The Strange Dance of Hamas and Netanyahu
The History of Hamas Underlying the Israeli Assassination of Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut Lebanon
By now, many will be aware that the highlighted target of Benjamin Netanyahu’s “Declaration of War” is an Islamic Palestinian organization known as Hamas? But what is Hamas? Who created and funded the organization and why? Who, if anyone, does Hamas answer to?
What functions does Hamas perform in Gaza, in larger Palestine, and in the Arab world? What are the implications now that Hamas as been named as the main enemy to be defeated in the course of the most savage and unrelenting genocide directed at a civilian population in modern-times?
What does it mean to be singled out as Chief Terrorist by those directing the most zealous terrorism operations presently unfolding in the world today? How will Hamas and its Axis of Resistance ally, Hezbollah, respond to the assassination of Saleh al-Arouri and other freedom fighters in Beirut?
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s obsession with Hamas is longstanding. It forms one of the most distinguishing characteristics of his long run as Israeli Prime Minister between 2009 and 2021. Netanyahu has a history of needing, courting, protecting and exploiting Hamas. Hamas has responded to these blandishments with manoeuvres to advance its own capacities and interests, albeit from a much weaker base of institutional power. Is it possible that for the last three months, Netanyahu and Hamas have been continuing their asymmetrical dance of mirrored interactions promoting opposite yet allied outcomes?
According to Netanyahu, Hamas Posed No Risk to the Kind of Israel He Wanted
As is well documented in Haaretz by Adam Raz, Dimitry Shumsky, Alon Pinkus, Doran Weber and others, before October 7 Netanyahu looked at Hamas as a very useful asset in his political career. Netanyahu’s sometimes helped, protected and promoted elements of Hamas, developing “symbiotic” relations with some of its leadership.
It served Netanyahu’s own agendas that Hamas was classified locally and internationally as an Islamic terrorist organization. This designation enabled Netanyahu to win the approval of Jewish Israelis by ordering periodic attacks on the organization and on the civilian Palestinians Hamas fighters are charged to protect.
During his many years as Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu treated Hamas as both his “covert ally” and a public enemy. According to his writing in Haaretz in January of 2021, former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak observed that Netanyahu was accustomed “to guarding Hamas as carefully as a protected plant.”
Barak has described Netanyahu’s seemingly schizophrenic manipulation of Hamas as follows:
“For Netanyahu, Hamas is the ideal adversary – a bunch of terrorists who wish to see Israel drenched in blood. An adversary that stands no chance – or as Netanyahu really sees it, poses no risk – of changing, thereby helping to deepen Israelis’ anxiety over the “savages” and “Amalekites” that are just waiting to annihilate us.”
The complex arrangements that Netanyahu developed with Hamas, became a kind of prototype for the war on terror mounted throughout the Zio-American Empire. Similarly, Netanyahu’s methods of dealing with Hamas formed something of a prototype for Israeli relations with Arab and Muslim populations throughout the Middle East.
The Global War on Terror was mounted on the basis of a specious interpretation of 9/11. 9/11 was depicted as the attack of Islamic jihadists acting at the behest of a Osama bin Laden who was said to reside in a cave in Afghanistan. This whole story is an audacious fraud probably hatched in the imagination of Bernard Lewis, a Deep State Professor of Near Eastern Orientalism.
Bernard Lewis was a key figure in the group of Zionist plotters seeking to prepare public opinion for US-led wars for Israel, invasions meant to bring about regime change in several Muslim-majority countries. The idea of blaming the 9/11 debacle on Islamic terrorists was to poison the mental environment against Muslims. It was to disarm public opposition to the forthcoming US invasions of countries whose governments Israel did not like.
There are shades of 9/11 in the many probable misrepresentations interwoven into the official explanations of the events of 10/7, October 7. These flawed explanations are meant to give justification to the Gaza Massacre.
First and foremost among Netanyahu’s political priorities in building up and protecting Hamas, was to keep the Palestinians under Israel’s control divided. Palestinians were to be kept disunited by separating them through distinct geographic attachments as well as by favouring religious over secular orientations. In this fashion Netanyahu was able to create the conditions enabling him to explain his supposed incapacity to address the root causes of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Netanyahu was able to say to say there was no unified Palestinian authority with whom he could negotiate the creation of a Palestinian state on lands set aside for that purpose by the United Nations in 1947. These same lands, Gaza and the West Bank, were subsequently conquered and annexed illegally by Israeli Armed Forces in 1967.
