her officials, including her Health Minister Ariana LaGrange, take their advice on injection policies from senior officials at Alberta Health Services (AHS).
The AHS is a leviathan that unfortunately has earned itself a dubious reputation among average people in Alberta. As demonstrated by its misleading advertising of an injurious and sometimes lethal product, the AHS as well as the Alberta Ministry of Health continue to promote COVID injections to babies, to older people and everyone in-between.
More Lethal Propaganda from AHS
This effort to persuade children to fear and despise “COVID-zilla,” the “COVID-19 beast,” is worthy of criticism. All the evidence shows that for children, the so-called COVID-19 beast is no more harmful that colds or the flu also rooted in coronavirus infection.
Children do not die from COVID-19. Some children do die or do get very sick, however, from the beast of COVID-19 injections. It is the injections that are COVID-zilla.
As of June 24, 2024 Danielle Smith’s governments has approved COVID-19 injections in the regular schedule of province-approved immunization.
To call COVID-19 a “vaccine-preventable disease” is an absurdity given the state of the science that is being suppressed by the likes of AHS and the Danielle Smith government. The mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injections absolutely do NOT prevent the spread of, or infection from, COVID-19. In fact the injections have a significant propensity to cause disease and worse.
The clots shots assault the mechanisms of natural immunity. Moreover, the shots increase the propensity of recipients to develop very serious conditions of autoimmunity.
More shots to children stimulate more deterioration of natural immunity at the very time when young people should be developing their ability to fend off disease by exercising their own natural capacities to avoid or overcome infections from micro-organisms.
Generally speaking children get “the best immunity possible” by developing their own natural immune systems. The education system would be better advised to teach young people how to cultivate and elevate their own capacities of natural immunity through good diet, frequent exercise, fresh air, sunshine and such. This approach stands in contrast to socializing young people to become profit producers for drug companies.
Why does this advertisement above appear on the AHS website? Why is there such a disconnect between the horrific revelations recently published on the Pfizer Papers and the Big Pharma politics adopted by the Danielle Smith government in partnership with the AHS?
Why are the Smith government and AHS identifying themselves with the Pfizer, BIONTECH, and COMIRNATY brand names and brand logos? What do the province’s lawyer have to say about jumping on a corporate bandwagon that is bound to be the object of much hostile litigation.
I find this advertisement to be insidious. Is there a suggestion here that the father should not be permitted to go hiking with his daughter if he hadn’t taken the jab? Is the jab meant to be a means whereby members of a family protect themselves from one another? Is everyone to be treated as a biohazard to everyone else?
Apparently this document above is available in 27 languages. It must be a very important document. Yet again, we see the seemingly triumphal announcement that everything is in place to inject six-month old babies with the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle shot. This repeated message could be seen as a triumphal signal that the most radical, injection-obsessed fanatics have prevailed in the AHS-Danielle partnership. It seems clear that some sort of coup has taken place within the UCP?
It gets worse, much worse.
Tony great essay. Keep them coming ! I too share your serious angst over seeing Danielle Smith 'captured' by the Alberta Health Services. What the hell is going on? Did she get Epsteined/Diddied? What do they have on her that makes her and her government succumb to the will and desires of AHS and Big Pharma? I saw the very same US CDC recommended 3 doses of Covid clot shots for age 6 months and older added to the 'routine' vaccination schedule in the USA, and then boom here it is in Alberta and BC, and likely the rest of Canada. As you rightly highlighted there is no evidence these clot shots can assist the health of any child, and seriously existing and ever more mounting evidence shows that very severe adverse reactions can and do occur. Just when I think we are gaining the upper hand....this insanity doubles down ! Danielle Smith is a traitor to her province, country, her soul and to God !
A great comprehensive article. Such a major disappointment to the people like myself who had such hope for Alberta and I was hoping there was a path out of this dystopian nightmare. I was one of those contemplating a move to the one haven of reasonable expectations. I had so much hope that she would do the believers proud. My first indication that she was not what she said she was came from comments made by her during the trials of the Coutts 4 and her lack of support for a peaceful protest. She was indicating she was going to clean up the AHS but that has turned into a major fiasco in how her support for Dr. Makis went from supposed support to now following a Trudeau trick of punishing political prisoners with jail time. Now she is seemingly in full support of the Covidian Taliban proving that she is cut from the same cloth as her turn coat predecessor and is just a puppet for the shadow government