Over the last 2 years I have more often than not shaken my head when I hear Paul Craig Roberts tell the public it is Putin's fault that the war is escalating because he's not being aggresive enough.

Anthony you have stated reality. The decision to provoke a war with Russia was made many years ago. . Probably as early as 1999 with the bombing of Serbia and certainly with the coup in Ukraine in 2014 .This built up of the Ukie army and the sheep-dipping of Nato personnel has surely topped 1 trillion $.

Ukraine is a Jewish Laundramat where are taxes go to keep the banks afloat on their derivative contracts.

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Very important reportage. Explains Russian nuclear drills

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Nuclear brinksmanship; real brinksmanship.

Who can possibly benefit?

Nobody can benefit from nuclear Armageddon, but the "owners" hope to benefit from winning the game of "chicken" with a settlement which favors their ongoing financial interests.

They do have secure bunkers, after all...

Time is not in their favor. They have spent borrowed money to patch every crack since 2008, but their credit is being called into question, especially in 2025, when "The Unit" will be christened.

Have a listen and get ready to "rise to meet your savior in the air", The Great Atomic Power (rockabilly version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmFiC_MP0bc

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No. Not Ready. I still want to join the others who are trying to stop the madness and save the humanity. One way or another I guess the world would survive the debacle.

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Only some need to survive each time.


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Thanks for keeping us informed. Yes, madman with a Knife fits but sorely understated. It seems Biden is willing to sacrifice all for saving face. If I’m going down, everyone’s going down.

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