Netanyahu favoured Hamas especially when he permitted agents from Qatar to carry to Gaza many suit cases stuffed with cash to finance Hamas, including for the growth and elaboration of its military wing, the Qassam Brigades. Qatar’s funding for Hamas forms part of an elaborate set of sources including financing by the Palestinian Authority, Iran, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, many charities, taxes it collects, and businesses it owns. One of those business assets is the Istanbul Commerce University.
The Palestine Question Moves from the Back Burner to the Front Burner of Global Priorities
After becoming Prime Minister for the second time in 2009, Netanyahu helped to continue Hamas’s trajectory of growth towards becoming by far the largest employer in Gaza.
Indeed, to many in Gaza their only chance to obtain meaningful and secure employment was to join the Qassam Brigades or the complex of arrangements whereby the Netanyahu government authorized Hamas to become the primary service provider inside the Israeli-blockaded and tightly guarded prison walls of Gaza.
Given the deep and longstanding relationship of mutual convenience between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hamas, is it possible that the they collaborated in planning the events of October 7, 2023. As Adam Raz has written, “Netanyahu and Hamas are political partners, and both sides have fulfilled their side of the bargain.”
On October 7 Hamas members not only broke through the Gaza Wall but broke through the enclosures in the thinking of many Jews about the permanence and strength of their security outside what Tareq Baconi has described as “Israel’s Starkest Bantustan.” Baconi wrote of the “inevitable rupture caused by “al-Aqsa Flood,” the name of the Hamas operation of October 7, and “the end of partition” in Israel.
By taking captives on October 7 and preserving the lives of these Israelis so that they could be taken to Gaza to become “hostages,” Hamas opened up formal channels of negotiation with the Israel government that would have been unthinkable otherwise. Moreover by standing their ground in Gaza in the face of the absolutely clear-cut cut case of genocide inflicted by the Armed Forces of Israel, Hamas played a significant role in altering the consciousness of much of the global community.
One result is the moving of questions from the back burner to the front burner concerning the place of Palestinians vis-a-vis Israel and the rest of the global community. The long overdue adjustment has huge implications affecting the symbolism attached to the primary markers of Western Civilization such as it is in the twenty-first century.
These implications arise in the marriage of fact and fiction, reality and myth, entailed in the uprooting of native Palestinians to make way for the European project of atonement for The Holocaust. With considerable help from the Zionist Lobby, this term, The Holocaust, started to find its way into common parlance in the 1970s.
Now the very country that was created as a response to the original paradigmatic case of genocide, is itself being charged with violating the UN’s Genocide Convention. The international crime alleged, is that the government of Israel committed genocide aimed at exterminating and deporting Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
This intended extermination is still being pressed forward through a variety of methods including carpet bombing, forced starvation, planned plagues and the destruction of hospitals. The ancestral lands under the very feet of the Palestinians subjected to genocide, were transferred to Israel in 1947 without any consultation, let alone consent from the dispossessed population. The remaining Palestinian land was then stolen again in 1967 through illegal conquest.
The charge of genocide was put before before the International Court of Justice by government of South Africa whose main founding father in its present incarnation was Nelson Mandela. Before 1994 one of the main allies of apartheid South Africa was apartheid Israel. The Israeli genocide of 2023-24, however, is far more severe in its treatment of native Palestinians than the government of South Africa was in its treatment of native Africans in the Bantustans or of the so-called “coloured” Asians whose pioneer defender was Mahatma Ghandi.
What case will the government of Israel develop to defend itself from the allegation that it committed genocide against the Palestinians? One possibility is that the lawyers for the defence will argue that harsh responses were required to “eradicate” the diabolical Hamas and the many Palestinians that were seen by Israeli officials to be complicit in the organization’s alleged crimes.
Whatever argument the Israeli government adopts, it is predictable that the events of October 7 will be presented as if they came out of the clear blue sky as a complete surprise. Moreover whatever “mistakes” might have taken place on the Israeli side will be attributed to “intelligence” failures.”
That interpretation, however, is simply not credible. There were plenty of intelligence sources circulating inside and outside the Israeli government predicting the Hamas attacks on Israelis outside the Gaza Walls The most shocking revelations of detailed prior knowledge of what would transpire on 10/7, were published in the New York Times on 30 November in a story by Ronan Bergman and Adam Goldman.
