Flagrante Delicto??

Trudeau caught in the act... maybe

But there are many actors on the stage. Let's see now, Mossad... which through its many satellites has direct control over any and all assigned puppets, and can act quickly in any situation of potential exposure of the real controllers by any errant puppet.

Indian & Pakistani Intelligence, very adept at protecting perceived trust in their Governments and higher ups. But everyone knows before birth even that they are all corrupt tyrants and such it ever was since the time of the great Ghuatama who became the Buddha.

Then there are Canada's non assimilative Sikh population

who lead two lives, one here the other in India. They simply found another place to play their India game... in Canada. Speaking of which" Canadians" is something that they will be on paper only, for a long long time. By that time any resemblance to European civilization and culture Justice, and notions of freedom of the individual that the European founders brought here won't even be remembered. People of European origin living in Canada are already in a minority considering the vast number of non European migrants to this country.

Whatever is really going on in Parliament these days is something that seems more fitting as a sitcom. Faulty Towers comes to mind.. but Justin being the polar opposite of John Glease it's slated for failure.

The real drama or better said tragedy of this lovely country is how liberalism ( hidden communism ) which the people never asked for was shoved down our throats. It was all done in the classic tradition of the do it by number handbook of the Protocols of The Elders of Zion. So it was with the USA Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and so on.

So here we are confused and uncertain... just where they want us. All the good works from our forefathers and the many before them inherited by the undeserving, our young squeezed for breath and blood barely out on their own by the relentless foreign Banksters.

So I wait too...

For the Volga Slavs to save my progeny and my country. Saving themselves and Mother Russia is what these people know is the trial to come. They survived the eight decades of control by the murderous Bolsheviks, who stole the real revolution to put themselves in power. The attempted takeover and plunder and rape of their nation by the collective servants of Lucifer and his mob running the west. A true son of Russia a soft spoken iron willed man appeared and stopped that progression in its tracks.

Can you hear the Volga boatmen on the river "da da daa Daaa"................... "da da daa Daaa".............. "Da daa daa da da daaa Daaaa"

Allrighty then

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Newly liberated divorcee with reportedly perverse proclivities, wife no longer a beard. Mystery man standing next to Trudeau on plane steps. No show for 2 days on arrival. Detained 36 hours before return, mystery man shown next to Trudeau departing. Rumours of cocaine on the plane during the event. Catastrophic Zelensky / Hunka debacle; a white faced sobered Trudeau apologising while throwing Rota under the bus and blaming the Russians (hello?). None of this his responsibility of course - what kind of leader, or even man, is that? No show in parliament for 2 days, deputising a pregnant woman to take the flak for him.

Trudeau has been seen as a joke worldwide since his 1st election. Impossible to take seriously. And a sinister joke after the Trucker arrests, the false accusations and illegal confiscation of bank accounts. Now the previously ruined reputation of Canada (warmongers, Azov trainers, boots on the ground in Ukraine, kidnappers of girls for ISIS male consumption etc) is worsened by the exposure of its entire parliament as - at best - totally uneducated fools, at worst something much darker. An "incident" that is not fading into the news cycle but gaining traction. Because this incident has exposed the entire "West" can of worms behind "NATO"s war on Russia and its true nazi roots. No surprise that the German Ambassadress was happily clapping...

So what next, Canada? You are outed as the dark hand of London and Washington, a nothing, a wholly de-sovereignised country. How strange that in the interviews around Charles coronation he recommended (positively) that Canada was the country to watch, the implication being "to emulate".

Meanwhile...the monster in the background Chrystia Freeland....as Deputy PM would she take over if Trudeau resigns? Is she also a no-show? Will this dirty duo hang on ? Will Canadians let them?

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Excellent overview and synthesis with lots of detail, Eleni. Is Trudeau's insistence that it is Parliament, not the government of Canada that is to blame, part of a larger scenario-- to discredit and blow up parliament to clear the way in Canada and other Five Eyes for unrestrained globalization of fascist corporatism? My impression was that the person in the airplane door with Trudeau, is his son. I'm not sure. Jeff Berman lays it out quite well


In the last portion of Berman's video he shows Trudeau imitating a Hitler speech. The guy is definitely on a rampage, possibly drug-induced in part. Where did he wear high the heels I keep seeing reference to from Galloway and others?

I try picture where the Israel Lobby is and its Canadian "human rights" extensions are on all this. Probably pushing the continuation of the trajectory Nuland negotiated in Ukraine in 2014. The usual suspects in Canada are probably criticizing for public consumption a scenario that they are implementing. For much of the 1930s the German Zionist and Hitler Zionists got along just fine. More of the same now?

