Tony great essay. Keep them coming ! I too share your serious angst over seeing Danielle Smith 'captured' by the Alberta Health Services. What the hell is going on? Did she get Epsteined/Diddied? What do they have on her that makes her and her government succumb to the will and desires of AHS and Big Pharma? I saw the very same US CDC recommended 3 doses of Covid clot shots for age 6 months and older added to the 'routine' vaccination schedule in the USA, and then boom here it is in Alberta and BC, and likely the rest of Canada. As you rightly highlighted there is no evidence these clot shots can assist the health of any child, and seriously existing and ever more mounting evidence shows that very severe adverse reactions can and do occur. Just when I think we are gaining the upper hand....this insanity doubles down ! Danielle Smith is a traitor to her province, country, her soul and to God !
I believe she's not "captured" per se, but a victim of her own geeed for power. I suppose if anyone had vetted her appropriately, they would have seen how perfidious her intent was.
We all just needed a savior to believe we stood a chance of survival. We fell for her schlick.
Maybe we need to be more careful what we pray for?
Just look at the MAHA movement, it’s going all in on food. Vaccines? Nary a mention. One could go down a million rabbit holes from Pharma profits to engineered weapons to make us sick and ill to get to the “golden billion”. We have to grass roots fight this one on person at a time. Those in power won’t and don’t care. How long did it take for the fluoride truthers to win out?
A great comprehensive article. Such a major disappointment to the people like myself who had such hope for Alberta and I was hoping there was a path out of this dystopian nightmare. I was one of those contemplating a move to the one haven of reasonable expectations. I had so much hope that she would do the believers proud. My first indication that she was not what she said she was came from comments made by her during the trials of the Coutts 4 and her lack of support for a peaceful protest. She was indicating she was going to clean up the AHS but that has turned into a major fiasco in how her support for Dr. Makis went from supposed support to now following a Trudeau trick of punishing political prisoners with jail time. Now she is seemingly in full support of the Covidian Taliban proving that she is cut from the same cloth as her turn coat predecessor and is just a puppet for the shadow government
You, Dr. Makis, are the courageous, erudite and convivial whistle blower in a unique positions to lead a movement here in Alberta with great potential to set an example for the menaced people of the world. The people of Alberta and the rest of the world are under attack.
Yes, you are also the canary in the coal mine. I 'm hoping you can stand your ground here in this province with the many freedom fighters poised to confront the lies and crimes of the AHS, a significant partner of the WHO and the WEF. Maybe Premier Smith might come around, but with her or in spite of her its up to we the people to put an end to the bioweapon war we are facing with the full involvement of our own governments. We must find a way to expose the guilty parties, including in the criminal justice system. Most of the lawyers and judges have been bought. The legal establishment as we have known it, is now deeply implicated in the most monumental crimes of our time.
indeed a sad state of affairs. then there is harper for free. clue me in. what qualifies him to manage our heritage trust fund. my son in law (who 'works for'~ the b.c. govt hedge fund) predicted they would appoint a politician to screw it up more.
I have many questions about why Harper suddenly is prominent in the UCP as Danielle Smith's government starts boasting about jabbing babies with the "COVID" bioweapon.
Danielle Smith sold out and blatantly lied to get into power. Anyone with a brain who does a little research can see that the vax is clearly a bio-weapon killing and injuring millions of people. I wonder if Smith is WEF. These treasonous scoundrels in positions of power would face the death penalty for crimes against humanity if our system wasn't as corrupt as it is. Anyone who advocates giving an infant the vax is evil and compromised. I hope that one day Danielle Smith is brought to justice for selling out her constituents to the WEF who are committing crimes of willful murder. Our country is loaded with people in high positions committing genocide on their own population. To hell with them all. There will be a day of reckoning. May God bless the innocent children who will die from the vax.
Why imply or suggest she's a victim? Can we get to the point in our thinking that she planned this all along? That's she's more cunning than intelligent?
The fact that she knows (has to know) the jabs are deadly and has given her permission to inject them in babies, leads me to this conclusion.
Children are restricted from entering the public education system unless they are up to date with the child va[[ine schedule. Any child jabbed with the kill shot may not even live long enough to enter school!
I believe she knows that.
I had hoped she could make Alberta a safe place to live. I always remembered what she did to her own party 10 or so years ago. After doing that, why would she suddenly become concerned about the populace?
She's smart, cunning and a very dangerous opportunist.
A very close relative was on team #3 of Amy Kelley’s group of professionals who analyzed the Pfizer papers. I can assure you that your understanding that a major crime against humanity has taken place is not incorrect.