The story explained much of the content of a 40-page report entitled Jericho Wall. This report was published and disseminated among Israeli intelligence officials more than a year before the events of October 7.
The Jericho Wall document anticipated much of what would actually happen. The document included a clear statement that the intention of the plan was “to start a war.” In July of 2023 a veteran member of the “cybersecurity” branch of the IDF, Unit 8200, reported that some Hamas fighters were observed inside Gaza practising some of the predicted manoeuvres.
News of this practising was widely disseminated within the Israeli government. The excuse given in trying to explain away the complete non-response to all this prior information, is that the plans were interpreted as merely wishful thinking, merely “aspirational” on the part of the military wing of Hamas.
Prime Minister Netanyahu was very aggressive in trying to distance himself from the internal discussions of the Gaza breakout in the making. He denied meetings sought by senior military figures who wanted to discuss the matter with him. He refused to meet, for instance, with IDF Chief of Staff, General Herzl Halevi, with the Director of the Middle East Research Institute, Col. Yigal Carmon, and with Brigadier Amit Sa’ar.
When Defense Minister Yoav Gallant drew his attention what seemed to be going on with Hamas, Netanyahu fired the whistle blower only to hire him back when many complained about the Prime Minister’s decision. In the days before 10/7, Netanyahu would not take a phone call from the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, Kamel Abbas. The call was meant to alert him to the trouble ahead. Apparently the CIA sent two reports to the people around Netanyahu. The second report resulted in a meeting of Israeli intelligence agencies organized by Shin Bet on the morning of October 7.
Prior knowledge of the events of 10/7 seems to have been circulating in many circles including within the big media venues in Israel. The reason for this prior knowledge appears connected to the enablement of certain favoured Israeli venues, journalists and photographers. The objective was to make sure the right individuals would be at the right places at the right times to cover the actions of October 7.
This trail of problems with the prevailing mainstream narratives supposedly explaining events leading up to 10/7, merge into similarly flawed accounts of the day of 10/7 itself. As to be discussed below, thse narratives treats much atrocity propaganda as authentic. Moreover, the favoured narratives of the events of October 7 do not take into account how much killing of Israelis and Palestinians was done with weapons fired by IDF members equipped with helicopters, tanks, missiles and guns.
All of this has prompted Jean Shaoul of the WSWS to assert on 23 November
“The Israeli authorities knew about a planned attack and allowed it to happen. Put more bluntly, they wanted an atrocity and so stood down their defence and rescue services. Furthermore, the Biden administration’s full-throated support for Israel—including its deployment of warships to the region the very next day—indicates that October 7 was seized on by US military and intelligence officials to activate war plans prepared long in advance. …Far from protecting Israeli civilians, the Netanyahu government and the IDF used them as cannon fodder in pursuit of a policy of Israeli expansionism and Jewish Supremacy.”
It seems hard to believe that Netanyahu was left totally in the dark throughout the year and months and weeks and days as the events of 10/7 approached. It seems hard to believe that it was sheer coincidence that
“The Prime Minister had authorized the Security Forces to stand down for the holidays of Sim’hat Torah and Shemini Atzeret. At the time of the attack, therefore, there were no personnel available to monitor the security fence around Gaza.”
Was it just a coincidence that
“The Director of Counterintelligence (Shin Bet), Ronen Bar, had called a meeting of the heads of all the security services for 8 a.m. on October 7, to examine the second CIA report warning of a major Hamas operation in preparation. However, the attack began at 6.30 a.m. on the same day. Security officials didn’t react until 11am. What did they do during this interminable meeting?”
Was it just a coincidence that
When the Security Forces began to react, the IDF was ordered to apply the “Hannibal Directive”. This stipulates that enemies must not be allowed to take Israeli soldiers hostage, even if it means killing them. An Israeli police investigation confirms that the Israeli Air Force bombed the crowd fleeing the Supernova Rave Party. A significant proportion of those killed on October 7 were therefore not victims of Hamas, but of Israeli fire…In theory, the “Hannibal Directive” only applies to soldiers. Who decided to bomb a crowd of Israeli civilians, and why?
