Keeping vengeance alive appears to be the foundation of repeating cycles of genocide. Where does vengeance come from? Finding the culprit requires examination of culture, philosophy, and religion.
The first lessons of revenge will come from the Bible, once understood we can then move onto the old Testament and the Tora, bloodlust, revenge and choseness are big in those books.
But nothing beats the Talmud. Well... maybe some secret cabalistic writings and actual rituals could come close, but the Talmud reigns supreme as a text of filth, gore, hatred, revenge, and killings beyond compare.
As to our own Gentile Christian Bible I often think of the 30 years war, a glorious campaign of slaughter fought all across Europe but mostly in southern Germany leaving the place a burned out desolation with half the people slaughtered. Luther the reformers ideas apparently started it all but that is not true, Luther was a reformer not a revolutionary.
I am not a religious man in the meaning of that word these days, but after some study and thought on the three sprouts of Abrahamic sourced religions I think true Islam ( rare today in practice ) to be the least violent and also the most tolerant.
But left to my own free will I choose none of the three.
If you look at the masonic pattern of opposites, heaven/hell, forgiveness/vengeance, and the idea of masonry as builders of structures that keep people inside, one way to look at religion is that it is a psychological building to keep people's minds within certain confined spaces.
Psychologically, vengeance alone can only go so far when it comes to influencing or putting bonds upon the mind. Using the opposite of vengeance, i.e. forgiveness, as the second tool to lure the mind into confines with a positive incentive can complete the mental capture.
Could vengeance be linked to a world made almost entirely of the left brain attributes? (Dr Iain McGilchrist). We are not taught to access that part of the brain that easily supercedes duality.
The more I relearn history, it seems to me, that our culture, philosophy, and religion have been carefully constructed to perpetuate the ego's control.
We have outsourced our own reality.
As to the genocides, is it vengeance entirely? Or economic, as in the Armenian Genocide and the Holodomor. ( Why do only some genocides get monuments?)
Vengeance is what is stirred up in the people to justify it. A small group benefits enormously financially. People seem to have a need to lash out and blame, but not put the focused work into knowing who are the real string pullers causing the conditions that oppress them, ie what builds up vengeance?
To prove vengeance is there, initially, without an actual atrocity ever being committed, all you have you do is point the finger at an innocent group and charge them with a crime where there is no evidence. The crowd moves into reacting from a different part of the brain. Much easier to then control. Seems a few understand this well and others blindly provide the knee jerk reaction. Each has a different goal in mind. One micro, one macro ( economic/control).
Holocaustomania.... the new religion of the west to replace Christ and Christianity. Hear Yea one and All, six million Jews Christlike walked to their deaths without lifting a finger to defend themselves. This must be so because time and again they have claimed that the death camps were run by themselves.
This nonsense fairytale provides the cover for the real holocaust in Palestine and the innumerable other crimes committed by this crime syndicate masquerading as a country. Without having the US big dog in a hammerlock and extorting other nations this gangster hangout could not exist.
Those revolting monuments that convey nothing but emptiness and no real meaning for human existence or civilization are a testament to the soul less monsters who built them.
Does anyone actually grasp that the world now stands at the precipice of another world war and wonder who got us here.
Excellent! Astonishing number of memorials to the "Holocaust" or, maybe, "HoloHoax". Where are the memorials to the Ukrainians starved by Uncle Joe Stalin? Think we should question what sort of god the Zebrew genociders worship
Keeping vengeance alive appears to be the foundation of repeating cycles of genocide. Where does vengeance come from? Finding the culprit requires examination of culture, philosophy, and religion.
The first lessons of revenge will come from the Bible, once understood we can then move onto the old Testament and the Tora, bloodlust, revenge and choseness are big in those books.
But nothing beats the Talmud. Well... maybe some secret cabalistic writings and actual rituals could come close, but the Talmud reigns supreme as a text of filth, gore, hatred, revenge, and killings beyond compare.
As to our own Gentile Christian Bible I often think of the 30 years war, a glorious campaign of slaughter fought all across Europe but mostly in southern Germany leaving the place a burned out desolation with half the people slaughtered. Luther the reformers ideas apparently started it all but that is not true, Luther was a reformer not a revolutionary.
I am not a religious man in the meaning of that word these days, but after some study and thought on the three sprouts of Abrahamic sourced religions I think true Islam ( rare today in practice ) to be the least violent and also the most tolerant.
But left to my own free will I choose none of the three.
If you look at the masonic pattern of opposites, heaven/hell, forgiveness/vengeance, and the idea of masonry as builders of structures that keep people inside, one way to look at religion is that it is a psychological building to keep people's minds within certain confined spaces.
Psychologically, vengeance alone can only go so far when it comes to influencing or putting bonds upon the mind. Using the opposite of vengeance, i.e. forgiveness, as the second tool to lure the mind into confines with a positive incentive can complete the mental capture.
Could vengeance be linked to a world made almost entirely of the left brain attributes? (Dr Iain McGilchrist). We are not taught to access that part of the brain that easily supercedes duality.
The more I relearn history, it seems to me, that our culture, philosophy, and religion have been carefully constructed to perpetuate the ego's control.
We have outsourced our own reality.
As to the genocides, is it vengeance entirely? Or economic, as in the Armenian Genocide and the Holodomor. ( Why do only some genocides get monuments?)
Vengeance is what is stirred up in the people to justify it. A small group benefits enormously financially. People seem to have a need to lash out and blame, but not put the focused work into knowing who are the real string pullers causing the conditions that oppress them, ie what builds up vengeance?
To prove vengeance is there, initially, without an actual atrocity ever being committed, all you have you do is point the finger at an innocent group and charge them with a crime where there is no evidence. The crowd moves into reacting from a different part of the brain. Much easier to then control. Seems a few understand this well and others blindly provide the knee jerk reaction. Each has a different goal in mind. One micro, one macro ( economic/control).
The Hollercuss... thats what I call it.
Holocaustomania.... the new religion of the west to replace Christ and Christianity. Hear Yea one and All, six million Jews Christlike walked to their deaths without lifting a finger to defend themselves. This must be so because time and again they have claimed that the death camps were run by themselves.
This nonsense fairytale provides the cover for the real holocaust in Palestine and the innumerable other crimes committed by this crime syndicate masquerading as a country. Without having the US big dog in a hammerlock and extorting other nations this gangster hangout could not exist.
Those revolting monuments that convey nothing but emptiness and no real meaning for human existence or civilization are a testament to the soul less monsters who built them.
Does anyone actually grasp that the world now stands at the precipice of another world war and wonder who got us here.
Excellent! Astonishing number of memorials to the "Holocaust" or, maybe, "HoloHoax". Where are the memorials to the Ukrainians starved by Uncle Joe Stalin? Think we should question what sort of god the Zebrew genociders worship
Islam provides a bedrock of stability and ethical conduct for many.
Thanks for this Tony.
For a sharp contrast to the thinking of Dr. Gilbert see Jeremy England’s piece here: It is a hair-raising example of ethnocentric thinking.