Amy Kelly seems to be a formidable organizer of research. I wish the whole project was not wrapped so tightly in the Wolf/Bannon package but it probably required a great concentration of popular culture muscle to move the project through its crucial stages and out to the public in every possible format. To me the onus right now is to run with the reality that we are all the survivors of massive bioweapon attacks. We are the survivors of an ongoing war on humanity demonized because we are industrialized critters who are, breathe, and produce carbon. Are we being teased and demeaned by making a key ingredient of life, carbon, into the enemy? Is this some kind of satanic joke? Anyway, getting beyond the assumption that something bad happened because of incompetence is a huge challenge. They really are trying to kill us and worse. Almost anyone with political ambitions including Bannon will not want to emphasize the extremely bad news that I first absorbed from Dr. Yeadon. How can we make move from the vaccine and injection imagery to the necessary emphasis on the bioweapons being aligned in their ongoing attacks on us?
The fact that governments and media, including here in Alberta, are still devoted to persuading people, including babies, to take the bioweapons, counts for something? I see it as an outrage given what we have learned since 2020. The misrepresentations from our core institutions on these very consequential life-or-death issues must be identified and condemned as I'm trying to do here.
Michel automatically publishes much of what Dr. Makis publishes, which is a lot. I see Makis as one of the top whistle blowers in the world on the scamdemic as it continues to unfold. He has zeroed in criticizing Danielle Smith and making her emblematic of the nature of the corruption underway. I am just getting warmed up on this story which I have been following intensely including in the field. Heads up.
@david, I noticed your reference to Rosa Koire on Mark Trozzi’s post, but couldn’t reply, so thought I’d offer you these links to one of Rosa’s best talks, IMO, in case it were of interest to you.
Rosa Koire was trying to warn us about this also over a decade ago:
Also related to Agenda 21/2030 and to the bio-technological obsessions that we witness today taking over as priority over everything, over health, over the damaging injuries happening in the 10s of millions all over the world today.
Listen if you will, to 8 mins. here, Patrick Wood explains where it all stems from... start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 and the bio/Pharma complex that has been built and is still being expanded.
There must be a problem with either your eyes (understandable) or the browser you are using. I see it in both Firefox & Brave....right there at the top first thing you see in the post.
Here then is a direct link (supposedly ) to the video itself:
Yah. I watched this. I thought you meant another video at the National Post article.
I was really surprised by the 2.9 figure which must be very high up in the West. Even white secular agnostics in Israel want big families. Well good for them I guess.
My friend has been cautioning me about Smith for the past 2 years now. She remembers clearly when Smith crossed the floor and ditched her party which was destined to win had she not done so to go to the other side. My friend has not trusted her since and believes Smith is just like all the rest of them and that she is a member of wef.
My friend is not at all surprised just said I told you so…
Isn't Stephen Harper the same guy that was paid to give a speech at Sheldon Adelson's house during a private party, espousing the virtues of Israel? And isn't he the same PM who would load up his government plane with dozens of Rabbis before heading to Israel on a state visit? I would say that it certainly is.
Absolutely it is. When PM of Canada, Harper in a sense pleaded for recognition from Netanyahu and company. It was a clear case of Harper acting on the principle of Israel First with Canada far down the list of his political priorities. In a few reports I notice that since Oct. 7, Harper visits BiBi often and then travels widely as a Zionist agent doing gosh knows what. I think you are right, Rocky Mountain Squid, to question why Harper is popping up prominently in Calgary with an honorary job making him sort of like like the Gov. General of UCP Alberta. I wonder how much time Mr. Harper spends in the JNF wild life reserve that is named after him?
Tony great essay. Keep them coming ! I too share your serious angst over seeing Danielle Smith 'captured' by the Alberta Health Services. What the hell is going on? Did she get Epsteined/Diddied? What do they have on her that makes her and her government succumb to the will and desires of AHS and Big Pharma? I saw the very same US CDC recommended 3 doses of Covid clot shots for age 6 months and older added to the 'routine' vaccination schedule in the USA, and then boom here it is in Alberta and BC, and likely the rest of Canada. As you rightly highlighted there is no evidence these clot shots can assist the health of any child, and seriously existing and ever more mounting evidence shows that very severe adverse reactions can and do occur. Just when I think we are gaining the upper hand....this insanity doubles down ! Danielle Smith is a traitor to her province, country, her soul and to God !
I believe she's not "captured" per se, but a victim of her own geeed for power. I suppose if anyone had vetted her appropriately, they would have seen how perfidious her intent was.
We all just needed a savior to believe we stood a chance of survival. We fell for her schlick.
Maybe we need to be more careful what we pray for?