Netanyahu has admitted that the lead up to the events of 10/7 will have to be investigated and the “everyone will have to give answers, myself included.” That approach to massacring large numbers of people amounts to a decision to kill first, evaluate the evidence later. The same approach prevailed in 9/11 when, on the very day of the debacle, Osama Bin Laden was declared by Ehud Barak to be the primary culprit without any formal investigation whatsoever.
Within less than a month of Sept. 11, 2001, the US Armed Forces had boots on the ground in Afghanistan ready to settle scores on 9/11. The same rush to war seems to have been noticed by those who wrote and evaluated the Jericho Wall document. Benjamin Netanyahu might have acknowledged the need for an an investigation of the road to 10/7, but no such investigation has yet taken place. Netanyahu has acknowledged his need to explain what he knew and when he knew it, but he has not done so yet.
Given his silence on the subject it is fair to speculate that, in the words of Jean Shaoul Netanyahu “wanted an atrocity” and so played a role “in standing down Israeli defences and rescue services.” One of the possibilities to be considered is that there was some sort of dance between the ying and the yang of Hamas and Netanyahu in setting in motion two agendas aimed at achieving opposite goals. As Adam Raz has written, “They each understand what the other needs to stay in power and consciously or unconsciously behave in ways to ensure that they deliver it.”
Hamas at the Crucible
A genuine and lasting peace deal with the Palestinians cannot be obtained as long as Zionist supremacism remains the dominant secular religion brought to the negotiating table by representatives of the Jewish people of Israel. Many of these Jews are currently struggling with extreme cases of misguided rage directed against the collective victims of their own intergenerational hubris.
What kind of collective therapy will be required to bring back the basis of civil society in Israel? If and when the Israelis, the Palestinians and the international community can find a way to end the genocide in the Holy Land, some deep and intense injustices will have to be addressed.
Much of the current chaos in the Holy Land goes back to the bad start made in 1947 by the then-new United Nations. The UN was assigned the task by the winners of WWII, the USA and the Soviet Union dominant among them, to set Israel afloat in the community of nations. Passed into UN law in 1947, Resolution 181 forms the main international instrument underlying Israel’s existence. Of course Palestinians had no say or no vote whatsoever in the process whereby the UN redrew the map of their native lands.
To this day the provision of Resolution 181 calling for the creation of a new Arab state has still not been fulfilled, leaving many Palestinians as stateless refugees in their own Aboriginal territories. More insult was added to the injury of Zionist noncompliance in the main provision of 181 as a result of Israel’s military conquest in 1967 of Gaza and the West Bank, territories apportioned to the new Arab state in the partition plan of 1947.
The way forward to the two-state solution on the part of the Arab population and its Palestinian component was pioneered in the 1960s, a decade when many colonies especially in Africa and Asia were emerging as independent states in the wake of the dismantling of European empires.
The idea of a Palestinian-state-in-waiting developed in the context of this decade of widespread decolonization. The 1960s was a period when the legitimacy of armed struggle in the context of imperial rule gained considerable acceptance in popular discourse. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, and Yasser Arafat came to the forefront in this era when the concept of liberation through armed uprisings of a secular character captured the imagination of many.
The PLO and Fatah moved away from this approach after the global furor was created in 1972 by a group calling itself Black September. Its members assassinated 11 Israeli athletes at he Munich Olympic Games. Henceforth the PLO and Fatah were drawn towards peaceful negotiations with Israel in order to bring about a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, the very solution that Netanyahu sought to avoid at all costs by building up and favouring Hamas.
The Islamic organization, Hamas, was created in 1987 with Israel backing primarily to counter the popularity and allure of Yasser Arafat’s nationalistic and secular PLO. The PLO’s instrumental role in the first Intifada beginning in 1987 helped underline the importance for the besieged Israeli government of putting a monkey wrenches into any vehicles of Palestinian unity.
The governments of Israel and its primary backer, the United States, have been consistently hostile to secular and moderate leadership in the Islamic and Arab realms. They have a continuing aversion to dealing with the likes of, for instance, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser and Iran's Mohammed Mossadegh but would rather back religious factions and their leaders in ways that lend themselves much more readily to continuing with the old imperial strategy of divide-and-conquer.
