Monika Schaefer Is Former Green Party Candidate in Jasper Who Was Jailed in Germany for Holocaust Thought Crimes. We Conversed About Many Subjects Including Our Time Together in Germany in 2016.
Thanks Tony. I listened attentively to your conversation with Monika a couple days ago, while making an enormous cauldron of winter borscht to soothe the sting of our cold Canadian winter. (I'm commenting here on Christmas day).
One thing (among many) that stood out for me was Monika's suggestion that the term "revisionism" be replaced with "correctivism". I think that's a great idea in that it clarifies the fact that the cartoon version of said narrative that we are all supposed to swallow is in error.
It astounds me that the simplistic, Hollywood-esque version of World War II and its subsidiary narratives have exerted such totalizing sway and control on people's worldviews. It is so all-powerful that otherwise critical and skeptical minds are effectively neutralized by it.
Early on in the Covid debacle, I tried waking people up under the false assumption that if only they were exposed to reasonable, rational and credible opposing voices they would at least begin to question. No such thing. The "Narrative" even by then had such command of their faculties that they simply would not look, would not expose their fragile little minds to inconvenient facts.
It doesn't matter how many interviews with the likes of Jay Battacharya or Martin Kulldorf or the Canadian Covid Care Alliance or whomever I would send along, their minds by then had been set in concrete and would brook no dissenting opinions. And so it was that working class friends of mine who would otherwise empathize with the convoy protestors (who were largely working class themselves) were roundly convinced that those protestors were all Neo-Nazi's, misogynists and veritable threats to National Security.
All because the plastic people on the TV told them it was so.
It got me to thinking how much reality can be distorted and subverted; how otherwise well-meaning people can be turned in to political (and indeed military) weapons.
The net results of this kind of tragic mind-fuckery is the immiseration and death of millions of innocents. Whether we're speaking of the genocidal harms of the Covid narrative or the genocidal harms of post-9/11 forever war narratives in places like Iraq or Libya or Sudan or choose-your-horror.
If people can be kept in a permanent state of infantilized credulity and indifference and trivial distraction, where curiosity and basic skepticism are completely vanquished from the population, then evil can prevail - and it does - over the entire face of the earth. The firmament itself becomes one enormous and ongoing crime scene.
👍👍👍I learn something new every day. Thank you very much! You're one of those Canadians who gives me hope that someday more people in this country will finally wake up.
Thanks Tony. I listened attentively to your conversation with Monika a couple days ago, while making an enormous cauldron of winter borscht to soothe the sting of our cold Canadian winter. (I'm commenting here on Christmas day).
One thing (among many) that stood out for me was Monika's suggestion that the term "revisionism" be replaced with "correctivism". I think that's a great idea in that it clarifies the fact that the cartoon version of said narrative that we are all supposed to swallow is in error.
It astounds me that the simplistic, Hollywood-esque version of World War II and its subsidiary narratives have exerted such totalizing sway and control on people's worldviews. It is so all-powerful that otherwise critical and skeptical minds are effectively neutralized by it.
Early on in the Covid debacle, I tried waking people up under the false assumption that if only they were exposed to reasonable, rational and credible opposing voices they would at least begin to question. No such thing. The "Narrative" even by then had such command of their faculties that they simply would not look, would not expose their fragile little minds to inconvenient facts.
It doesn't matter how many interviews with the likes of Jay Battacharya or Martin Kulldorf or the Canadian Covid Care Alliance or whomever I would send along, their minds by then had been set in concrete and would brook no dissenting opinions. And so it was that working class friends of mine who would otherwise empathize with the convoy protestors (who were largely working class themselves) were roundly convinced that those protestors were all Neo-Nazi's, misogynists and veritable threats to National Security.
All because the plastic people on the TV told them it was so.
It got me to thinking how much reality can be distorted and subverted; how otherwise well-meaning people can be turned in to political (and indeed military) weapons.
The net results of this kind of tragic mind-fuckery is the immiseration and death of millions of innocents. Whether we're speaking of the genocidal harms of the Covid narrative or the genocidal harms of post-9/11 forever war narratives in places like Iraq or Libya or Sudan or choose-your-horror.
If people can be kept in a permanent state of infantilized credulity and indifference and trivial distraction, where curiosity and basic skepticism are completely vanquished from the population, then evil can prevail - and it does - over the entire face of the earth. The firmament itself becomes one enormous and ongoing crime scene.
Cheers to you and yours in this Holiday Season!
👍👍👍I learn something new every day. Thank you very much! You're one of those Canadians who gives me hope that someday more people in this country will finally wake up.
They always seem to forget the Communists, trade unionists, Gypsies, homosexuals, & the mentally & physically handicapped
Ziobeasts don’t like questions or anything resembling the truth