Latest from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, a supposed philanthropy that keeps confirming it is an agency that is deeply complicit in the Israeli-US genocide underway in Gaza.

6 February

Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy

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Dear Anthony James,

This week, we advocated to ensure international aid funds are never used to finance terrorism, worked with law enforcement to support their budget requirements, and argued the absurdity of South Africa’s representations to the International Court of Justice.

Read on to learn more.

The CIJA Team

Canadian taxpayer dollars should not fund organizations with ties to hate, terror, violence, and antisemitism.

Last week, Israel provided alarming evidence that at least a dozen employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) played a role in the October 7 attacks against Israel. The intelligence, which U.S. officials have described as credible, shows that upwards of 10% of UNRWA staff working in Gaza – about 1,200 people – have ties to Islamist militant groups, including Hamas, while 50% of the staff are closely related to Hamas terrorists. Israel’s report cites multiple examples of UNRWA’s direct involvement in the October 7 massacre, including claims that one employee kidnapped a woman during the raid, another dispensed ammunition, and another took part in the massacre at a kibbutz where 97 people were killed.

Canada is among 17 nations – including Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, and the United States – that have frozen funds to UNRWA.

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Ilan Pappe in his Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine shows that this was the loan from the beginning

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Typo. Plan

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If we don't stop this global-government-enslavement agenda, we will, the world-over, be slaves to oppression and repression, as in Orwell's book, "1984", shuffling around in a stupor with no True Liberty(ies) and Freedom(s) whatsoever, and expected to bow down to Satan in the guise of global(ist) "benevolence" that is really nothing but evil and hate disguised as "beneficence". Don't let these Satanic psychopaths and "philanthropaths" [psychopathic so-called "philanthropists" who are really nothing but terrorists seeking to rule the whole world for evil, and seeking to exterminate the vast majority of us (no joke!), something they have already made a "good" start at by having eradicated over twenty million people globally in the past three years, with more and more people dropping dead almost, if not, daily] put(ting) the finishing touches on turning our entire planet into a corporate-fascist totalitarian militarized dictatorship-of-many-dictators that will eliminate most of us!



(For those who care, yes, I am in this case YELLING, damnit! Save our world before it's too late!)

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The Gaza situation reinforces my view that religion has done untold damage to this world. We are told that all wars are bankers wars--that may be true, but religions have been willing participants and willing pawns to the wars. Without the dogma of religions, we may find we have fewer wars.

I thought Jesus was a rebel who stood up for fairness and love one's enemies. But I have heard no preachers from the pulpit calling out Israel for its atrocities.

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But there are thousands of Christian preachers under the sway of Christian Zionism who picture Jesus as a champion of war against Israel's enemies.

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That is because most "Christians" are nothing but counterfeit "Christians"; and, without realizing that they're doing so in most cases, they do nothing but worship Satan in the guise of "Jesus the Christ". If the vast majority of them realized what True Christianity requires of them, they would either have nothing to do with the latter, and/or they would continue as they are, believing the strong delusion(s) to believe lies that counterfeit "Christianity" has "saved" them, while they're still lost in madness and/or are still friends with the world in violation of, or failing to comply with, James 4:4, as well as 1st Corinthians 6:14-18, Revelation 18:4, etc. (which they can't comply with, or do so in their own strength alone, if they are not filled with the Holy Spirit and Character of God). Thus, by bowing only to God through Jesus, we need to stop being friends with the world, and we need to "come out (it)" [Rev. 18:4], thereby reflecting only the character of God.

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I have even seen an Israeli flag on a podium in a Christian church (in B.C.). I don't get it. Surely people can determine right from wrong.

I don't know if these "counterfeit Christians" are worshipping Satan exactly. I do think they are largely deluded. All the interpretations and misinterpretations of a supposedly sacred text surely contributes to the confusion.

I don't understand how an all-seeing, all-knowing God would call one group of people as chosen and not know where would be repercussions. What wise parent would ever do this. This makes me think this was a man-made label--chosen because that term/designation makes people with an agenda the right to do what they will.

I see spirituality as distinct from religion.

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Me too. But recently I find pleasure in repeating the phrase, Thank you Jesus.

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Fully agree.

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Never mind Jesus, a human being possessing cosmic consciousness. Forgive them father for they know not what they do. Organized religion serving man is not of Christ.

As water is to fire. So Jesus is to the practice of the Christian Religion.


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I admit to being somewhat confused about your comment, Way Back. Are you saying that Jesus has no role in the practice of the Christian Religion? Are you saying he would stamp it out--or flood it out using your analogy. I thought that organized religion should serve man(kind) in that its teachings would prevent wars and other bad things and would bring comfort to its followers. I do agree that organized religions that are self-serving because they bestow some privileges to its followers is definitely not of the Christ I have

any knowledge of.