Just look at the MAHA movement, it’s going all in on food. Vaccines? Nary a mention. One could go down a million rabbit holes from Pharma profits to engineered weapons to make us sick and ill to get to the “golden billion”. We have to grass roots fight this one on person at a time. Those in power won’t and don’t care. How long did it take for the fluoride truthers to win out?
Fluoride truthers still far from winning out. If we can't handle that, how can we take on covert genetic modification of humans?
A great comprehensive article. Such a major disappointment to the people like myself who had such hope for Alberta and I was hoping there was a path out of this dystopian nightmare. I was one of those contemplating a move to the one haven of reasonable expectations. I had so much hope that she would do the believers proud. My first indication that she was not what she said she was came from comments made by her during the trials of the Coutts 4 and her lack of support for a peaceful protest. She was indicating she was going to clean up the AHS but that has turned into a major fiasco in how her support for Dr. Makis went from supposed support to now following a Trudeau trick of punishing political prisoners with jail time. Now she is seemingly in full support of the Covidian Taliban proving that she is cut from the same cloth as her turn coat predecessor and is just a puppet for the shadow government
good commentary of what seems to be going on in Alberta. What now? What are we going to do about it? What can we do?
What a disappointment indeed!
I am the canary in the coal mine.
You, Dr. Makis, are the courageous, erudite and convivial whistle blower in a unique positions to lead a movement here in Alberta with great potential to set an example for the menaced people of the world. The people of Alberta and the rest of the world are under attack.
Yes, you are also the canary in the coal mine. I 'm hoping you can stand your ground here in this province with the many freedom fighters poised to confront the lies and crimes of the AHS, a significant partner of the WHO and the WEF. Maybe Premier Smith might come around, but with her or in spite of her its up to we the people to put an end to the bioweapon war we are facing with the full involvement of our own governments. We must find a way to expose the guilty parties, including in the criminal justice system. Most of the lawyers and judges have been bought. The legal establishment as we have known it, is now deeply implicated in the most monumental crimes of our time.
indeed a sad state of affairs. then there is harper for free. clue me in. what qualifies him to manage our heritage trust fund. my son in law (who 'works for'~ the b.c. govt hedge fund) predicted they would appoint a politician to screw it up more.
I have many questions about why Harper suddenly is prominent in the UCP as Danielle Smith's government starts boasting about jabbing babies with the "COVID" bioweapon.
"It is easier to fool a man than to convince him that he has been fooled", Mark Twain
About 2/3 of people really believe what the 2 people next to them believe. It's a setting that helps us get-along, I think.
I don't have that setting. I'm in the 5% or so that look at things, assess them fully, and believe that, but will change it in the face of new facts.
I don't fit in as readily, but society needs my kind, too, from time to time.
We are on the cusp of a paradigm shift, like Vietnam and the Tet Offensive 1968 precipitated.
I don't look forward to any particular event, and it may be that none comes...
I still love my family members who have been vaccine-injured and won't believe it from me, because it would shatter their trusting worldview.
Danielle Smith may have a higher social IQ than intellectual rigor...
Maybe she thinks she has to bend and be compliant to keep herself alive.
Danielle Smith sold out and blatantly lied to get into power. Anyone with a brain who does a little research can see that the vax is clearly a bio-weapon killing and injuring millions of people. I wonder if Smith is WEF. These treasonous scoundrels in positions of power would face the death penalty for crimes against humanity if our system wasn't as corrupt as it is. Anyone who advocates giving an infant the vax is evil and compromised. I hope that one day Danielle Smith is brought to justice for selling out her constituents to the WEF who are committing crimes of willful murder. Our country is loaded with people in high positions committing genocide on their own population. To hell with them all. There will be a day of reckoning. May God bless the innocent children who will die from the vax.
Yes its quite shocking. Is Danielle being threatened? Is she being bribed or blackmailed like Dr. Makis thinks?
Why imply or suggest she's a victim? Can we get to the point in our thinking that she planned this all along? That's she's more cunning than intelligent?
The fact that she knows (has to know) the jabs are deadly and has given her permission to inject them in babies, leads me to this conclusion.
Children are restricted from entering the public education system unless they are up to date with the child va[[ine schedule. Any child jabbed with the kill shot may not even live long enough to enter school!
I believe she knows that.
I had hoped she could make Alberta a safe place to live. I always remembered what she did to her own party 10 or so years ago. After doing that, why would she suddenly become concerned about the populace?
She's smart, cunning and a very dangerous opportunist.
We have to face the truth. We've been had!
Acts of genocide by trusted leaders have become the norm. Nothing shocks me anymore, Anthony. I know too much. Best wishes.
A very close relative was on team #3 of Amy Kelley’s group of professionals who analyzed the Pfizer papers. I can assure you that your understanding that a major crime against humanity has taken place is not incorrect.