Indeed, throughout the Cold War years, the opponents of atheist communism backed community organizations that emphasized many different kinds of religious outreach. In Israel the right-wing extremists on the anti-communist side gravitated to the Likud Party, the home of the parliamentary platform that gave rise to the extraordinary political career of Benjamin Netanyahu. With his background of growing up in the United States, Netanyahu embodied the merger of Zionist politics in the US and Israel
The ideological roots of Likud go back to the Revisionist Zionism formulated by Ze’ev Jabotinsky. In 1923 Jabotinsky vehemently argued in a famous essay that the Palestinian lands for the establishment of a full-fledged Jewish state should never become the subject of direct negotiations with native Palestinians.

Like other Native peoples, the Palestinians would never willingly agree to surrender the legitimacy of their underlying title to their ancestral land. Instead the only solution to the conflict with the Palestinians would be the exercise of superior military force placing the Jewish population behind the protection of an Iron Wall.
The extension of a Jabotinsky’s conception of revisionist Zionism into the political platform of the Likud Party gave rise to the vision of Greater Israel, Eretz Israel. This imagined polity is pictured to extend from the the Nile River to the Euphrates with all that implies for the Arab peoples of Western Asia.
Hamas combines a military wing for Palestinian self-defence with agencies to deliver Islamic social services, health care, education and cultural expression. The organization began modestly from within the Muslim community. It gained momentum, however, when it was helped along by Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin, a founder of the Likud Party. Begin approved Sheikh Amed Yassin’s application in 1978 to gain Israel’s support for his Islamic “humanitarian” organization.
In 1987 Likud Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir, followed Begin’s lead. Shamir embraced Yassin, a Muslim Brotherhood member. With the backing of Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence branch, Hamas was given large amounts of money together with authorizations to establish around 700 organizations including schools, libraries, clinics, mosques and a university.
Begin and Shamir had both been leaders of the Irgun, a Jewish militia that engaged in illegal acts of violence in the era 1930s and 40s to remove obstacles standing in the way of creating a Jewish state in the Holy Land. Shamir had fully embraced fascism seeking to ally himself with the German government of Adolf Hitler over the British government of Winston Churchill. This background, however, did not prevent Shamir from becoming Prime Minister of Israel between 1986 to 1992.
The Zionist militance of Begin and Shamir, both proponents of the armed struggle, may have helped draw them into collaboration with Hamas, the organization that Benjamin Neyanyahu would subsequently embrace as his public foe and private friend. The Hamas-Likud connection had come to the point in 1996 when Hamas knowingly helped Benjamin Netanyahu to get elected to his first term as Israeli Prime Minister.
Hamas is said to have brought about this outcome by feeding Netanyahu prior knowledge of its military interventions that the Likud candidate cynically exploited to make himself look like a vigilant opponent of Islamic terror. This strategy in the 1996 campaign was mentioned in Haaretz by Doron Weber who pointed out that Netanyahu was “brought to power amid a wave of terror by Hamas and a slick campaign capitalizing on the public’s fears.”
The timing and nature of the events themselves as well as their exploitation in PR spin were not accidental. This pattern of public hostility combined with secret collaboration may well have been a factor in the genesis of the 10/7 war in 2023-24.
Netanyahu’s communications strategy has been to proclaim the “eradication” of Hamas as his primary goal while concentrating the deployment of Israel’s military resources in the indiscriminate ethnic cleansing of Gaza as well as the jailing and torture of Palestinians in the West Bank.
The election campaign of 1996 had come about because of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin who aroused massive public indignation. Fuelled by the rhetoric of Netanyahu, that indignation came in response to the deeply flawed attempt made by Rabin and Arafat with US President Bill Clinton as mediator, to bring about even a very limited agreement in 1993.
In seeking allies to resist the implementation of the agreement first negotiated in Oslo, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Likud successor, Ariel Sharon, seized on the fact that Hamas also rejected the deal.
From the perspective of Hamas, the complex of Palestinian allies and supporters behind Arafat was wrong to allow him to sign off on a deal with representatives of a polity that lacked sovereign legitimacy. To this day many members and backers of Hamas continue to picture a return to a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
The Likudnik embrace of Hamas did not, of course, emphasize the organization’s position that it did not recognize the Israeli entity as a legitimate sovereign in international law. This position put Hamas at odds with Fatah, the organization that contained the PLO.
Between 2003 Gaza and 2005 Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew 8,000 Jewish settlers from Gaza. With this pull back the Israeli government withdrew much of the IDF’s armed presence.
In 2006 an election took place to choose from among the candidates for the Legislative Council of the Palestinian National Authority. Hamas won this election adding to the political animosity between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas who some have called a double agent.