I don't think I could tell a counterfeit Christian from a real one. What would be the difference, how can I tell them apart?

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I meant exactly what I wrote. I couldn't concern myself about wether or not someone is a counterfeit christian. It's all kitsch to me.


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Hi Anthony, I must say that you should always double check articles published by Globalresearch, they upload lots of good articles but unfortunately not always accurate.

Also I think that we must take all statements proclaiming that the majority of israeli are for the Genocide to continue as nazizionist propaganda.

The israeli propaganda uses its military reserves to stage what ever it wants, and the israeli medias always backs them.

Any how here one more showing that indeed it is the israeli nazizionist’s army which is inciting Genocide


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My earlier comment about Pappe’s book was not meant to denigrate Prof Hall’s article. My intent was to bring to the fore a note about how the ethnic cleaning of Palestine was planned & celebrated It began in the late 19th century & gained momentum in the 1920s & 1930s with Ben Gurion & the Zionist Consultancy

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"Death to the Arabs!" How "affirmative"...

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Pontius Pilate... Roman governor of Judea.

Found no crime punishable by death in Jesus declaring himself to be the son of god. Jesus did not claim to be the illegitimate son of Herod, a serious offence of sedition that could lead to bloodshed and was thus punishable by death.

Three times he brought Jesus before the crowd. Declaring each time that Jesus had broken no law. Three times the ever more restless crowd egged on by the priests shouted stone him and give us Barabas.

Fearing a revolt Pontius Pilate declared his personal objection to the demand of the mob by stating: Very well...but I wash my hands of this entire affair.

Pontius did not turn Jesus over to the mob, but instead had him crucified according to Roman Law... or did he..

Today however in our turned upside down world Pontius Pilate and the Romans killed Jesus, not the Hebrew mob.

Pontius Pilate to my mind was an honest upright sensible man who got caught up in a display of uber insanity in dealing with the Jews of that time.

I wash my hands of this affair ( insanity ) was his declaration that: I bear no guilt in this insane demand that this innocent man be executed.

Is there any difference between that ancient psychotic mob and the current one in Israel.


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my colleague and mentor, Prof. Chossudovsky views the ICJ ruling as a rigged job which starts with letting Netanyahu and the cabinet off of responsibility for the genocide. He calls in the "criminalization of international law."


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How IMPORTANT is Israel to the Nations of the world. To Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East. What IMPORTANT agreements has Israel signed with any other Nation, what MAJOR role does Israel have in the overall COMMERCE of the World. The answer to all of the above is NOTHING. So what is so GOOD about Israel.

Whatever clandestine industry Israel has, biological, medical, is shadowy and secret. Yes it produces fine strawberries and Pomegranates but I never buy any.

The entire importance of Israel a thumbnail sized piece of dirt on the east shores of the Mediterranean is driven by fairy tales and the wealth and until now the power of America.

The Fairy tales are the handiwork of one Reverend Hagee and others, as the millions of raptured idiots he has conned into his fold as believers are now no less insane than the crowd that demanded the death of Jesus.

America... the Emperor State although not completely naked has been revealed to be wearing shorts and socks only, due to its one way relationship with the chosen ones. Plunder me once shame on me, plunder me twice shame on me, plunder me thrice da da da daaa.

The return of Trump ( Trojan Horse ) to the Presidency will ensure the complete Sanhendrin takeover of America. Jewish law will prevail above any other. Good bye America.

Of course Israel got around the courts decision whatever that really was, don't you find it suspicious that the charge of genocide was brought to the court by SA.

Thats what they are celebrating in Israel the mass killing of Palestinians, US at Israels feet, and screw everybody and what ever court might try to judge.


I, like Pontius Pilate wash my hands (mind) of this whole affair.

All is not as it seems, other forces are at work as well.


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Psychopaths from the synagogue of satan, I spit in front of any jew that I meet on the street. Exactly as they spit when seeing a Christian, or when hearing Jesus' name being mentioned.

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Thank You Jesus

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My God, what is wrong with these people?

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Its like they have been taken over by some kind of cannibal syndrome.

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Hard to say. It's apparent that a "madness of crowds" syndrome might be at work, where evil feeds on evil and everyone is lost in the frenzy. But, what does that say about the people who are fomenting this, and about those who participate even though they know in their hearts that doing so is an act of depravity that most "civilized" people would abhor?

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Yeah, nicities, calling one group of Israel First, Zionist Always, Jewish Forever as extremists, or right, or whatever, and then all those-others-not-dancing-on-the-rooftops Jews who love Bill Maher, think they are liberal (whatever the shit that is) and then they sit back and applaud the soft fascism of Judaism, which since way before Nakba has always been fascism, little or big man FASCIST.