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Thanks Tony for the video. He lays out the anomolies brilliantly :-))

- The high heels were apparently on a day where Trudeau was promoting women's rights, presumably before Trans took over and women ceased to exist. He does love to dress up doesn't he?

- Garland Nixon has a thoughtful video up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w5pF6vVNQI

- Meanwhile in the UK a journalist was arrested for discussing "the incident" starting at 51 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w5pF6vVNQI....

- Possibly the mystery man was Trudeau's son, but would Trudeau go on a cocaine binge with son on board? (Would he...? hm). This is an argument the Canadian government can use if it has to - if it is his son and the cocaine charges leak past the censors.

- If the German Ambassadress was present we can safely assume that the US and UK ones were too. (And if not, why not?! valid question...) Meanwhile there are 16 or 17 jewish MPs, most of them Liberals, in parliament. Did you see anyone standing aside in shock? I didn't: everyone seemed to be clapping. Just saying!

- "For much of the 1930s the German Zionist and Hitler Zionists got along just fine." True. Moreover the head of Haganah (or its breakaways Irgun, Lehi) in the late1930s wrote Hitler saying they shared his politics and offered to come fight for him in Germany. Hitler turned down.the offer. It should be clear to all that there is a lot more to the WW2 narrative ('history') than the cowboys & Indians fairy story, featuring - foremost - the massive Anglo-American role. Here "we" are attacking Russia a 3rd time round: or 4th if you include the rape of Russia by the same actors in the 90s. The old narrative is beginning to crack under the load of cognitive dissonance!


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"It should be clear to all that there is a lot more to the WW2 narrative ( history ) than the cowboys & Indians fairy story. featuring-foremost-the- massive Anglo- American role" unquote.

It is clear to me a Peasantis Canadiensis that this is still the biggest believed Lie of all time, nothing matches this Lie as pure unadulterated Bullshit. Real malicious deadly Bullshit that saw millions dead and dispersed. So what! you might say.. I concur... So What.

Possibly the current flow of growing stinking malicious Bullshit for war could lead to outdoing the WW2 #1 bullshit position being replaced by the current mega dose of Bullshit Lies.

But who no one will be around to try to it.


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Time for a "housecleaning", is it not?


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What about the theory that Trudeau was arrested when he disappeared from sight and was spotted on Vancouver Island? I mean, his mother was a Monarch presidential model sex slave (Cathy O'Brien - https://trance-formation.com/trudeau-mk-ultra/) and his brother was in the Ritual of Blasphemy in 1983 (https://supersoldiertalk.com/ritual-of-blasphemy/) which means Justin was also in the ritual in a different year.

Do you think the Alliance would allow a Luciferian to continue to govern Canada? I believe that's an actor paid to disgrace the government.

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Thank you, I had forgotten about those ones. But I do remember the stories of him being at Pickton pig farm in Vancouver, with all that went on there. There is so mych dark to that family

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This Hindustan Times story, quotes a former Indian diplomat, known to occasionally be undiplomatically outspoken.

This story persisting in the Indian press may present the case of the Indian government in an oblique way, for which the (polite) government is not responsible.

It is reflective of the tensions between India and Canada, and this cocaine-possession allegation is certainly not going away (like the uncomfortably long-gripping handshake between Trudeau and Modi in the video clip).

Presenting that drug use may have been responsible for Trudeau's failure to attend the G20 dinner appears plausible, but is merely alleged.

It alleges that he is impaired as chief executive of Canada, by his drug habit(s). This is a serious, but unofficial allegation in the court of (Indian) public opinion.

Should it also be examined in the court of Canadian public opinion?

The comment by Eleni Tsigantes raises important context. Much appreciated, Eleni (in Athens).

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Thanks John, I sound pretty hard on Canada but I lived there for 11 years and grew to love its wilderness and outside the cities the humble, hardy and humourous people who live there. Which makes me very sad following Canada's downhill political slide and transformation since the 90s.

It is a totally different country than the USA with its own history and trajectory. From my POV it would be a tragic loss if it were subsumed into a giant North America, but a definite 5th column inside the country seems determined to go in that direction.

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It is good to be hard on narcissistic elite political puppets and supportive of working Canadians and First Peoples.


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Such drivel...Insane.

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What's drival and insane. The performance by Trudeau and Freeland and Singh and Zelensky. Or do you just ignore all this in line with the blinkered superficial approach of sports writer Scrimshaw

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