Amy Kelly seems to be a formidable organizer of research. I wish the whole project was not wrapped so tightly in the Wolf/Bannon package but it probably required a great concentration of popular culture muscle to move the project through its crucial stages and out to the public in every possible format. To me the onus right now is to run with the reality that we are all the survivors of massive bioweapon attacks. We are the survivors of an ongoing war on humanity demonized because we are industrialized critters who are, breathe, and produce carbon. Are we being teased and demeaned by making a key ingredient of life, carbon, into the enemy? Is this some kind of satanic joke? Anyway, getting beyond the assumption that something bad happened because of incompetence is a huge challenge. They really are trying to kill us and worse. Almost anyone with political ambitions including Bannon will not want to emphasize the extremely bad news that I first absorbed from Dr. Yeadon. How can we make move from the vaccine and injection imagery to the necessary emphasis on the bioweapons being aligned in their ongoing attacks on us?
If you’re STUPID enough to take their poison
you’re SMART enough to die a horrible death!
The fact that governments and media, including here in Alberta, are still devoted to persuading people, including babies, to take the bioweapons, counts for something? I see it as an outrage given what we have learned since 2020. The misrepresentations from our core institutions on these very consequential life-or-death issues must be identified and condemned as I'm trying to do here.
William Makis MD has this:
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Seems Set on Being the First Premier to Imprison a Doctor During COVID-19
Michel automatically publishes much of what Dr. Makis publishes, which is a lot. I see Makis as one of the top whistle blowers in the world on the scamdemic as it continues to unfold. He has zeroed in criticizing Danielle Smith and making her emblematic of the nature of the corruption underway. I am just getting warmed up on this story which I have been following intensely including in the field. Heads up.
@david, I noticed your reference to Rosa Koire on Mark Trozzi’s post, but couldn’t reply, so thought I’d offer you these links to one of Rosa’s best talks, IMO, in case it were of interest to you.
Rosa Koire was trying to warn us about this also over a decade ago:
15 sec. video here:
Also related to Agenda 21/2030 and to the bio-technological obsessions that we witness today taking over as priority over everything, over health, over the damaging injuries happening in the 10s of millions all over the world today.
Listen if you will, to 8 mins. here, Patrick Wood explains where it all stems from... start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 and the bio/Pharma complex that has been built and is still being expanded.
If people still cannot see how and why we are where we are now, nothing will open their eyes.
Two more videos I'm working on... still in rough early stage, but lots to consider:
I don't mean to be overly crazy, but see if your spider sense can reveal any clues in the following article.
Danielle Kubes: The truth behind Israel's curiously high fertility rate ~ National Post, February 2023
Oh...and please see the video at the top of this post:
Still Bleeding Syria
The Rothschild state and it's Empire host dust off an old script with help from the Turks. ~ Good Citizen, Dec 01, 2024
In case you missed it:
"Less than a year? You and how many children?"
"Me, my seven children, my husband"
"And not only us. There are hundreds of families"
Connect the dots fucking Goyim dupe-lings!
You write,
Oh...and please see the video at the top of this post." I don't see any video at the top of the post.
There must be a problem with either your eyes (understandable) or the browser you are using. I see it in both Firefox & Brave....right there at the top first thing you see in the post.
Here then is a direct link (supposedly ) to the video itself:×tamp=1.5
Yah. I watched this. I thought you meant another video at the National Post article.
I was really surprised by the 2.9 figure which must be very high up in the West. Even white secular agnostics in Israel want big families. Well good for them I guess.
My friend has been cautioning me about Smith for the past 2 years now. She remembers clearly when Smith crossed the floor and ditched her party which was destined to win had she not done so to go to the other side. My friend has not trusted her since and believes Smith is just like all the rest of them and that she is a member of wef.
My friend is not at all surprised just said I told you so…
Isn't Stephen Harper the same guy that was paid to give a speech at Sheldon Adelson's house during a private party, espousing the virtues of Israel? And isn't he the same PM who would load up his government plane with dozens of Rabbis before heading to Israel on a state visit? I would say that it certainly is.
Absolutely it is. When PM of Canada, Harper in a sense pleaded for recognition from Netanyahu and company. It was a clear case of Harper acting on the principle of Israel First with Canada far down the list of his political priorities. In a few reports I notice that since Oct. 7, Harper visits BiBi often and then travels widely as a Zionist agent doing gosh knows what. I think you are right, Rocky Mountain Squid, to question why Harper is popping up prominently in Calgary with an honorary job making him sort of like like the Gov. General of UCP Alberta. I wonder how much time Mr. Harper spends in the JNF wild life reserve that is named after him?