In 2007 Hamas asserted its jurisdiction over Gaza, an act that caused the Israeli authority to impose a blockade over everything going in and coming out of Gaza. This blockade led to a very serious centralization of multi-faceted control over Gaza under the discretionary authority of the Jewish state.
The Israeli Blockade of Gaza was contested on the high seas including by the IDF’s confrontation in international waters in 2010 with the flotilla whose lead vessel was the Mavi Marmara. The ship, which was trying to bring in much-needed supplies to the people of Gaza, was seized as nine Turks were killed in the process.
When he entered his second term of Prime Minister in 2009, Netanyahu went to work to ease the constraints of the blockade for those Palestinians who aligned themselves with Hamas. As Adam Raz explained, it was Netanyahu who turned Hamas into “semi-state.” He exercised his influence by
“releasing Palestinian prisoners, allowing cash transfers, as the Qatari envoy comes and goes to Gaza [with suitcases full of cash] as he pleases, agreeing to the import of a broad array of goods, construction materials in particular, with the knowledge that much of the material will be designated for terrorism [freedom fighting] and not for building civilian infrastructure, increasing the number of work permits in Israel for Palestinian workers from Gaza, and more. All these developments created symbiosis between the flowering of fundamentalist terrorism [freedom fighting] and preservation of Netanyahu’s rule.”
The designation of Hamas as a terror organization served a number of agendas. Some in the Israeli government expressed their pleasure with the new arrangement. For instance Amos Yadlin, Israel’s National Security Adviser, told the US Ambassador that “Israel would be ‘happy’ if Hamas took over Gaza, because the IDF would then be able to “deal with Gaza as a hostile state.”
Hamas’s designation as a “terrorist organization” domestically and internationally precluded any possibility of formal negotiations on any topic with the Israeli government. Only by the seizure of Israeli hostages could Hamas gain some kind of edge to bargain on some sort of equal footing with the Jewish state.
By breaking through the main apartheid wall of Israel, a re-enacted slave revolt took place in the very polity that advertises itself as the “only democracy in the Middle East.” Hamas thereby succeeded in dramatizing the profound failure of the proponents of the “rules-based system” to come anywhere near to walking their talk.
Atrocity Porn and Psychological Warfare in the Creating Support for the Genocidal Assault on Palestinians in Gaza
The New York Times coverage of the Jericho Wall revelation indicates the Hamas plan was being discussed in the intelligence community a year before Al-Aqsa Flood burst into living history on 10/7. In the essay the comment of a retired senior CIA Officer, Ted Singer, is cited. He indicated, “The Israel intelligence failure is sounding more and more like our 9/11.” There is plenty of reason to see parallels between 10/7 and 9/11. A false emphasis by the real culprits on “intelligence failures” is one of them.
The retired CIA official wants us to think that biggest problems in both episodes are “intelligence failures.” The wars unleashed by 9/11 and 10/7 did not come about because of intelligence failures. Rather the wars to which the engineered events gave rise where intended, not the result of mistakes and failures.
9/11 was certainly a Zionist false flag event designed to garner public support for future US wars for Israel. Similarly 10/7 appears to be an engineered event to justify a genocidal assault falsely billed as a “war” on Hamas in Gaza.
The signs are increasing that both US-Israel projects were hatched to bring about some sort of mass annihilation aimed at Iran. 9/11 and 10/7 were both calculated to create mass trauma. The episodes were designed to create public panic to prompt a quick widening of the scale of the crisis to justify military aggression before calmer and more reasonable voices could be made to prevail.
The Islamophobia generated by 9/11 was immense. Life suddenly became much more dangerous dangerous for Islamic people especially in the United States and in the countries the US Armed Forces was invading.
All sorts of Jewish organizations and philanthropies sponsored events calculated to engender hatred toward Muslims. A good example would be Pam Geller’s event in 2015 in Garland Texas. The episode was a media event to create insulting caricatures of the prophet Mohammed, supposedly as a kind of celebration of free speech.
The event featured a staged shooting episode said to be put on by ISIL, a fake “terrorist” organization composed of Muslim impersonators plus paid patsies and assets created by the intelligence agencies of the US and Israel. The purpose was to engender fear and hatred of Muslims as well as to inject some show biz drama into the psychological warfare campaign entitled the Global War on Terror. The efforts to demonize Muslims corresponded with the period after 9/11 when popular support was generated for US-led invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Libya.
