Jun 26ยทedited Jun 26

Dr. Hall, my spider senses tell me that yes, the parasites of this realm are indeed planning multiple consecutive and concurrent coups, and the exuberance of msm on many fronts only reminds me to look beyond the veils of deceit.

Most often, when media are covering "headline" stories, they are more likely simply "burying a lead"... of all the truths we are not supposed to know unless we search them out ourselves.

Discernment is key in this 5D warfare being let loose upon us in this realm.


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Is the Palestinianization of most of the world underway? Is Gaza a sneak preview of where we are headed?

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I would say the short answer is, yes !

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Jun 26ยทedited Jun 26

It is certainly one way the shadow rules seek to numb us into submission. While msot of the world is facing its own battle for independence from their respective "states", Palestine is a few levels beyond already.... much of the world is numb to the horrific state of existence there.

I pray for peace and prosperity for all who live day to day under some oppressive thumb or boot on the neck..

We were meant to live in peace and abundance. All other creature here are afforded that luxury - that is to say, outside of slavery.

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I hate to be a nitpicker, but this piece is poorly and sloppily written. Is English this guy's second language, in which case the faults can be forgiven? Or did he think so little of what he had to say that words are missing and grammar is poor? I would hope he has enough self-respect to copy edit his text before publishing it online.

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Jun 27ยทedited Jun 27Author

Can you supply some telling examples please, Neo?

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My point wasn't to be "mean" just because this is the internet (!?!). I just found it somewhat grating to encounter sentence after sentence where I had to fill in what must have been his meaning.

But as I said, if you're going to pass yourself off as someone with something important to say then it behooves you to to at least cross your t's and dot your i's and shit in the effort to render your meaning intelligible and comprehensible.

Here are some examples that are rendered nonsensical by nothing more than sloppiness:

"Nor are those newspapers, or most of the alternative media protesters quote, discussing the brutal special operations..."

Am I stupid, or did he mean "quoted" ? Or something else? I dunno. I don't have a PhD in mind reading.

Here's another example of sloppiness, easily corrected:

"We are facing the spread of totalitarian governance around the world just has happened under the name of โ€œfascismโ€ in the 1930s"

Obviously, this should read:

"We are facing the spread of totalitarian governance around the world just as happened under the name of โ€œfascismโ€ in the 1930s"


"As uncomfortable as the truth may be, failure to address the real origins of this campaign in Gaza means that activists cannot comprehend the manner in which the institutional decay of Israelโ€™s government has resulted its complete absorption into a global war against humanity that headed by the billionaires, a war that is not limited to nation states or to ethnic groups"

Should read:

"the institutional decay of Israelโ€™s government has resulted (in) its complete absorption into a global war against humanity that (is) headed by the billionaires, a war that is not limited to nation states or to ethnic groups"

I could go on, but it is the accumulation of all these sloppy glitches that renders the piece subpar, and thereby undermines its credibility.

Besides that, as others here have mentioned, the whole damned thing comes across as excruciatingly patronizing and dismissive of people who "don't get it", as the author himself apparently does.

To categorize entire groups of people as "nostalgic", of succumbing to "tales" and to repeatedly conflate the diversity of motivations of protestors or resistors with MSM messaging, as though they were automatons reads like the coverage of Rebel News or True North in recent months. It is wholly oversimplifying and categorically stereotypes vast swaths of individual human beings. In short, it is dehumanizing. There is a lot of that going around these days in these reflexively partisan times. That is in large part why we are tearing each other apart.

Notwithstanding my mean and petty criticisms, it is plausible and indeed probable that there is a much bigger dynamic playing out here. And yes, the "Billionaire" class have much to do with it, no doubt.

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Thanks for documenting your analysis. You take such tender loving care with your suggestions and now corrections. As you know, you have sent information this way that has provided me with the basis for new articles (Tim Caulfield and Jamie Sale). I play close attention when you come knocking. Thanks for your insistence on maintaining high standards.

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Thanks for your gracious though unfounded compliments, Anthony. I must say I am just a dumb schmuck goyling that has spent embarrassingly too much of his life swallowing various narratives about "reality" without adequate skepticism.

I cannot tell you how many times I have eaten crow, as they say, over the last half dozen years, as stark evidence crumbled my confortable assumptions. Everything I've passively imbibed from the Media Medusa and engineered ambient culture has proven to be faulty and erroneous.

For instance, I've recently discovered, through listening to multiple historical interviews, that Ernst Zundel was a reasonable guy; that the diary of Ann Frank was likely a forgery; that all those radioactive words that get bandied about and hurled at would-be-dissenters these days like "Nazi", "Holocaust", "Genocide", "far-right" are entirely misapplied and beyond Orwellian in their cynical usage to shut down honest inquiry. Do you (average citizen of Canada) really really think that James Topp was a supremacist and a dangerous threat to "national security", as designated by one Bernie Farber of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network and subsequently amplified by the entire media and political power structure in Canada? Really?

Another prime example of glitches in the narrative matrix...

What is an honest and earnest citizen possessed of rational thought and a functional moral compass to make of this?

Special Notice To All Jews ( June 26, 1937)


Or this tranche of documents:


(Pay particular attention to pages 13-15 inclusive.)

And I would love your assessment of this insane article:

(From "Commentary" magazine)

The Anti-Semitism Money and Power Networkโ€”and How to Smash It by Danielle Pletka


Things aren't what they seem my poor Goylings.

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Danielle Pletka concludes, "It is high time that Jews availed themselves of the privileges of American democracy to protect themselves, their beliefs, and their children from the evil of anti-Semitism. That is theirโ€”ourโ€”privilege in a nation of laws." What an astonishing and intense analysis by Pletka that fails utterly to analyse the worldwide revulsion by decent people who refuse to look away from the most ruthless infliction of torture and murder ever inflicted on a civilian population. The claimed mass gassing of victims in WWII can be seen as tame and fairly humane compared to what is being put on open display everyday on Aljazeera.

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Excellent article! Wow I learned a lot from this man! So many frypans in the fireโ€ฆ

Well we need to go down fighting in this realm those of us who can see we already are at war.

That many but not yet all the nationโ€™s governments in the world just signed over their populations for death is where Iโ€™m having a hard time. They just sold us all out?! Yup!

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This is very good and makeโ€™s really important points. However Pastreich needs editing

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Three thumbs down on this holier-than-thou essay by Emmanuel Pastreich, who has not offended me before, but has deeply offended me with this piece, which sullies every well meaning human being who is trying to help, and says everybody is too stupid to see that billionaires are pulling all of the strings of the protesters, truth-tellers and citizens of all countries and walks of life.

No, you narcissist. Everybody sees.

Now go do something productive and helpful yourself, Mr. Genius!

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What would you expect from a creature polished to perfection by the Primo School of all time world wide in the art of narcissistic snobbery and phoney intellectualism backed by nothing more than parentage and money.

Immaculate Pastrami hails from Harvard.

Need I say more.

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I've heard Emmanuel reflect on his educational background with self-reflection and a degree of humility.

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Maybe Emmanuel should take a week or two off and devote himself to growing rutabagas. He would most certainly come out the other end a more well-rounded man. Just sayin'.

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By the way, I admire your way of writing little but conveying much.

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Neo rocks!

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Great article and pretty much summarizes the current state of affairs in the world.

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