So, these fellows and women in the USA, censoring news, are they just putting their nice Jewish hearts on their sleeves, but not dancing like thugs that Jews in Israel ARE?

Conversations about Israel, Genocide, the ICJ decision to NOT call it a genocide, all those, they seem hallow when Gazans are starving EVEN though there is surplus wheat here, USA, in Klanada, Russia, Ukraine.

We are fucking shitty old apes with bioweapons, nukes and porn. No evolution there since Darwin's fun little show.


WEAPONS USED BY the Israel Defense Forces, security cabinet leaks, and stories about people held hostage by Hamas — these are some of the eight subjects the media are forbidden from reporting on in Israel, according to a document obtained by The Intercept.

The document, a censorship order issued by the Israeli military to the media as part of its war on Hamas, has not been previously reported. The memo, written in English, was an unusual move for the IDF’s censor, which has been part of the Israel military for more than seven decades.

“I haven’t ever seen instructions like this sent from the censor aside from general notices broadly telling outlets to comply, and even then it was only sent to certain people,” said Michael Omer-Man, a former editor-in-chief of the Israel’s +972 Magazine and today the director of research for Israel–Palestine at Democracy in the Arab World Now, or DAWN, a U.S. advocacy group.

Titled “Operation ‘Swords of Iron’ Israeli Chief Censor Directive to the Media,” the order is not dated, but its reference to Operation Swords of Iron — the name of Israel’s current military operation in Gaza — makes clear that it was issued sometime after Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel. The order is signed by the chief censor of the Israel Defense Forces, Brig. Gen. Kobi Mandelblit. (The Israeli Military Censor did not respond to a request for comment on the memo.)



It's all curated distraction while babie starve.


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To call this rabid greed misses vast depths of depravity masquerading as just inheritance "our ancestral home" - rotten to the core yet its stench is drowned out by long planned power-positioning throughout the world, throughout business, academia, medical and entertainment industries and of course government puppets long bought.

The party scene obviously conjures Moses return from the mountain - where's Moses now?

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Party scene says we at the kill fest are above the law and the Goys will never stop us. Does the rule-based order stipulate that Israeli Jews are above the law? The evidence until now would seem to indicate that the Chosenites have impunity. Can that be changed. Does the ICJ expect Netanyahu to police its provisional measures and make sure Israel complies. Is it up to the people of the world to do something? Let everyone you know with any connection to Israel be aware they may found be guilty of complicity in genocide. That means you too Trudeau and Joly. How about starting with condemning this Big Genocide Bash put on by some of the top government people who seem proud of their roles in the baby killing country.

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Feb 1, 2024
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I don't know why you would refer to this article as misinformation, we have heard these statements, they are seen on camera saying these things so I'd like to know where you get your opinion from. Unless you have been condition to think the hateful propaganda who thinks that Israel isn't committing genocide, and are part of the problem.

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Feb 1, 2024
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Hello Deborah Frisch. Call it a "lie," if such a characterization enables you to feel better about yourself and what is happening in Palestine/Israel. The fact is that a disproportionately large number of Arabs are being massacred, jailed without charge, injured and such. The pattern has become so overwhelming that Israel is now facing charges from the World Court for having violated the Genocide Convention. Moreover, Israel has become subject to a court order calling for provisional measures meant to achieve the abandonment of the the many-faceted techniques of genocide obviously underway in Israel.

Are you saying all the dancing and breast beating in the Kahanesque/Itamar Ben Gvir Victory Party was a "jewisjh ritual service?" Or am I misunderstanding you. Call it, if you like, "disgusting" that much of the world has become alert to the genocidal violence the state of Israel has directed at Arab Palestinians since the country got off to such a bad start in 1947-48. Good luck facing the next phase of Israeli history, which you seem to identify as integral your own history. I will pray that over time a more humane and sensible configuration of peoples and cultures will emerge in West Asia.

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Feb 1, 2024
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Unfortunately I don't speak Hebrew so believed the text I borrowed with acknowledgement to Global Research.ca.

"Afterwards, attendees were filmed celebrating the move by waving the Israeli flag and cheering. Following Ben Gvir’s speech, people could be heard chanting “death to Arabs”.

From what I know of Itamar Ben-Gvir, it doesn't seem to me unlikely that after one of his speeches his admirers would not speak well of Arab people living under Israeli control. I find Ben-Gvir's lust to eliminate the al-Aqsa mosque, one of the oldest and most revered structures in the Islamic world, totally objectionable. I take note of your hostility to the abuse of Israel as a platform for "massacring people deprived of basic human rights." I am glad you shared that aspect of yourself. Thank you. I wish you well. Meanwhile I'm trying to do my best here in Canada to see that the Canadian government doesn't become complicit in genocide.

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Sometimes I see the father Benzion described as Jabotinsky's personal secretary. The Iron Wall

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