The campaign to generate Islamophobia after 9/11 is being replicated by a similar sleezy effort to produce atrocity porn with the goal of upping the ante in the process of demonizing Palestinians. This demonization by Israeli opportunists and fakes is meant to add to the psychological aspect of the ongoing 10/7 war. See
Aspects of this monstrous effort to exploit concocted stories of mass rape, baby killing and such is exposed by Grayzone, Electric Intifada, and Mondoweiss
I conclude by sharing a graceful scholarly discussion featuring a major Palestinian authority on Hamas, Prof. Azzam Tamini
Here is a critique of this essay by my friend and colleague, Maisoon Rice. Maisoon is Palestinian patriot living in the London area of UK. She wrote this critique for her Telegram site, "Hope Springs Eternal" Maisoon is a tireless researcher and commentator. With her permission I'm sharing this critique. Tony Hall
9:50 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
Maisoon, [Jan 4, 2024 at 15:26]
This is a long extensive article by Professor Hall
I do not share his views at all that Hamas and Netanyahu were working together’
He does not explain the assassinations of prominent Hamas Leaders
Does not explain why Hamas would allow Netanyahu to carry out a Holocaust of their people, their Nation!!?? The whole purpose of their religious group was to SERVE their people
I am not a fan of Muslim Brotherhood ( especially what they did in Syria) but Hamas and its Qassem Brigade are not fighting alone here, working with other Resistance Movements, NOT SACRIFICING their own lives to defend protect and Free their Nation of Israeli tyrannical Occupation. At the beginning they were religious rivals to the Arab Nationalist Movement which Israel did fund to counter Arab Nationalism from groups like The PLO and PFLP which they viewed as a threat to Israeli hegemony but at no stage in this collaboration would Hamas endanger the Life of Palestine
The insinuation in this article is wrong and frankly serves Israeli Hasbara and Propaganda which is dangerous and divisive and is detrimental to the Palestinian cause! Which I take great issue with
Yes he points out at great length Israel’s Genocidal Face but to insinuate and imply a collusion involving Hamas is untenable and goes against the tragic cause of my people
Hamas are NOT USRAELI CREATED ISIS/ Daesh!!!!!
Their own leaders are being assassinated and threatened with the same fate as the latest martyred victim dignified and patriotic Shaikh Al Arouri!!
The Strange Dance of Hamas and Netanyahu
The History of Hamas Underlying the Israeli Assassination of Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut Lebanon
Very comprehensive, Tony. Thank you for all the research and work you put into this article. I can only add one or two anecdotes.
Several years ago I was lent a copy of “Son of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef (with Ron Brackin – ghost writer). Recently I also discovered that my own brother had also read it. We had diametrically opposite interpretations and reactions.
Mosab Hassan Yousef identifies himself as the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founder and spiritual leader of Hamas.
I read this before I had ever had any thoughts one way or the other about ‘Palestine’ and certainly years before the current events.
The book starts out with a blood-curdling description of how he [Mosab] was treated by the Israelis (gets your sympathy for the underdog) but then skilfully turns the narrative by describing how much WORSE the Palestinians are to their own kind.
Here are some of passages that started to raise some red flags …
“Two weeks later, on September 11, nineteen Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four jetliners in the United States. Two crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. Another crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. And the fourth went down in a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.”
“The [Park Hotel] explosion killed 30 people and wounded about 140 others. Some were Holocaust survivors.”
“On March 29, I checked into the City Inn Hotel on Nablus Road in Al-Bireh, where the BBC, CNN, and the rest of the international media were housed.”
“[…] I told them. “They’re New York Times best sellers. [] They’re just stories about human experiences.””
“[…] that same month I started a job in the Capacity-Building Office of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Village Water and Sanitation Program, headquartered in Al-Bireh. Long title, I know, but then again, it was a very important project.”
“My job with USAID gave me a certain amount of protection and freedom as well. And the Shin Bet always had my back.”
• "Son Of Hamas" aka "Green Prince" speaks at Jerusalem Post 2016 Conference
Mosab Hassan Yousef (aka the Green Prince) doesn’t come across the slightest bit sincere or genuine to me.
More recently he has been contributing to the jewish atrocity propaganda.
• Piers Morgan interviews Hamas founder's son who became a spy for Israel - Sky News Australia