Jul 12Liked by Anthony James Hall

World sits idle as these atrocities roll on without any opposition, truly disgusting, have lost all faith in humanity

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Now that they've shown no one will stop them, now what can we expect?

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I suspect Trump wants the Israeli-problem to be solving-itself before late January 2025. Some deal will need to be made, and Bibi will need to go under the bus, if he has not already by then.

Trump accepted $100 million from the pretty young wife of moribund Sheldon Adelson recently...

He has to "keep up appearances", and he does seem to side with the zionists, but he's in the thick of battle, now. He may or may not live...

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

If you think that Israel is committing genocide by counter attacking Hamas then you must also believe that the USA, UK, the British Commonwealth, Russia, Free French, Norway, etc also committed genocide against the evil ones that started World War 2. Hamas and its supporters are paying the price for the evil attack and massacres of Oct 7th. Their generations of teaching hatred and murder have come back on them. They are reaping what they sow.

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Churchill and Poland started WWII. Oct 7 has not been investigated objectively and it was subject to an insane set of sensationalized lies and exaggerations in Israel ie 40 beheaded babies etc. The IDF killed many Israeli on Oct. 7, maybe the majority. Hamas was largely empowered, cultivated and funded by Netanyahu and his Likud predecessors- Shamir, Begin, Sharon-- as a way to keep Palestinians divided and to avoid any two-state negotiations. What about all the Israeli discussion about spotter women who have disappeared. This video touches on this subject. It gives a perspective you might consider, Elliot Freeman


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I hear ya... why can't those Arabs just shut up and go live in the desert somewhere. Prior to 1933 all of Palestine was populated by diverse peoples mostly Arab , but also a significant numbers of Jews of semitic origin who had lived there since the diaspora. By all accounts these ethnically diverse peoples with differing religious beliefs got along quite well. Since that time and even before the creation of Israel the newly arriving Jewish settlers from Europe have expropriated by military campaigns and intimidation about 90% of all Arab lands and destroyed untold numbers of their homes.

But as bad as all that is without actually getting into the grisly details of Israeli crimes against the native population there, these dispossessed where then subjected to decades of being prisoners on what was left of their own lands in Palestine. Without a demonized Palestine how was Israel to keep those big cheques coming and all that military gear provided by the American people. Just like that demonized Nazi Germany must pay Israel in perpetuity I guess (Schuldiger Geld) guilt money for the Hollercuss Lie.

I believe that many many people around the globe have now witnessed who is teaching generational hatred and consumed by bloodlust. It is NOT the Palestinians who have been treated like bugs to be squashed by Israeli boots. It's the Criminal State of Israel.... OK

Since I know your character by what you wrote here I did not reply to your comment to correct or inform you in any way, I know better.

Hamas and it's Supporters.. ehh

Would that be Supporters as in children, women and babies. Is that why Israeli Supporters of the IDF have murdered around 40,000 Palestinian civilians since Oct/07 most of them children, women and babies.

Those Israelis taking part in these crimes against humanity, specifically the Palestinian people terrorized by ethnic cleansing, mass murder, starvation and the denial of the basics for survival...

will indeed reap what they have sown.


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A correction.

According to several sources, Palestinian casualties are now 100,000 to possibly as high as 140,000.


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186,000 according to Lancet.

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If you add the dead & wounded in countries like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Libya the numbers are in the millions. All destruction done by US Arms at the behest of Israel through her fifth column of Zionist traitor activists in complete control of the US.


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